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7174458 No.7174458 [Reply] [Original]

what should be the last book i read before I kill myself?
100% serious. not looking for advice on anything other than book recs.

>> No.7174462

On Heroes and Tombs, by Ernesto Sabato.

>> No.7174475

Suicide note by Mitchell Heisman

>> No.7174476

by the way does anyone like my rock stacks?

>> No.7174483

Man's Search For Meaning
do it
reading the book, that is
don't do the suicide

>> No.7174485

Street of Crocodiles by Bruno Schulz

At least then you can die happy.

>> No.7174487

print every single thread ever posted on 4chan up until a few months before the date you decide to go through with it onto paper and bind it into a book. Move to Venice Beach, CA and smoke a lot of weed while you read through the history of many people like yourself over a long period of time

become enlightened

decide not to kill self

>> No.7174497

any links to previous an hero threads?

>> No.7174498

I hope a drunk bum throws them all over

>> No.7174505

Homosexual projections everywhere.

[/spoiler]Not funny.

>> No.7174506


>> No.7174507


What is the relation here. You die happy because you realize how full of shit the world you're quitting was? or?

>> No.7174509

>reading a book before killing yourself

why? put on a song or album while doing it, it'll embolden you.

also, if u ain't trolling, how u plan on doing it fam? i need tips.

>> No.7174511

If he's serious about suicide patronising the man will just erode what little faith he has left in humanity and speed his demise: you do not understand the context behind his decision, and urging him in any direction without that crucial context will probably only serve to highligh the interpersonal gulf that leads a person to conclude that suicide is a sensible course of action..

OP, if you don't want to change your mind I recommend something short and naturalistic, like Shardik by Richard Adams, - it's a well rendered little story about the relationship between man and faith, also bears.

They are very nice stacks, even if I was drunk as hell I would think twice before disturbing them, because that would not be very nice.

>> No.7174514


nah, google might

>> No.7174522

The Unbearable Lightness of Being.

>> No.7174524


stop talking about people like they're not reading what you're saying

get real

>> No.7174531


what did he write that's wrong?

>> No.7174535


Solipsist by Henry Rollins

>> No.7174539

I plan on listening to this when i die:

>> No.7174544

I'm not sure yet. probably jump off a building, my university has 10 story dorms.

>> No.7174545

Pessoa's The Book of Disquiet


>> No.7174548

inb4 you're /mu/ crossposter

>> No.7174556


it's the tense and tone of what he's saying

>don't urge him in any direction, you'll upset the interpersonal gulf

THAT is patronising

>> No.7174558


>> No.7174565

Brothers Karamazov

If u have read that

Immortality by Kundera

>> No.7174568

is immortality any good?
not OP here, just curious.

>> No.7174574

>suicidal OP
>reading Immortality

very poetic suggestion, are you george lucas?

>> No.7174592

I liked it, read it in czech though

Its not like one of the books about "everything", or quality-wise on par with BK but its still a good book (liked it more then unbearable lightness, its much more lyrical).
And I think it would be nice aesthetically and allegorically to read a good book named Immortality before suicide.

After all, there is no book ever written that could give you any meaningful insight about everything right before death, might as well read John Green.

>> No.7174597
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fuk you :(

>> No.7174598
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The Dharma Bums has rock stacks.

>> No.7174599

>After all, there is no book ever written that could give you any meaningful insight about everything right before death
Some might make you want to keep trying for long enough so that you actually find something worth living for though.

>> No.7174605

>not looking for advice on anything other than book recs.

>> No.7174613

I was intentionally disregarding this option

>> No.7174616

Artamène by de Scudery

>> No.7174617

Why though?

>> No.7174621

He wants to meet God to ask him why he fucked life up so. Perhaps.

>> No.7174625
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Get into hardcore pessimism.

>> No.7174626

Every suicidal person just wants out and tells people not to discourage him though.

This now feels a lot like /r9k/, but it is never the answer.

So yeah, taking into consideration that our take on this is bit more sober than OP's, this whole nihilism should be put on a leash or something

>> No.7174655

if you're able to focus and read full books why would you want to kill yourself?

>> No.7174677
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Many times I have contemplated suicide myself, never told about it anyone though. I have also read Frankl and I seriously hate people telling other people how to live their life. I know how retarded is to an hero but I also dismiss that there are some mental gymnastics to be implemented in your mind from any book to prevent you from it. Thats just weak people bullshit. Once you are certain you will go for it. I don't believe that those guys that haven't pulled the trigger in the last seconds done it bcs some book told them "life matters".

Also think of it more ine a plot-like way. There is an inevitable situation in a plot time-line where our character kill himself. What as a screen-player are you going to put in his hands?

>> No.7174691

The Trial

>> No.7174708

Currently reading Postgate's "Bronze Age Bureaucracy: Writing and the Practice of Government in Assyria"---I wouldn't recommend it, though. I'm finding something different later this afternoon.

>> No.7174784
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>> No.7174789

war and peace
a. it's pretty long, so you'll be alive a bit longer, which is nice (although maybe not if you want to die)
b. it's pretty good, i recommend it

>> No.7174801
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The Bible

>> No.7175008

>What as a screen-player are you going to put in his hands?
Have you read 'Scum of Earth'?

