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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 50 KB, 500x526, Male-vs-Female-colors-random-20558616-500-526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7189667 No.7189667[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

OK, so I'm a man, and like 4 or 5 years ago I realized that nearly all of the literature, music, and art I consumed had been produced by men. I was living in a gender echo chamber.

So I went about fixing that. I prefer reading alternative works published by small presses, and so I started looking for more women authors in that arena. Which was easy.

And over time, I've pretty much gotten sick of most modern male writers. Maybe from overexposure. Maybe not. There's just this general know-it-all, egotistical air in the works of most male writers that makes me roll my eyes constantly.

The worst is when a card carryin' MFA male writes a bunch of vignettes about their childhood (and they love to do this). They totally have IQs of 150 and read like teenagers that still have everything figured out.

Female writers tend to be not nearly as bad about that, though I do think some look for too much cosmic meaning in failed relationships. Dudes don't do that as often.

So yeah, down with male writers, m i rite?

>> No.7189669


>> No.7189672

I read books based on their quality reputation and not on the basis of a male/felame. Maybe women should stop being so self obsessed about being oppressed and try writing good books and make good music. Bjork and Cheslea Wolfe did it, so did Woolf and many others.

>> No.7189673

Go back to tumblr you fiend

>> No.7189678


>> No.7189681

What are some of the better contemporary female authors OP?

>> No.7189683

List your personal top ten of books.

>> No.7189685
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>read female author
>"Her feelings were that she felt bad about her feelings about him that his feelings weren't feelings about her but for someone else whose feeling were feelings..."

>> No.7189691

1. Looking for Alaska
2. New Moon
3. Wuthering Heights
4. Lolita
5. Jane Eyre
6. To the Lighthouse
7. Pride and Prejudice
8. The Scarlet Letter
9. Infinite Jest
10. 50 Shades of Grey

>> No.7189693

Your mind is obviously clouded by the sexual instinct. Female authors are inferior in every regard.

Now go praise Eat, Pray, Love to some lonely cat lady and get laid.

>> No.7189696

Pls be troll

>> No.7189703

fuck off

>> No.7189705

What is required fem-author lit? Besides dickinson and flannery o'connor.

>> No.7189706

>Seam foam

>> No.7189708

Definitely troll.

>> No.7189709
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>people taking this bait.

Fucking /lit/. Every time.

>> No.7189711


okay that was a troll here is the real list:
1. The Trial
2. The Master and Margherita
3. Insatiability
4. Buddenbrooks
5. The Golden Bowl
6. Wuthering Heights
7. Ada or Ardor
8. V.
9. Dead Souls
10. Light in August

>> No.7189721

You mean realist writers from 1850 to 1900 were all female ? Fucking wow.

>> No.7189724

Pls be troll

>> No.7189728

Hey Scaruffi

>> No.7189736

remove dis

>> No.7189739

>reading modern books

That's your problem

>> No.7189745

delet this

>> No.7189748

In my experience men wither write from perspectives of complacency or alienation, while women write from the perspective of having a certain complacency upset by something.

>> No.7189760


>> No.7189798

Most modern fiction is shit. Male or female. Stick to stuff between 1840 and 1940 and you will be getting the golden age stuff. Mostly male though with a few lesbian freaks thrown in for seasoning.

>> No.7189810

I'm OP. I don't have a list. But actually, my favorite writers of all-time are Kerouac and Murakami. So n'yah.

I guess it's important to note that my criticisms really are more based in alternative fiction. Super mainstream fiction follows more established storytelling mechanisms, and as a result I find gender matters a lot less.

>> No.7189813

>The worst is when a card carryin' MFA male writes a bunch of vignettes about their childhood (and they love to do this)

Such as? I assume you're going to have a long list to back up that claim. I also think at this point having an MFA or having taken a Creative Writing class is so ubiquitous that criticizing it is almost naive.

>> No.7189814

>muh uninformed opinions

>> No.7189822

>Now go praise Eat, Pray, Love to some lonely cat lady and get laid.

Naw. I don't like that book.

> In my experience men wither write from perspectives of complacency or alienation, while women write from the perspective of having a certain complacency upset by something.

You're on to something!

>> No.7189832

He has never actually participated in an MFA program or seen how they work, but rest assured, he has read a very memetastic Twitter account and understood most of the references, so he knows what's he doing here

>> No.7189834

>Such as? I assume you're going to have a long list to back up that claim

Just go look at any small alternative/"indie" press. Probably half the writers published are straight out of an MFA program, and many fit my stereotype.

>> No.7189838


>Can't even list one


>> No.7189840

for example...

>> No.7189843

Women are the subvocalizers of the genders

>> No.7189848

so you won't give him an answer? was your OP a lie?

>> No.7189855

I took creative writing classes at a university, with future MFA students. So I've got an idea.

OK. Fine. I like reading about the Midwest, so some examples of books would be Virgin Suicides, River Bend Chronicle, and Made in Detroit.

>> No.7189865

>No contemporary women authors listed in the thread

Not helping your arguement mate.

>> No.7189873


Fuck off back to /r9k/, you frog-posting faggot

Don't shit this board up

>> No.7189875

Whatevs. We all read books. Either you see it or you don't. Do you foresee a list changing your mind? It's a pretty irrelevant request.

>> No.7189885

Dude you read memoirs, "humor" (as a genre) and Jeffrey Eugenides? No one is arguing there are better female writers than these.

