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/lit/ - Literature

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7185896 No.7185896 [Reply] [Original]

Greeting /lit/
I recently finished reading pic related, and would like some suggestions as to what I should read next. I don't read that much, but I would like to start reading more, so please give me more books with this kind of surrealistic, existentialist writing.
Would also like to hear your opinions on this book, personally I loved it.

>> No.7185913
File: 26 KB, 382x580, JLI5163761.1394870436.580x580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try any of Raymond Queneau's , Georges Perec (specially life an user's manual and homme qui dort) or pic related for something in between proto existentialism and fin de siecle decadent lit.

>> No.7185917

god that cover art looks like the minotaur is pulling a big booger out of its eye, jesus christ

>> No.7185919

is there an audiobook somewhere of this?

>> No.7186007

Go for Red Grass (L'herbe rouge) from Vian

>> No.7186268

Thanks for the suggestions, I just looked in my bookshelf and found life an user's manual, so I think I'm gonna try reading that
I'm actually reading that at the moment, but I'm almost done and I've quite enjoyed it so far, thanks for the suggestion though!

>> No.7186862

OP I would really recommend "The Opposing Shore" by Julien Gracq.

Not only does it exactly fit what you describe but it has literally 10/10 prose, even with it being a translation

If you've seen that popular meme with the black man wearing shades biting his lip with the caption "dat ass", I was feeling like that while reading it but with "dat prose" instead.