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/lit/ - Literature

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7171063 No.7171063 [Reply] [Original]

Two weeks since our last survey. Fewer questions this time. Longer answers expected.

What's your job?

What's your education level?

Favorite writer and/ or poet and/ or public intellectual/ artist. Why?

Favorite work by that artist.

What other languages do you speak and what other languages do you want to learn and why.
That's all this time folks, let's get it going and keep it going.

>> No.7171536

>What's your job?
Currently I'm a web designer but a student first.
>What's your education level?
Senior in HS
>Favorite writer and/ or poet and/ or public intellectual/ artist. Why?
Probably Huxley right now since I finished bnw recently and really enjoyed it.
>Favorite work by that artist.
>What other languages do you speak and what other languages do you want to learn and why.
Some latin, I would like to learn french

>> No.7171625

>What's your job?
>What's your education level?
>Favorite writer and/ or poet and/ or public intellectual/ artist. Why?
Dostoevsky, he makes me feel things I never knew I could feel, mang
>Favorite work by that artist.
Crime and Punishment

>> No.7171651

>What's your job?
Living off my parent's money
>What's your education level?
Bachelor's degree in engineering
>Favorite writer and/ or poet and/ or public intellectual/ artist. Why?
Joseph Roth. Because his books vivify my phantasy like few others do; also, his use of language is... good.

>> No.7171680

Oh, sorry...
>Favorite work by that artist.
Hiob. That's really an edgy thing to say, because Radetzkymarsch is so damn good.
>What other languages do you speak and what other languages do you want to learn and why.
Speak: Native German, English, a bit French.
Want: Better French, Czech, perhaps Spanish
>Why Czech?
Strč prst skrz krk

>> No.7171681

> What's your job?
Musician, part-time ABA therapist

>What's your education level?
BA in English

>Favorite writer and/ or poet and/ or public intellectual/ artist. Why?
Cormac McCarthy. For his style mostly. Also John Barth. And I have to say J. A. Baker's The Peregrine really stuck with me. If he had written more he could've rivaled the quality of McCarthy's pastoral works.

>Favorite work by that artist.
Blood Meridian, I have to say. Or Suttree. Standard answer. It's going to be The Passenger soon though.

>What other languages do you speak and what other languages do you want to learn and why.
English, some German. Want to learn Russian because it looks and sounds attractive and the culture is great.

>> No.7171685

>What's your job
>What's your education level?
Junior in High School. No ban pls. /lit/ is the only place where I fit in.
>Favorite writer and/ or poet and/ or public intellectual/ artist. Why?
I'm a big fan of Pynchon. Everything about him and his writing appeals to me.
>Favorite work by that artist.
Gravity's Rainbow
>What other languages do you speak and what other languages do you want to learn and why.
I am passable at French, though I would like to learn Latin, ancient Greek, and German.

>> No.7171690

>What's your job?
>What's your education level?
Taking a master
>Favorite writer and/ or poet and/ or public intellectual/ artist. Why?
John Milton. He invented a new form of snake locomotion.
>Favorite work by that artist.
Paradise Loft

>> No.7171693

>What's your job?
ChemE; analytics
>What's your education level?
>Favorite writer and/ or poet and/ or public intellectual/ artist. Why?
>Favorite work by that artist.
Wagner's Tristan und Isolde, it is the peak of all romanticism and comes from the man who best defined it.
>What other languages do you speak and what other languages do you want to learn and why.
None that aren't computer languages. I want to learn every major language

>> No.7171696

forgot to mention NEETs need not apply

>> No.7171700
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> Wagner

He gets really boring for me after a while. Interesting choice though.

>> No.7171713

>What's your job?
Unemployed college student
>What's your education level?
Senior in college
>Favorite writer and/ or poet and/ or public intellectual/ artist. Why?
Nietzsche. A revelation on every page.
>Favorite work by that artist.
The Gay Science or Genealogy of Morals
>What other languages do you speak and what other languages do you want to learn and why.
Spanish and I'm interested in learning Haitian Creole or Portuguese as a third language. If I move to Europe, I'll learn the country's language.

>> No.7171720


Love Dostoevsky. Going through all his books now. Currently on Los Hermanos Karamazov

>> No.7171723

Because you have ADD.

