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7181521 No.7181521[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is Sam Hyde the voice of a generation?


>> No.7181535

>don't be racist, support stand-up comedy
kek, got me from the first instant

>> No.7181537

He's a voice in a generation for sure.

>> No.7181543
File: 501 KB, 955x804, Sam Hyde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7181573


Is he just pulling stats out of his ass?

>> No.7181581

He pulls all his stats from /pol/, Daily Stormer, and weev's Twitter. In other words, the most respected, peer-reviewed sources.

>> No.7181597


the red pill is a powerful, big pharma drug with terrible side effects. Not enough people realize this and that is why ""conservative"" comedy isn't funny.

>> No.7181599
File: 317 KB, 500x333, 1363713036462s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw he blatantly shills his content across several boards and people don't notice

I love you sam

>> No.7181602


he'll never be as good as Jace so he can shill as much as he fuckin wants.

>> No.7181603
File: 528 KB, 276x305, Sam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7181614

yellow inside :)

>> No.7181621
File: 126 KB, 659x723, 1371229388223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He honestly weirds me out a bit. Very funny but unsettling at the same time.

>> No.7181654

do you think the chronic nausea I feel is because I know what's coming for the West?

>> No.7181660

It's making you wet isn't it?

>> No.7181664

I find sam's vids comforting because I feel like he "gets it". I feel like Sam is who I'd be if I were depressed.

>> No.7181685

Everybody's laughing. It's not funny anymore.

>> No.7181689

I think he's finally gotten enough exposure that comedy audiences know what to expect from him and fans actually seek him out. Some idiot told me he lived in Boston and I got really excited thinking I could catch him at a comedy club here but turns out he's based in Brooklyn.

>> No.7181693

Sam Hyde is dull 'ironic B)' /pol/ shite

>> No.7181697

he lives in Fall River

>> No.7181701

There's a /tv/ thread up alleging that he bangs transexuals. He's not so good at practicing what he preaches.


>> No.7181702

Call it borat effect, but you know objectively it's nowhere near as good as his TED talk, inconvienient anime, or the homosexuality standup.

>> No.7181705

That's cause you're a dumbass cuck you retard, Hyde is a comedic genius; you just don't like him because he triggers you

>> No.7181707

whoops, borked the link


>> No.7181714

when did he say you're not allowed to bang transexuals?

>> No.7181718

I still find it humorous how 90% of his fanbase consists of users with anime profiles

>> No.7181726
File: 433 KB, 1005x920, 1443672692532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sam Hyde is the perfect example of a self-hating white male subhuman, so yes, I guess he is the voice of a generation.

>I'm really not a weird creep

>> No.7181740

>missing the point
I dont think you're on sam's level fam

>> No.7181741

>he was being ironic -__-
If you think he's on any sort of level, then you need to sort your shit out son

>> No.7181742

His whole schtick was to play off the audience reactions and context, he make a half assed attempt to do it in this video, but there's just none of that friction.

With something like the migrant crisis, half of the coverage comes from pro-migrant sources that expose people to anti-migrant sources as "nasty xenophobia" because it's the only material and it's guaranteed to get them riled.

>> No.7181743

I'm not trying to be humorous, shitnigger. I find it interesting how some people are willing to pay for sex; I find it telling that they would have to.

>> No.7181750

Sam should a Germany - Sweden tour

>> No.7181756
File: 1.35 MB, 500x437, fetish.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't understand irony
i pity you

>> No.7181758

so is Sam paying for sex, banging transexuals or fucking vulnerable hot 20 year olds?
he's been accused of all three

>> No.7181762

if you've seen his q&a videos, you can tell when he's being ironic and when he gets serious. the giveaway here is him calling it "a porn". Sam isn't that autistic.

>> No.7181764

I understand it's irony; I'm just saying it's shit.

>> No.7181767

Oh ok. It is pretty in-depth, though, isn't it? Beats even the driest of british humor by a country mile.

>> No.7181770
File: 1.66 MB, 2480x2482, 1443672758878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We fucked for like 40 seconds

He must have been prematurely ejaculating ironically

>> No.7181771

I already asked him to come to Montreal, which is a lot more feasible and probably just as good.

It's already filled with assholes from New England.

>> No.7181772

Why are Sam Hyde fans so consistently shit?

It's the age factor, isn't it?

>> No.7181773

honestly what are you doing dude lol

how can you make fun of someone by acting like even more of a creep than them and being anonymous

>> No.7181774

It's because we don't have regular wars to clean up the gene pool.

>> No.7181776

get out of here sam you creep

>> No.7181777


It isn't humor. If you're from /pol/ (which you probably are), the OP video is the 'red pill' equivalent of "REPUBLICANS LMAO."

It doesn't matter how much you like his political statements, if they aren't funny then agreeing with him is no better than agreeing with a pundit. There's nothing to be gained in a "literary" sense, as opposed to a political sense. What self-reflection is required when the enemy is so clearly identified?

And since you're reading this Sam: you're a fucking loser. Fuck off.

>> No.7181778

They're all from 4chan

>> No.7181780

The public deserves to know!

>> No.7181788

This guy is gonna be on TV lol

>> No.7181815

This guy is going to have his own TV show that he's going to star in and potentially have as many as a million people watch it every week

>> No.7181821

go to bed Sam, it's 3:20 a.m. where you are, you need to get some sleep!

>> No.7181836


>> No.7181896

He's funny and talented, too bad he's apparently realized it's easier to get famous and popular if you throw your hat in with angry white race-baiters.

>> No.7181906

>it's easier to get famous and popular if you throw your hat in with angry white race-baiters.
lol how fuckin stupid are you

>> No.7181911

if you don't think his recent boom in popularity is related to his right wing pandering, I probably won't convince you

>> No.7181942

sam AND mde have always been "right wing," you just convinced yourself they were being ironic (ask yourself why), the recent boom in popularity started with the adult swim pilot, and besides i think you know it'd really be "easier" just to do goofy apolitical humor to attract you tim and eric fans, which mde has never been about in the first place

>> No.7181948

i don't see how he's right wing in the sense understood by most
his stance seems to be merely anticapitalistic

>> No.7181949

Who the fuck is sam hyde?

>inb4 click the link and find out.
I don't care. He's not my voice. Nobody's the voice of any generation.

>> No.7181951


Hey Sam, glad you could make it.


>> No.7181955

Yeah but they never had dumb bullshit like the moment in this video where he decides to educate the audience about white slavery in Northern Africa. It's not even a joke he just thinks he's blowing people's minds. Whatever, looking forward to his career as the slightly goofier Dennis Miller instead of whatever actually interesting and funny stuff he was doing when he was playing to FYAD instead of 4chan.

>> No.7181958

and was anticipated by wonder showzen for example

>> No.7181959


>Who the fuck is sam hyde?

a very minor meme

>> No.7181961

i didn't bother to watch the video but that wouldn't be a right-wing stance, merely against identity politics
his politics seem zizekian to me

>> No.7181965

I liked the time he made FYAD leave the room when he said "faggot" during one of his routines

>> No.7181974

i cringed at that part too honestly. it wouldve been a lot better if there was more of a contentious relationship with the audience as per usual. but yeah, i'm sure sam's just a step away from starting his own fox news panel just because he's made it clear that the insincerity stops somewhere. i'll really miss all you "right-left-dichotomy transcending" fans but at least you can still go and favorite goofy sentences with weird phrasing on twitter.

>> No.7181979

No question I'll watch his show. He's funny. MDE is funny. I just hope he doesn't lose too much in his (apparently, to me) recent eagerness to attract teenage /pol/ types as fans.

>> No.7181983

That fat dude could get a lot more pussy if he stopped acting so angry

>> No.7182005

he literally advocates for capitalism

>> No.7182009

I don't think it's shilling. The detriments are far, far worse than the gains, especially for a guy who's trying to get on TV.

Also he's posted clearly impassioned explanations on facebook and the MDE reddit

>> No.7182011

is this the first time you've watched his stand up?
most of his more recognisable performances are exactly like this one
the problem with this one is that he did it in America and a lot of people were clearly there for Sam

>> No.7182014

Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.7182028

That's Extremely Problematic.

>> No.7182029

I didn't say it was a bad thing but saying he's 'anticapitalist' or 'zizekian' is ridiculous

>> No.7182031

how so

>> No.7182032

True, sorry, that was unwarranted

>> No.7182034

Also it is a bad thing btw lol

>> No.7182038

He said so.

