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7190425 No.7190425 [Reply] [Original]

itt: your most hated book

>> No.7190430

The Bible.

>> No.7190435

Your diary, tbh

>> No.7190439
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>> No.7190683

What do you have against HPMOR op?

>> No.7190742

It's quite poorly written, it's incredibly bloated and meandering it's massively overhyped, it totally abandons the quite interesting promised idea of exploring magic with science, the real science in it is wrong, and the main character never learns, is wrong, or faces major setbacks.

>> No.7190766

Stranger in a Strange Land is one of the worst books I've ever had the displeasure of reading.
>Terrible plot
>Terrible characters
>Terrible writing
>Terrible message
>Terrible setting
There's literally nothing redeemable about it. Heinlen was the Suzanne Collins of the fifties, writing books for children and getting interpreted as a writer for adults by childish imbeciles.
Fanfiction, nomatter how long, is never a book.

>> No.7190793
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>Stranger in a Strange Land
Agreed. He was on par with Ayn Rand in terms of self-indulgent mental masturbation.

>> No.7190804


Meaning of Night by Michael Cox

Shittiest fucking thing. Bad writing, no payoff, characters were fuckin stupid. It's been years and I still seethe at the thought of having read 500+ pages of it.

>> No.7190811

all of pynchon

>> No.7190815
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>> No.7190837

>Fanfiction, nomatter how long, is never a book.
jesus fucking christ

>> No.7190845

Actually, my dad was just telling me today about how much he liked Stranger in a Strange Land. I've never read it, is it the monkey allegory thing?

>> No.7190846

The Alchemist, by Paolo Cheolo.

I hate the self indulgent worldview that it reflects. Truly disgusting.

>> No.7190847


>> No.7190850

This tbh. Worst part is how transparently it is literal propaganda for Yudkowsky's singularity cult.
>>7190766 Paradise Lost isn't a book?

>> No.7190853
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Look at this self satisfied faggot.

>> No.7190880

>writing a book based on a system of cultural beliefs that can be interpreted in many different ways is the same as taking copywritten characters invented by individuals

I mean, you baited me out, but I'm not really sure why.

>> No.7190903
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Nietzsche wrote some interesting stuff before, but this made me think if he was just autistic all along.

>> No.7190920

That cover is fucking hilarious. Wow.

>> No.7190928

You gotta love it for just how scathing it is.

>> No.7190962

>It's quite poorly written,
It's not. It has a quick, endearing, immersing, interesting, funny style. If you don't think that's a good style, it just means you're shit at writing.

>the real science in it is wrong,
It's not. Ignorant fuck.

>and the main character never learns, is wrong, or faces major setbacks.
You mean like the death of his only friend?

Pretentious, talentless twat buttblasted into oblivion.

>> No.7190971

Stop shilling the book you fucking shill.

>> No.7190998

Agreed. I couldn't believe how bad the prose is in Stranger in a Strange Land. I felt embarrassed for Heinlein.

>> No.7191343
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Hester is a slut, Dimmesdale is a dipshit, Chillingworth did nothing wrong.

I was less bothered by Heinlein's prose than by the absolutely retarded premise of the book that if only we would just live in giant sex communes and not wear clothes we could have godlike magical powers.

>> No.7191404

>It's not. Ignorant fuck.
Haha, okay.


>> No.7191869
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>Nothing is more frustrating than getting a student in an introductory quantum mechanics class who thinks they’ve learned it all in the LessWrong sequences (this has happened to me twice)

>> No.7191891

The entire genre of apologetics.

I hate just about everything about apologetics, but the core thing I hate about it is its infallible nature and the fact that authors of this genre have already reached their conclusion in advance, before they've even written down a single word

>> No.7191995

So what, are you supposed to come up with conclusions as you write? Because i can tell you for a fact that that won't make a good novel, anon

>> No.7192015


No, but when you're contemplating something, you should at the very least keep all options open, not make up your answer in advance and have your thoughts be a straight line towards an answer you've already concluded is true before you've done anything. That seems like a marvelous waste of time.

If the act of thinking is like a highway with an infinite number of exits, apologetics is like a highway with no exits

>> No.7192039

Apologetics is more useful for the reader in understanding views about a given topic. I think it would be more useless to meander about in relativism when your audience are people who want to learn about why others have the opinions of a given position that they have.

For instance, in terms of Christian apologetics, Mere Christianity might be classified as a manifesto if C.S. Lewis were the one who conceived of its ideas, but instead he's relating them in contemporary terms and offering justifications for his belief, so he is an apologist.

>> No.7192043

The thing is, alologetics are, quite literaly, text in defense of one precise idea. So how can they work if you're not 100% sure that idea is right?
You may argue that the concept of apologetics is dumb and I might agree, but at least they make sense

>> No.7192049

>Apologetics is more useful for the reader in understanding views about a given topic. I think it would be more useless to meander about in relativism when your audience are people who want to learn about why others have the opinions of a given position that they have.

And what if new information becomes available and you're forced to change your infallible views?

>> No.7192059

Go to bed Yodorowsky

HPMOR is the worst thing on the internet, fucking self-important fedora scientism schmucks. They're ruining science for normal people.

