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7184027 No.7184027 [Reply] [Original]


Gravity's rainbow: The reading group

So, to get started, I'm not impressed thus far.

What do you think?

>> No.7184084

Now I'm sad...

Anyway, I think that GR'll pick up. the language is beautiful enough.

>> No.7184091

I read it several months ago but I wasn't really feeling it immediately either. Though after page 20 or so I was hooked.

>> No.7184211

how the fuck are you not hooked at banana breakfast?

>> No.7184221
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Season's knives! Velvet dark! Plucked out of the sky like a steel banana! Based Pinecone freebasing off the English language, David Foster Checklist can't touch diz.

>> No.7184226

>reading GR as your first Pynchon


>> No.7184232
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Bad idea

>> No.7184256
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>an actual reading group on /lit/!
>it's for nineteentotwentyyearoldcore pomo kitsch

>> No.7184260


this is the best book written in the last 60 years

>> No.7184264

I can't think of a single 19-20 year old who's even heard of this book. You seem retarded.

>> No.7184271

well memed

>> No.7184275


It's not a meme, a joke or an exaggeration

>> No.7184277

Change "day" to "date", then you will have a decent chart.

Also a way to spruce this up is to open up a google docs and post the chapter's text in the document. Then allow anons to put citations and footnotes on the side of the content, allowing us to read while having a /lit/ perceptive.

>> No.7184279

I first read this book at age 17. I told all my friends to read it as well.

>> No.7184282

>he fell for a meme

>> No.7184287


Keep repeating that

It'll make the book start sucking

Or you could just read it and stop falling for your own memes

>> No.7184306





>> No.7184352

You can generally tell how good a book is by how nauseating its volunteer detractors are

>> No.7184538

I'm reading this right after finishing Lot 49, and so far it's not as hard to follow as I expected. Got a few chuckles outta me, but nothing major. Pirate's condition was an interesting concept.

>> No.7184548

give me a link u dicks pdf preferab;y

>> No.7184556


>> No.7184557

You're retarded m8.

>> No.7184563

lesser readers

>> No.7184638

Spoilers do not ruin a book like this. This isn't Infinite Jest. It's actually an experience to read rather than hormonal "oh gosh who will kill themselves next??"

>> No.7184650
File: 37 KB, 640x370, ea6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Once upon a time Slothrop cared. No kidding. He thinks he did, anyway. A lot of stuff prior to 1944 is getting blurry now. He can remember the first Blitz only as a long spell of good luck. Nothing that Luftwaffe dropped came near him. But this last summer they started in with those buzzbombs. You’d be walking on the street, in bed just dozing off suddenly here comes this farting sound over the rooftops—if it just keeps on, rising to a peak and passing over why that’s fine, then it’s somebody else’s worry . . . but if the engine cuts off, look out Jackson—it’s begun its dive, sloshing the fuel aft, away from the engine burner, and you’ve got 10 seconds to get under something. Well, it wasn’t really too bad. After a while you adjusted—found yourself making small bets, a shilling or two, with Tantivy Mucker-Maffick at the next desk, about where the next doodle would hit. . . .
>But then last September the rockets came. Them fucking rockets. You couldn’t adjust to the bastards. No way. For the first time, he was surprised to find that he was really scared. Began drinking heavier, sleeping less, chain-smoking, feeling in some way he’d been taken for a sucker. Christ, it wasn’t supposed to keep on like this. . . .

>> No.7184853

Pick bananas.

>> No.7185002

What's up guys, I just marathoned the first sentence of Gravity's Rainbow

>A screaming comes across the sky.

What did he mean by this?

>> No.7185091

Dude, you have to read at least till it holds across the sky. Then come back and report.

>> No.7185096

I read up to about page 23 in my 902 page edition. A few years ago I got up to 100 and something but gave up. I've previously read all of pynchon's books except against the day (also gave up on bleeding edge, inherent vice, against the day haven't yet read slow learner)

It's OK so far, surprisingly coherent. Pynchon must have known even at this early stage of his career that he can get away with anything as long as he puts on his "serious voice" every once in a while. I'm going to see this in the same way I see against the day - pointless ramblings

>> No.7185098

God you're such a smug shithead. You will never get anything out of the arts.

>> No.7185105

>also gave up on
>I've read
You haven't tbqhwu m8

>> No.7185118


I feel bad standing on the sidelines while others do stuff and I'm just a voice saying stuff. But I am more than willing to get on my knees and shout about how i'm seeing genius and i'm not worthy etc.

Pynchon's jesus status and pomo faggotry has done much harm tbh.

>> No.7185308

>jesus status
You may've got your memes mixed up, lad

>> No.7185325

N u def got yr lads mix'd up, meme

>> No.7185329

American lit is worse than shit, what could he possibly get out of reading it?

>> No.7185615

>The appeal of infinite jest is twists

>> No.7185696

>jesus status
Would you please quit trying to insidiously introduce your DFW everywhere?

>> No.7185807
File: 240 KB, 1656x1009, emma_laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I've previously read all of pynchon's books
> except AtD
> also didn't read BE
> oh neither did I IV or SL
> GR? nein
> I've previously read all of pynchon's books

It's the small things that bring me back to 4chan

>> No.7185932

I have also read all of Pynchon's books if you don't count the words in them

>> No.7185950

by introducing do you mean replying to bait, then yes I agree I should stop.

>> No.7186026

Yeah pseudo intellectual twist that are disguised as dense plot devices.

>> No.7186041

I didn't get it.

>> No.7187749
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I like it so far feels more melancholic than Col49, IV.but i think that is the point is the darkness