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7191703 No.7191703 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favourite of his? Mine is pic related, but honourable mentions go to: Soul Music, The Fifth Elephant, Thief Of Time, Moving Pictures, Going Postal, The Truth, Jingo... fuck, there's too many. The world is a poorer, sadder place without him. RIP.

>> No.7191706

I only read Mort, so that one.

>> No.7191718

I liked his work for nuclear power, good advertising/advocacy.

>> No.7191720

Brah, you are missing out on a metric fuckton of awesome. Try reading Guards! Guards!, the Watch books are fantastic

>> No.7191728

Piss off, ped.

>> No.7191761

The Carpet People

I read it when I was about eight or nine. It was pretty neat. It's the only one of his I've read but no one ever seems to mention it. I wonder why that is.

>> No.7191772

This, I've got mad love for the watch.
My personal favorites are the first two (color if magic, light fantastic) just because of how grand the scope of those adventures are. but every capitalistic bone in my body urges me towards Going Postal

>> No.7191789

Those 2 are excellent, but as far as the grand scope thing goes, Interesting Times takes the prize for me. He completely slays Weeb culture in that one!

>> No.7191792


>> No.7191925

Nation for sure, very nostalgic to me.

>> No.7192118

Ooooh, Pratchett, nice! I read the first 16 Discworld books 15 years ago. I read a few other of his books around that time, The Dark Side of the Sun and Only You Can Save Mankind, both pretty cool.

Of the DW-books, I loved most of the books involving Death, I enjoyed most of the Watch-books, enjoyed the Rincewind books, thought the Witches books were the least enjoyable but still ok. When I got to Soul Magic, I thought it was a bit formulaic, it reminded me a lot of Moving Pictures. I started Interesting Times, but I didn't like that that much, so I didn't finish it then. Haven't read DW-books since, but I've read Nation and the Nome-books in the meantime, which were all very entertaining.

Might restart DW again, they are really great overall.

>> No.7192120

I remember Small Gods being my favorite overall, really enjoyed it.

>> No.7192122

Nation is only from 2008. How can it feel nostalgic? Now I feel old...

>> No.7192166

can't forget Night Watch bro.

>> No.7192219


Here is how to write a Terry Pratchett book: take the big questions (why is there evil? what does it mean to be human? what happens when we die?) and give them small answers (traffic. enjoying god's favorite brand of shortbread cookies. you have to fill out a lot of paperwork.) Then be sure to spend a lot of effort pointing at your own joke and telling people now is the time to laugh.

Terry Pratchett is lazy irony, comedy for dim normies. He would make a good DM. His ideas were good for a few airport-tier books. But his main achievement is being accessible to The Big Bang Theory watchers.

>> No.7192227

Don't forget to take the small questions and give them big answers, of course.

Why is it so hard to get decent beer around here? Why are my taxes so high? (There is a terrible war being fought between the magical forces of good beer and shitty beer, and it has the highest stakes and casualties and blah blah blah so ironic. Your tax dollars are spent on some ironic thing to do with god and philosophy and shit.)

Lazy writing.

>> No.7192243

You two sound like you're the worst to hang out with. Please leave and go masturbate to /Lit/ meme books. kkthxbb

>> No.7192271

He's an enjoyable writer, and reading him does not prevent me from getting to other stuff.

>> No.7192275

this just in, humour often works by subverting expectations
local autist enraged

>> No.7192289


>> No.7192329

People still fall for the literary fiction meme? There's nothing wrong with Pratchett. He is funny, witty, and his prose always flows very well, although I am not a big fan of overly long thoughts/sentences.

On topic, my top 3 favourite books are Hogfather, Going Postal, and The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents.