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/lit/ - Literature

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7189445 No.7189445 [Reply] [Original]

why do people think this shit is literary

>> No.7189455

From a literary perspective, Planescape: Torment is the only worthwhile video-game.

>> No.7189458

They don't. Can you point out specifically someone who does?

>> No.7189459

The real barenziah was engaging

>> No.7189460
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>he can't into CHIM gnostic mysticism
looks like we've got a plebe here boys

>> No.7189466

because it has a lot of text for a video game

the books are awful but the main narrative is engaging

>> No.7189469

>hasn't read the modernist masterpiece lusty argonian maid

>> No.7189480

there are in fallout books (lusty argonian maid, real barenziah...) like in elder scroll?

>> No.7189481

Can anyone recommend a video game that's good for beginners to games, but for people who are also a patrician (okay, not really, but better read than most people) when it comes to /lit/erature? I prefer something not too action-filled because I don't have very good reflexes, and I prefer something that requies little strategizing because I'm not good at that either.

The only game I tried playing is Dark Souls 2 but it was too hard and I couldn't get very far.

>> No.7189487


>> No.7189492

this >>7189487
games are for gameplay

>> No.7189495

Life is Strange :^)
Seriously i would recommend Pathologic but it still can be quite hard for a beginner.

>> No.7189496

For Anglos:

Long = Literary

Which is why you see shit like "Graphic Novel" which is just a really long comic book. But in their brains this means it's literary because the only thing they know about literature is that it's LONG.

>> No.7189499

>Life is Strange

I've seen videos of that and it literally looks like interactive YA fiction.

>> No.7189500

Try Banner Saga. It's not really lit-heavy but does more with narrative and atmosphere than most in this experience category. Transistor is even less "lit", even more ambience and music.

If you like cheesy books like Neuromancer, there's Shadowrun Returns. More dialogue, and cyberpunk slang isn't uninteresting if you're not already familiar with it.

>> No.7189501

But Mario also has the deepest lore.

>> No.7189518

Some one mentioned Planescape Torment earlier in the thread. It's got a really nice story and lots to read. No quick reflexes required. Maybe also diablo 1 or 2 and Baldurs gate 1 and 2. Check out gog.com they'll have some good ones there.

>> No.7189523

People regard Morrowind as more intellectual because its setting is very odd and seemingly complex in comparison to almost all other fantasy video games. It is also very detailed, with lots of hidden items, memorable personalities, different kinds of factions and cults to join, and very few features to help you find your way through the game (you can only use your map and the advice of characters in the game to find your way around the island, for the most part). It is also valued for its in depth magic system, which allows you to customize your own spells and use them to do uncommon things like levitate, walk on water, and jump very high in the air, as well as for its in depth alchemy system, which allows you to create your own potions from various ingredients.However, the game has shortcomings, such as lots of characters who have literally copy-pasted dialogue, lots of books that say nothing of value, a controversial combat system, and lots of bugs.

It's considered to be acclaimed, but on the internet it's very controversial. Boards like /lit/ will detest it for being a video game as well as not living up to the hype of being incredibly intellectual and creative, boards like /v/ will detest it because it makes people mad and because it's very challenging and old, etc. Personally, it's one of my favorite video games because it has great gameplay and a fantasy setting that is refreshing- for a video game, at least. It has great exploration and I recommend that everybody here gives it a fair chance if you're a fan of video games.

>> No.7189524

Not many games with really deep and rewarding writing are super beginner-friendly, with no action/reflex skill curve or need for strategy. Most games claiming to be both easy and deep are just hipster trash, with "endearing" but simplistic storylines and moe pixel art.

All the games with the deepest writing are usually flawed weird shit like Morrowind, Planescape, Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines, Arcanum, Fallout 1, 2, and NV, KOTOR2, Mask of the Betrayer, etc. All of those games are dense as fuck, most are unfinished and buggy, and a lot of them are a frustrating mixture of genuine difficulty and artificially difficulty as a result of being unfinished. But they also all have writing and story elements that I haven't seen or have rarely seen in literature, especially in speculative fiction, sometimes stuff so good I don't even think the writers were aware of how precocious it was for vidya as a medium.

