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7178272 No.7178272 [Reply] [Original]

Pick up the nearest book to you and turn to page 45. The first sentence describes your sex life.

>> No.7178276

>Twanging through me in a rising rhythm.

Also odd since I'm actually just reading that page.

>> No.7178281

But it's in Turkish.
And I can't read Turkish.

>> No.7178286

>Saussure was born in 1857, and entered the University of Geneva in 1875 as a student of physics and chemistry, before turning attention to Classical languages and later moving to study Indo-European at Leipzig where, aged just 21, he published his dissertation 'Memoir on the Primitive System of Vowels in Indo-European Languages', to critical acclaim.

>> No.7178288
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>He stood up, kissed me, and said: "What are you crying for?"

>> No.7178293
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>... ne manquait pas désormais de marquer sa trace dans l'espace d'une manière ou d'une autre, et notre monde, chaque fois que je me retournais, je le trouvais plus rempli, si bien que le monde et l'espace semblaient être le miroir l'un de l'autre, l'un et l'autre minutieusement historiés de hiéroglyphes et d'idéogrammes, et chacun d'eux pouvait aussi bien être ou ne pas être un signe; une concrétion calcaire sur du basalte, une crête soulevée par le vent sur le sable coagulé du désert, la disposition des yeux dans les plumes du paon (tout doucement, la vie au milieu des signes avait conduit à voir comme autant de signes les choses innombrables qui d'abord se trouvaient là sans signaler autre chose que leur propre présence, elle les avait transformées en signes d'elle-mêmes, et les avait ajoutées à la série des signes faits exprès par qui voulait faire un signe), les stries du feu contre une paroi de roche schisteuse, la quatre cent vingt-septième cannelure - un peu de travers - de la corniche du fronton d'un mausolée, une séquence de stries sur un écran durant une tempête magnétique (la série des signes se multipliait dans la série des signes de signes, de signes répétés un nombre innombrable de fois, toujours égaux et toujours de quelque façon différente, parce qu'au signe fait exprès s'ajoutait de signe tombé là par hasard), le jambage mal encré de la lettre R qui, dans un exemplaire d'un journal du soir, se rencontrait avec une paille filamenteuse du papier, une éraflure entre huit cent mille sur le mur goudronné entre deux docks de Melbourne, la courbe d'une statistique, un coup de frein sur l'asphalte, un chromosome...

>> No.7178317


I'm translating but here we go

>The argument we gave in favor of proliferation shows that this development isn't necessary at all.

Something something wear a condom?

>> No.7178320

>It is essential to know whether one can live with it or whether, on the other hand, logic commands one to die of it.

Damn Camus...

>> No.7178337

So he gave them to her and had intercourse with her and she conceived by him.
Genesis 38:18

>> No.7178340

>"the first term on the right (in both forms of this equation) depends only on the variables for subsystem A, the second depends only on the variables for subsystem B, and the third term depends only on the variables for the total composite system"

>> No.7178341

>'C (a man)' means 'It is false that "C(x) and x is human" is always false'.

does this make me pansexual? thanks bert

>> No.7178347
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>Thus the heir and preserver unexpectedly turns into a destroyer.

>> No.7178353

>Our first business, then, is with Wall, and to find out wherein lies the true excellence of the "Wittiest Partition".

>> No.7178358

She says: you would have told it to your mother?

>> No.7178363
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>All around us the water slips
>And gossips in its loose vernacular,
>Ferrying the smells of dead cod and tar.

>> No.7178367

No, no, said Athy.

The next three sentences are a lot more apt/funny but gotta respect the rules.

>> No.7178369

>Try, if you are ever again tempted to say the Greeks were 'serene', to imagine the ladies from Philadelphia like this, if only in a play by Eugene O'Neill.

Russell being suggestive, it doesn't get any better than this.

>> No.7178370

>I wait a few moments: I am afraid she is going to collapse: she is too sickly to endure this unexpected sorrow.

>> No.7178375

ouch bro

>> No.7178387


>> No.7178390
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Rodelinda, Queen of Lombardy, wife to Bertarido

>Kobbe's Complete Opera Book

>> No.7178402

>Thus absolute knowledge is not accessible to individual consciousness unless that consciousness becomes consciousness of the spirit of its times.

>> No.7178411
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>Rather, a student must cultivate good judgment.
Damn. Thank you, Great Sage.

>> No.7178424

>Now try an object like a wineglass.

>> No.7178433

>"Just about an hour ago. Why?"

>> No.7178440

>Pelletier, on the other hand, had read the divine Marquis when he was sixteen and at eighteen had participated in a menage a trois with two female fellow students, and his adolescent predilection for erotic comics had flowered into a reasonable, restrained adult collect of licentious literature of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

Surprisingly spon on.

>> No.7178464

Mi chiedevo perché giacesse senza aprire gli occhi e, quando li apriva, evitasse di guardarmi; e intanto le sue mani, poco prima estranee, ora cercavano la mia pelle e stringevano spaventate che avessi potuto andarmene, lasciarla come si fa in questi casi, dopo che si è tratti a considerare con fastidio il proprio errore.

from Tempo di uccidere by Ennio Flaiano

>> No.7178484


To understand what consitutes a knife's form, it isn't sufficient to see it or touch it, we must also understand what it's used for (it's for cutting).

>> No.7178491
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>"Over 30 years," Metzger snorted, "that's temporary."

>mfw this is relevant

>> No.7178494

>Logic can never be of practical use, but only of theoretical interest for philosophy.

>> No.7178513
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>However, the external irritation soon becomes too strong and the subject is awakened.

God fucking dammit, Zizek

>> No.7178517

>In order to explain properly the true nature and peculiar order if the positive philosophy, it is indispensable that we should first take a brief survey of the progressive growth of the human mind viewed as a whole; for no idea can be properly understood apart from its history.

Fucking Comte.

>> No.7178524

Their dam vpstart, out of her den effraide,
And rushed forth, hurling her hideous taile
About her cursed head, whose folds displaid
Were stretched now forth at length without entraile.

So...I basically get raped by a half-woman half-serpent monster?

>> No.7178539

>We can do so with clear vision, without awe or terror
completely false

>> No.7178543

>Of the four maps, they concluded that the Tenri manuscript is the closest in form to Moreira's; the place-names on the manuscript map were limited to those in use while Moreira was in Japan, and Portuguese spelling was retained on an Italian-language copy.

Sounds interesting I guess

>> No.7178550

''Nastenka!'' I called out to her, managing to overcome my anguish

>> No.7178555

>Despite the city's prominence in our sources, its demographic conditions are remarkably poorly known.

>> No.7178559

congratulations anon

>> No.7178563
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>This well-preserved fossil of Archaeopteryx, a fossil link between reptiles and birds, is about 150 million years old.

>Fossils are created when the remains, footprints, or other traces of organisms become buried in sand or sediment.

it's accurate i haven't had sex in 9 years

>> No.7178582

>After all I abused it much in the night when it was necessary to free and untie the various lines.

>> No.7178593

Descarte's Meditations is a book designed to make you think ????????????

>> No.7178610

>Mom, I didn't do it!

well now...

>> No.7178641
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>'Freud argues that Marxism is essentially an illusion'

much like my gf ;_;

>> No.7178643 [DELETED] 

>"And why must I?"

>> No.7178648

>Have you heard of one Humpty Dumpty
>How he Fell with a roll and a rumble
>And curled up like Lord Olofa Crumple
>By the butt of the Magazine Wall,
>(Chorus) Of the Magazine Wall,
>Hump, Helmet and all?

>> No.7178650

>Henry Ford thus embodies the comic-book image of the early twentieth-century capitalist exercising awesome authority over the lives of "his" workers, an image that would become less popular during the second half of the century.


>> No.7178652

>Oh thou cursed antipathy to nature!

Suprisingly accurate.

>> No.7178659

>"If A and B and C are true, Z must be true," the Tortoise thoughtfully repeated.

>> No.7178680

>The ER was always hopping during the full moon.

>> No.7178693

Sounds like you're into some weird domination roleplay Anon.

>> No.7178701


>He decided to settle Nastasya Flippovna in Petersburg and surround her with luxurious comfort.

Th-thanks Dostoevsky.

>> No.7178706

>"What a terrible thing to say."

Wtf Mason

>> No.7178718

Simultaneously, the area you can move around in will shrink.

>> No.7178724

>Immediately below them lay a wide pool and here the water was almost still.


>> No.7178726


>> No.7178736

>And Carlo began his monkey dance in the streets of life as I'd seen him do so many times everywhere in New York.

>> No.7178792
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>Most of our fights ended by us helping each other to hide any evidence of altercations.

>> No.7178803

>"It's been two hours, I think," said Paul after staring at his phone for ten seconds. "Jesus," he said, and sneezed.


>> No.7178806

This movie gave us so much.

>> No.7178807

We'll see about this!

>> No.7178813
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>They must keep on having babies, because the feminine mystique says there is no other way for a woman to be a heroine.

Oh god I'm pregnant.

>> No.7178822

>...But if, on the other hand, one considers the uniqueness and originality of the Kantian investigation and, on the other hand, the questionable character of traditional "logic" and "psychology" neither of which is at all suited to such a problematic, it is really apparent that any attempt to grasp the essentials of the Kantian laying of the foundation of metaphysics by means of the method of approach of either logic our psychology, or any other superficial combination thereof, is hopeless. Furthermore, as soon as one understands the difficulties, both basic and methodological, which are involved in the determination of the essence of man as finite being, it is clear that the term "transcendental psychology" is only an expression of bewilderment.

I think I'm in trouble, bros.

>> No.7178830

>A job is sent to a printer.

>> No.7178841
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>Possessions of the devil are not the only ones.

Damn straight.

>> No.7178872

But let me have this letter, containing nothing but your love; and tell me that you give me your lips, your hair, all that face that I have possessed, and tell me that we embrace - you and I.

Love Letters of Great Men is the book. Page 45 is not a masterpiece.

>> No.7178885

Proteus, I am sorry I must never trust thee more, but count the world a stranger for thy sake
-two gentlemen of Verona
Mine didn't work.

>> No.7178917


Nah, dude, Pro and Val are gay as Fuck for each other.

>> No.7178930

But enough of that subject; I write all this for fun, my little angel, to amuse you.

>> No.7178931

>Who shall conceive the horrors of my secret toil as I dabbled among the unhallowed damps of the grave or tortured the living animal to animate the lifeless clay?

fucking hell

>> No.7178939
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> Inspector Legrasse was scarcerly prepared for the sensation which his offering created.

>> No.7178942

First book was a book of poetry with less than 45 pages. Nonexistent sex life, very apt.

>> No.7178981

And he saw young men and young girls
Who danced on a level face,
And Bridget his bride among them,
With a sad and a gay face.

>> No.7179022

Kublai Khan percebera que as cidades de Marco Polo eram todas parecidas, como se a passagem de uma para a outra não envolvesse uma viagem mas uma mera troca de elementos.

>> No.7179031

The body of the little girl still lay on the sidewalk. Someone had put a blanket over her. Sam was grateful for that.

>> No.7179035
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>"My only remaining duty is to transmit what I saw and heard in the nine years I wandered lost and miserable over many remote lands."

>> No.7179040

>Would I end up feeling that I'd scheduled a lunch with an old friend I hadn't seen in years only to discover that five minutes in, I couldn't think of a thing to say and had to get out of there right now?


>> No.7179048
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Crossing Over:
Experiencing the Shift from Left to Right

>> No.7179053

>The "rights of the king, my master," Legardeur had written, "To the lands situated along the Ohio," were "Incontestable," but it was not his job to argue the point.

Makes sense, i guess.

>> No.7179085

"There is this particular Bolshevik living in exile in Zurich"

>> No.7179096

>"There's still material from that one time in the tile-grouting."

>> No.7179152

>Physics textbook
A stone is thrown vertically upward with a speed of 12.0m/s from the edge of a cliff 75m high.


>> No.7179169

"Insistent pressuring voices."
I wish

>> No.7179177
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>> No.7179182

..it was like an agonizing stab in the back- A Sentimental Education

>> No.7179184

>He placed his hand on the pommel of his sword, feeling the weight of responsibility it represented.

>> No.7179192

Pointing far East, Frank said, 'Do you see
Yon porpoise-droves at play?'

idk what to make of it

>> No.7179196
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>The red-hot pokers were taller than she; the Japanese sunflowers grew in a tiny jungle.

>> No.7179203

Such abuse does Denise more good than vitamins.

>> No.7179208
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>On my knees, all I could see, in the red and black sandals, was their feet sparkling with salt as they raised the long black downs, the tip rising somewhat, the heel striking the ground lightly, and when the square was empty I was dragged to the House of the Fetish

oh baby

>> No.7179214
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>No, don't turn it on

>> No.7179229

>(at a window) What means this outrage that is offered me?

>> No.7179276

Enoch then should've known it was hopeless, but he tried again.

>> No.7179277
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There is no sentence on page 45, it's just this picture of a bird.

>> No.7179285

>There is no sentence on page 45
there's your answer

>> No.7179314

>only 9 years
>not ∞
this somehow feels very deep

>> No.7179478

And therwithal he knew of mo proverbes

>> No.7179486

>The purpose of DeMolay was to foster personal and civic virtues and friendship among its members

yep sounds like my sex life ;_;

>> No.7179492

>She watched him serve himself, and found herself staring at the freckles of black dust embedded in his face.

>> No.7179495

"What do you mean, trifles?" asked the director indignantly.


>> No.7179501

>At this point, you probably have questions.


>> No.7179508

>From the 6th century BCE onwards, philosophers began to consider whether the universe was made from a single substance.

Makes perfect sense.

>> No.7179509

>During his visit, he saw an Egyptian beating one of his fellow Hebrews (Exodus 2:11)

Thanks Bible

>> No.7179512


>> No.7179520

>The offenders must be punished, even if their punishment displays utter indifference to the only code of moral conduct that obtains in the insecure world of the Odyssey.
>The offenders must be punished

>> No.7179591
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The principle of information processing by lateral inhibition is found in many sensory systems at various levels of integration and interaction - in vertibrates as well as in invertibrates.

>> No.7179624

In sequential environments, on the other hand, the current decision could affect
all future decisions.

What could this mean?

>> No.7179627
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>In Washington that morning,some Iranian Shit'ites,bearing portraits of their late and still-lamented ayatollah


>> No.7179633

>Indeed if we consider, as the Abhidharma philosophers themselves did, that temporal parts will be just as susceptible to the same treatment as physical and conceptual parts, then it seems unavoidable that any such entity could have only momentary existence.

>> No.7179641


>Let's do it!


>> No.7179644 [DELETED] 

Mason & Dixon, p. 349:

>"Facts are but the Play-things of lawyers,—Tops and Hoops, forever a-spin.... Alas, the Historian may indulge no such idle Rotating. History is not Chronology, for that is left to lawyers,— nor is Remembrance, for Remembrance belongs to the People. History can as little pretend to the Veracity of the one, as claim the Power of the other,—her Practitioners, to survive, must soon learn the arts of the quidnunc, spy and Taproom Wit,— that there may ever continue more than one life-line back into a Past we risk, each day, losing our forbears in forever,— not a Chain of single Links, for one broken Link could lose us All,— rather, a great disorderly Tangle of Lines, long and short, weak and strong, vanishing into the Mnemonick Deep, with only their Destination in common."

It's crazy to me how significantly better Mason & Dixon is in comparison to the rest of Pynchon's works. M&D alone cements him as one of the greatest writers of the 20th century, imo.

>> No.7179677

Figure 6-1 The Epley maneuver starts with the patient in the seated position.

>> No.7179688

The basement itself began to crack apart, like a declining ruin; pieces of cement fell to the floor and then the flood itself broke like dried clay.

