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7176654 No.7176654 [Reply] [Original]

What is the purest love in the history of literature?

Romeo and Juliet is almost always the default answer I hear from people.
What are other legendary couples of literature?

>> No.7176661


Ignatius and Myrna

>> No.7176677

R&J is the worst play Shakespeare ever wrote tbh

>> No.7176753

Cupid and Psyche anyone?

>> No.7176773


maybe the worst of the hits, but not when you include deep tracks

>> No.7176796

Even though Shakespeare continually set-up and then subverted Petrarchan tropes, including in the character of Romeo. If you think Romeo and Juliet's little tryst has anything to do with 'pure love' you probably didn't actually read the play, and if you did, you either read it in your sleep, or are incapable of even the most basic acts of literary comprehension.

>> No.7176819

"Pure love" isn't a relationship between two people, especially not a representational image of a relationship between two people. Art is the truth of "love" - love is a tepid modern stand-in and cliche for a truth most no longer or never did know how to find (God, art, unity), like the currently predominant cult of "happiness".

>> No.7176825


Dmitri and Grushenka

>> No.7176827

Obligatory Humbert + Dolores post

>> No.7176829

Everyone in this thread is tucking wrong.

Akhilleus and Patrokolus or perhaps Socrates and Alcibiades are the only right answers.

Dante and Beatrice are close thirds.

>> No.7176837
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Gilgamesh and Endiku anyday. Alternatively, Achilles and Patrolocus.

Bromance is so much purer than Hoemance.

>> No.7176838

Dante and Beatrice

>tfw end of purgatorio onwards brought you to tears

>> No.7176842

Wait what's the story of Dante and Beatrice? I only remember Beatrice being in the first part cause I dropped the book halfway through cause it got too repetitive.

>> No.7176849
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>other legendary couples of literature?

Penelope and Odysseus

Dante and Beatrice

Arthur and Guenever

Tristan and Isolde

Hester Prynne and Arthur Dimmesdale

Humbert and Dolores

>> No.7176860

What book?

If you mean The Divine Comedy, then the book is not the best representative of Dante's feeling towards Beatrice - although admittedly she waits for him in paradise so she's portrayed in a 'heavenly' way.
"The New Life", Dante's former book, it's his book about Beatrice and the love he has for her

>> No.7176879

did Dolores really return it though?

>> No.7176885

>Purest form of love
>Assuming it's between a man and woman

Love is not only sexual,and I'd argue that non sexual love is usually more potent then romantic love.

>> No.7176907
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Well er... umm... *technically* she made the first move...

>> No.7176933

Anything that involves a woman and a boy.

>> No.7177135

Buttercup and The Farm Boy - Wesley

>> No.7177140

The love God has for man and vice versa.

>> No.7177169


I mean, yeah.

Didn't he come back to life in the epilogue after dying again when the miracle pill wore off, because he convinced the god of death that his love was more important than playing by the rules of mortality?

>> No.7177212

Nisus and Euryalus.

>No day shall erase you from the memory of time

>> No.7177269

I would "fuck" Jesus tbh

>> No.7177343
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The Father's Love for His Son is the purest Love in existence.

>> No.7177358

the sadist and the willing hesitant

>> No.7177366
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>> No.7177375


>At night down here, very often lately, Enzian will wake for no reason. Was it really Him, pierced Jesus, who came to lean over you? The white faggot's-dream body, the slender legs and soft gold European eyes… did you catch a glimpse of olive cock under the ragged loincloth, did you want to reach to lick at the sweat of his rough, his wooden bondage? Where is he, what part of our Zone tonight, damn him to the knob of that nervous imperial staff…

>> No.7177378

Who's that by? I think a son's love for his mother is stronger and purer.

>> No.7177395
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>I think a son's love for his mother is stronger and purer.

That just makes you a mama's boy.

>> No.7177416
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>implying they each died for true love
>implying it wasn't a teenage angst fuelled suicide pact to get back at their overbearing, one-upmanship families
>implying 'Romeo & Juliet' isn't YA

>> No.7177428
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Only if said son is

>> No.7177447
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>> No.7177479

B-Beren and Luthien

>> No.7177546

Ishmael and Queequeg

>> No.7177629

Mario Incandenza and his love of humanity.

>> No.7177680

Abelard and Heloise.
Marguerite Duras (the girl) and the lover.
Tao Lin and, wait...

>> No.7177704

John and Mona

>> No.7177719

Penelope was a woman. Goddamn she was a woman.

