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7192533 No.7192533[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>christians will defend this

>> No.7192547

>Bruno got burned on the stake for denying this

OP confirmed for Arian heresy

>> No.7192562

Fucking right I will

>> No.7192573

Nestorians represent!

>> No.7192577
File: 80 KB, 800x467, Educational_Ranking_by_Religious_Group_-_2001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Unitarians just happen to be the most educated religious group.

In fact, out of the major religious groups, only Christian denominations are below the average in educational ratings displayed here

>> No.7192633

Hindus at 67? They worship toilets for fucks sake. Clearly not a correct statistic.

>> No.7192641

>Not appreciating the abstract and nebulous concept of a truly omnipotent God who is free from the burden of a singular existence

>> No.7192647

Are you braindamaged?

>> No.7192649


>> No.7192659

You obviously know nothing about Orthodox Hinduism and the cleansing rituals of Brahmins.

Given your degree of butthurt, I'd assume you're upset that the group you identify with is below Hinduism.

It's a shame. I though /lit/ was a place for smart, informed individuals

>> No.7192663

Some consider them demons so they destroy them.

>> No.7192673

I'm a Jew actually, but whatever.

>> No.7192674

>the group you identify with is below Hinduism.

Did I stutter?

>> No.7192678
File: 37 KB, 213x420, hekate_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Than you area polytheist. Fess up.

>> No.7192681
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>> No.7192687

>Muslims that high

I refuse to believe this shit isn't rigged somehow. Or a muslims really that well integrated in America?

>> No.7192692

The ones we get here are generally people who are genuinely looking to escape the Middle East, rather than just moving where they can get more money like in Europe.

>> No.7192711


Have you ever met a Muslim person?

Like >>7192692 said, even in London the integration is good. A lot of Muslim students in medicine at Imperial College (from personal experience) and a lot of other fields of study; a significant factor (in my opinion) is that being a doctor is still a respected profession in South Asian and Middle Eastern families.

You shouldn't just accept whatever the media tells you without meeting with people and getting first hand experience m8

>> No.7192715

You know Muslims are human beings right?

>> No.7192723

>inb4 /pol/shitstorm

>> No.7192727

I live in Sweden m80s. I get my fill of muslim literally every day.

Also, don't you have no-go zones and sharia police in London? Well integrated my ass.

>> No.7192728

You still expect a /pol/fuck to think rationally?

>> No.7192729
File: 31 KB, 500x229, muslim kick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesnt matter if they have high education a lot of those fuckers that join isis are in college to be doctors.
Muslims are backwards sand people who cant comprehend not killing

>> No.7192735
File: 183 KB, 800x723, 800px-Museum_für_Indische_Kunst_Dahlem_Berlin_Mai_2006_061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a Chalcedonian was talking heresy near me

>> No.7192737

The UK guy is probably Muslim himself.

I haven't been too impressed by the Muslims I've come into contact with over in Europe, but here in the States they are for the most part quiet, out of the way, respectful people. I think it's because it's more difficult to get here, so the ones that do manage are likely more interested in integrating.
I still wish they'd drop that religion like it was an angry rattlesnake.

>> No.7192750
File: 254 KB, 700x1024, sharia-law-in-the-UK-700x10241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't you have no-go zones and sharia police in London? Well integrated my ass
this is a /pol/ maymay based on an article from the daily fail on a crazy guy going around some are in london putting up signs

it's basically propaganda that doesn't help further the discussion but his claim that london is well integrated is equally ludicrous

>> No.7192752


Ahh here comes the memespeak

Obviously, we have public executions in Trafalgar Square :^)

Just waiting for the ISIS caliphate to be established m80s :')

Anecdotal evidence I suppose; you're more likely to remember the more attention grabbing individuals, right? But to be honest, I don't know what muslim groups are like outside of London, and I don't trust memers and media about the topic. Otherwise I'd just go and say all Christians in the US are crazy, after that west borough baptist church I hear a lot about

>> No.7192754

>Also, don't you have no-go zones and sharia police in London? Well integrated my ass.
Yeah, and Birmingham is a muslim-only city as well. Dumb cunt.