Disconcerting but hey atleast there're no portraits of ayatollahs

>> No.7180049


>> No.7180065
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>What is crucial in the life of subhuman primates?
>Continual sexuality and aggressive competition between dominant males and subordinate ones: vicious fighting over possession of the female.

Thanks ernest becker!

>> No.7180072

what monsters continue their lives in my depths?
-our lady of flowers, genet

: - /

>> No.7180073


>"But if he does it any more I shall certainly let him know that I see what he is about."


>> No.7180074

She never let him in, he cried again through his laughter

oh boy

>> No.7180096

>He again saw that forehead, the nose pressing on the upper lip, and he felt afraid for himself.

>> No.7180138

>Mr. Leopold Bloom ate with relish the inner organs of beasts and fowls.

Hmm. I suppose that means it'll be successful at some point? It's carnal knowledge in either case, no?

>> No.7180148

"Glancing around the room, he now noticed that the pictures were not all of birds:among them hung a portrait of Kutuzov and an oil painting of some old man with a red-cuffed uniform such as was worn in the time of Pavel Petrovich."

>> No.7180162

1/Some greek verbs are transitive, but their french equivalent is not.

>> No.7180181

"Holy Jesus, that thing is a robot" said Eddie.

>> No.7180205

It's bestiality. Eating = eating out.

Jesus, you have to explain everything here. Have you even READ some introductory works to Ulysses?

>> No.7180266


> I might have consoled myself by imagining the little people had put the mechanism in some shelter for me, had i not felt assured of their physical and intellectual inadequacy.

>> No.7180291
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>And large, built by his father, where did lie

>> No.7180298

When Nabeshima Tadanao was fifteen years old, a manservant in the kitchen committed some rude act and a foot soldier was about to beat him, but in the end the servant cut the soldier down.

>> No.7180314

>Here, perhaps a comparison would be more telling than theory.

>> No.7180316
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A Norwegian children's book, "Luridiumstyven".

"Blyanten traff dorkarmen og landet ute i gangen"
Translated: "The pencil hit the door frame and landed in the hall"


>> No.7180324

The interplay between local and central interests is intricate, but by no means indiscriminate.

>> No.7180340

"How can you? How can you? Oh, what a child you are! What childishness! There, there, stop crying please!"

>> No.7180342

"Apparently he didn't expect to be alone with his niece"


>> No.7180355

"While newly constructed homes have nearly doubled in size since 1960, the total number of people per house has steadily decreased"

doesn't bode well..

>> No.7180371


I hope you're being facetious, because it's never at any point implied that Bloom has bestiaphilic tendencies, as far as I can recall. Certainly he's remarkably nice to "beasts and fowls" especially for the time, but he's not got any abnormal amount of desire for them.

>> No.7180401

You know I want to read Ulysses but I'm actually violently retarded when it comes to this sort of thing but I want to get into it all what do I do, anon? You're so much smarter than I am..

>> No.7180433


If you're not again being facetious (I wish you people would just say what you mean! Sarcastic tonality just doesn't tend to work over text.), I'd recommend using the Gifford annotations while reading it (or the New Bloomsday Book if you don't mind sweating the small stuff, but personally, as a stuffy academic, I prefer Gifford), and prior to reading it having read Dubliners and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, as well as some rudimentary knowledge of Shakespeare, Homer, and Dante. If you REALLY wanna get into it, I'd also recommend looking up analytic articles on each episode There are some pretty interesting ones floating around the web, and ten pages could easily be written for each page of the book.

>> No.7180435
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Já ouvi essa antes...

"Mulheres/homens são todos iguais."

>> No.7180436

>And when she was in her hard labor, the midwife said to her, "Fear not; for now you will have another son."

>> No.7180439

"Thinks I, Queequeg, this is using Roger's best cutlery with a vengeance."


>> No.7180459

>"Na, schön, dann werde ich es erzählen, wenn du nichts dagegen, es ist schließlich sehr ungewöhnlich."

Yeah, fine, then I won't tell you, if you don't mind, since it's very unusual.

I wish my sex life were unusual, tbqh. Being an autistic virgin is fairly common. I do prefer to not tell people

>> No.7180461

>Dostoevsky is part of this grand tradition, but like all nineteenth-century novelists he wrote much wordier descriptions than typical modern writers.

>> No.7180462

I think I'm in over my head here I just realised how much there really was to read.
I'm also not that guy before you just seemed to know what you were talking about and I'm a beginner. I've only started reading this year but I've been doing a lot of it and I've just been lurking and seeing as Ulysses is one of the most talked about ones I figured I'd read that.
Maybe not though I'm rather intimidated.

>> No.7180473

>When he was in there, showering, going out naked.

Fucking Infinite Jest...

>> No.7180479


Definitely read Dubliners and A Portrait first. Gifford also made a companion for each of those, but in my opinion it's really not necessary, unlike with Ulysses. Certainly, Dubliners is a pretty easy read, but immensely enjoyable. A Portrait is Joyce starting to get a bit more experimental, but it's still far, far easier than Ulysses, though again a really great book. I tend to think of the difficulty (perhaps also the quality) of Joyce's major works increasing by powers of ten: Finnegans Wake is ten times harder than Ulysses is ten times harder than A Portrait is ten times harder than Dubliners.

>> No.7180486

>Thus, the predicates 'F' and 'G' have very different roles here.

I have no idea what to make of this.

