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7178086 No.7178086[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is National Socialism so attractive to the asocial, NEET, Autistic class?

>> No.7178090

No it's attractive to proud masculine white men, us not being wajecucks has nothing to do with it you reddit sjw

>> No.7178092

Feeling isolated and ignored by their peers, nazism gives them both a chance to underline one of their distinctive features as good (their 'aryan heritage') and an ideal scapegoat for their personal problems (non-aryans)

>> No.7178095

the sweaty, bearded panopticon of the shutin's hole

>> No.7178097

empathy among losers

>> No.7178101

It really is not.

Communism however is completely made up of: Jews, Sjws, Homos, NEETS, Asspies, Hipsters and third worlders/peasents/plebs.

>> No.7178105
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Because currently society has turned happy clappy and reflects a dystopia/anarchistic mind set.

The Neet and Autistic class have nothing to lose, no job no girl friend just sit alone at home.

Basically they need a structured society where everyone is active and doing something, and wearing clothes to
reflect a formed structured society. Most neets probably come from houses with family problems like divorces
or man child parents.

They look to national socialism to get back their strong family unit society back.

>> No.7178108
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Reason 1 - Nazis, like Satanism, form the antithesis of 21st century western culture so people who perceive themselves as outcasts adopt swastika, Nazi imagery, satanic (usually pagan) symbols, and imagery simply to spite mainstream culture's sensibilities. Most NEETs are fat anime watching morons who breathe through their mouths. They don't embody the ultra-masculine, classically inspired, Aryan ideal that Hitler envisioned. Why do you think Charles Manson carved a swastika into his head? Because he admired Hitler? Fuck no, because he was crazy and he knew doing it would get a reaction out of people.

Reason 2 is because Nazism, especially neo-nazism, fundamentally rests on the axiom that the Jews wield an unfathomable amount of power. They believe they are being suppressed and emasculated by a faceless Jewish conspiracy to neuter white men in the West and that is why he has ended up as the social outcast and reject. Projecting all of this self-hatred to a non-existent Jewish bogeyman he embraces Nazism.

3rd Reason - Nazis are now part of popular culture. A lot of their aesthetic, supposed behaviour, totalitarian values, cult of personalities, and mannerisms have provided the basis for innumerable works of fiction. Autistic NEETs unable to make the connection that Nazis were real people who are responsible for one of the worst episodes in human suffering, admire them as the cool bad guys and not as the repressive, backward, violent white supremacists they were.

>> No.7178109


the caricatured political binaries are getting out of hand here

>> No.7178114
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>Because currently society has turned happy clappy and reflects a dystopia/anarchistic mind set.

Thats not even funny.... it's turbo kid the movie out there..

>> No.7178117

Well its true. All of the listed people (plus others) are very much attracted to communist ideals, as it very much caters to their desires and frees them from the perceived persecution that they would receive in any other society.

>> No.7178119

Really there isn't anything redeemable about being a fascist. Like I can't think of a single positive thing fascism embraces or behaviour it encourages

>> No.7178121

He's more right than OP. And NS isn't very popular, atleast if we compare with communism. Even if it makes infinitely more sense, unless you are one of the misbreeds which it is ofc becoming more of because we don't have a thing like NS.

>> No.7178122

>Projecting all of this self-hatred to a non-existent Jewish bogeyman
nice try, JIDF

>> No.7178127

I'm white with English heritage though

>> No.7178132


endless ideology

>> No.7178136


pure caricature

>> No.7178140
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>this guy

>> No.7178144

You realise that Nazis were prone to the exact same kind of degenerate behaviour they condemned right? Like tons of Nazis cheated on their wives, were cowardly, were closeted homosexuals, listened to Jazz music, and were weird perverts

That's what gets me about these far right societies - they all do the same exact shit they condemn.people for doing. It's unrealistic and I don't believe for a second that anyone on 4chan claiming to be a fascist actually lives up to what Hitler and the Nazis proposed as the Aryan ideal.

>> No.7178152

/pol/ hates 3d women

Hitler would not be a fan. Reproduce for the good of the nation good goys.

>> No.7178154

False history.

Read a Book.

They promoted super society where everyone marched around like robots, everyone was happy so no crime.

>> No.7178156

Ha thanks for taking the time to respond to me with a meme

>> No.7178158

Satanists are a complete joke, do not compare them to actual National socialism, please. Though many have misrepresented the name, in the need to reassure themselves, in truth; it does no such thing. In actuality, it is a far more Nietzschean ideal of the will to power over oneself, and subsequently others [whom will do the same]. You can tell that the fat/skinny "nazis", have not adopted their supposed ideal. As national socialism is heavily funded by the classical Greek ideals, including the "healthy body, healthy mind", which if I recall correctly Plato spoke of.

As for Jews, they were very much a problem in 1900 era Germany, and historical analysis revealed that many people in power, and many people degenerating society were either: Jews, or inspired by Jews. Whether or not that still holds true today, I cant say for certain; though there likely is some truth to that statement.

As for that whole "white supremacist" nonsense that you wrote, is pretty bad. Anyone who isnt a complete autist can tell that they were indeed real people. But to say that they were the cause of such great suffering; is an insult. The allied force committed disgusting acts towards the Germans in particular. Whether it be bombing cities [with nuclear warheads too] or sending in hordes of men to rape and murder hundreds of thousands of women and children; is an unforgivable act, which never went under scrutiny like the Germans did. Or even the fact that they starved and executed countless Pows, regardless of the law.

