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/lit/ - Literature

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7184669 No.7184669 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ need suggestions for year 12 major work (ausfaghere) i need to do a series of short stories or series of poems or 1 6000 word short story. give us a hand fam

>> No.7184679

Write an epic poem about a morbidly obese incontinent faggot who actively tries to get AIDS but fails because no one wants to fuck him.

>> No.7184703

Like write them or do analysis? If it is the latter check out William Blake or William Butler Yeats, they are two of the most accessible English language poets. You can find their work in most libraries.

>> No.7184742
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Hey man, I also am doing that! (NSW calls it English Extension 2, not sure if this is shared across Australia).

I'm probably going to do a short story broken up into different arcs, with the story itself in a labyrinthine style similar to the Crying of Lot 49.

I don't have much to suggest, other than what other people have told me and that is do something completely original, and don't neglect the theoretical research, e.g. researching post-modernism.

Other than general writing tips, such as write about things you know, I suggest you don't go all out on it in the first term, and that you research very deliberately your main idea.

Good luck!

>> No.7185112

>>7184742 Yeah I was thinking of writing short stories based on Bob Dylan ballads. IT seems like you're pretty set man. And yeah I'm in NSW too. Thanks for the tips.

>> No.7185214

Hah i remember my major work. Fuck fam, ny shit was retarded asf