>> No.7171753
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>What's your job?
>What's your education level?
>Favorite writer and/ or poet and/ or public intellectual/ artist. Why?
Bruegel the Elder because his paint contain valuable information . i learn looking at his paint .
>What other languages do you speak and what other languages do you want to learn and why.
none . i barely speak English but to get more tendies

>> No.7171762

News reporter
Bachelor of Communication
>favorite artist
ridiculously broad question, but I'll play along. My favorite novelist is Toni Morrison
>favorite work by that artist
Sula or Beloved
Fluent in English, Arabic and Mandarin. Learning Urdu and Cantonese. Want to learn Russian

>> No.7171769

Headlong, by Michael Frayn is a book about a fictional lost Bruegel being found.

>> No.7171783

>What's your job?
>What's your education level?
Senior in college
>Favorite writer and/ or poet and/ or public intellectual/ artist. Why?
Camus. His life story is very inspiring and his novels have rich philosofical content. His plays are ok

>Favorite work by that artist.
The Stranger

>What other languages do you speak and what other languages do you want to learn and why.
Portuguese and Spanish. I'm not sure what to learn now.

>> No.7171788

In college.
Plato, Apology.
Kenneth Patchen, The Character of Love Seen As A Search For The Lost.
>Public intellectual
Who counts as a public intellectual? Is this a meme?
Django Reinhardt, I'll See You In My Dreams.
Conversational Japanese. I want to learn Klingon for fun. If I ever need to read anything it's going to be in English.

>> No.7171789

>What's your job?
Security Guard - hopefully just temporarily while I look for a better job

>What's your education level?
BS in Biology and Environmental Science

>Favorite writer and/ or poet and/ or public intellectual/ artist. Why?
Probably Stanislaw Lem and his Cyberiad that manages to explain more about the human condition than any book I've ever read while still being the funniest book I've ever read

>What other languages do you speak and what other languages do you want to learn and why.
English, Spanish. Want to learn Japanese because I'm a terrible person. Halfway through Genki, but I'm not sure how well it's sticking.

>> No.7171801

>Implying this hasn't always been a standard criticism of Wagner.

>> No.7171815

>What's your job?
Musician, I live with my mother
>What's your education level?
>Favorite writer and/ or poet and/ or public intellectual/ artist. Why?
The author/ director Werner Herzog. I love his films about humans who are in conflict with nature
>Favorite work by that artist.
Book: Of Walking in Ice - film: The Great Ecstasy of Woodcarver Steiner
>What other languages do you speak and what other languages do you want to learn and why.
Native German, English - americanized. I want to learn Icelandic, visited twice and would love to grow old there

>> No.7171895

>What's your job?
Work on a building administration company

>What's your education level?
Highschool dropout

>Favorite writer and/ or poet and/ or public intellectual/ artist. Why?
Dostoyevsky, because i like characters that act like real people.

>Favorite work by that artist.
Crime and Punishment.

>What other languages do you speak and what other languages do you want to learn and why.
English and Portuguese, want to learn french because it's pretty.

>> No.7171901

/lit/ welcomes its first black girl

>> No.7171906


>> No.7171915

>What's your job?
Opera singer

>What's your education level?
College student

>Favorite writer and/ or poet and/ or public intellectual/ artist. Why?
Malcolm Lowry. His prose is always so beautiful and "honest", I think, is the closest word to what I mean. The scenes and themes he describes are incredibly ingenious; one of my favorites being the cot scene in Ultramarine, where for several pages there is nothing but dialogue used to illustrate an active and fluid movement of characters, objects and voices.

>Favorite work by that artist.
Under the Volcano, of course

>> No.7171924
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Oops! missed the last one.

>What other languages do you speak and what other languages do you want to learn and why.
Semi-fluent in Japanese. I would love to learn German, Italian and Russian - the "World War II languages", as I refer to it.

>> No.7171956

>What's your job?
no job
>What's your education level?
finished high school 3 years ago and nothing else
>Favorite writer and/ or poet and/ or public intellectual/ artist. Why?
>What other languages do you speak and what other languages do you want to learn and why.
i'm a latino fag and i know some english, i'd just like to git gud at english.

