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7188504 No.7188504[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Atheists 0, Christians 1

Why is atheism the worst religion?

>> No.7188515

>implying Methodists aren't worse

>> No.7188527

I still don't get why athiesm is a thing. If you read Aquinas, you'll see how he objectively proves god. Not a single person has been able to refute his proofs.

>> No.7188566

The cosmological argument basically said you would need something that doesn't need to have a cause to exist in order to create something that needs a cause.


yeah, it's an interesting idea and Aquinas was fucking brilliant, but it doesn't prove that God, as we know it, exists. He really, really does not objectively prove God, despite how intelligent he was.

>> No.7188568

Op that's about one of the worst movies ever made and also some of the most typically laughed at arguments ever.

>> No.7188587
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>> No.7188588

Check out Spinoza too. He uses more or less same logic to prove that nothing except God can exist, making the whole concept redundant.

>> No.7188589

Where's scotus bro he'd say your wrong

>> No.7188594
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Smfh fam.

>> No.7188603

where does this shit idea of god being such an undeniably natural part of life come from?

puuuuuure i dee ol o gee

>> No.7188621

Is that fucking hercules?

>> No.7188639
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>"God Is Not Dead"
I get that you aren't serious about this and aren't a real life Christian and just trolling but fuck me that movie gets on my nerves. The majority of college students are religious, religious campus groups across all universities tend to have more membership than any other group.

Also, fuck you for taking Nietzsche's quote of context. I'm so tired of talking about Nietzsche, he was a terrible fucking writer, a terrible fucking philosopher and a probably an extremely unpleasant man in personal life. The point of the Mad Man story wasn't Nietzsche's bold endorsement of atheism or any fucking thing like that like both sides of this retarded debate seem to think, the point was that God was no longer the focal point of western culture. Veneration, understanding of, and appeasement of God wasn't concerning people in their day to day lives due to scientific and commercial progress. That's it. Nietzsche definitely didn't like Christians but he also lamented the passing of Christianity (or as he saw it) due to the cultural cornerstone it had provided for the west.

>> No.7188648

This is actually a pretty spot on post. I do shudder to imagine a God who actually didn't even intend for humanity or life to come about

Can you imagine that? This being that we couldn't even fathom willing into existence an immense universe. Why would it even care about us? Who are we to assume it even perceives sentience like we do? What if it isn't even conscious? What if it doesn't bother with acknowledging us?

I wish I had never been born tbh fam

>> No.7188667

Since when are majority of students Christian? I'm in one of the most religious countries in Europe and study in a very religious town and it's 30% max.

>> No.7188784

He seems American. Here too in supposed fedoraland (France) we are many Catholics where I am. But there is also a considerable number of fedoraic elements.