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/lit/ - Literature

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7180978 No.7180978 [Reply] [Original]

are there any literary NEETs on here? how did you acquire the lifestyle? what do you do for money? would you recommend it?

i get anxiety for hours before i i leave the house and it gives me diarrhea. i dont want to leave anymore.

>> No.7180996

man the fuck up and just walk outside

>> No.7181005


i can walk around the block or to the liquor store with no probs. driving anywhere is bad though

>> No.7181006

Learn to associate outside/work etc with pleasure, so that your anxiety will calm down and begin to correlate good feelings with what might be an uncomfortable situation. You can do this by: Laughing or partaking in some kind of funny thing, exercising which releases endorphins, or sex--by jerking off in a washroom or the like (not really reccomended).

Dont let your anxiety consume you.

>> No.7181016
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I live on eurowelfare. I acquired the lifestyle by not having a job.

I enjoy it more than I would probably enjoy any other realistically possible way of living, but you need to be a certain sort of person to enjoy it.

>> No.7181018

"Man up"= preety spook-ayy`

>> No.7181345

I bet you watch anime you little bitch. Not the first guy.

>> No.7181364


>tfw read the classics for 8-14 hours a day

>> No.7181370


post pics pls

>> No.7181393
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>Any literary NEETs here?
>how did you acquire the lifestyle?
I graduated college and then didn't get a job. Pretty simple.
>what do you do for money
Avoid overdrawing my trust fund.
>would you recommend it
Highly, though I think people with traditional jobs have more readily available social networks from the workplace. I have friends but I'm apprehensive about moving away because I know I'll just be a shut-in if I do that unless I get a job.

I've published a few short pieces and I'm optimistic about my novel. I don't want to be NEET forever because I like the idea of becoming a professor if my work is successful enough, and I might do an MFA just to develop a wider network (I hate MFA authors for the most part).

I'm currently living abroad for a stint but I'll probably go back to my home-base city (not where my parents live) afterwards.

I've got plenty of money and live frugally besides a few splurges for the purpose of getting laid, going surfing, etc.

>I get anxiety for hours before I leave the house
Jesus dude, that's not the kind of NEET I mean. You could probably use the life experience of going and doing stuff. Try psychedelics tbh.

>> No.7181402

Fuck off NEETs. Stop making me jelly of your no-work lives.

>> No.7181403


i did DMT once. became vegetarian and stopped using drugs.

the trouble might be that i just moved. i know nobody, new job, new school. somehow though i've degenerated socially, there's no hope.

i need to publish so i can stay here, but fuck i dont even know where to begin

the entire universe feels like that tortoise paradox.

>> No.7181406
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i want to be you

>> No.7181432
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Publish what? Are you in grad school or something? You've probably considered this, but volunteering can be a great way to get yourself out there.

Quitting drugs is great; I made that same call after my first time with shrooms, though I don't understand people going veg after trying psychs. Maybe it's because I grew up around farms and hunting so I don't have any hidden internal conflict about where meat comes from, but it just doesn't click with me why the perspective psychs provide gets so many people freaked about meat.

>> No.7181458

i'm undergrad. but also 24 years old. i botched my shit pretty good when i was younger. anyway i had a lot of free time in and out of institutions to write, and have written a couple, not terrible novels in my fragile opinion.

i would looooove to do volunteer work, but i have work or school every day right now.

also this is tangential but i think the meat thing is more about factory farming. if i could still process it i wouldn't be averse to eating ethically acquired meat. anyway, it's pretty easy to be veg these days, the veggie burgers and nuggets are insane.

i'd do some more psychedelics but i have no active friendships atm

>> No.7181461


i realize i say "this and that, BUT *excuse*" a lot and i'm sorry.

i just wanted to entertain my NEET fantasy i think

>since fucking when is 'select all R.V.s' a thing

>> No.7181465

My approach to psychs is, and I can't remember who said this first, that once you get the message it's important to hang up the phone. After my third shroom trip I decided I'd seen enough and put that shit away. Not saying not to do them but just passing along that quip.

Work and school at the same time is rough fam. Probably makes it trickier to socialize sometimes.

>ethically acquired meat
It's my fervent wish that one day the human population will again be low enough that every man alive can experience harvesting his own meat and fish in the wild.

>> No.7182651

>I can't remember who said this first, that once you get the message it's important to hang up the phone.
Alan Watts I think.

>> No.7182739
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literary neet? no
i answer phones at an avocado orchard.
they told me to bring a book or homework.
i read and write for eight hours.
currently going through my penguin philosophy books. Book of Chuang Tzu. Most of it is nonsense but some is very useful stuff. Going to read Madame Bovary after lunch for four hours and then go home.