>> No.7189886

>posts MRA triggering pic
>I'm a man, and LIKE (nice)
>comment about women only being published by small presses
>I roll my eyes at egotistical males
>down with male writers

Your post reads like someone who has never talked to a woman in real life.

>> No.7189887

No it isn't. You made a claim with zero evidence to back it up, and can't even name the works you're making this claim about. So it's just a troll thread.

>> No.7189890

Ad hominem. Yawn.

>> No.7189893


This is really sad. We all thought you were a troll, but it turns out you're just a moronic loser.

Just leave the thread now, wait a few hours until it is back to page 5, and give up. You don't believe what you're saying. It's okay son.

>> No.7189896

It's a topic about all authors. People just want my "list" so they can criticize my taste in literature, a topic they're more comfortable with. I'll leave you rabble to your nonsense.

>> No.7189898

When will the frogposters fuck off?

>> No.7189899
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pls respond

>> No.7189919

I'd say Le Guin and Woolf. I didn't like Austen, but she is there. Also try out this, probably the best fantasy for children, but not all to popular because of the small language, even if it is just about as good as Tolkien

>> No.7189932

No, people want to know what you're actually referring to. But it seems you just made a generalization based on nothing, and lied about what you read in your OP.

>> No.7189933

piero pls

>> No.7189950

I just wanted you to think -- based on the OP -- that I was a girl who was impersonating a guy, and then for you to berate me and 'redpill' me on how worthless women are.

I'm actually from /r9k/, but I really enjoy when /lit/ take the redpill against women with me. :)

>> No.7189953

So yeah now you know

>> No.7189977

>mentally categorizing writers by their gender

I mean, you do realize you're just projecting perceived differences onto the text right? You do know that your generalizations are in service of an ideology which has no basis in fact?

>> No.7189988

Cather, Morrison, and Akhmatova are unskippable.
plus >>7189919. You can skip Austen unless British class panic and gentleman-liness is interesting to you.

>> No.7189996

Well, yeah, it's not a fact. It's an opinion. So wut?

>> No.7190000

Get a load of this idiot

>> No.7190017

Please go back to the upset virgin board then if you don't know what you're talking about.

>using the term "redpill" unironically

Grow up.

>> No.7190030

Woolf wrote about gender and womanhood you dumb fuck

>> No.7190086

>I do think some look for too much cosmic meaning in failed relationships
This is the sickest burn on Orlando ever.

>> No.7190099

And yet she wasn't completey obsessed with it- it wasn't forced, it was natural an fit the characters as we do follow a mother and her family during a larger part of TTL. Writing about womanhood is different to the modern conception of "gender ideology identity".

>> No.7190115

You're inventing a dichotomy to justify your shallow knowledge of female-written literature. A Room of One's Own and Orlando are quite literally obsessed with gender

>> No.7190130

So are you.

>> No.7190156

If you're referring to gender, I'm definitely not responsible for that

>> No.7190191

I know, it's the Jewish plot

>> No.7190219

Everyone is only posting ironically

>> No.7190300

I wanted a list to see what books to check out.

>> No.7190302

This. I would like to see OP pick out a female written piece out of a short story line up

>> No.7190813
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meh, I read plenty of stuff from women. (mostly smutty fanfiction - don't judge pls, it's a guilty pleasure) Like men they too have good, mediocre and terrible writers. Most of the time you couldn't even tell something was written by a woman unless they specify it in the beginning. It's either good or it's not. Gender has nothing to do with it.

>> No.7190836
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>this thread

>> No.7190918

this is a very orderly bait thread, well done team

>> No.7190937
File: 42 KB, 600x600, 1424560297461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy shit fuck off and die.

>> No.7191083

Is /lit/ a SJW board?

I see tumblr and SRS propoganda being posted openly and non-ironically.

>> No.7191102
File: 302 KB, 680x1024, rebecca_cairns_photographer_portrait_d_un_femme_71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10. 50 Shades of Grey

>> No.7191150

I like Karen Horney, Sylvia Plath and Torey Hayden. Or french stuff like Nathalie Sarraute, Elisabeth Badinter, Marie NDiaye...
Didn't try Woolf or Dickinson. I've heard Dickinson is the shit.
Was disappointed with Sarah Kane.

>> No.7191161
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>It's either good or it's not. Gender has nothing to do with it.
this is what liberals think

and yes, you can tell whether a whore is the writer

>> No.7191162


>Is /lit/ a SJW board?

No, lol. Half of these plebs ignore all female writers.

It isn't all bad, though. I'd rather be surrounded by pleb dunces than SJW harpies.

>> No.7191174

Agreed fam. Bjork's music is very influenced by her feminity and her sexuality and uses that energy to create unique well crafted art that embodies her womanhood instead of taking the lazy and less tasteful route of making art that is essentially just conplaining about who the artist us treated

>> No.7191190


>> No.7191191
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ebin, simply ebin

and so many people have fallen for it too, congrats I guess

>> No.7191192

Bringing it back to new crit.

I don't give a shit about who wrote it or why. I just read it on its own.

Problem solved

>> No.7191271

If you notice the gender of an author, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.7191274
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p good list, switch infinite jest and 50 shades of grey and you're there in my book friend.

>> No.7191306
File: 40 KB, 296x475, stupeur-et-tremblements-551180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl is pretty good.
Writes about Japan and crazy shit.