>> No.7180497

Okay, thank you very much I appreciate it.
I know this wasn't really the thread to ask but I mostly did this on a whim.
I'll check out Dubliners once I've finished what I've got sitting next to me..

>> No.7180503


>Stephen knelt down quickly pressing his beaten hands to his sides


>> No.7180504

>Such forces cannot be named, cannot be spoken, cannot be imagined except under a veil and a symbol, a symbol to the most of us appearing a quaint, poetic fancy, to some a foolish tale.


>> No.7180512

>'I couldn't hang back,' declared Svejk, fixing his honest eyes on the eyes of the inquisitor.
Not quite sure what to make of this fam.

>> No.7180516

>Sometimes it is best to let these things run their course.

>> No.7180523

>have prepared for him.

Sounds gay

>> No.7180527

So its good

>> No.7180535

"There was no point going after her"

Alright then.

>> No.7180538
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>"You can never step twice into the same river; for fresh waters are ever flowing in upon you."

>> No.7180542

Smooth as fuck

>> No.7180543
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tfw you are this feel

>> No.7180552

>The question becomes, what determines the ratios at which all these commodities are exchanged?

Anyone care to interpret this for me?

>> No.7180555

>We must conclude that, while some sorrow is commendable, no sorrow is to be valued for its own sake.

>> No.7180556

You're going to spend a lot of time haggling over prices with prostitutes.

>> No.7180563

>With slow gestures, as though she were performing a rite (or because she had not yet entirely recovered the rhythm of reality), she turned on the shower and let the water flow over her, covered her body with lather, carefully rinsed herself, rubbed her skin with warm, fragrant towels, sprayed her neck, armpits, and pubic hair with a perfume that evoked the greenery of a forest, and brushed her hair.

>> No.7180571

Could have sworn I know which book this is from but none of My Semiotics books have this.

>> No.7180579

>She could not go on for emotion.
norton critical bros k

>> No.7180619

This stern life-and-death combat with reason enters later, and begins a new phase; in childhood we scamper about without racking our brains much.

>> No.7180629

Day 45: I am still a white male with mild to moderate depression/anxiety and no sex life whatsoever.

my diary tbh

>> No.7180664

>first sentence of 45
"But Reverend Gwyon remarked to himself that her derelictions from duty had occurred most notably during Easter week of that year: that about eight o'clock on Thursday evening, in the midst of serving his dinner, she was numbly entranced before the kitchen stove; and the following afternoon at three he almost upset her in the dark passage outside his study door, where she stood limbs immobìlely extended before the cruz-con-espejos."
>previous sentence
"In any other native household, her regular absences from her work, or those occasions which found her insensibly rigid before an empty window, or prostrate on the kitchen floor, might have been taken for organic disorders; and, like the Venerable Orsola Benincasa, whose sixteenth-century childhood was visited by innumerable misinterpreted ecstasies, she might have been bruised black-and-blue, pricked with needles, and burned with exposed flames to rouse her."

So close

>> No.7180801
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>> No.7180804

>There came some thuds, then a piercing scream- it made one's blood run cold- and in a moment there was a crowd of people on the landing.

Pretty accurate tbh

>> No.7180854

>"Okay, he said."

So many implications.

>> No.7180864

II. The Confrontation

>> No.7180866

Others were offered the opportunity of going into exile -- oh, not for long, just for two or three years.

>> No.7180883

"An autistic person may have difficulty in handling language for reasons unrelated to his parsing ability; for example he may fail to recognize the source of speech communication as another person."

I feel insulted.

>> No.7180951

Cured lameness, palsies, cancer. Thou, O God

>> No.7180958

That's why I repeated to myself, with flushing cheeks: my sister.

>> No.7180985
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>Then, as I look down to the damned fiends, fiends, look on me, and thou dread god of hell, with ebon sceptre strike this hateful earth, and make it swallow both of us at once!

>> No.7180993
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"All things are full of gods."

>> No.7180998

"England and Poland became wine-growing countries,and even the inhabitants of Greenland experimented with vineyards."

>The Great Mortality by John Kelly

>> No.7181014

>I have never felt myself so much drawn to a man as you.

>> No.7181030

I'm sorry but this is the weakest use of a meme I've ever seen. Please step the game up.

>> No.7181072
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>not embracing free-form meming and casting off the shackles of conventional meme ideology

>> No.7181077

The first was his leaving the former palace of the Marquis de Casalduero, which had been the family mansion for over a century, and moving to a new house in a neighborhood of nouveaux riches.

>> No.7181106

>Even if Stan had been privy to some of this information, he surely could not have believed they would give the job to a young bespectacled Jew who happened to be a damyankee- A Jew with an easy grin, a hipshot way of walking, a taste for bell-bottomed jeans on his days off, and the last ghosts of his adolescent acne still on his face.

>> No.7181108

-Y se ha hecho algo? dijo Maria
-Para que? dijo Carmencita.

"and he's done somthing?"
"for what purpose?"

Pretty close, man.

>> No.7181123

He will die of it.

Damn. . .

>> No.7181135


>> No.7181154

>"Did Hawat talk to you about Salusa Secundus?"

This means nothing

>> No.7181172


>> No.7181179

>He stared at her with a fearful look, and after a while his lips began to form some words, though no sound proceeded from them.

Action untaken and longing :(

>> No.7181192
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>She thought she had seen something different about Peter, but hadn't been able to tell exactly what it was.
When Anderson woke up the next morning(at a perfectly normal nine o' clock), she saw it almost at once.