>> No.7182048

when was this
maybe he's an accelerationist

>> No.7182072

email him
but yes he's a right accelerationist

>> No.7182079

in the video q&a thing. he said he thinks capitalism is the best

>> No.7182101

it's a complicated stance that shouldn't be subsumed under "right wing"
i am both anti-capitalist and think capitalism amazing and ridiculous and funny
regardless of his stance, treating it as something to be critiqued makes him interesting (as opposed to seeing the status quo as sustainable)

>> No.7182136

he's capitalist stop looking for a way to bend Sammy to your ideology

>> No.7182151

i'm not looking for a way
have you even read nick land
do you even read

>> No.7182153

those who are arguing over what sam believes should read his book:


>> No.7182155

He's a libertarian, and his moronic views can be seen in the comments to this video:


>> No.7182163

There is under age nudity on page 32

>> No.7182166

i should say that i am basing this off one video mde did in 2012 which is the only one i've watched and i don't really care about him as a person

>> No.7182173

I've read some Nick Land
he's not really a libertarian though

>> No.7182174

fake and gay. even a 12 year old kid with ms paint could create a fake picture like this ...

>> No.7182176

lol that's the second time I've seen Sam talk about Thomas Sowell as if that guy isn't the hack to end all hacks

>> No.7182180

>white male subhuman
sounds like hatespeech to me tbh
aaand fake picture

>> No.7182200

it's sam trolling. unless you think a woman would choose the tripcode "dollface". Sam is a consummate professional. Like a sufi rugmaker, he always leaves a flaw in the artifice, only to prove that it is artifice.

>> No.7182219

who /slater/ here

>> No.7182229

No political humour is funny. The political bits are Louis CK's worst and you only like George Carlin if you already agree with him.

>> No.7182233

Awesome, dude, you're a seer?

>> No.7182241

The stats are eroniously selected, but they make litle sense out of context. I say this as someone with generallyconservative views

>> No.7182250

He's not as radical in his views as people seem to believe, check out his serious videos and Q and A's

>> No.7182254
File: 52 KB, 600x340, Sam Nick Charls fucktoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the hell is this and where can I find more?

>> No.7182267


FAKE, everyone knows Sammy is 5'8"

>> No.7182280

Sam Hyde's drawing is pretty accurate tbh.


1. When the modern man buys shoes for his spouse, he doesn’t have to ask her sister for the size. And he knows which brands run big or small.

2. The modern man never lets other people know when his confidence has sunk. He acts as if everything is going swimmingly until it is.

3. The modern man is considerate. At the movie theater, he won’t munch down a mouthful of popcorn during a quiet moment. He waits for some ruckus.

4. The modern man doesn’t cut the fatty or charred bits off his fillet. Every bite of steak is a privilege, and it all goes down the hatch.

5. The modern man won’t blow 10 minutes of his life looking for the best parking spot. He finds a reasonable one and puts his car between the lines.

6. Before the modern man heads off to bed, he makes sure his spouse’s phone and his kids’ electronic devices are charging for the night.

7. The modern man buys only regular colas, like Coke or Dr Pepper. If you walk into his house looking for a Mountain Dew, he’ll show you the door.

8. The modern man uses the proper names for things. For example, he’ll say “helicopter,” not “chopper” like some gauche simpleton.

9. Having a daughter makes the modern man more of a complete person. He learns new stuff every day.

10. The modern man makes sure the dishes on the rack have dried completely before putting them away.

11. The modern man has never “pinned” a tweet, and he never will.

12. The modern man checks the status of his Irish Spring bar before jumping in for a wash. Too small, it gets swapped out.

13. The modern man listens to Wu-Tang at least once a week.

14. The modern man still jots down his grocery list on a piece of scratch paper. The market is no place for his face to be buried in the phone.

15. The modern man has hardwood flooring. His children can detect his mood from the stamp of his Kenneth Cole oxfords.

>> No.7182281

16. The modern man lies on the side of the bed closer to the door. If an intruder gets in, he will try to fight him off, so that his wife has a chance to get away.

17. Does the modern man have a melon baller? What do you think? How else would the cantaloupe, watermelon and honeydew he serves be so uniformly shaped?

18. The modern man has thought seriously about buying a shoehorn.

19. The modern man buys fresh flowers more to surprise his wife than to say he is sorry.

20. On occasion, the modern man is the little spoon. Some nights, when he is feeling down or vulnerable, he needs an emotional and physical shield.

21. The modern man doesn’t scold his daughter when she sneezes while eating an apple doughnut, even if the pieces fly everywhere.

