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7192847 No.7192847 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7192855


Oasis were better than Blur
It's better to brush your teeth after you have breakfast (otherwise the orange juice will taste nasty)
Nothing good will ever come of wearing clothes with spots
As a man, wearing stockings under normal male clothes feels great

there ya go

>> No.7192862

Yes, you're very funny. It might have been funnier if we weren't on an image board where the image that starts a thread is usually of relevance.

Would you have liked it more if I had said "What is your opinion on The Handmaiden's Tale?" whilst posting that image? It would have been pointless since the image speaks for itself anyway.

Fuck off you annoying pedant.

>> No.7192863

just got this and it whooshed into my backlog.

should i read?

>oasis were better than blur
they both were shit, but that's wholly untrue

>> No.7192874

She's a based female author but that book's not her most compelling. It's supposed to basically be about America after The Turner Diaries come true, and to my mind that makes it little better than The Turner Diaries.

Additionally it bullheadedly ignores the roles ascribed to old and infertile women, so it's basically a novel-length strawman argument against people Atwood has clearly avoided speaking to ever in her life. The idea that fundamentalist Christian societies would like to kill off infertile women is laughable since there have been convents and other outlets for them since time out of mind. The infertile fundamentalist women I know here in the south just adopt.

>> No.7192883

>Fuck off you annoying pedant.

fuck off yerself, and learn to make your own opinions first, stop posting single words and expecting other people to do the work for you, and stop relying so much on the spurious outpourings of the pretentious pseuds that populate this site. you irksome inbred little shit.

well that escalated quickly

>> No.7192886
File: 103 KB, 633x758, feels_smug_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dystopian novels are inherently stupid. It's an easy way to 'argue' against an idea by using fear and stereotypes. For example, Atwood says that Christian evangelicals and anti-feminists will destroy the world, but the only way she can say this is by creating a world that they have already destroyed. It's begging the question.

>> No.7192890

It's basically "Liberal Feminist Strawman: The Book"

Ironically, the world depicted in the novel is closer to Sharia Law than any Christian society. Suppose it's acceptable to mock and tease Christians though.

>> No.7192932

I liked it. It kind of feels like it was written specifically to be taught in women's lit courses.

I thought the premise that feminists and the christian right banded together to clean up america's morals kind of strange. Maybe in the 80s that wasn't so far fetched?

>> No.7192945
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i only read the wiki article but i like the part were all the jews are forced out of america and back to israel

>> No.7192952

lol, have you ever read about the origins of feminism?
They are the reason alcohol was banned in the 20's



The Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) was the first mass organization among women devoted to social reform with a program that "linked the religious and the secular through concerted and far-reaching reform strategies based on applied Christianity."[1] It was influential in the temperance movement, and supported the 18th Amendment.

The WCTU was originally organized on December 23, 1873, in Hillsboro, Ohio, and officially declared at a national convention in Cleveland, Ohio in 1874.[2] It operated at an international level and in the context of religion and reform, including missionary work as well as matters of social reform such as suffrage. Two years after its founding, the American WCTU sponsored an international conference at which the International Women's Christian Temperance Union was formed.[1]

The connections and contradictions between the two parts of its purpose—Christianity and Temperance—meant that the women involved confronted ideological, philosophical, political and practical dilemmas in their efforts to improve society around the world. Although some labelled the Union as gender-biased, others disagreed by pointing out the many male supporters behind the scenes.

>> No.7192958
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Yup. Feminism has basically always been about smoothing out the labour market. Proles getting drunk and working poorly? Rally the women to keep alcohol away from them while anyone with money can throw keggers at will. Labour movement getting too strong? Rally the women to rush in and double the size of the work force. It's historically been pretty easy for demagogues to wield a core of women like a cudgel for the benefit of Capital.

>> No.7192960
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Fantastic book.

>> No.7192966

also the only reason women wanted the vote was because they got butthurt that we let black men vote before them

>> No.7192975

And they say the slippery slope is always invalid.

>> No.7193109
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I guess that's why Saudi Arabia is a paradigm of equality and workers' rights.

>> No.7193126


>> No.7193137

Why would you ask if Saudi Arabia is an egalitarian state? You're bringing it up precisely because it's not.
>workers rights
Saudi Arabia has such a strict hierarchy and totalitarian enforcement of draconian laws that they don't have the same problems the US capitalists were going through to prompt each wave of feminism. The status quo there is that people do as they're told so subversive methods of social control aren't necessary.