>> No.7177724

>predominant cult of happiness

care to elaborate?

>> No.7177734

Father and daughter

>> No.7177740


If you're a male, I bet you don't have sisters

if you're a woman, I get it

>> No.7177746

you recommend that book ?

>> No.7177752

Grigori and Aksinia

>> No.7177918

Catherine and heathcliff

>> No.7177970

Werther and Charllotte

>> No.7178197

Yes, but only because I liked it.
There is no story like in The Divine Comedy, It's just Dante writing about her love for Beatrice and the times he saw her.

>> No.7178201

I don't like my mother tbh

>> No.7178226

Pip and Estella
Frederic and Catherine
Jon and Ygritte

>> No.7178236

I agree with Achilles and Patroklos.

>> No.7178258


>> No.7178271

That kind of love is sexual as it gets tho.

>> No.7178274
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>> No.7178283
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Paolo & Francesca for the win.

>> No.7178285

or a nigger

>> No.7178345
File: 907 KB, 1690x1051, Edward_Poynter_-_Orpheus_and_Eurydice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orpheus and Eurydice

>> No.7178366

Orpheus went to Hades to bring Eurydice back.

>> No.7178739

Romeo and juliet were two stupid children who were just smart enough to realize how incredibly stupid their families were. So they did what stupid kids do and ran away for attention and died because they suck at making decisions. There was nothing true about it.

>> No.7178748


>> No.7178749

Dominus "Blicero" Weissman and his boipussi Gottfried tbh.

>> No.7178755

Christfags hate happiness, that's why they violently persecuted Epicureanism.

>> No.7178781

sounds like into the wild multiplayer edition

>> No.7179087

Paolo e Francesca.

>> No.7179102

they met as kids and he fell in love with her but never actually talked to her or whatever, then he married a random girl and had like three kids and she died after marrying another random guy.
the romantic part is that dante was crazy about her, like a teenager

>> No.7179111

the Vita Nova is a diary, like, pretty random shit

>> No.7179117

very much this

>> No.7179157

This so much.

>> No.7179296

The only proper answer is God's love for humanity.

>> No.7179306

I hate my mother tbh fam imo lol

>> No.7179774

Beatrice and Benedick.

>> No.7179801
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Abelard & Heloise.

Few "pure loves" are evr known though, but of the famous and well documented ones, I vote for them. But really, probably many of us on this board have experienced "purest love" in our one-sided and unknown personal tragedies. I actually like almost all the answers and examples given in this thread - there could never be just one right answer.

>> No.7180634

>implying anyone in the last few hundred years has truly read and interpreted Romeo and Juliet as a discrete textual work, absent preconceived notions about its contents
Virtually everyone reads the play having already been told that it is THE classic tale of doomed lovers. Before the reader even meets Romeo and Juliet, he already "knows" their relationship to one another is one of true love, and uncritically accepts this without regard for the questions the actual text may raise.

>> No.7180652
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>> No.7180728

>Virtually everyone reads the play having already been told that it is THE classic tale of doomed lovers.

>> No.7180754

Martha and George from Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf.

They totally fail in their mutual aspirations, savage each other for it, but still remain together, and a comfort to one another in their failure.

Love isn't pleasure, it is a stand, through devotion, against loneliness and pain.

Most of the examples in this thread are really Gatsby-esque ideal loves that collapse once the distance at the heart of them is removed, or time and adversity is added.

>> No.7180809

Came in to post Orpheus and Eurydice, but y'all got that covered, so Jane Eyre and Rochester.

>> No.7180823

Wouldn't a son loving his father more make him gay?

>> No.7181274

Alyosha Karamazov and his love for humanity.
Jesus Christ and his saving and liberating love for the dispossed and oppresed of this world.

>> No.7181420


Which is fucking ridiculous and wrong, and converts a very touching work about violent conflict, responsibility, and the ties-that-bind into just another sappy "love" story.

>> No.7182672

don quixote and tales of chivalry

>> No.7183446
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>Cupid and Psyche anyone?
First thing that sprang to mind.
Mainly because of the sculpture.

She never knew what he looked like, let alone that he was a god before getting curious and turning up the lamp that one time after a tryst.

Blind love? Or at least infatuation.

>> No.7183471
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Poldy and Molly

>> No.7183473

are...are those cherubs spreading her butthole?

>> No.7183493
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>> No.7183638

Ariane and solal

>> No.7183902

no, Julius Caesar is the worst and that was a hit

Historical accuracy: where art goes to suck