>> No.7181378

"What else could I do?

>> No.7181388

>There is some contradiction, because they finally advise suicide.
W-what does this mean?!

>> No.7181416

>It was a terrible game.

Not sure how to feel about this.

>> No.7181572

>I am but the mouthpiece of the ancients, a shyster pleading for long-dead clients.


>> No.7181574

>He seemed somehow like a nice man.

Damn, harsh.

>> No.7181628

>Workers widening a drainage ditch in Graveney Marshes near Whitsable in Kent, Engliand, in 1970 came across the remains of an Anglo-Saxon boat.

>> No.7181630

Therefore should I
Be but the essence of deformity,
A coward, did my very eye-lids wink
At speaking out what I have dared to think.

>> No.7181658
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>"can you sign for it..." The mailman pointed at a line halfway down a paper on his clipboard


>> No.7181666

>Bleed, gut, and skin while carcass is warm.

I am apparently Hannibal Lector.

>> No.7181678
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"but it had to be done"

>> No.7181682

는대들은 모두 살해당했어

>> No.7181710

>What makes scarecrows terrifying is the minimal difference which makes them in-human: there is "nobody at home" behind the mask--as with a human who has turned into a zombie.

>> No.7181712

"Lust for result is the biggest obstacle to meditation."

>> No.7181719

Vidal's Burr:
>He dragged the men to their feet; held them aloft; shook them like rats

I wish.

>> No.7181736
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fill it in afterward." (And this was exactly what I later did.)

>> No.7181744

"There was a time when the life of men was uncivilized and bestial and subservient to brute force, a time when neither was there any prize for the good nor for the wicked did any chastisement arise"

>> No.7181749

One day he flew Count Eric von Rosen to the latter’s estate
some distance from Stockholm and while stopping over as a guest fell in love
with Countess Rosen’s sister, Carin von Kantzow, nee Baroness Fock, one of
Sweden’s beauties.

- The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich

>> No.7181823
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>This normalization mapping is given as:

>> No.7181830

>I had to tell her with some shame that I knew no tongue beyond the one we spoke, and little of that.

>> No.7181855

>Note first that −1 ≤ x ≤ 1. Now let us find the value of c. The trick here is
to be careful about the range of integration.

>> No.7181941

Humans and weird boppers mingled beneath the trade dome.

>> No.7181968


What book?

>> No.7182018

'cannot have been more than eight or nine, most of them 'women' at that, and not armed - at least with any visible weapon.'

A High Wind In Jamaica - Richard Hughes


>> No.7182026

She had always been good at biding her time.

>> No.7182035
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>One day in 1988, Smolensky decided to start his own bank, as some other cooperatives had recently done.

>> No.7182042

it's saying your dick is tiny

>> No.7182062


On 19 September, SS Obergruppenfuhrer Heydrich told General der Artillerie Franz Halder, the army chief of staff, quite openly that there would be 'a clear out: Jews, intelligentsia, priesthood, aristocracy'.

>> No.7182083

"If someone normally raises with a decently wide range in small stakes, passive game, then when you start 3-betting him with a high frequency, especially when in position, he will have a tough time fighting back."

Uh..If you say so.

>> No.7182090

how can we argue about this without presupposing the standards of our own society?

>> No.7182110

"One should understand that a woman is faithful to only one husband"

I dig it.

>> No.7182120

Good, because you're the second husband.

>> No.7182122
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"Forever modest and submissive."

Sounds about right. Thanks Pushkin.

>> No.7182138

"Fire in the hole"

>> No.7182168

>For I was forcibly carried off from the land of the Hebrews, and even here I have done nothing to deserve being put in a dungeon.


>> No.7182187
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"I have seen," he exclaimed, "in the sky a suspended sword and I have heard these words: Ecce gladius Domini super terram cito et velociter. The sword fell bringing about wars, massacres, and numberless ills."
>Knecht's Rise and Fall of Renaissance France




>> No.7182264

Translated (Is this proper english? I try to get better.):
>He often thought: How would it happen, that I would have the opportunity to see the noble damsel with my own eyes, the one, who I dearly do love now and (loved) for a long time?

Guess, I'm a romantic.

>> No.7182268

>"He wants me to be his ghost?"
Adds up.

>> No.7182308

>The sofa was perfect for sleeping.

Thanks Murakami.

>> No.7182310

"From our bodily perspective, breathing has two primary attributes: frequency and depth."

>> No.7182376

"[Character] is spiritually paralyzed, unable to move forward."


>> No.7182379

>It was not at all of a stripe with what theey played on the Fitch Bandwagon or National Barn Dance; this between races was classical music, as who should say: the sort upper-graders had to listen to in class.

I'm a top tier lover apparently

>> No.7182616

>Twanging through me in a rising rhythm.


Come on Anon, did you just learn how to read?

>> No.7182738
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"I wait a few moments - I am afraid she is going to collapse - she is too sickly to endure this unexpected sorrow."

>> No.7183123

>Schoenmaker was a craftsman, and came high; had two assistants, one a secretary/receptionist/nurse with an impossibly coy retroussé nose and thousands of freckles, all of whch Schoenmaker had done himself.

Damn, I'm drownin' in em

>> No.7183125

"The King's new fool, recently acquired, pattered after them, pale eyes agoggle in an egshell face."

