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7173665 No.7173665 [Reply] [Original]

>Have to go to bed earlier these days (new job)
>Trying to squeeze in time in my short evening
>Coffee is consumed
>Can't sleep; insomnia. Yet, still so tired.
>Tired as shit next day. Try to take a nap during lunch. Nap when I get home.
>Wake up and still tired and don't feel like writing.
>Say up 'til midnight anyway.
>Tired the next day.
>Wash, rinse repeat....

Curse this vicious cycle.

Writing woes.

>> No.7174123
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Used to be this. Fixed my sleep cycles, spread out my studies, went back to gym. You'll make it brah

>> No.7174135

I want that mug.

But yeah, unsurprisingly I'm also not doing much exercise currently and am getting a little tubby again. I need to get my shit straight (had awful insomnia last night and didn't rest well and I'm supposed to be out with friends tonight and I just know I'm going to repeat the cycle for tomorrow).

>> No.7174151


I know tfw, studing for an accounting exam at the moment, quit my job when I was like you last year to focus on studies, got glandular fever just after and took like 6 months to recover from that then my shit fucked up earlier this year and had to have an appendix opperation. I'm on the slow train back now. Just follow the cliches like 'don't shitpost just before bedtime' and 'read before sleeping' and do pullups in you lunch break you will feel better.

And yea whats worse than going out is staying in and then staying up all night anyway.

>> No.7174174

>don't shitpost just before bedtime'
That's exactly what I did last night. Fuck.

>whats worse than going out is staying in and then staying up all night anyway.
And this so much. Usually I will end up feeling bad for dipping out on friends and sit at home feeling like I should have gone. And yes, I end up not being productive and still stay up. Which is why I'm still going out tonight, probably.

I will also say that I always feel energized and invigorated mentally and physically after going for a walk during lunch.

>> No.7174189

I know this feel so much. I work from 8:30am to 5:30pm and at home my brain can function for like an hour in terms of reading etc and I'm either ready to sleep or to do mindless shit on the internet. It sucks and it's no way to live. Nietzsche is write about a free man having 2/3 of his day to himself. Writing is and always has been the plaything of people who can afford not to work. Look at Tao Lin, his parents paid his way through college (in New York) and then bought him an apartment after graduation where he could focus on his writing (while working barely at all). It fucking sucks to waste hours then days then weeks and seeing no benefit other than a slight increase in your bank account, even though that slight increase is nothing compared to what many people your age are just given without earning it by their wealthy parents. It's sickening and I have no hostility towards anybody with creative ambitions who decides to become NEET. I'm too guilt-ridden to do so myself, and I guess I'll just became another gelded, meek, autistic retard whose routine consumes his life until he either becomes too dull to even have creative ambitions any more or who snaps and ends his life.

>> No.7174231
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174 174 nice. And yea I think it's better to do that. But I do exactly the same thing, and then sit at home and be marginally productive and get misanthropic and go on facebook and have get more misantropic from seeing normies narcissistic lifestyle porn. Then come here because I need some connection outside the venal lifestyle politics of my IRL social circles. It was my birthday last week and I did that.

But I'm going back to gym, and booked to travel and do muay thai on a beach for 7 weeks at the end of the year where I can also nail the last part of the meme trillogy and Goethe. Also I will have broken the back of my degree and have some space to do more cool stuff next year so thats whats keeping me going..

I used to take concerta and gym in the morning and hold a part-time advertising office job and study but I burned out pretty fast. I think if I had a normal 9-5 and less obligations I'd manage ok in that robot mode though. Was productive af

>> No.7174289

i know these feels
don't drink coffee before bed tho. bad idea.

>> No.7174297

Aside from the good advice:
>order modafinil from India
>semax from Russia or US
>coca mate from S America just in case (if it is legal in your country obviously)
Self medicate as needed.

>> No.7174315

That's how I write best, though.
'Course if I got decent sleep I wouldn't need coffee in the early evening, would I?

>coca mate
Wut, what, and wat? I'll need to look these things up.

I guess I got it better than I realize. Stable job (don't like the people, tho), decent-ish money (took a pay cut, though), and I get out an hour earlier than I used to at my previous job. It's that 8:00 am on-the-dot schedule that's killing me, though. I am the night, dammit.

>> No.7174330

They're all wakey drugs, modafinil and semax to the degree you can stay up for about three days and operate at the same level as when you were rested. If dosed properly.

Coca mate is just cocaine tea. It's like a cup of coffee but acts in a different way and has a shorter half life.

They can help when you're just tired as shit.

>> No.7174355

Interesting. I might consider, with the slight fear of making my heart explode like the Death Star. I shall research.

Really all I need to do is get the fuck to sleep.

The cocaine tea sounds the most interesting, though.

>> No.7174360


When I'm in that cycle I just try stay awake the entirity of the next day with no naps or sleeps and it seems to reset.

>> No.7174365

That's the one most likely to make your heart explode. Which none of them will, the first two are ridiculously safe like there is no practical way to overdose on them. The worst thing that'll happen on modafinil is you'll need to pee a lot.

>> No.7174382

Sounds good mate, I will look into that.
>Pee a lot
I drink coffee 24/7 almost, so I'm peeing like ever one or two hours anyway.