>> No.7192757

You know this proves nothing, right?

>> No.7192761
File: 421 KB, 1360x2036, Stanley_Green_by_Sean_Hickin_(2a).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And in the 70s Britain was controlled by the ruthless, iron grip of protein man.

>> No.7192763

define integrated.

Is a group integrated when they become identical to the culture they joined?
Or are they integrated when they function in society and contribute more as a whole than they cost?

If you look closely enough, you'll find Hindus who go to Temples, Jews who observe orthodox restrictions, Christians who go to Church, Muslims who go to Mosques, Atheists who do whatever it is that atheists do, and so on for other religious groups.

I suppose it's just that muslims are in the media, that they're at the forefront of being targeted by people. If there was no coverage of muslims, and there was more coverage of Israel, I'm sure people would start targeting Jews, etc

>> No.7192765

All I know is that if your muslims are as well "integrated" as they are here in Sweden, it's not really looking good.

I'm sure they're well behaved in America though like this guy says >>7192737

>> No.7192770

Truly the end of Western Civilization! Dark Enlightnment now!! RIde le Tigger! :^)

>> No.7192776

>Or are they integrated when they function in society and contribute more as a whole than they cost?
This is the only definitely of integration. The former is assimilation.

>> No.7192778

Many of the non-integrated ones are now integrated into the Iraqi sand.

Great book thread people, not just badly integrated pol posting at all.

>> No.7192783

H-Help me Thatcher! These shills are trying to bluepill me!

>> No.7192788


I have no idea what's happening in Sweden; there isn't much coverage here in the UK, given that I don't watch TV.

All I know is that there are ISIS muslims who kill non-ISIS muslims, and they call non-ISIS muslims non-muslims. And non-ISIS muslims call ISIS-muslims non-muslims.

I imagine that these non-ISIS muslims would call your Sweden criminal-muslims non-muslims and so on.

It all depends on how you define a group; just like how you may or may not call westboro baptists christians.

>> No.7192795

Top clerics in Islam still refuse to denounce the actions of ISIS. That's what scares me about the religion.

>> No.7192797


Any sources on your claim?
Or is it just memespeak

>> No.7192800
File: 58 KB, 840x2128, texas ball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America has a stronger nationalism than europe.
The children say the pledge of allegiance every day in the morning.
Americans also still truly believe in Christianity while religion is dead in europe.
Also america doesn't let in every single retarded goat header.
Finally americans have guns and will fight back

>> No.7192812

American nationalism is based off of nothing
also Europeans have actual nationalist parties

>> No.7192814

being integrated means that there's a functional coexistence between different cultures/races/etc, despite being different there shared common values

while this happens to an extent, some barriers are hard to breakdown and people in some communities prefer to uphold their customs and traditions without regard for those values

this isn't exclusive to england in london, not long ago angela merkel stated that the multicultural experiment had failed and that people coming into the country had a hard time integrating into german society

>> No.7192816

Isis are the true, orthodox followers of Quran as the book itself is largely about converting by sword and fire. That's why they get the virgins in haven you know.

>> No.7192820

European nationalist parties have little to no power though, and depending on how you look at it, both Democrats and Republicans can be considered nationalist.

>> No.7192821

I can tell you are retarded. Since I am relatively well educated on the major religions.

I'm not even going to bother disarming your memespeak

>> No.7192828

How do you measure integration though? And what are your sources on "failure"

Just because a politician makes a claim, does not mean it is truth. After all, Donald Trump recently made an anti-vaccination statement.

>> No.7192839
File: 107 KB, 399x482, trump painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True European nationalism ended after ww2 becuse BOOO HHHO NEVER AGAIN
Now europe are a bunch of super cucks.
American nationalism is still young and fresh and alive