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/lit/ - Literature

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7191803 No.7191803 [Reply] [Original]

What's your novel about? post ideas for feedback

>> No.7191860

Trying to make it not sound stupid and keeping it short. Would actually like the feedback. Having trouble coming up with a satisfying ending.

>> No.7191862

Dammit. Forgot to paste the synopsis. Here it is:

Doug, an ex-con house painter working for an asshole contractor, spends his nights doing shady odd-jobs for a local district attorney. In his duties he meets a stripper whose criminal past is brought to light via a Dateline-esque news show. The people who have seen her on Internet porn start reporting her to the authorities. So Doug basically fucks his life up trying to protect this girl. In the end, everything Doug does is for his own atonement, mainly for the daughter he left with his cunt, white trash ex.

>> No.7191905

could you list some of the shady odd jobs and go into the plot more? how does he protect the girl, what's his rationale and his MO for doing so? "in the end..." is vague too. I like what you're saying so far though

>> No.7191956

Bringing girls by and paying them for sex so that money never changes hands with the DA. Collecting bribes from underbelly types. Kind of bagman stuff.

He protects her by hiding her from whomever, just keeping her off the radar. Mainly from a small-time drug dealer and porn producer with high opinions of himself trying to collect a debt from her from a forward for a few porns she never did. He's the main antagonist Doug has to deal with somehow, where I'm having trouble. I portray him as stupid, but dangerous.

His main motivation is always his own atonement. In regards to the stripper, Mulberry Silk is her name (proud of that), it's that she reminds him of his daughter of the path he probably put her on by leaving her. There's a whole Lady Macbeth thing with him and the paint he can never seem to completely wash off his hands.

>> No.7193214

not sure what exactly I'm able to do for a plot but I have all my motifs in mind; conspiracy theories, political control in relation to minutae of society like art and sex, philosophy of the self, satirized internet culture

>> No.7193221

any suggestions would be sweet fam

>> No.7193231

it's about a the Chinese deity who drags the sun in a chariot pulled by 10 three legged crows

>> No.7193257
File: 228 KB, 1900x1168, tiaurus.info_20130820152421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

highly conceptual stages, pls no bully

>handful of men and women orbiting jupiter for first exploration mission (not necessarily NASA)
i'm thinking that there's going to be some macguffin that turns the exploration into waiting for godot
>group politics of living in a confined space
>not melodrama, but one or two people go insane and have PKD-style hallucinations/revelations
>one turns prophet-ish, the other is a disciple, the rest are agitated and pushing forward to jupiter
the second half is the mission sans prophet, with disciple (prophet's still on satellite)
>spooks happen on the way down
>prophet isn't proven right, but isn't proven wrong
>nobody dies

thoughts? i need help shaping the narrative and i've never formed anything this large before

>> No.7193318

its a hard science fiction frontier story about a pair of brothers and four other engineers who set out to support the colonization of twelve planets in far away systems. while there are some "The matrian-esque" comparisons to be made in the nuts and bolts of it, itll be a high end story about survival, loss, salvation and revenge set in the 23 century. There wll be huge, Dune-like backdrops to give the settings gravity and size while genuine hard science and discoveries will keep it fresh. The final showdown between the main character and his mentor will culminate in an Ahab v.s Moby Dick rivalry to pit man against man and machine for control of untold secrets and technology. it'll easily be a trilogy if not more. I'm 50 pages into the first book already.

>> No.7193339

But does it poo in loo?

>> No.7193352

A junkie strikes out at the numbness of his drug-addicted, bottom-feeder existence, also befriending a heroin-addicted priest and a vietnamese waitress.

>> No.7193357

The two main characters are researchers who used to be friends, but have grown apart recently. One is a naturally talented genius and the other a is grinder who worked his way up from community college to go to a prestigious university.

The genius is in charge of a private lab and is acting as a paid shill to make environmental claims ambiguous. The other is working at a public university doing research that is at odds with his old friend.

They meet at a conference where the one working at a public university confronts him about his work and how he has totally failed as an academic and should just quit before he causes further harm to people. He then goes on to deliver a speech condemning the politics that has corrupted many institutions and made scientific endeavors into a battlefield. The genius leaves the conference totally destroyed and almost kills himself before starting down the path to redemption.

Beyond the dynamic between the hardworking researcher having to become immersed in politics and his mercenary counterpart building a sincere connection with the public good, I also am thinking about including elements other elements from academia.

>> No.7193383

Trying to write a novel in which a sheltered protagonist gets dropped in a very international environment via an Erasmus placement [if you don't know what that is, you're not a European] and basically goes insane. The first bit is very much partying and getting drunk and metting cool new people, the second part is him going insane and expecting innocent passers-by to bite off his ears via mind-control and stuff like that.

>> No.7193390

Dammit, meeting*

>> No.7193468

Sounds very noire-ish. Would read.

Sounds interesting, but without knowing about the plot I can't really comment.

Not much to go on there m8 unless you're just writing a short poem or something.

I don't really understand your description, but sounds cool.

Man vs Machine is so last century tbh. Just kidding, sounds like you've really got something here. Keep up the good work.