>> No.7183517

>Most of it is nonsense
plebé detecté

>> No.7183555

I don't know if this qualifies but i'm 5 years into my current relationship. My girlfriend and I decided we'd house and feed each other on our student loans and figure out our debt situation in a few years. I've been studying for the past year and a half. She graduates in three months. Then it's my turn to probably fail at a linguistics degree and kick the shit out of an english literature degree.
I Sold drugs for a very short time. I don't recommend it, not for any moral or health reasons but the crowd attracts the most ridiculous people. But if you can make this deal with a girl where you just both sit around and read together for the duration of two bachelor's degrees then by all means man life is pretty stress free these days. Haven't even had a cigarette in 3 months.

>> No.7183569

Not him but nobody cares what you think when you use the word "pleb"
It's a lot like "noob." In it's original latin it means "Ignore everything I think about everything"

>> No.7183576

You have two purely medical alternatives. If you live in a civlized country the state should be able to provide you with these rather cheaply if you talk about your condition to a doctor.

Either you get some anti-diarreha pills. These pill would reduce the symptoms of anxiety and thereby also anxiety in general.

Or you could acquire some benzos, valium, xanax or something like that. These pills will literally make you stop giving a fuck about minor social bullshit. You can just relax and be yourself in every situation. If abused these pills can be dangerous so be careful.

>> No.7183590

It might have been George Carlin.

For me the concept that you could "get the message" foreign. My psychedelic experiences have always felt rather incomplete as the problems they reveal are much larger than the problems they solve. In that way you are encouraged to become a better person.

Anyway if you, after a trip,"get the message" so to speak, I think it's important to always keep the door open to psychs. When you get older it is unavoidable that your relationships or your way of thinking gets stale. In mentally stable people psychs are almost always a recipe for growth

>> No.7183604

I acquired it by living with my mom and having her pay for everything

>> No.7183606

Yeah, pretty much the same here. I have to welcome guests or answer the phone or distribute letters once ever hour or so, but aside from that, I'm just reading all the time. And that "work" serves as a good break just to get my head out of the clouds.

Plus, being paid for doing fuck-all is always nice.

>> No.7183609
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I'm sure I'll revisit psychs eventually, but I think for the next little bit I'm not going to seek them out. I know what you mean about psychs revealing shortcomings, so when I say I got the message I mean I think I'd seen enough for a while and would rather just go to work on the revelations I had rather than take more psychs. I'd love to do shrooms with my future wife as a bonding experience.

>> No.7183626

how did you find this job? how do I do the same?

>> No.7183659

Knowing fuck all about the cultural context of Zhuangzi and dismissing large parts of his work as nonsense deserves to be addressed.

If there's any right moment to call someone a pleb it's such an instance, samefag.

>> No.7183668

I've got a NEET-ish lifestyle in that I don't leave the house to work, and that the work I do doesn't require much concentration or effort. So I'm often doing something else while working and laying in bed.

I'm kind of similar, OP, in that I hate to leave the house. I don't have a physical response anymore, but I just don't want to. If you can get a work from home job that's not too stressful, you can easily keep yourself going.

>> No.7183676

Is there something like a reverse NEET?
I literally feel ill when I'm not working/doing something productive for a longer time period.

>> No.7183684

Are you a spook? Try dropping something heavy on your head and see if it passes through.

>> No.7183701
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>> No.7183704

Advocating being a NEET is also a spook.

>> No.7183708

Translation: You might be completely made up of things you were told when you were young. Kill yourself

Translator's note: the means of suicide is intended to be a joke about ghosts.

I don't advocate NEETdom at all but I'm flexible enough to find something worth doing regardless of external demands made on me.

>> No.7183714

Projecting pretty hard there tbh.

>> No.7183757

What sort of a work from home job do you have? Most that I've looked at demand at least some office hours.

>> No.7183791

>I literally feel ill when I'm not working/doing something productive for a longer time period.

You'll have a hard time once you reflect on your notion of 'productivity' and see it for the arbitrary, goalless nonsense it is.

>> No.7183829

>reflecting on your life
fucking hang yourself

>> No.7183837 [DELETED] 
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Angry wageslave detected.

>> No.7183878

I think I've only once in my life heard someone say that introspection was a bad thing. I'm not going to outline how shitty of a person they were, because that's a lot of effort for an ad-hom, but come on, anon.

>> No.7183881
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>unironically living the unexamined life on the philosophy board