>> No.7189544

It's best to go into video games not looking for literature but looking for video games. Often times video games are about solving puzzles in which the solutions are also difficult to execute- a good platformer will make you have to think hard about how to go about beating a level and on top of that make the solution very difficult to pull off. Video games can also be about competition, such as fighting games. These require you to know what your opponent wants and punish accordingly for that, and like platformers, will take thought to realize these things and practice to execute.

Video games get a lot of criticism here, but I think it's because they're expecting them to be something that they're not. Look at them for what they are and they can be good.

>> No.7189552

The majority of those are easily fixed by patches and mods (especially morrowind; still has an active mod community and great overhauls that modernise the game (e.g make it look prettier while retaining the original style)) >>7189481
Honestly mate play Dark Souls 1; Morrowind; Crusader Kings 2. They're the good games

>> No.7189555
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it's aesthetic

>> No.7189562

A lot of influences from Antiquity as well, from Gnosticism to Mesopotamia

>> No.7189565

How are Mesopotamian influences present in Morrowind?

>> No.7189574
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The Dwemer and the Ashlander tribes

>> No.7189577

Dark Souls 1. Also hard, but a much better game all-round than DS2. DS2 was made by a different dev team and it's a much less polished and less enjoyable game

>> No.7189581

Xenogears or Le Final Fantasy VII

>> No.7189591
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Do you guys think there will ever be a time when we see the birth of the Grand Video Game, infused with the high spirit of the era, or are they just forever destined to be capitalist toys or at best "little" artworks? How would such a game even look like? Like the game Azad from the Ian M Banks novel?

>> No.7189593

And a lot of the naming, for example: Dagoth Ur (pic related); a lot of the location names ( Ashurnibibi, Sargon, etcetera)

>> No.7189597
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forgot pic lmoa

>> No.7189598
File: 454 KB, 658x924, 1313553176_by_ruanjia-d6j78yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, so much. Planescape: Torment was fucking amazing.

>> No.7189602

I wish there was a game that was more or less Morrowind set in the world of 100 Years of Solitude.

>> No.7189620

Nier's pretty easy and has an interesting plot and an amazing soundtrack.

>> No.7189877

because that's what people think when they are 15

>> No.7189894

Witcher 3.
On easy difficulty.
Lots of story and lore and it isn't difficult at all if you play on easy.
I was able to strategize and kill a level 34 boss as a level 22. (It wasn't easy but it shows how much easier it makes the game if it is feasible to do that with *smart* strategy and reflexes)
And shit your level or lower?
Push over.

>> No.7189974

Half Life 1 and 2

>> No.7190389

it's a poorly-written fantasy mystery you retards

>> No.7190411

The story itself is not that deep of course, but I think it deserves a little praise because of its focus on dialogue and text reading comprehension of the player over simple hack 'n slash action.

>> No.7190500
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Supergiant games are really good at this. Both Bastion and Transistor are genuinely good as both art and video games. Transistor is a little more complicated gameplay-wise but it's not exactly rocket science.

You might also want to look into the Stanley Parable if you're into post-modernism

>> No.7190504

The games you listed are among my favorites.

I adore the awkward novelty that emerged during the leap to video games in a three-dimensional environment.
I miss the immersion I felt in a faulty game engine littered with walls of text and catalogs of lore. It's nothing but a nostalgic charm to me these days.
Then again, games do a much better job at showing instead of telling as time goes on, so there's that.

>> No.7190506

Oh hey a /v/ thread on /lit/

>> No.7191001


mass effect 1, 2 and maybe 3

>> No.7191013

mass effect 1
>wow this IP is really good, let's make a mediocre, cynically simplistic game out of it and ignore all the nuances and interesting departures from the genre in favour of beating the player over the head with obvious tropes
mass effect 2
>let's literally not advance the story at all, but needlessly complicate it and ruin the one thing about the previous game we inadvertently got right, the cosmic horror aspects of the villains, by turning them into caricatures
mass effect 3
>let's let three fat nepotistic whores write it, finish it in 1/10th the time that would be professionally responsible, and rush it for release on brand recognition

Bioware: The tumor that killed the WRPG genre

>> No.7191229

Red Dead Redemption. From a gameplay perspective it is basically Grand Theft Auto with horses, but the story and characters are really good (for a videogame at least).

>> No.7191287

Silent Hill 2.