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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 66 KB, 620x387, George-Orwell-_2751719b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7188378 No.7188378 [Reply] [Original]

Brilliant authors with shit-tier fans.

>> No.7188392

very specific thread tbh

>> No.7188396
File: 153 KB, 1280x715, vonnegut2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look at my Vonnegut asterisk tattoo! Isn't it random? So it goes!

>> No.7188412


To be honest, I actually don't consider Orwell to be that great. I enjoyed animal farm and 1984, but these books are just blatant anti stalinist/authoritarian propaganda. I generally prefer more in-depth and indirect literature like Kafka or Joyce.

>> No.7188417
File: 59 KB, 435x600, tolkien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


10000% this.

>> No.7188419

But that's an anus, anon

>> No.7188424


Nice use of irony OP

>> No.7188429


>> No.7188433


>> No.7188434

David Foster Wallace

>> No.7188436

Most Tolkien fans are pseudos, they often haven't read anythong after the first 100 pages of LotR

>> No.7188437


This. I haven't met anybody who has read his masterpiece the Silmarillion

>> No.7188440

why is this so awesome

>> No.7188444

I've met myself.

>> No.7188452


I actually agree, Orwell is overrated and over-hyped. It's probably because so popular because so many teenagers read it in high-school

>> No.7188454

true he's overrated, but it's a meme to hate this book on /lit/

>le i didn't like it because i was forced to read it in high school and i secretly hate reading xd

>> No.7188459
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Try to prove me wrong.

Pro-tip: You can't

>> No.7188462

Why did you put "can't" behind a spoiler?

>> No.7188465

Because you can't.

>> No.7188467

Anything that's good but that also high schoolers know about.

>> No.7188469

Yes I can. See? Just did it. Pretty easy, to be honest....

>> No.7188470

>tfw no one realises that Orwell's best book is his non-fiction Homage to Catalonia

>> No.7188471

Chuck Palahniuk, but only Rant and maybe Choke.

>> No.7188472

You're retarded tbh fam.

>> No.7188474

And you're abusing the spoiler feature. You realize that's against the rules, right? I could report you for it, but I don't think that's worthwhile, as it's not particularly egregious crime.

>> No.7188478

Thanks anon :^)

>> No.7188479

No one I know who has been through high school recently has read this book (which is everyone I know, I'm 20)

>> No.7188484

maybe we're oldfags now

what did you guys read in high school

>> No.7188500


Mostly less sophisticated books like lord of the flies, animal farm, to kill a mockingbird, great Gatsby, etc. Nothing like Joyce or Kafka

>> No.7188507
File: 59 KB, 695x641, Robert E Howard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna say Capitan Fedora, but he isn't exactly brilliant either. But oh are his fans the worst.

>> No.7188514


I agree with the shit-tier fans, but Orwell isn't brilliant. He's good, not great.

>Brilliant author
Agree with the shit fans though.

Finally, a real one. Not that I've read Tolkien much.

>> No.7188518
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>> No.7188525

I realise, anon.

>> No.7188537
File: 5 KB, 259x194, nitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't think of anyone who fits the description more than this man.

>> No.7188585
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This man for sure.

>> No.7188627
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The Beats generally are good writers undermined today by legions of spoiled young fans who reduce their writing and how they live to "I'm superior and enlightened for my rich kid tourism"

>> No.7188642

Does he even have fans?

>> No.7188654
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>> No.7188657
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>> No.7188658

Fuck Nietzsche, literal meme philosopher

This. This so fucking hard. It sucks too because the dumbfuck soviets essentially ruined any chance of the west ever adopting anything close to mainstream marxism. Now what we get is massive as fuck multinational corporations that divvy up all of the mass media between the 6 of themselves.

Seriously though, fuck all of you for ruining one of the greatest philosophers of all time and making his name synonymous with the devil

>> No.7188709
File: 7 KB, 183x275, plato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously Plato

>> No.7188755
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>> No.7188827

so far all I've learned is that authors are usually better than their fans

and why should it be otherwise? the important thing is not think about fandom when you think about literature. because fandom is a mostly meaningless mental image of 'this is what you are if you like X', a totally useless way of thinking which will only ever dissuade you from enjoying things.

>> No.7188834

Kek, derivative, manipulative look at muh depression lady
better than road to wigan tier part I?


>> No.7188840
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>> No.7188852

Yep. This guy.

He writes about SO MUCH, but all anyone can say when they read him is "le eldritch cthulhu!"

>> No.7188860

don't forget "muh tentacles" and "he so racist"

>> No.7188882

>Cthulhu Cthulhu Cthulhu Cthulhu Cthulhu Cthulhu Cthulhu Cthulhu Cthulhu Cthulhu Cthulhu Cthulhu Cthulhu Cthulhu Cthulhu Cthulhu Cthulhu Cthulhu Cthulhu

It's all they fucking know about his writing. So shameful.

>> No.7188890


High school English teachers?

>> No.7188895

When the movies started coming out I realized a special treasure of my childhood was about to be raped repeatedly by popular culture.

>> No.7188898

>Im the only person I know who read The Children of Hurin.

>> No.7188901

You might as well just read the Bible.

>> No.7188904

He very, very much deserves his shit fans.