>> No.7178160

>listened to Jazz music
There's some really great German Jazz

NS is way more popular than communism. Nearly no-one in the western world is a real communist.

>> No.7178166

Does anyone have a list of books that Hitler read.

That came to the conclusion about the letter writers, and how he realised the best form of society was socialism.

Please no mein kampf whispered by a jew in the back ground.

>> No.7178168

you get to keep your NEETbux but you don't have to deal le evil 'SJWs'
they are the Last Men of the right and this is coming from someone who is right wing af

>> No.7178170

No, I know there is German Jazz, but Jazz was outlawed in Nazi Germany for its linkage to African Americans and for Nazis thinking that Jews ran Jazz clubs and were therefore hotbeds of degenerate behaviour. Still tons of Nazis listened to Jazz and I remember reading a story about Nazi customs officers allowing tons of records to be smuggled in knowingly because people liked it.

>> No.7178173

No worries friendo.

I'm not the nazi

>> No.7178176

Anything and everything ancient:Greek, Roman, Norse or Germanic.

Also Pretty much every Philosophical work from Plato, up to Nietzsche.

>> No.7178177

/pol/ doesn't know what real communism is.

They either go full American and think it means authoritarians, which is hilarious considering half of them are nazis.

OR they believe it means American liberalism and identity politics.

>> No.7178183

You do realise that Weimar Era Germany had one of the most unprecedented periods of scientific output in history right?

Something like 9 different Nobel Prizes were awarded to German's in its fairly brief existence

>> No.7178185

We are all Nietzches last men.
Hell, the nazis and "commies" of today are even less so than the rest of us.

Most westerners are devoid of religion, ideology or even a basic life philosophy. Most people just fill the hole with consumption.

As much as I hate them at least they turn to Politics, they try to believe in something.

>> No.7178187

Get rid of all the labelling, it all comes down to Homosexuals and Heterosexuals.

Basically the end point of a civilisation when homosexuals spread like a virus and an invading force decided to kill all the Heterosexuals for not dealing with the

But Heterosexuals cannot kill a homosexual from their own city because it is an unfair fight since the homosexual is no treat and incapable of killing unless self
preservation is activated in the brain.

Basically Hitler realised jews are basically homosexuals and dealt with the problem by putting them in non lethal camps in other countries so invading forces
didnt want to kill him. Very clever, except Goebbles was a sneaking lying homosexual right under his nose giving him disinformation leading to all armies thinking
he was evil and killing them all himself.

>> No.7178189

Philosophy is dead now. It was questions based on lack of information.
All those questions have been solved.
Waste of time.

>> No.7178190

Because they want to dismantle capitalism while maintaining a strong, productive nation to leech off. If a state opened its borders today it would totally collapse, especially without a monetary system. National Socialism is like the tribalism that Marx harked back to.

>> No.7178195


Where the hell did all the magic information come from that solved all these problems?

oh, that's right, there are still unsolved problems

>> No.7178196

Only one left is where does the universe end.

Come at me.

>> No.7178200

All thought, be it social, political or economic, in the West is fundamentally based in the culture created by the entire western philosophical canon.

To understand society you have to understand philosophy in its historical context.

>> No.7178203


>> No.7178205


>everything on earth is perfect and there are no more questions

scientism dies first

>> No.7178206

So which one is it?

>> No.7178207

Where did the universe begin?

>> No.7178209
File: 58 KB, 567x800, Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-H27141,_Berlin,_Neue_Reichskanzlei,_Statue_-Partei-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say Fascism/Nazism more like mediaevalism trying to manifest itself in an industrialising world except paradoxically it rejects Christianity as the central point of culture and instead replaces it with nationalism and weird national esoteric mysticism.

I don't know, fascism can only really be defined by the context of the period it was born in.

>> No.7178214

ba dum tiss

You really showed me

>> No.7178221

Actually, National Socialism is, ideologically, socialism under the nation state, the nation being defined ethnically, of course. Think of a tribalistic kind of socialism. You're acting as though Julius Evola defined fascism.

>> No.7178223

>We are all Nietzches last men.
speak for yourself tbh

>> No.7178229

we're not talking about fascism or nazism
we're talking about those who follow it

>> No.7178230

You can't escape it.

>> No.7178234

Those kids are extremely romantic. They want to feel part of something great, that's why they can only like sublime paintings, nazism, or talk about the death of the universe or whether there is a god, or what features make the 10/10 girl, etc. Or they are in love with anime or hollywood films, cape comics. They just want to engage in something and it must be great and out of this world. It is precisely the fact that they cannot engage with something that doesn't sell itself as perfect that they can't get out of their houses and hook with the common girl, wash dishes, talk to people as equals, not talk about religion, appreciate other forms of art and so on. They are easily hypnotized by utopias and bold affirmations. They also enjoy having things for which they can fight, but only anonymous. If they were feminists or vegetarians, they would have something to deal with in real life, but with nazism they have the excuse that it is as socially rejected as they are, so they can whine online but justify their inaptitude in daily life. Same reason why they can argue for some metaphysical position about the "the whole universe" day after day online or why they can discuss how to fix a capeshit film as if they had the solution for it, take sides on some argument no one else is having and things like that. They have no other fights and no other ways to express themselves.

>> No.7178243

what's about this thread, why it has to be meme?

>> No.7178248

It is not Nationalism as in terms of the nation state.
The Nation state merely requires a Nation exists

In the nazi sense, the fascist sense, Nationalism is the belief that all things and people are subordinate to the Nation. The Nation is the only important thing in society and all political and social action must reinforce and strengthen the Nation.

It's called "integral nationalism".