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/lit/ - Literature

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7173107 No.7173107 [Reply] [Original]

What do you gain from books that you don't get from other storytelling mediums?

>> No.7173116

What other storytelling mediums? (Tip: film is not a storytelling medium)

>> No.7173118


>> No.7173120

what would you call it?

>> No.7173123

Film is the visual equivalent of music

>> No.7173130


Music can be a medium through which to tell stories, as can recorded images and sound in succession

>> No.7173139

well what is film then?

>> No.7173143

>implying literature is a storytelling medium
Maybe SHIT literature

this. any film worthy of its title as art is not a piece of storytelling.

>> No.7173148

I should have just left it at "medium" then, I thought it was obvious what I was trying to get at

>> No.7173158


>any film worthy of its title as art is not a piece of storytelling.

where do kids come up with this stuff

>> No.7173164


>> No.7173169

name a single film or work of literature that isn't

>> No.7173174


Many of the greatest stories written fall conversationally under 'postmodern'

>> No.7173182

something that isn't a piece of storytelling can still have a narrative

but to call lit a storytelling medium as if thats its main concern rather than the artistry of the language itself or the ideas discussed is wrong

same goes for film. only blockbusters prioritize storytelling.

notice you don't jump to calling music a storytelling medium? but that it still often tells stories? hm

>> No.7173188


Nevertheless music and film are both media through which to tell stories

Storytelling isn't a necessary condition of communication through these media but it is a frequent one

>> No.7173223
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Movies tend to tell a story about one particular clique in general. A bunch of people who like to race cars, or some teens on the cusp of adulthood, or maybe what it's like for two different types of people to get married and have children. Maybe the dialogue hints at the issues involved but doesn't explore it in depth. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf and Revolutionary Road are both great plays and movies, but they're more about the individuals involved in a marriage, and not about grander ideas.

Books or great plays deal in depth with differences in type; the conflict between boor, knight, priest. They allow these characters to dramatize one central societal problem, and explore it at length.

The dialogue describes what each character is thinking before, during and after the setpiece scenes. The conversations are heated because they're not personal... They're grander and more societal in nature... hence there is more to be lost.

A Man For All Seasons is a great two-Act play, and film... It manages to present a variety of views on the significance of the Reformation in England. Yet even something that scored huge box office, like The Dark Knight, manages to be 'literate' because you know everything you need to know about the two main characters... It isn't about personal ambition, but about the significance of the Neo-Conservative era.

>> No.7174842

you're an ignorant generalizing turd when it coems to movies

>> No.7174895
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>film is a visual medium

what even is the point of this statement? it's like saying

>music is an aural medium

you're stating an obvious fact and that is somehow supposed to prove that storytelling has no place in films? a writer has no more of an obligation to ''tell a story'' than a filmmaker has, it just usually helps in either case to have a story of some kind to keep the reader's/viewer's attention.

>> No.7174912


Watch the film of War and Peace after reading the book and tell me how much of it got captured

>> No.7175247

It's also the recorded version of plays, which are very much a storytelling medium.