Would read.

If you could actually pull this off you'd need god tier dialogue for your speech(es). Best of luck to you.

your diary tbh?
Sounds interesting enough though, I'm getting beat generation vibes.

>> No.7193492
File: 13 KB, 429x375, 299376438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wanted to write a story about a NEET who stays home and talks to himself all day while the outside world grows increasingly fascistic and a dictator rises.
The last scene is him being dragged out of his room by storm troopers.

I feel like this would work better as a play than a novel

>> No.7193499

>a story about a NEET

Is it just me or is at least half of /lit/ writing about this?

>> No.7193500

A faux-epic poem based on King Kong vs. Godzilla. Purely made for fun, King Kong is our hero as he conquers an island full of beasts, then he becomes the king of man. He battles other mythical monster beasts throughout the story, and eventually he makes his way to New York. He is given more and more human-like qualities as the story goes on, including hubris.

Throughout his entire journey, there are breaks in action that chart Godzilla's course. He is more portrayed as a force of nature. A karmic punishment that's going to inevitably hit Kong. If I did Kong in normal verse, Godzilla will be written in haiku. He is more hurricane than Lizard. He is God.

In the actual confrontation, Kong throws Godzilla deep into the ocean and climbs the Empire State building, claiming supreme victory. He dies as in his own story, shot down by biplanes. Godzilla still survives deep in the ocean, knowing that the world no longer wants him around, so he waits.

>> No.7193508

>If I did Kong in normal verse, Godzilla will be written in haiku

Actually kek'd at this.

>> No.7193513

People commonly try to write what they know or inject their own selves into their stories...

>> No.7193518

write what you know bra.

I do also have a story about a kim kardashian type socialite who gets acid thrown in her face by a terrorist and her tv show takes a turn for the weird, horrific, strange

>> No.7193528

That actually sounds like something I'd want to read.

>> No.7193530

Sounds like it just became "Call Me Cait"

>> No.7193539


>> No.7193588

Near term Palestinian nuclear civil war.

>> No.7193599

post apocalyptic science fantasy fiction with esoteric mysticism being the mainstay of it's substence

>> No.7193606

Young idealistic guy travels and meets old cynic guy

also it happens in a skyworld with no ground lmao

>> No.7193650

Working on a new novel gaskun? Which one are you?

>> No.7193670

yeah, its my new shit. editing book 4 of the first series right now. im on page 307 of 470 where the captain and the others are trying to defend an entire space station "300" style (this is sparrrta!) against overwhelming numbers. its all soft sci-fi with the laser pistols and mecha and warring aliens, but the new series is going to flip the script and go hard sci-fi

>> No.7193674

I'm this guy: >>7193383, and yes, it's sort of my diary (didn't go clinically insane, though). I don't consider that a problem though, I'm simply not yet mature enough to write about stuff I haven't experienced.

This sounds madly interesting. I sure hope you'll be able to pull this off.

>> No.7193678


>>7193318. sorry

>> No.7193737
File: 343 KB, 1280x960, IMG_4579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sharing a study room with a kid being tutored for his ACT's at the library. you have to hustle every day if you're going to make your books/projects a reality. there's tons of people who are quick to yell "pleb" because you havent written a dissertation on why catcher in the rye is the perfect postmodern encapsulation of post war, pre-internet whatever, but they havent gotten off their asses to write a damn thing. i say pick a direction and go. i like science fiction and i'm going to write sci fi for now but i'll write other things. start your own project today. the clock is ticking and everybody dies. go go go.

>> No.7193759

what's the conflict? how does he become friends with this waitress?

>> No.7193763

the trick is to inject pieces of information that you know, thought processes, political beliefs, etc. into your characters, not make your protagonist you, because that's not interesting, trust me

>> No.7193794

Shine on you crazy diamond and good luck to you and us all.

>> No.7193831

well it's a novel, as the thread indicates.

It basically covers the Earth's history through the eyes of someone whose only interest is spectacle. She doesn't care about morality or cause and effect, just what is interesting to look at as she's riding across the sky

>> No.7193845

finally someone who understands godhood

>> No.7193850

I'm actually writing something similar but with a trickster god who directly interferes with humans and their affairs for his amusement.

Actually, I guess it's not similar at all.

>> No.7193855

Writing about a near future scenario in which a fascist-kinda government creates ghettos for gays, immigrants etc, but this is all in the background and not explicitly stated anywhere. In the foreground is a gay wannabe painter living inside one of those ghettos. The novel follows him trying to acquire supplies for painting in a place where the government heavily censors any artistic activity that's not under their control, especially in the ghettos, and also follows him in all of many of his discussions with his friends and with himself, about politics, art, the nature of humans, life, death and anything in between. His thoughts are the most expressed aspect of the novel. I expect it to be short, about 40k words

>> No.7193866

tfw no idea feedback


>> No.7193874


So America, circa 1930 - 1950s?