22. The modern man still ambles half-naked down his driveway each morning to scoop up a crisp newspaper.

23. The modern man has all of Michael Mann’s films on Blu-ray (or whatever the highest quality thing is at the time).

24. The modern man doesn’t get hung up on his phone’s battery percentage. If it needs to run flat, so be it.

25. The modern man has no use for a gun. He doesn’t own one, and he never will.

26. The modern man cries. He cries often.

27. People aren’t sure if the modern man is a good dancer or not. That is, until the D.J. plays his jam and he goes out there and puts on a clinic.

>> No.7182283

I definitely prefer MDE's older stuff, where Sam wasn't whining about his political and social opinions all the time. Just because he's written a book & appeals to the tendencies of some people on here doesn't mean that there needs to be some daily thread about the lauded anarcho-capitalist manchild of Fall River. I mean, for fuck's sake, make a board exclusively for MDE, or at least mention some of the material that Nick & Charls have put out.

>> No.7182284

nice epic i like it
very new sincerity

is this post ironic?

>> No.7182285

More threads about Hyde here than /pol/ fams

>> No.7182287
File: 1.37 MB, 1025x691, Blood of heros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like his stuff but I will agree that it was more entertaining when his ideas were more ambigious, treading the line between ironic and sincere. The thing is, he admits he's pandering to the reactionaries

>> No.7182303

why do so many people think Sam is some sort of anarcho capitalist or libertarian
he said he thinks capitalism is good, not that every public institution needs to be torn down

>> No.7182307

He said in a Q and A that he tends more towards skepticism of the government, he specifically says Anarchist.

>> No.7182340

He's a huge fan of Stefan Molyneux.

>> No.7182347

Was he being ironic?

>> No.7182380

>unless you think a woman would choose the tripcode "dollface"
you don't go on /lgbt/ often do you
talking out your ass tbh smh fam just stop tbqh

>> No.7182388

Was he being ironic?

>> No.7182424

Hyde is the voice of a generation in that rather than ever commit to any genuine point he insists on creating characters and saying everything ironically. His fans can't seem to figure out what any of his actual beliefs are, because at the end of the day he is basically not saying anything.

>> No.7182432

if you're not an idiot you can work out his actual beliefs
he has also explicitly stated them multiple times

>> No.7182470

this is the one of the worst things i have ever read

not because of muh masculinity or something. just because this guy has listed a bunch of inane stuff that he does, but instead of saying "i do x", he says "the modern man does x"

>> No.7182474

>Whines about postmodern bullshit
>Could only be created in a postmodern society

>> No.7182479

Aren't "voices of generations" generally speaking musicians?

>> No.7182482

Correct. Now - in 3, 2, 1 seconds, you're about to understand accelerationism.

>> No.7182515

73. The modern man doesn't use Internet Explorer, but he doesn't make fun of people who do.

74. The modern man watches Countdown. He is slightly better at the numbers round than the letters, and he rarely gets the conundrum.

75. The modern man renews library books occasionally, but feels like a failure when he does.

76. The modern man frogposts. But not as much as he baneposts.

77. The modern man cannot comprehend the page layout of Reddit nor Tumblr, and has no desire to try.

clicks pls

>> No.7182645 [DELETED] 

Sam isn't being ironic. He is a fan of Stefan Molyneux, he told me, in real life that "He pretty much agrees with everything Stefan Molyneux says".
He doesn't read books.
He actually believes these things, with a little bit of 'shock' humor thrown on top. On facebook he likes all these European pride pages and likes pictures of white women in old growth forests. He is literally /pol/.

>> No.7182658


>> No.7182666

Sam Hyde is going to be the Charles Krafft of the internet video world.

>> No.7182681

Didn't know him except for meme pics but this is brilliant tbh.

>> No.7182686

Sam Hyde actually believes in Identity Politics.

>> No.7182689
File: 55 KB, 359x409, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll not comment how a lot of this isn't clearly generalizable or looks like a strange attempt to insult old men. What irks me about this is that someone felt the need to publish it at all and that people feel the need to share it. What gets me is that someone is so up the wall at the thought of a man forgetting his wife's shoe preferences or wasting time parking (or more likely in the case of Facebook reposters, they think girls will be impressed by their "modern man" status). I cry sometimes, I'm the little spoon when k feel like it and my gf doesn't need to be it, and I known gf's sizes in a few things, but what the fuck possesses one to attempt to show off such traits or shame those who don't share them? Just do it. Just fucking do it if it makes you happy. I bet my grandfather's been the little spoon before but why in the fuck would he go to the general store and start spouting off about how great this one way of cuddling his wife feels?