>> No.7171958
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>What's your job?
>What's your education level?
BA in Cognitive Science
>Favorite writer and/ or poet and/ or public intellectual/ artist. Why?
Roberto Bolano. When I first read "Nazi Literatures..." the simplicity and poetic nature to a backdrop of characters with an ideology (sniff) that ought to repel one, but drew me in and made me feel sorry for -as Bolano put it- "monsters"
>Favorite work by that artist.
2666, though his titular short story Last Evenings on Earth is just beautiful
>What other languages do you speak and what other languages do you want to learn and why.
French, some German. Would like to learn some Arabic or Persian.

>> No.7172025

Student/music teacher hopefully will get a job as a nurses aid
>education level
University Diploma in music, currently studying a B of nursing
>favourite writer
Can't be bothered thinking too much about this but maybe Vonnegut
>favourite Vonnegut work
Cat's Cradle, Slaughterhouse 5, Mother Night. List could go on
Just English but I'm learning Mandarin and French.
Mandarin through a proper course at uni, French just self study and Duolingo etc.

>> No.7172331

>What's your job?
unemployed, in the past three years I have been a waiter, dishwasher, kitchen hand, cook, barista... a bunch of shit hospitality jobs
What's your education level?
doing a bachelor's of science now
>Favorite writer and/ or poet and/ or public intellectual/ artist. Why?
probably katherine mansfield. she writes really well
>Favorite work by that artist
I've only read her collected stories so I didn't experience her books individually, I think her collection 'bliss' has many of my favourites though

>> No.7172512

>What's your job?

>What's your education level?
Studying a B in Modern English Literature, planning to study Comparative Lit. in grad school

>Favorite writer and/ or poet and/ or public intellectual/ artist. Why?
Jorge Luis Borges, introduced me to philosophy and theology, changed my perception on the relationship between language and reality

>Favorite work by that artist.
El Aleph

>What other languages do you speak and what other languages do you want to learn and why.
Native Spanish, intermediate French, very basic notions of Latin and Biblical Hebrew. I would like to learn German, Arabic, Japanese and Sanskrit

>> No.7172522

laundry attendant
bachelor of arts
Fernando pessoa - book of disquiet
his thoughts/writings/pains/sorrows etc resonate with my own existential angst

street level Brazilian Portuguese

>> No.7172545

>What's your job?
Chop fruit
>What's your education level?
Some college
>Favorite writer and/ or poet and/ or public intellectual/ artist. Why?
Richard Yates: Revolutionary Road
>Favorite work by that artist.
Revolutionary Road
>What other languages do you speak and what other languages do you want to learn and why.
Spanish, studied Latin through school but am shit at it

>> No.7172697
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, komari-chan (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your job?

finishing my masters in mathematics

>What's your education level?
B.S. in mathematics
see above

>Favorite writer and/ or poet and/ or public intellectual/ artist. Why?

don't really have a favorite.
because I like a lot of stuff

>Favorite work by that artist.

see above

>What other languages do you speak and what other languages do you want to learn and why.

I speak portuguese and italian.
learning japanese
dont really want to learn another right now but maybe german later on.

>> No.7172711

also I'm a pedo

>> No.7172749

security guard
junior college dropout
Absalom, Absalom!, GR, Mulholland Dr./Videodrome/A Scanner Darkly

>> No.7172781

>What's your job?
>What's your education?
Currently aquiring two BA's at Tulane
>Favorite writer and/ or poet and/ or public intellectual/ artist. Why?
Celine. He taught me to embrace human misery, and I love his writing style.
>Favorite work by that artist.
Journey to the End of the Night
>What other languages do you speak and what other languages do you want to learn and why.
I can speak a little bit of French and I want to continue learning it because it is a nice language and my mother has been teaching it to me when I go home, and she is a good teacher.
Also this survey is shit.

>> No.7172804
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>What's your job?
Utility line locator

>What's your education level?
1.5 years at University, dropped because of personal reasons.

>Favorite writer and/ or poet and/ or public intellectual/ artist. Why?

Currently: Frank Yang. In general I like what he does and his attitude towards life.
Overall: Nobuyoshi Araki, Kant, Hegel and Mishima. (all for their outlooks on life. Kant and Hegel for their Idealism's.)

