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/lit/ - Literature

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7175264 No.7175264 [Reply] [Original]

>yfw you realize Starbucks the coffee shop is named after Starbuck the character in Moby Dick

>> No.7175330

They should have stuck with Pequod because that's what their drinks taste like.

>> No.7175405

>tfw you realize Infinite Jest is a reference to Hamlet

still don't understand the significance of it though

>> No.7175455

>yfw when you discover The Dark Knight Rises is based off of A Tale of Two Cities
>yfw chapter 23 of book 2 is titled Fire Rises

>> No.7175490

>yfw the Baltimore Ravens are named after Poe bird

>> No.7175510

>the reality show big brother is a 1984 reference

>> No.7175562

They should have stuck with Captain Ahab because that's what their drinks taste like (like salty seaman).

>> No.7175570
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>> No.7175587
File: 11 KB, 183x240, 1404971531002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You kek-inducing motherfucker

>> No.7175615

>tfw you read 1984 and realise that it isn't a novalisation of the big brother reality show

>> No.7175642
File: 51 KB, 600x800, american bookstore2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw orwellian newspeak

>> No.7175742

What the hell is this?

>> No.7175756

A ''relevant'' version of Romeo & Juliet from the looks of it.

What kind of a person do you have to be to make something like that?

>> No.7175778

It's called yolo Juliet or some such

>> No.7175953

>yfw you realize Camus' Magnms Opus was actually a metaphor for sitting on your hand until it's numb and then jerking off with it, ie the wave of relief (orgasm) you get when you finally resolve the apathy towards life (numbness) with the revelation that your life is no longer in your hands (someone else jerking you off)

>> No.7177566

i don't know how to do the spoiler thing so if anyone's reading this there's kind of an IJ spoiler in here

the structure of Hamlet is a never-ending story, themes of entertainment's role, parallel the samizdat and continental emergency to the fall of the empire in the final Act etc etc

>> No.7177584

cool, I'm sure this bit of trivia will get me laid sometime

>> No.7177638

Is this legit?

>> No.7177643

Yes this is correct.

>> No.7178088

What book? Sisyphus?

>> No.7178104


The Stranger

>> No.7178129


>> No.7178267

You just put 'spoiler' in between brackets to start the spoiler and then '/spoiler' in between brackets when you're finished with what needs to be hidden.

it's fun

>> No.7178290

Lol! "Now a major television series"

>> No.7178315


>> No.7178418


>> No.7178420
File: 30 KB, 475x477, question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you realize King and Pynchon are the same person

>> No.7178428

'spoiler' spoiler '/spoiler'

>> No.7178431

(spoiler) spoiler (/spoiler)

>> No.7178438

(spoiler "spoiler" /spoiler)

>> No.7178446

('spoiler' spoiler '/spoiler')

>> No.7178447

(spoiler spoiler /spoiler)

>> No.7178450

(Spoiler) I'm C.I.A /spoiler

>> No.7178453

>pls no bully

>> No.7178459

square brackets you dunce


>> No.7178465

fuck you

>> No.7178474

fuck you but thank you

>> No.7178478


>> No.7178515 [SPOILER] 
File: 364 KB, 1662x934, 1443623616627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7178537

for you

>> No.7178728

Yeah, DFW saw the phrase "Infinite Jest" while reading Hamlet and thought it'd tie in perfectly with his New Sincerity bullshit.

>> No.7178764


>> No.7178853

Best thread on /s4s/ right now

>> No.7178854

>mfw I thought it was just something from a Dave Chapelle skit and not actually a real thing people do

>> No.7178912


>> No.7179020

lamo tbh /spoiler

>> No.7179057

The first I heard of it was when a character mentioned it in the Gone in Sixty Seconds remake. He talked about it as if it was his invention.

>> No.7179089

Does /lit/ really have this many newfags?

>> No.7179319

Butthurt as fuck

>> No.7179678
File: 52 KB, 720x408, gunn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you realize that in the movie trilogy Star Wars, Luke was dressed in light colors and Darth Vader was dressed in black, showing good vs evil

>> No.7179697

this tbh fam

>> No.7179714

The book explicitly mentions this so if you had to "realize" it, you either never read it or are kinda retarded.

>> No.7179720

I tried it once. It's just a joke. It doesn't actually work.

>> No.7179730

>not embracing the absurd

>> No.7179733

Luke dressed in black in the last two, though.

>> No.7179773

Luke was slowly drifting toward the dark side. He was consumed by fury and a lust for revenge. But then at the end his father saved him and love conquered all.

>> No.7179808

>yfw you realize there are the following characters in the Star Wars flicks:

>Savage Opress
>Elan Sleazebaggano
>Darth Icky
>Dexter Jettster and his 50s cafe
>Sheev Palpatine
>Kit Fisto

also, pic related, it's Kardue'sai'Malloc

>> No.7179813
File: 35 KB, 360x452, devil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops, forgot pic