>> No.7192064

>- the levitation already violated conservation of energy,which you found anticlimactic fuck you Hariezer

I love it

>> No.7192076

You assume that just because someone holds a view that they consider themselves infallible. The point is that by arguing a topic you're presenting a case that you believe you have to come to believe is correct. One would hope, that while writing a work of apologetics, that you would place a lot of scrutiny and even out a lot of the kinks of your belief to present your case. I don't see why it's a bad thing to try and present an argument as if you think its correct, what else would be the point?

And even if the apologetic work goes out of date, as in the case of something like Paley's Natural Theology, it still stands as an important historical work of understanding the evolution of ideas and arguments on the topic. For instance, modern day Christian apologetics owes a lot to Paley for his focus on scientific observation on the order of the universe, even if a lot of his precise arguments are now out of date. Natural Theology is also something that's interesting to look at considering Darwin used to sympathize with its views, but then his own scientific discoveries changed his mind.

That's an interesting capsule of how what you talked about works, and why I think it can be pretty useful to look at old arguments and scrutinize them while understanding the context in which they were written.

Not every writer of a text can be omniscient, and sometimes the most interesting authors are those who's views changed over the course of their career. Yes, the human powers of reasoning are fallible, but why shy away from that by NEVER arguing a case at all in case we're wrong? That would lead to stagnation. As long as you use apologetics correctly, there shouldn't be an issue.

>> No.7192095

>the main character never learns, is wrong, or faces major setbacks.

I'll give you the other ones, but he's wrong ALL THE TIME. Harry constantly fucks up, usually by being a short-sighted douche.

>> No.7192101

>implying he's not 100% right on Paul

>> No.7192142

you're an idiot and you don't understand dialectics

>> No.7192143


>> No.7192364

this tbh

>> No.7192386

100 Years of Solitude is pretty awful

>le incest
>le banana plantation
>100 characters who are named Jose

>> No.7192620

HPMOR was fine until it started taking itself seriously. No self awareness in the author at all, and he's also fat without wanting to be so clearly not that clever

>> No.7193101

Ahahahaha. He's a terrible writer.

>> No.7193116


>> No.7193215

This is great, thanks.

>> No.7193256
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The Wealth of Nations

>> No.7193288
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I bought it at an airport on the recommendation of two co-workers.

I like most things but I did not like this.

>> No.7193320


That's a very poor critique mate.

Ulysses is pretty awful

>le dublin
>le walking around doing nothing
>sentences are too long

>> No.7193338


I get involuntary muscle twitches in my arms whenever I read the words "whole-grain crunch".

>> No.7193349

is it literally reddit, the book?

>> No.7193382


>> No.7193395

not the guy you replied to but yeah, its literally a redditor's blog

>> No.7193410

Right but that is not what the massage is. It's more like a change in thought to be more accepting or loving as a whole will help the country. Of course it's not that great or original of a message either.

>> No.7193417


Bro it's more like "2006 GameFAQs Forums: The Book."

>> No.7193433

Why is this man reducing human sexuality and romance to the same significance as what brand of fucking cereal you eat for breakfast?

>> No.7193474

he's either a cuck or fucks his cereal.

>> No.7193511


Most likely both

>> No.7193540


Sex and women are a commodity and object to him

John Green confirmed for shitlord.

>> No.7193872

I read the first 2 chapters. I can't even remember the last time I dropped a book, but this author left me with a oppressive feeling that I was wasting my time. "literally Reddit" is usually just a contrarian meme, but not this time.

>> No.7193985

>John "48 Dicks" Green comparing human beings to cereal

Also a more appropriate metaphor would be a bowl of cereal that 48 people have already eaten out of.

>> No.7194010
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What a piece of fucking shit

>> No.7195536

I'm reading this now.

>> No.7195596
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Had to read in honors English in HS. Worse than native son. Thinks/"thought" she's a lesbian because she was ugly, so she has straight sex, gets pregnant at the end. How can you take this as an honest narrative after that?

>> No.7195610

Anna Karenina

>> No.7195640

That cover...oh man. I wonder when this edition is from.

>> No.7195648

I dunno man the Iliad nmight disagree.

>> No.7195663


While I would go so far as to rebel against the 4chan Geist and say that I agree with Green here that the concept of virginal purity is at this point an outdated concept at best, and at worst the sooty residue of male territoriality which from start to finish has no place in an intellectual discourse, still I think think that his comparison is characteristic of his inability to think about anything in a critical way (or perhaps his audience's inability to think critically, to which he has to cater): a consummated relationship is not a preteen's 5-minute breakfast. It's funny that he professes left-wing economic views while in virtually the same breath he shows that the mundanities of capitalism have become the sole essence of life for him. People are not brandnames.

>> No.7195667

probably LOTR, over-hyped nerd bullshit in my opinion.

>> No.7195724

Like at any restaurant?

>> No.7197288

The story itself is neat but the humor is definitely reddit

>> No.7197333


>> No.7197350

because they really really aren't all that different.

>> No.7197356

Books I have felt visceral anger towards:

Invisible Monsters
The Da Vinci Code
Pay It Forward

and a handful of right-wing political stuff I've hate-read

>> No.7197362

Soon they're gonna be teaching the diff between use-value and exchange value instead of the idiocy of thupply and duhmand, how's that make you feel?

>> No.7197729

I thought Candide reeked of Voltaire's own smugness and self-satisfaction, but he was a damn good troll so I'll withhold binning it.

>> No.7197856

Omg, look at the more current posts under the Hariezer tag. There's a link to the HPMOR subreddit where Eliezer responds to that series and gets downvoted by his followers for being an ass about it. So good.