>Favorite work by that artist.

Frank Yang: Tom Cruise sprint or Tinder video.
Kant: Epistemic writings
Hegel: Epistemic writings
Araki: Lucky hole (I haven't been exposed to much Araki 20% of his work)
Mishima: Spring Snow

>What other languages do you speak and what other languages do you want to learn and why.

I am learning Japanese just as a hobby, I've heard good things about traveling to japan and want to experience as much as possible. I am a little above a beginner level.
Would like to learn Korean, Mandarin, Spanish, French as well. I like each of these languages and just like studying languages in general.

>> No.7172809

Forgot to add that Kar Wai Wong is a big influence as well. Chungking Express being my favorite by him. I know I'm leaving out a ton of others.

>> No.7172816

What's your job?
>Warehouse worker

What's your education level?
>Current Undergrad Psychology student

Favorite writer and/ or poet and/ or public intellectual/ artist. Why?
>Homer, because he is the single most important figure in Western Canon.

Favorite work by that artist.
>The Odyssey

What other languages do you speak and what other languages do you want to learn and why.
>None, English is my first language and since it is the current Lingua franca I can rely on the fact that any work written originally in a foreign language has been exhaustively translated by experts. Until Mandarin usurps English I see no practical reason to learn a different language in my circumstances unless I were to go overseas for business but I don't plan on it so.

>> No.7173333

Are you implying that the international audience of 4chan, the internet-noblèsse of literature, should know about every backwater hick university? Have some dignity and mention the next biggest city in it's vicinity, for I am not interested enough to google.
>Also this survey is shit.
no u ;-)

>> No.7173415

>What's your job?
Studying PhD in chemistry
>What's your education level?
BA/BSc(H) - English/Chemistry
>Favourite writer and/ or poet and/ or public intellectual/ artist. Why?
Kurt Vonnegut. I read his stories whenever I get a bit depressed.
>Favourite work by that artist.
His work reads more like loosely connected chapters of a larger story, but if I had to pick one I'd say breakfast of Champions.

In all honestly though I haven't read more than a few novels/read any poetry/seen any theatre since I went full-time scientist 2 years ago.

>> No.7173538

>What's your job?
I work at Brooks Brothers
>What's your education level?
High school diploma (graduated this year)
>Favorite writer and/ or poet and/ or public intellectual/ artist. Why?
Very tough to answer, probably Albert Camus or Hemingway
>Favorite work by that artist.
The Stranger and The Old Man and the Sea respectively
>What other languages do you speak and what other languages do you want to learn and why.
Native English, speak decent French but can't read it all that well. Trying to get better

>> No.7173551

>Brooks Brothers
There's a thread on normies, I'm sure they'd love to hear from you. Just playing.
Not even that guy, but Tulane is a pretty prestigious university. It's a big "old money", high academics school.
>internet-noblèsse of literature
You are probably not included in this group, even if you think you are.

>> No.7173561
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I'll go ahead and post my own shit:
>What's your job?
I'm jobless, I'm living abroad in a rathole in a country where I don't speak the language.
>What's your education level?
Twice college dropout.
>Favorite writer or public intellectual/ artist?
I don't really have a favorite but if I had to have a book on a desert island I'd pick Shakespeare's complete works; I do like him but I feel he's an incredibly boring answer. I also like this artist Toyen right now (pic related)
>Favorite work by that artist
I don't know, MacBeth?
>Other languages
I speak French, I'd like to learn Spanish, Russian, a few others.

>> No.7173575

Student, internship at a Law office.
Probably Proust, but I'd also add Tolstoi, Mishima, even Meme Pinecone at times... I suppose I like them for different reasons.
In Search of Lost Time is probably the piece of literature that affected me the most, especially about my views in literature and art overall. The novel is exquisite at everything. The first 150 pages were a bit hard to follow since I didn't figure out why the author was pushing all that stuff until I got used to it, but it soon became the most enjoyable read I ever had. It's amazing how Proust vastly describes and catches a lot of things from one's inner self that a lot of skilled and renowned writers could not dream of even suggesting them by chance. I'd recommend it to anyone since it's not a cryptic author at all but quite the opposite. It's a pity we mostly spout memes on here instead of having proper discussions about books.
I also speak Spanish and I want to learn French or German.