>> No.7188905

I went backpacking with a random group of people once, and of the 8 people, there of us had red the Silmarillion and 5 had red the Lord of the Rings. Good times

>> No.7188911

Because eating up the libprop is doing wonders for furthering Marxism amirite? %)

>> No.7188913
File: 1.03 MB, 2448x3264, 20151003_145247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you think the Bible an the Silmarillion are the same, you haven't read either

I actually started reading it, but I stopped after 3 chapters. I wanted to read more from Tolkien after I finished everything else, but it felt like a weak version of the Hobbit

Pic related

>> No.7188918

I've read both. They are both bunch of vague long winded stories about creation and bunch of other things no sane person would care about knowing.

>> No.7188925


Funny how the Children of Hurin isn't even published in the same style as the others

>> No.7188960


Both the bible and the Silmarillion aren't really about cold hard memorization and knowing the specific facts, but it's about grasping the complexity of a troubled world.

>> No.7188964

Read his essay collections

>> No.7188973
File: 41 KB, 600x579, Comfy_guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this guy gets it

sound like a comfy trip :3

>> No.7189001

This, he is an incredible journalist and fantastic writer.
It's a shame he is mostly known for his status as one of the Four Horsemen, when he has spend most of his career writing about issues unrelated to religion.

>> No.7189004

Really most of the shit that some people bash on /lit/, typically because it is associated with pretentious try-hards, are things that most people aren't familiar with. Say what you will about the quality of 1984 as a novel but some of the concepts explored in that book with an almost ominous "what if" kind of air are basic realities of modern life.

>> No.7189020


> taking a picture of yourself while shaving and smoking a cigarette

What a fucking try-hard

>> No.7189111

Orwell is great (his essays are, at least), but I wouldn't say he is brilliant. His fans are really shitty.

>> No.7189114



>> No.7189187

it's a meme you dip

>> No.7189243

>Great Gatsby
>less sophisticated
Read it again. And again.

>> No.7189355

Marxism is retarded anyways. Thank god this sterile ideology will soon be a footnote in the history of failed ideologies.

>> No.7189482
File: 98 KB, 500x375, lot49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Pynchon yet

>> No.7189519
File: 43 KB, 480x359, Nietzsche1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop posting sh00ped photos anon.

>> No.7189527

underrated post

>> No.7189541

typical edgy neckbeard trying too hard. Was a shit-tier journalist who ruined atheism with his fanaticism and was more concerned with creating controversies to stay relevant.

>> No.7189546
File: 41 KB, 600x481, nietz horse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no one understands him

>> No.7189564


>> No.7190653


>> No.7190687
File: 55 KB, 1058x1058, 11-ayn-rand.w529.h529.2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7190709

pynchon, mccarthy, delillo, nabakov

>> No.7190764


>> No.7192375

Can't believe she wasn't posted sooner.

>> No.7192385

This and many of the commie/anarcho authors. Seems like all their fans want is to push their own agenda.

>> No.7192582



>> No.7192677

I read that book probably eight years ago. I don't remember a single character surviving the ending, either by murder or suicide.

>> No.7192706

>brilliant author

>> No.7193163

God that book was good. Best thing Tolkien ever wrote.

>> No.7193331

>I sure do love me some unjustified hierarchies
>Thank the lord for my 9-5
>There's literally no alternative to capitalism lul, its just human nature XD

>> No.7193610

Have you solved the economic calculation problem? Also do you consider the collective over the individual a heiarchy, what about a teacher to student, Doctor patient. Or are you against heiarchies that don't benefit you.

>> No.7195524

I actually came to Lovecraft the shit out of this post. Glad I'm not the only one.

>> No.7195636
File: 46 KB, 290x378, Heidegger-black-notebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7195702

My nigga. Finding out that non-fiction is what made Orwell great is a big step towards patricianship.

>> No.7195882

He looks like adam Lanza

>> No.7196484

Pynchon fans tend to be pretty cool, in my experience.

>> No.7196498
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>> No.7196516

When you say Orwell was good, not great, I'm interested as to hearing why. Not that I disagree, but Orwell is frequently, if not constantly at the top of those author lists. I'm not very clued-up on literature on what differs the good from the great.

>> No.7196520

>making his name synonymous with the devil
Hello, America. Are you excited to read Liu Mingfu's "The Twilight of Hegemony"?


>> No.7196931

>no Hitler yet

>> No.7196942


most supporters are shit and most opponents are shit

>> No.7196944

because he was a shit-tier author with even shittier-tier fans

>> No.7197079

Kind of the opposite in my opinion--I think he has better fans than he deserves. And a lot of works and authors in the Marxian tradition are very interesting albeit flawed because of their acceptance of Marx.

>> No.7197084

Nah. Bukowski fans fit the Bukowski just right.

>> No.7197088

Children of Hurin would make a very good "serious" potentially R rated film if Jackson did it in the same method as The Two Towers.

>> No.7197094

>implying any form of government can touch the greatness of absolute monarchy due to the human condition.

Why even try honestly? Too many plebs.

>> No.7197097

A Board of Directors structure with a CEO wielding absolute power that is by necessity delegated to internal presidents and vice-presidents would be interesting to watch.

Then it would be the MBAs, not the lawyers who would run the world.

>> No.7197201

>A Board of Directors structure with a CEO wielding absolute power that is by necessity delegated to internal presidents and vice-presidents would be interesting to watch.
This already exists--it's called the Westminster system. It's not measurably different in terms of first-order policy outcomes.