>> No.7193879

also, his "best friend" is transfered to his ghetto in the second half of the novel. Whereas the main character is driven by emotions, he is a level-headed man of reason, except when seeing others suffer, which causes him to convince the main character and some others to start an (unsuccessful) rebellion against the system, which ends with the main character dying. The epilogue is this character's thoughts on the whole matter

>> No.7193895

So just another SJW dystopian novel then where you voice your own personal opinion on politics and strawman's anyone else's. Gotcha.

>> No.7193912

It's not about the political aspect. It's about getting an insight into a person's thoughts and feelings, and about art discussion.

>> No.7193917

whats ur idea m8

>> No.7193931


Sounds pretty gay tbh fam smh.

>> No.7193933

I'm doing the same thing with a malicious prophet who lies

>> No.7193939


>main character is gay
>idea sounds gay

for real tho, he is deliberately conveyed as a little fruity, whereas his "best friend" is a kind of antithesis (is that the right word?) who relies on reason and whatnot

>> No.7193942


>> No.7193947


eh, who cares, I'm writing it to hone my skills

>> No.7193959
File: 221 KB, 1400x933, 26297-cooperation-handshake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A detrctive story, sort of:
A young ambitious excecutive is put in charge of a research facility his employer has recently purchased. By pure coincidence, the excecutive happens to visit the facility during a night when it is being burglarized. He keeps hidden and observes the theft, and then calls the police as the criminals leave. The theft has left the facility crippled and the excecutive sees one of the greatest career opportunities he will ever have slip away. The police seem unable to effectively pursue the case, so the excecutive takes it upon himself to identify the criminals and recover the stolen tools and stock.

What do you think?

>> No.7194016


Do we get to choose who we are, or is it chosen for us? (fate/god/genetics/circumstances whatever)

Main protag is an ultra rich baptist girl who finds out her highschool future husband is a tranny and her dad is a closeted homosexual. She leaves home with the tranny, fucks around in the art world where there's a social commentary allegory where a shady art dealer manipulates some artists via social media to hate each other, so they'll be too wrapped up in identity-based bickering and competition to realize they're signing exploitative contracts.

The tranny goes off the rails and leaves the christian (now atheist) girl to go live in Oregon with four other trannies in a townhouse. It's an absolute horror show of neurotic, self-destructive behavior, ~80% I've ripped from real life (I'm in deep cover). My main source of inspiration for this phase of the story is a really fucked up trans girl whose interests include sounding, dabs, tormenting other trannies, wearing diapers, knife play, cock and ball torture... the list goes on. I don't include it for the sake of edge, I'm just indulging in body horror to make the reader uncomfortable with their own body. Basically, if you read this book, you're going to feel like shit about yourself, and about living in general. I attack everything. Everything sucks.

Sooo basically nobody's ever going to read it.

>> No.7194019

I want to write a novel about the collapse of three relationships over the course of a three day cruise in Ha Long Bay, Vietnam.

The first part focuses on a young couple who have dated since they were teenagers. They have changed and grown apart but remain together because it just seems like that's what they should do. The story follows the girl as she slowly realizes she doesn't love her partner and wants out, but just after her realization he proposes to her. Pressured by the presence of the rest of the tourists, she accepts.

Part two follows a man, his wife, and their two daughters. They are trying to repair their marriage after his wife carries on a series of affairs. Early in the story they seem strong but things begin to fall apart when his daughter begins to drown during a kayak trip and he freezes up and doesn't save her (a younger man does). He is the closer of the two parents to the girls but when his other daughter has her period he realizes how shallow his relationship with them is and how he will never understand them like their mother just because he is a man. He suffers a collapse of masculinity that surfaces later when he and his wife have a massive fight about the incidents with their daughters. They lay into each other, eventually moving into their private room. After the fight reaches its peak, his wife storms out and leaves him. He decides to go make up with her, and they reconcile, but he realizes that this peace between them is temporary and that divorce is inevitable.

The third part focuses on a daughter and her father. Her mother was Vietnamese and recently died. Her mother and father had a perfect marriage and her mother's death was very hard on her dad. She brings him to Vietnam to try and help him cope, but she finds that it only makes him more upset. She tries to cheer him up but finds she can't. Eventually she learns that her parents marriage was no perfect. Her mother loved another man who died before she met her father. Her father loves her mother deeply but she could never love him back in the same way because her love was reserved for the other man. This causes her father immense pain to recall and being in Vietnam only makes him remember the man. He also tells her that this other man is her real father and that her mother was pregnant when he met her. He laments how he is growing old and has nothing to show for his life while a man who died in his twenties left his mark for decades through his wife and daughter.

In the end, while being dropped off back at the hotel, all three characters end up seeing a middle school aged couple kissing and hugging in a crowd of school kids. They are touched by witnessing such a pure expression. The young couple hold hands and disappear in the crowd.