-Assassin's Apprentice, Robin Hobb

>> No.7183128

>There was a redheaded man who had no eyes or ears.

thanks, comrade kharms

>> No.7183137
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>Then he really let one go at me, and the next thing I knew I was on the goddam floor again

Sounds kinda gay

>> No.7183138
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>You're better off not giving the small things more attention than they deserve.


>> No.7183139

>concept of the Master Jesus and his mission


>> No.7183140

> And the evolutionary reason for this, according to the kin selection theory, is the preservation of the genes which the individual has in common with its relatives.

Not even kidding.

>> No.7183148

The sergeant carried in his saddle scabbard a heavy Wesson rifle that used a false muzzle and paper patch and fired a coneshaped ball.

10/10 would fuck again.

>> No.7183232
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>Moritz, you are a great man - or a blind pig has found an acorn.

I don't understand

>> No.7183296

>Doctor Rieux was at that of his reflexions when he was announced Joseph Grand.


>> No.7183429

>...her intense, distilled beauty illuminated that part of the room, igniting it with heavy, sullen fire
Based PKD

>> No.7183448

Yo if they get lost suddenly that nigga on the end is gonna be cool as batman.

>> No.7183455

> In art the importance of the same principle is illustrated by the value of suggestion.

>> No.7183470
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"The sun went down. There was not a soul in sight, nothing save the heat-exhausted steppe."

It's from Chingiz Aitmatov's Tales of the Mountains & Steppes, the first story is called Jamilla.

Had to scour the internet for it in English :


>> No.7183484

>Leonardo da Vinci, deep mirror of darkness.

>> No.7183532

>No signal was needed, none given.
Brian Aldiss, Hothouse.
Going to surprise my flatmate in a while.

>> No.7183533

>Have you heard of one Humpty Dumpty

>> No.7183563

>No one replied but the man who had been in the well gave a hint that his long pole must have stirred up something intangible.

>> No.7183685

While the Teutonic myth has submerged beneath the surface, if only for the time being, the Celtic myth grows stronger as each year passes.

From Saxons Vikings and Celts

>> No.7183716

"In between, he creates miraculous images".

>> No.7183736

It was a nice sickly season just at this time.

>> No.7183744

>Flee, my friend, into your solitude!

fuck off Nietzsche.

>> No.7184072

>Just how careful of each other's rights must we be?

>> No.7184110

>But his face was hopeful, and I felt like a miser to refuse

>> No.7184122

>He was accompanied by a woman with delicate hands who took out one rose and put it in the child's hair.

Christ, I wish.

>> No.7184124

>In one way, it was very odd.

Dang Camus hitting me close there.

>> No.7184150

>There are double pincers everywhere on a stratum; everywhere and in all directions there are double binds and lobsters, a multiplicity of double articulations affecting both expression and content.


>> No.7184155

>People barely had time to finish one job before furiously grabbing another as if the fate of the world depended on it, only to dispose of it and drop it without a second thought as they launched themselves into the next job - and so on ad infinitum.

>> No.7184158
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Lured with the smell of infant blood to dance /
With Lapland witches while the laboring moon /
Eclipses at their charms.

>> No.7184160
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>'Go away', she called.

>> No.7184163
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"Thanks, old man."

>> No.7184165

And thence I came to the Farolito in Parian where I sit now in a little room off the bar at four-thirty in the morning drinking ochas and then mescal and writing this on some Bella Vista notepaper I filched the other night, perhaps because the writing paper at the Consulate, which is a tomb, hurts me to look at.

christ i hated this book, the brits cant write for shit

>> No.7184190

So, in that sum, it is manifest that whosoever behaved himself in an extraordinary manner was thought by the Jews to be possessed either with a good or evil spirit; except by Sadducees, who erred so far on the other hand as not to believe there were at all any spirits (which is very near to direct atheism) and thereby perhaps more provoked than others to term such men demoniacs rather than madmen.

What the fuck is that supposed to mean, Hobbes?

>> No.7184412

Whoa, my grandma had that exact picture on her dining room curtains.

>> No.7184434

>We see it in the news all the time.

>> No.7184456

Figure 2.1a
A Submycenaean vase from the Kerameikus cemetary in Athens.

>> No.7184466

Supera animos et iram tuam.
(Roughly "conquer your pride and anger," but my latin's pretty shit)

>> No.7184468

A guardian who protects the Ancient Cistern.

Thanks Hyrule Historia; now i fuck grandmas.

>> No.7184489

>The Wart was fond of the Dog Boy, and thought him very clever to be able to do these things with animals -for he could make them do almost anything just by moving his hands- while the Dog Boy loved the Wart in much the same way as his dogs loved him, and thought the Wart was almost holy because he could read and write.

>> No.7184520

>if Debbie has friends like you guys, she's in worse trouble than I thought

>> No.7184823
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Upon waking next morning about daylight, I found Queequeq's arm thrown over me in the most loving and affectionate manner.

>> No.7185020

>drek'thar had not seen the cities of the Draenei while they were at peace.
Top Kek. Means fucking nothing.
>tfw lost virginity day before yesterday
>tfw it was to my first ex who I had my first kiss with
>tfw dated 2 girls in the time in between
Still feels surreal and hard to believe honestly.

>> No.7185038

Do you want to talk about phenomenological reduction now? or do you want a muffin?