>> No.7173791

>Not even that guy, but Tulane is a pretty prestigious university.
You must be from New Orleans, if you think that Tulane is prestigious. Localism is a sign of the intellectually limited.

>>>internet-noblèsse of literature
>>You are probably not included in this group, even if you think you are.
>Twice college dropout
>no favourite, no opinion
>calls others normies
r9k seems to be your board of choice, am I right?

>> No.7173799

>What's your job?
Work in an office on campus

>What's your education level?
Senior in college, Lit and Philosophy double major.

>Favorite writer and/ or poet and/ or public intellectual/ artist. Why?
Bolaño. His encyclopedic knowledge of literature is inspiring and his books really get me at my core.

>Favorite work by that artist.
2666, Secret of Evil (short stories)

>What other languages do you speak and what other languages do you want to learn and why.
French, next will be Spanish and Italian, then I'd like to learn Russian and maybe German. It'd be cool to be able to read on all three of the 'big' romance languages, and Russian culture is fascinating and the literature is great though I feel like I'm missing out on a lot through the translation.

>> No.7173831

>What's your job?

English teacher in Korea.

>What's your education level?

B.A. in English

>Favorite writer and/ or poet and/ or public intellectual/ artist. Why?

Fuckin' essay question. I have a lot of respect for Arthur Rimbald atm for the consequences of his aesthetics. I also enjoyed his poetry about half a year ago

>Favorite work by that artist.

fuck i don't know that I liked any of his poetry so much as respected what he was trying to do with it. 'A Winter's Kiss' isn't bad.

>What other languages do you speak and what other languages do you want to learn and why.

German and a bit of French. Would like to learn Korean to make teaching a bit easier. Would like to learn Japanese to make my next transition easier

>> No.7173837


man the fuck are you doing as a jobless dropout in a country where you don't speak the language?

>> No.7173862
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Jewing on the internet

Pro Jew Typist

Anne Frank - Survivor

The Diary of'

German - least Homosexual Language
That enough data for your free marketing survey, going to throw you into an oven.

>> No.7173875

>What's your job?

Unemployed for about 7 years.

>What's your education level?
Two B.S.s

>Favorite writer and/ or poet and/ or public intellectual/ artist. Why?

Muh dick.

>Favorite work by that artist.

That sloppy load i just busted all over your mom.

>> No.7173880
File: 7 KB, 300x187, th[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your job?
Diamontologist. Literally 'the jews'.

>What's your education level?
High school dropout.

>Favorite writer and/ or poet and/ or public intellectual/ artist. Why?
It depends on my mood but right now, Jack Kerouac. All his work is so free of bitterness and cynicism and you can feel him fighting against his own bitter and cynical attitude with every word.

>Favorite work by that artist.
Big Sur

>> No.7174139
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>What's your job?
>What's your education level?
>Favorite writer and/or poet and/or public intellectual/ artist. Why?
Pound, Bukowski, Dostojevskij, Schopenhauer, Black Sabbath, Carbon Based Lifeforms
>Favorite work by that artist.
The "Paranoid" album
>What other languages do you speak and what other languages do you want to learn and why.
Swedish, none because effort

>> No.7174615

Alright faggot, you're talking shit about my school, which is internationally recognized as one tier below the ivys. Not only is it a top tier school, its dope af. You even in uni, motherfucker?

>> No.7174627

Seriously, what the fuck makes you say Tulane is shit? Look at any of the rankings. If you came here you would know first hand, you dumbass. You don't even provide any kind of context, if you're so goddamn smart why don't you post your own accomplishments? Or are you too busy spreading your asshole for the English professors at your shit state school in exchange for an A? You sound like Ignatius J. Reilly.

>> No.7175410

>What's your job?
I tutor people for money
>What's your education level?
I'm a sophomore in college
>Favorite writer and/ or poet and/ or public intellectual/ artist. Why?
I really enjoy Dostoyevsky.
>Favorite work by that artist.
Notes from Underground
>What other languages do you speak and what other languages do you want to learn and why.
English (native), Spanish (strong), Latin (moderate). I want to learn Russian and German so as to read more texts in their original language.