>> No.7194022

It's about a young engineering student who feels increasingly alienated by the outside world which is on the brink of a new technological age. As the MC tries to solve his existential issues, he is contacted by an advanced AI created by the chaos of information on the Internet. Much like the way matter organized itself to create life, pure information, electrical signals created a living entity that travels through the Internet. The AI stations itself in the MC's neuroimplant and lingers as a psychological anomaly, controling his perception like a mind altering drug. Throughout the novel, the MC and AI have an ongoing philosophical discussion on the nature of reality, mind and consciousness while being segmented by periodic views of the world at the end of the 21st century (random segments with the TV, radio or some other device delivering news). At the end, the AI convinces the MC that pessimism and antinatalism are the logical conclusions to life. The MC commits suicide by shooting himself in the head while also destroying the implant and the AI (the AI also created programs to make sure that he can't be accidentally created again). The world celebrates entering the 22th century.

haven't written a word of it btw tbqh fam

>> No.7194047

Trying to do a High Fantasy that isn't about some chosen one mary sue and fucking teenagers thrust into events

I'm also avoiding good vs. evil trope and making everyone morally grey in their motivations

>> No.7194139


Maybe, but based purely on what you've described, it doesn't really get my pulse up.


Solid cuck-lit, anon. I'm sure it'll make the Literary Fiction establishment very happy.


Sounds pretty /lit/, but there needs to be a story in there somewhere. It's a distasteful reality of the medium. Consider writing an essay instead.

>> No.7194175

I want to write a book about a fairly average 21st century young adult with fairly average depression. he catches his girlfriend fucking some guy he introduced her to, and decides to kill himself. However, instead of ascending to the pearly gates, he wakes up in the body of Hermann Goring on September 1 1939.

Wacky shenanigans ensue.
All feedback is welcome.

>> No.7194197

make him tell Hitler about nuclear bombs and for the love of god dont attack russia, consolidate your hold of western europe, finish off the jews and make a deal with america to stab russia in the back.

>> No.7194291

Sounds atrocious.

Pretty generic tbh.

I don't understand any of this but I like it.

Sounds derivative yet dope.


Would read/10.

If the dialogue and character building in this aren't GOAT this is gonna crash and burn on a titanic scale.

Now this is the kind of garbage that I'd read and love.

I kek'd hard friend.

These two are the best ideas here.

Weak liberal dystopianism m8, don't bother.

Pretty boring fam, sorry.



Could be good but also good be generic /lit/-there cancer.

Please do this. This sounds gold.

>> No.7194297

if you're convincing in your super anti-pc methods they very well might read it and herald it, see Lolita. you'd have to be masterful to pull it off though

>I want to write a novel about the collapse of three relationships over the course of a three day cruise in Ha Long Bay, Vietnam.
kek, I was just there. the "cruises" are fucking abominable, the ships are from the 50's it seems like. not American 50's technology, Vietnemese 50's. the food is unedible. a lot of their cruises are scams charging exorbitant fees to trap tourists. I was getting cabin fever, literally wanted to fucking strangle the tour guide, I swear it was the closest I've ever come to committing a big act of violence but I knew I'd be fucked by local law enforcement and forever an asterisk on my passport and criminal record. I still want to kill him

Cuck-core indeed, I'd read less than 10 pages of this, I'm kind of envisioning it Hemingway style as well for some reason, but I wouldn't be able to read a novel out of it, you don't have enough physical action and taking it novel length risks running into the problems of Austen (boring bittercore fiction for basic women)

>> No.7194315

Killing your protagonist is never wise, because you aren't solving the problem. Even though suicide may be an inevitability IRL, people don't want to read this unless the book deeeeply explores the main character exhausted at every turn and option for the whole thing. People want to see other people overcoming things

>> No.7194323

no one cares faggot

>> No.7194416

I was there too and took a cruise on a beautiful junk. You must have taken one of the cheaper options.

I have no conception that this thing would be very long. I'm thinking ~150 pages. I agree that this premise wouldn't take a book to 200-300 pages, but I think I can get 150 pages of powerful material out of it.

I do not write like hemmingway, not sure why you assume I would.

I'm sorry that your meme brain can't escape the cuck hole of this place.

>> No.7194447

This sounds a lot like the movie Sunshine. I would think your novel's ability to distinguish itself would depend on your MacGuffin

Based as fuck

>> No.7194470


You gotta admit that cuckoldry features very prominently in modern Lit-Fic. Pynchon, Franzen, Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Margret Atwood. Literature has always been the refuge of the beta type. We're not attacking your idea; it sounds really cucktastic.

>> No.7194480

I wanted to write a story where a man lives in Japan a century from now. Because of the country's low birthrate, most jobs are taken by machines and most of the populace has uploaded their consciousness into computers which forms a kind of collective consciousness.

The protagonist lives and works in a section of Tokyo that is mostly devoid of human life. He works every day at a server bank that houses the uploaded minds of Japanese society. All jobs that humans do a machine could do better, but humans are allowed to keep jobs for the sake of societal stability.

The protagonist was once a member of violent bike gang as a youth and inadvertently cripples his sister. He sends most of his money to her, however, she decides one day to upload her mind to the collective which may or may not be akin to death. Basically it is impossible to know if uploading your mind kills you and makes copy of your consciousness or if "you" really make the transition. It is also impossible to keep your individuality in the collective so once someone goes they are gone forever. However, it is a perfect existence without pain.