Yeah I guess that's how I'll fix it tomorrow. I'd do it today, but knowing I'm going to be out late-ish, I need mah [failed] naps. What this all means of course, is I'm going to write fuck all between now and Thursday.

I'd be interested to hear if other writers can or try to write while exhausted.

>> No.7174386

Modafinil pee is on another level to coffee pee I'll just tell you now.

>> No.7174395
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Enjoy your Real Nigga Hours

>> No.7174415
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brb, going to attempt a lunch nap.

>> No.7174424


>> No.7174791

Back. Nap was shit. Didn't sleep. Lunch breaks should be two hours.

My piss smells like sulfur already. Great.

>> No.7174837


>> No.7174875


Rei pls

>> No.7174914

He's right.

>> No.7174943


'Muh labour theory of value'

>> No.7174950

Thanks for showing us the path to enlightenment, Winston.

>> No.7174969

That's not even rei

>> No.7175267

Shut up you fucking attention whore fucking moron.
You drink coffee and then say "lol insomnia" Like a 16 year old. You are probably spending your time not sleeping on your phone or computer (or tv or god forbid a book) like that is going to help make you tired. Fuck off

>> No.7175283
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You're actually right, anon. Thanks. I was drinking coffee, I was on the internet, and I continued to stay on the internet even when I knew it was time to start winding down. I admit it.

But I also am used to being up late and my new job has me getting up hours earlier, so that's an adjustment.

Point is, I have horrible discipline in this department and it's affecting my writing. The end.

>> No.7175691
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>> No.7175745

Not op but I love to sleep. I wish I could sleep and just dream until I die.

I only live to sleep. My entire day is spent in anticipation of when I can close my eyes and not be here in my sad little life anymore.

>> No.7176143

Jesus Christ, am I on /r9k?

>> No.7176152


Sounds like my life OP.
Just got diagnosed with narcolepsy. :(

I at least have stimulants on hand now.

>> No.7176159


Lay off the coffee, and focus on fixing your sleep schedule first.

>> No.7176171


Practice good sleep hygiene, which means having a routine, having a dark room, not using screens for an hour before bed, getting over anxiety about sleep (lie down with your eyes closed to rest, don't stress about sleep and sleep will come), and take some melatonin too, not 5mg try 1.5 or 2.5, cut the pills in half or whatever.

Also having one or two beers in the evening is good, more than that is detrimental.

>> No.7176176

This will be your life until you die. Are you happy?

>> No.7176191

Silly OP, wageslaves aren't supposed to create or consume real art. Just get high to "release the stress" and cuck your brain with porn.

All those unread books rotting on the shelf of unread books.
All those pleasant looking notepads of paper you promised to fill with real work from start to finish.

>> No.7176223

You're crazy, but you're also right most of the time

>> No.7178352
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Good morning /litizens, proud to report I slept well, if not long enough, last night. Too bad I don't have much time to write today. Got errands during lunch and going out with friends tonight. I guess I can always shitpost throughout the day to practice my craft.

Where do you fit your writing in during the day, and for how long?

>> No.7178376
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>can't write because of going out

>> No.7178377


I've never seen someone work so hard to slyly convince themselves they've chosen the right lifestyle path

>> No.7178407

I used to put writing (and fucking around) well ahead of my studies, and as a result I've been stuck in college for over seven years. Seeing as I'm finally about to graduate, I decided to put down the pen and wait until I could be NEET and focus fully on writing. It still haunts me that I've barely written a thing in several months.

>> No.7178410

Just write during work hours my man.

>> No.7178430

I bet you got so much writing done during that time.

Can't focus for long. There's a co-worker that's super chatty to the point of driving me insane. I used to edit stuff occasionally at my old job, though.

>> No.7178452

Honestly man, I find smoking a small amount of weed before bed, maybe having a nice glass of milk, and reading something light is the best way to guarantee rest. Sometimes missing a few days of sleep can weigh on you for ages, just sleep in for most of one day, take it easy, maybe have a stroll and a late lunch somewhere with a good book. Cut down on your coffee intake and try eating a larger breakfast and a slimmer lunch as well.

>> No.7178538

Yeah, honestly, I know all the answers. >>7175267 pointed them out plainly. I just have horrible habits.

Sure wish I could get weed on the reg, though.

>> No.7178565

>I bet you got so much writing done during that time.
Yeah, a good bit actually. I'm just worried that it'll be difficult starting up again after having lost all momentum.

>> No.7178618

I would love it so much if I didn't have a set time to wake up. Just stay up as late as I can, then sleeping as long as my body needs. I fucking hate how days are 24 hours.

>> No.7178629

Ey, don't worry. I end up having to approach projects after long hiatuses, and I just dive into my notes and outlines and absorb it and pretty soon I’m ready to go back at it again.

>> No.7180871

>Coffee in the evening
>Can't sleep; insomnia

You're quite an original person.

>> No.7182426

Not being able to sleep because of caffeine is still insomnia, you incredible retard.

>> No.7182442

>Writing is and always has been the plaything of people who can afford not to work.

Bullshit. Faulkner worked at a power plant when he was writing As I Lay Dying