Maybe it's not about the screenplayer, but about the character. Maybe OP can relate in a very figurative way.

>> No.7175029

A Dream of Spring

>> No.7175040

OP isn't immortal

>> No.7175045

OP isn't a pleb

>> No.7175055

He wants to kill himself so yes, he is a pleb

>> No.7175060

He might be a pleb when it comes to life decisions, is all.

btw OP pls don't do it

>> No.7175080

How is being suicidal 'intellectually inferior'?

>> No.7175101

Bad idea fam.

You could end up just horrifically wounding yourself instead of dying, or even if you do die it could be in intense agony.

There's also the fact that young people will have to watch and even clean up your mess,please don't burden others with that kind of shit. It really fucks some people up.

If you want to do it, then get some helium and gas yourself. You basically just go to sleep with no pain or anything.

But be warned, there's nothing waiting for you. Whatever your life is now, it's better than utter oblivion. Don't fuck up your one chance. You're not coming back.

>> No.7175108

like a fucking 4chan post is worth anything
go fuck yourself

>> No.7175113
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War & Peace.

>> No.7175114

lol m9 why so angri? (=

was just disclaiming that I don't agree with him, which I have the right to

>> No.7175119

>hurr durr i can only think in memes

fuck off

>> No.7175121

drink yourself to numbness while being outside during winter and freeze yourself to death.

thats how I would do it tbh

>> No.7175124


Seconding this. If you want to die, just google "helium suicide." It's very cheap and easy to set up, totally painless, and it doesn't leave anything gruesome behind. It's the best way to kill yourself if you actually want to do it.

>> No.7175682
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A single spasm is enough to cripple you forever instead of dying with the happy exit bag method.

If you want to be certain, shoot yourself in the head with a shotgun in a sinking row boat, or on the edge of a high building in such a position where you are sure to fall down after shooting yourself.

>> No.7175759

Tolstoys essay about his faith

>> No.7176195

the only true patrician method, just imagine laying back on a clear winter night and looking up at the stars one last time

>> No.7176221
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The Divine Comedy
I recommend the Ciardi translation

>> No.7176234

this guy t(._.t)

>> No.7176256

>while choking on vomit
truly a patrician act

>> No.7176307


The Game of Thrones series

He'll have to wait 4 years for the series to be finished, and won't be able to kill himself between now and then
Jon lives

>> No.7176323


>> No.7176763

À la recherche du temps perdu by Marcel Proust, about 3000 pages.

>> No.7176779

The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest

>> No.7176783

I doubt there would be anything comfy about that

>> No.7176800


don't read a book, maybe chill out and watch a good TV series in a binge over a few days. I read a lot more than anyone here and I need an emotional/psychological detox every now and then. Last time was about six months ago where I started playing video games for a week before going back to intensive reading. I'm getting off my current detox of watching Chuck. It's a funny show and you can find all the episodes online. Should make you happy, it's funny and dramatic. Then once you're done with the series you'll probably hover over the wiki pages for the characters for a few days and get back to reading and loving life again. Trust me, I'm a reader.

>> No.7176806

the Dhammapada

Pls don't kill yourself

>> No.7176861


> I read a lot more than anyone here

sure bud

>> No.7176871


I range from 8 to 10 hours a day

>> No.7176889

I dig 'em. There's something that feels really mystical about them.

>> No.7176935


same here, take or give

there are a lot of people who spend that much time reading on average and even more

>> No.7176949


>> No.7176962

Why do some people are so irritated to the idea of someone commiting suicide? You know what I'm talking about, it's the "if you think life is bad then you really should kill yourself, idiot" attitude. Why it happens?

>> No.7176970

You guys NEETs or what? To what end do you read so much?

>> No.7176980

in search of lost time

>> No.7177032

Marabou Stork Nightmares. It'll either depress you enough to the point where you're certain of your course, or end up pulling you out of it.

>> No.7177039

in search of lost time

>> No.7177052

>he isn't NEET

>To what end do you read so much?

to be better than normies

>> No.7177057


No, I work 50+ hours a week and I can sneak a shit ton of reading in during that time

>to what end

no single specific end. reading isn't a means to accomplish one goal, the 'benefit' of reading a lot is pretty boundless

>> No.7177087

>the 'benefit' of reading a lot is pretty boundless
reading is fun but let's not pretend there's any benefits to reading made up stories.

>> No.7177143

that's a pretty shitty read to recommend someone on their death bed

>> No.7177148

Go to Antarctica, bring your favorite short book. Doesn't matter what it is, so long as you can read it in less than two hours and you genuinely enjoy it.

Get yourself a few dozen miles away from whichever station you arrive at. Ideally you should be in the mountains, in order to find a good rock or patch of gravel to sit on. Then strip down to just your first layer of clothing and start reading.

>> No.7177158


Reading fiction is practically beneficial to any number of real world 'ends' you might desire to achieve

and I don't just read fiction

>> No.7177172

The Recognitions.

>> No.7177191


that only makes sense as a last book if you're white and christian

>> No.7177207

not true btw

>> No.7177368


other guy, lmao when I was a lifeguard during the summer I'd sit off in a corner and read 7 hours during a 10 hours shift. School is marking that hard again, I can't be productive on my own stuff while I'm anxious about classes and grades. Any ideas to go back to my usual 8+ hours?