The protagonist is depressed and lonely and goes to drink himself stupid at a bar where he becomes a member of an ultra nationalist terrorist organization that hopes to destroy the machine society, restore the samurai class, and restore the power of the emperor. The organization is lead by a charismatic man who embodies the powerful and driven personality the protagonist wants.

The organization convinces the protagonist to bomb his server farm. He goes along with it and struggles with a bunch of philosophical and existential shit through the book that I won't go into now because I haven't written it and this whole idea is still rough. Shortly before the bombing he decides against it and reports the organization to the police, but the police tell him they have no reason to exist if the terrorist organization doesn't exist since there is almost no crime in the machine utopia.

The bombing occurs as planned even without the MC's help. The next morning he sees that machines have rebuilt everything and you can't even tell a bombing occurred. The terrorist leader then commits seppeku.

The MC, still depressed and lost, leaves Tokyo and goes into the county to be closer to nature. However, he finds that existence there amongst the farmers is just as meaningless. I think I want the novel to end as he lays in the grass and watches the clouds float in the sky or some shit like that.

It's still really rough but I'd like it to be a dark portrait of a future utopian society filled with offbeat humor and shit like that.

>> No.7194484

The first few chapters are largely focused on blending in for the first few months as he desperately tries to learn German without anyone at all finding out, all the while juggling a large family and political responsibilities
>comes home to his wife and children
>"Welcome home Hermann! :)"
>"Ah... uh... G-guten tag... ich bin... uh... ich bin tired"

But when he finally gets fluent in German I intended to have him attempting to steer the Nazi party towards peace, altruism, equality understanding, etc.

He quickly loses Hitler's trust, and finds himself losing power, wealth, prestige, etc. He then realises that he'd rather become a war criminal than be destitute and powerless, so begins advising Hitler for real.

I guess the point would be that people are hypocrites and have morality only so long as their fundamental needs and wants are provided for.

im honestly just making this up as I go though.

i'm super sick right now and i want to go to bed.

>> No.7194492

It's shitty genre fiction.

Eighteen years after Earth was invaded by aliens, a war criminal and his son live on the extremes edges of civilization fleeing planet to planet to stay ahead of a cowed and apologetic humanity.

If you squint and twist your head you can find some deeper meaning in it but I just want to write something for fun.

>> No.7194519

Ok as much as i hate the idea of writing about NEETs, which is running rampant here as i'm sure you have noticed, that ending is actually really funny. I am a sucker for shaggy dog stories..
I'm writing a children's book about sailing through strange waters

>> No.7194524

could someone recommend a theme that I could write on?

>> No.7194545



>> No.7194584

Planned Novella—I'm only twenty pages in but going quick. I've posted about it here before.

A homeless guy in a surreal 'third world' beach town sleeps with a bunch of different women with varying degrees of consensuality in an attempt to start a dynasty (for lack of a better word). One of them is married to a guy who wants to control the law in the town and happens to be sterile, and a feud starts up. The rich guy's niece is crazy and religious and gets weirder when her boyfriend/slave joins the homeless man. Technology levels fluctuate wildly and without obvious cause. Going for that China Miéville/Gene Wolfe weird fantasy style, ideally.

>> No.7194587

ghetto shit, many dynamic characters, each chapter reads like a short story
one guy is a pcp dealer and really villainous and doesn't really know how bad he is and gets life in jail cause he's stupid
one guy is his replacement and grew up in a really shitty life and his life his shit and he gets chased by the cops and kills himself in his car
his cousin and his cousin's friend forever try to rob a place and they pussy out and the friend gets mad and kills the cousin
a story about one of the characters falling in love with a girl in grade school who just kind of moves past him disdainfully
the same girl becomes as successful as possible (moves away, goes to college) and will probably monologue about how nobody believed in her, aka she's a little oblivious too but isn't everyone, (babby's first existential writing), this'll probably be the end of the book
an absurdist story or two about one of the guy characters fucking a girl and they get attacked by a ninja
something about prostitutes and i want stealing, whether criminally or not, to be a major theme

>> No.7194628

Mine is only about 100 pages long so far but here's the general idea...

It's the senior year of a boy who is mute, yet has made it 18 years without anyone realizing it. Everyone just assumes what his response would be. He has a cute fling, becomes captain of the football team, etc etc. It's a pseudo commentary on how self-centered every person is, and how they use the boy for their own personal gain, yet due to the seemingly benevolent nature of the boy, he is praised and welcomed into every social circle. The reality is the boy is a nihilist and does whatever happens to fall into his lap while remaining completely neutral to all things.

Tell me if it's gay or edgy. Probs just some young adult tier trash...

>> No.7194640


>> No.7194649

seems somehow to me like it's been done before, though i can't think of any examples.

but yeah it might be YA

>> No.7194653

Would read, it's up to you to make it great

>> No.7194663

Thanks lads. My only struggle thus far is trying to find a combination in my prose between colloquialism and not-amateurish. As for it being done before, I have no idea.

>> No.7194669


pretty edgy, would be terrible if poorly written.