>> No.7185040

>The Hobbit
>"There was a gorgeous row."
Huh. Fits, I guess.

>> No.7185054

High school math textbook

>The point P(1,b) belongs to the line r:3x +y -6 = 0.


>> No.7185059

>Helmet for my Pillow
We laughed and drank up.

>> No.7185436

The Lord bless us and preserve us from evil.

>> No.7185446

it tinged with indecision or remorse at giving up its grip
state of mind

>> No.7185525
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>God... How eerie...

>> No.7185552

>tfw i have wide-spaced eyes
Feels ayyyyyy.

>> No.7185586

You'll never be published if you have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

>> No.7185631

I don't, brah. Don't worry. I also have a very wide face (I'm black).

>> No.7185638

"You're very clumsy!..."
Goddamnit Boris

>> No.7185648

>I wouldn't want to tell you.
pg. 45 of Demon in the Skull by Frederik Pohl

>> No.7185649

"Yet Stalin and Kaganovich insisted on exactly the opposite."

Weirdly fitting because my life has been hijacked by Interwar Soviet history with no survivors

>> No.7185660

Since it is not sex-orientes, it denies the question of sexual difference; the subject that houses it can produce homosexual symptoms while being strictly speaking indifferent to them: that is not where the subject is.

>> No.7185671
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"This only confirms that he's working on a leash"

>> No.7185687

>Carlson was not to be put off.
wtf does that mean?

>> No.7185951

>Fous de misère


>> No.7186002

>This dream certainly looked like a case of genuine precognition of precognition, and it had a considerable impact on Lincoln.

>> No.7186005

>So essential when there was under-production; but in an age of machines and the fixation of nitrogen - positively a crime against society.

I'm fucked

>> No.7186024

>Further, fat and suet differ as to their localities: for fat is found between the skin and flesh, but suet is found only at the limit of the fleshy parts.

...the fuck does that mean, then?

>> No.7186039

Lose some weight because you are crushing your partners with all the fat

>> No.7186056

> In wave motion, the energy is carried by a disturbance of some sort that occurs in a distinctive, repeating pattern.

>> No.7186178


Without a demographic advantage, colonial rule proved short-lived as the Africans reclaimed power during the twentieth century.

>> No.7186299

nah. suet is often used by people in cold climates to supplement energy intake. also suet is found around the kidneys.

you need to limit your sexual excesses (fat) and relearn appreciation for more basic sex, the kind thats closer to your vital being (suet). this will help you to traverse the cold climate zones of life

>> No.7186972

He bit greedily into a rose tinted apple and changed the subject.

>> No.7186973

>Here, as usual, Wittgenstein is consistent with his assumptions.

Sounds like I'm a gay autist.

>> No.7186976

The reason i didn't use my own was because I'd lent it to a guy down the hall.

>> No.7187001

>Evolutions that required just as long as our millennium of Western history are contracted into mere casual events; the men in these other Cultures are treated as though they were children, dimly trying to attain to one or another of our specifically Western ideas.

I see...

>> No.7187069
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Rough Translastion:

You have abducted a girl from the street, sold her body to other men, without fail, only to turn it into a rapidly expanding business in which you sold hundreds, if not thousands of women like others would sell shoecream.

They knoooooooooooooooooooowww.....

>> No.7187157

> Finally, there are some things that a man is afraid to reveal even to himself, and any honest many accumulates a pretty fair number of such things.

I guess that means I've been gay this entire time without knowing it.

>> No.7187172

"We never got a good night's sleep"

shit thread though, this belongs in /b/

>> No.7187350

"They were of all types, diplomats, ministers of the gospel, and some, like Washington, soldiers as well."

Captcha: Washington

Strangely related. Yet more evidence this universe is a simulation and none of it is real.

>> No.7187970

Recognitions! Same here

>> No.7187992

>It depends on chance whether we encounter this object before we die, or do not encounter it.

>> No.7187996

Ten points for naming the book. No google, faggots.

>> No.7188129

>The visible works left by this novelist are easily and briefly numerated.


>> No.7188264
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>"I dont know," she said, "if I'll ever see you again, after you go off from here. But I hope you remember the things i tried to teach you."

>> No.7188290
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>"He was still not quite free from an absurd feeling of embarassment"

>> No.7188548

Borges, au hasard ?

>> No.7188560

>Each new flame, a new face.


>> No.7188561

>Every evening before he began to tell stories, Pa made the bullets for his next day's hunting.

>> No.7188569

My gentleness and good behaviour had gained so far on the Emperor and his Court, and indeed upon the Army and People in general that i began to conceive hopes of getting my liberty in a short time.

>> No.7188736

Once, without noticing, I devoured my own pawns.

>> No.7188977

>"Daunted, he says he wants nothing, then turns away, his eyes blinded by tears of frustration and humiliation."

>> No.7189072

>Guilt? What kind of guilt was it?

Fahrenheit 451

>> No.7189207

"It was like nothing else on Earth."
Erthring Cycle

>> No.7189790

>Insistent pressuring voices
Oy, that's not very good.

>> No.7189948
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>But this was a spring night, and the sky was gusting red, warm-orange, the sirens howling in the valleys from Pittsfield, Lenox, and Lee—neighbors stood out on their porches to stare up at the shower of sparks falling down on the mountainside . . . “Like a meteor shower,” they said, “Like cinders from the Fourth of July . . .” it was 1931, and those were the comparisons.