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7172145 No.7172145 [Reply] [Original]

Jesus Christ what is it with contemporary philosophy and its fucking obsession with language?

>muh oppressive language structures
>muh signifier/signified
>muh define 'define'
>muh how does language represent reality? *5000 pages and one career later*

when will this meme end?

>> No.7172154

It's actually already ended. It's just that the next Big Idea has yet to cohere.

>> No.7172175

>its fucking obsession with language?
This indicates that you clearly either did not actually read the material, or did, and did not comprehend it.

>> No.7172183

How language represents the world, if it can truly represent the Other/Real, etc. whatever dude, it still puts me to sleep. if you want to school me like a bitch nigga go ahead, I'm here to learn, but so far this shit is so autistic and gay I get nauseous thinking about it

>> No.7172199

Commies believe that language is a social construct created by the bourgeoise to keep the workers from enslaving themselves to labor and that if the workers were to have a single generation under Communism everyone would be telepathic. Ergo anyone influenced heavily by such quackery will carry with them the muck of the pond that spawned them.

But even for those who aren't loony tunes it is a significant question. But like many things in philosophy it gets carried on to obnoxious levels ("Define 'define'" is one such example). This isn't counting Socratic wordgames (which can be entirely valid and not just "lel so crates u so wise", as shown by the Euthyphro dilemma) or other such things.

As an example, try to verbally define a sunset without words.

>> No.7172203

i can't find that picture that floated around here like 4 years ago with winnie the pooh looking down on piglet and whispering you've failed

so i'm just going to say

you've failed

continental philosophy had to do with language merely in passing, as a necessity of communication

>> No.7172206
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>merely in passing
>continental philosophy

>> No.7172218

it's what you get when you try to brush off metaphysics

>> No.7172219
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>> No.7172226

nice job proving the philosophy of language isn't autistic by linking semiotics you goober

>> No.7172283

>Implying anything communicating meaning doesn't do so toward language as language
>Implying anyone who thinks meaning and language can be divorced should be taken seriously
>Implying semiotics is anything but a subfield of more important fields

>> No.7172321

Write something btfo'ing everyone and it'll end.

>> No.7172339

>it still puts me to sleep
Personal problem. Sorry you're literally retarded, though.

>> No.7172363

Go write some more about power structures in winnie the pooh

>> No.7172371

The next big idea is right there in the OP. Hint: it's in the last sentence.

>> No.7172502

In analytic philosophy, the next Big Idea has been here for a decade. Fundamentality and ground have paved the way for the return of full-blooded metaphysics.

>> No.7172591

Deleuze LITERALLY resurrected metaphysics

>> No.7172598


hey now, mediocre intellects need tenured professorships too you know, how else are they supposed to eat?

>> No.7172613

>writes something
>what's with the primacy of writing??

everything's always already writing homie, get used to it

>> No.7172629

define the word "the"
define, not describe or provide external context towards

>> No.7172774

Wittgenstein said the world is wholly comprised of facts, and that philosophy is the linguistic embarkment of accessing every fact. Limits in language are limits in understanding

>> No.7172791

Who's the best philosopher for big dick players?

>> No.7172819
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like you even have to ask

>> No.7172885

>without words

>> No.7172887

Philosophy has always been a linguistic game, where have you been?

>> No.7172903

That reminds me of a poem I wrote called "Love is a Linguistic Game", would you like me to post it?

>> No.7172908

Go ahead

>> No.7172910

sure i need a laugh