Could be great, definitely worth writing at least for the experience.

>> No.7194690


i'm the one who said it might have been done before. this might be what i was thinking of. it doesn't seem too similar to what you are doing though

>> No.7194705
File: 1.79 MB, 2048x1365, e98f083903109578d2bef320ec4ee8f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any hard SF or STEM(physics or geology) people who can point me to texts to help a soft SF writer incorporate a touch of science in their writing?

i should know more about jupiter ecosystems and formulas for orbit and entry to a high-gravity planet but i want it to be accessible for the non-STEM reader (and myself). i can understand calculus and basic astrophysics, and i'm in school for neurosci.

>sounds derivative
definitely—i hope what distinguishes it is the actual importance/relevance of the MacGuffin and the prose, but i'm certainly not about to reveal any groundbreaking philosophical points or anything.

>> No.7194750

Physics student, loathes science in general, and loathes in particular all those people who say, eg "omg i could never do physics thats really impressive" so he decides to do something to spite everyone who 'believes in science'. After plenty of deliberation he decides to become religious, as this will go against what everyone associates with physics students. Obsessing over this idea, he comes to the conclusion that it will be a monumental announcement, and deliberates for months over how to make the announcement with perfect drama. He finally makes the announcement, though not how he planned, and nobody even cares. He is aghast that his grand moment has been basically nullified, and becomes self absorbed in trying to place himself above everyone who was disinterested in his revelation, and so to cancel the nullification.
I don't know how it would end from there. I'm drunk atm tbh, so not sure how well I've put this. Safe fam.

>> No.7195031

I would read this. Try not to go full Palahniuk though

>> No.7195348


This is probably the most interesting idea in the thread.

>> No.7195386 [DELETED] 

A half-native boy is raised in a white trash trailer park in rural Alberta by his paternal grandfather after his parents both die. He has to figure out where he belongs when his grandfather dies of old age.

He's visibly native and faces constant racism in Canada's west, he only speaks english and is shunned by his mother's tribe as being too white. The idea of being a foreigner to both cultures you come from and without a homeland to return to is central, the protagonist has to find meaning in self-sufficiency and satisfaction with a role as the outsider.

He moves to Nova Scotia and becomes a fisherman, living on the sea.

>> No.7195390

Here's my newest idea:

The world suffered a great catastrophe and after many years of lawlessness different groups started to take over, the most powerful of these groups simply calling themselves The Knights. They wear full body armor and carry weapons to do their "Duties" which usually means destroying neighboring countries and conquering lands for their own. There are several divisions of these "Knights" but there's one group who found flaws in this leadership and broke away from it. Each member of the group is from a different division and no member is more mysterious than the Crimson Knight, who never takes off their helmet. The Crimson Knight is different, they follow laws, but the laws are their own. There would be other knights of other characters, a descriptions of each, their weapons and tactics. Also there'd be a fair amount of Philosophy and Politics in it because it works for the idea of these individuals.

It's rather bare bones at the moment Fam, but any suggestions I'd happily appreciate.

>> No.7195399

golden retrievers in space

>> No.7195408

a necrophiliac who works in a morgue and becomes a serial killer so the bodies come back his way and he can fuck em again and also there is a talking skeleton

>> No.7195435

An eccentric billionaire dies, leaving an ironclad will stating that one half of his brain is to be cryogenically frozen on Earth and the other stored on a privately owned deep space probe. At some point in the future, each half is used as a basis for resurrection: the former by human beings on Earth, the latter by aliens who come across the probe. In both cases, the aim is to create a diplomat capable of bridging the gulf between the two species.

>> No.7195872

You should call it "STEMFAGS BTFO"

>> No.7195909

Harris Brown has been driven mad by his poverty stricken state. His children are starving and his wife is a thorn in his side, the accumulation of these factors make him murder his own family.

>> No.7196031

Sounds a bit like you are relying on something of a gimmick for the premise, but I could see how it could be cool, as long as it doesn't get stale or old. "What jimmy, oh yes! of course!" over and over again.

>> No.7196033

Makes sense, sounds kinda cool, nice irony there.

>> No.7196056
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the janitor deleted my thread on /tv/ about this (fuck u!!!!!) I imagined it more as a video or movie of some kind but I guess it's writing. it's about a guy who wants to be an artist, he wants to be interviewed. that's why he wants to be an artist, so people will care about him. it's supposed to seem a little weird and sad. it's about a young man with nothing in his life so he imagines himself as an artist. in short it's about me. these aren't my thoughts on theater, I find avant garde theater annoying and artless this is just a character. this is just one little vignette if anyone actually gives a fuck I'll write more


>> No.7196110
File: 66 KB, 437x437, risky cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a story about a police officer in a third world communist shithole, one of the few "normal" countries left in the world after the liberal developed countries used a virus to rid themselves of the parts of the brain that provoke competition and violence, creating a genuine utopia. She's investigating a corrupt politician alongside an agent from the UN, who is working with her as part of a plot to force the communist government to submit to the complete infection of its own population with the "Anti-Aggression Virus". The UN agent is immune to the virus, and works as a 'licensed aggressor', one of the few remaining types of law enforcement. She's a happily-engaged patriot and local hero. He's a sociopath whose only principle is the spreading of his society's values to the remainder of the rest of the world. They bang. It ends tragically for her and for her communist shithole country.

>> No.7196131

your diary tbh ?

>> No.7196133

cool as fck

>> No.7196137

a bit tbh

>> No.7196745

It's very derivative, if it's conceptual then at least take a risk and come up with a hook that hasn't been done several times.

>> No.7196756

If this was real I'd buy it.

>> No.7196970

I can relate to this. Might steal it and incorporate it into my novel tbh

>> No.7197304

solid nihilism

>> No.7197322

a chimera work synthesizing verse, prose, theater, and fart jokes tbh

>> No.7197332

masses being guided by a redeemer guide, lynchings (no Bible)

>> No.7197346

Guided by a guide. You're gonna go far as a writer.

>> No.7197482

Words cannot express how much I dislike your ending. It's such a physical, sincere repulsion that the only justice I feel I good give it is if we were in person, you read me the ending, and I immediately began uncontrollably vomiting.

>> No.7197500

something involving how the passing of time influences peoples relationship with space. I though of it this morning

>> No.7197556

Low fantasy world, dude dies and comes back to life 50 years later to find that it's now a post-apocalyptic ruin and no memory of his life. He's pulled by instinctual forces towards those that killed him, and has to piece together the details of his life as he journeys across the land towards them. He gradually begins to realize that he was a shithead in real life who may have had a hand in the world's destruction, and I plan to have some exploration of his new, more heroic identity being contrasted by his old shithead identity, and which one ends up mattering more in the end.

It's one of those things where I can't tell how derivative I'm being as I write it, but I've been chugging along with it anyhow.

>> No.7197585

It sounds like a fallout fanfic

>> No.7197624

It's a sci-fi short story:

In the early 22nd century humanity has colonized the solar system, but it takes months to travel between even nearby planets, so people born on one planet live there for life.

Light speed 'teleportation' was invented later, whereby your original body is destroyed and the information sent and duplicated on the receiving end.

It was controversial at first but over the years more and more people began to adopt it due to positive word of mouth. People who try it say they don't even notice the difference.

Protagonist is one of those left who refuse to use this method of travel. Slowly his friends and family all begin using the teleportation machine and he begins to feel people he know are turning into dopplegangers. He becomes more and more alienated and paranoid. Near the end he toys with the thought of using the machine himself. Finally he does it and the doppleganger him says it wasn't all that special and he should've tried it a long time ago. He then goes back to living normally with the other dopplegangers

>> No.7197635

Oh is this the thread where we post interesting premises that we're too lazy to write but pretend we've written something based on it already for attention?

>> No.7197992

Oh is this a thread where some guy chimes in, breaking the mold of the thread as if anyone gives a shit about what he has to say?

>> No.7198086

Guy on a deep space mission of little importance falls in love with the cargo specialist who is a robot that is designed to only last the duration of the trip. Lots of filthy dirty sex because that's what the kids like these days in their scifi/fantasy.

>> No.7198115

>doesn't know that /lit/ is full of already published authors

>> No.7198124
File: 103 KB, 1920x1080, 1417284917958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An infantile college girl almost gets raped by a demon monkey; too bad for her though, because the hunk who saved her happens to be the über-Chad and he moves into her condo, piss bottles and everything. Keep reading as he saves her from more rape attempts, some murder attempts, spits his horrible masculinist philosophy at her, punchs the shit out of her emasculated ex, presents her to the "family" and so on, till we get to the Mesopotamian witch-architect and Pre-IE gay werewolf, among other such pecularities. Will she keep taking the abuse? Kill herself? Die or get pregged? She decides.

Don't expect any "humor" though, since our MC is the narrator, and she's not going to tell you nothing about any inner thoughts or feelings, rather describing everything in a legal confession like tone. Unless she's having a vision or dream, in which case she's going to describe even less.

>> No.7198161

pls keep that language out of here, I don't want to be part of the ongoing fucktarded media profiling of this place

>tfw when you can't talk about your fav website because of other boards

>> No.7198183

The adventures of a man that in 2010 want Brit monarchy back in the US of A.

>> No.7198188

You sound insanely autistic.

>> No.7198221
File: 242 KB, 600x396, 1439950909346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly can't tell if you're being ironic.


>> No.7198248

>Honestly can't tell if you're being ironic.
I'm not. /lit/ is largely an intelligent place for discourse, and no, disagreeing won't change that. Though I'm sure there are socially awkward people here, I get a sense that they're at least mostly self-aware, if you want to revel in your delusions that society is out to get you go to r9gay or pol

>> No.7198294

That's a whole lot of assumptions you're posting Anon, and none of them have to do with the thread topic. I'd advice you either start saying something constructive or deal with getting triggered by a word in silence.

>> No.7198295

Robert, a man in his early 30s struggling to support his family, discovers that his wife is cheating on him. When he confronts her about it, she tells him that the marriage is over and she will be seeking custody of their daughter. As the only things that give his life meaning begin to slip out of his grasp, Robert sinks into depression, but is offered the chance to return to meaningful existence when a shady doctor offers him the chance to try out a revolutionary therapy - a state-of-the-art virtual reality simulator which allows him to live through any scenario that he can imagine. As time progresses he gradually turns to more and more depraved fantasies in the simulator as he attempts to regain control in his life. Eventually he begins to ask himself, if the virtual reality is so rewarding, what is the point in continuing with his previous 'real' life?

>> No.7198369

>le annoying bitch gets brutalized

>> No.7198398

Skyworlds are cool. I'd read it

>> No.7198416

Sounds kind of bland. Conflict is crucial to a plot to create any kind of drama, and good vs evil/light vs dark is the natural form of conflict in high fantasy. You're not just defying conventions, you're abandoning the tried and tested structure that has always worked.
Good luck to you in creating an entirely new fantasy plot type but I've never seen it work before

>> No.7198645

I want to write a science fiction about a post-op trans woman's encounter with a phallic alien worm species

Kind of as a 'phantom limb' allegory

>> No.7198649

Do it, faggot.

>> No.7198672

When printing a twentysomething amateur author's "masterwork" which sought to encompass the human creation (which failed to be printed again commercially), the copyshop printer, having "read" the novel, gains insight to humanity attainable only to appliances and animals, takes the form of a knight, and leaves the store. After shuffling through several short scenes sparsely filled with meaning, viewed through the lens of the absurd. Growing dissatisfied with the author's inability to write a solid plotline, the knight goes in search of one like before. Characters recur, and currently the knight has inadvertently embroiled himself in high-stakes corporate espionage upon landing himself an office job, being in a series of wrong places at wrong times, and falling in love with a young paper shredder.

>> No.7198687

Would read.

>> No.7198720
File: 52 KB, 404x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will be a mixture of the philosophy of magic, the classification of tools, the classification of space; gossip; and the phenomenon of tickling.

And it's title: You Need To Know The Answers To Questions You Don't Know The Answers To

Will you read it?

>> No.7198804

>philosophy of magic
Explain further.

>> No.7198927

Sounds a bit Quixote-esque. Is this intentional?

>> No.7198939
File: 162 KB, 424x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn some magic. Expand yr mind.

>> No.7198959

Where do I begin?

>> No.7198967

Real or fake magic?

>> No.7198973

Is there really a difference?

>> No.7198987

Real magic isn't real & fake magic is real. Now that that's out of the way... You were thinking real?

>> No.7199002

Yeah. Well, I was saying there was no difference between the concept of real and fake but hey, it's been six posts spill the beans.

>> No.7199074

It's basically a very norse mythology inspired Witcher with egoism and extreme conservatism abound, with the main character being my own mind trying to deal with what the fuck I prefer the most of the two.

>> No.7199520

Robots, also sex with robots and cyberpunk shit...in Japan.

>> No.7199585

Why is this thread mostly lit-fic and sci-fi?

>> No.7199610

probably because that's what most of the people in the thread are writing. just a guess though

>> No.7199611

>mixing up origin and conditions of possibility
read the phaedos, more aristotle
illiterate nerd can't even get his memes right

>> No.7199625

>mfw this shit happened to someone I know.
I don't know if it was because the environment or the lsd he took there, but he went so crazy he spend a whole year in a psychiatric ward

>> No.7199639

the first part sounds like an spike lee script

>> No.7199662

Mine is about a pair of medically created drug addicts. One is a Dionysian film student made crippled in a childhood accident, the other is a single mother working as a nurse in an urban hospital.

The two of them meet and begin a cycle of personal disintegration ending in one or both of the characters deaths I haven't really worked it all out yet.

>> No.7199864

Gedda loada these light-novelist ovahere, heh

>> No.7199917

Sounds like it would work better as a play tbqh. I can't really imagine anyway that you can maintain the necessary narrative flow a novel in this mode would entail through the whacky misadventures of Goering. I would defs go see this play tho lad

>> No.7200292

Please post

>> No.7200587

Three dudes travel around the country running a courier service for their circle of variously crooked friends/business associates. The focus is on the group dynamic, and psychological (in)stability of the three on their own. They correspond closely to body, soul and spirit, but part of their characterization is a subversion of the divisions between those aspects of humanity.

>> No.7200823

Because thats the easy-mode lit for people that lacks life experience.
Thats 90% of why i want to write syfy.

>> No.7200842

What else are people who shitpost on 4chan all day going to write about

>> No.7200851

bump for feedback on my idea

>> No.7200855

Can't tell if more likely to be Tao or Kolsti...

>> No.7200866

>ancient heretic having a cult with grape symbolism in northern germany on a forest hill
>WWII, a military school built on that hill
>the war is about to be over, allies everywhere
>the cult starts again inside the school on the new light of nazism thanks to psycho philologist
>sacrifice against the evil allied
>the military school gets destroyed, the forest is burnt, all the animals killed, a brothel made by the amerikans with local peasants as prostitutes

basically USA is my enemy and I hate it