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/lit/ - Literature

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7170656 No.7170656 [Reply] [Original]

>mandatory poetry writing course as part of my creative writing minor
>professor is a raging feminist
>calls one of my poems problematic because it features rape and doesn't make it the focus of the poem
>tells the class that she's grown tired of poems that obfuscate their meaning, and if she can't get something out of it on the first reading, she's 'out'
Anyone else got any stories about creative writing classes they hated?

>> No.7170672

thinly disguised /pol/ thread

saged and hidden

>> No.7170696
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>be academic fuckup and poor so start go to college at 26
> be second generation South American grill living in the U.S.
>spent last two years reading English classics and writing stories while working as a line cook in a Denny's.
>go to "advanced" creative writing workshop in community college run by professor with good publishing credits at a glance, teaches at large local colleges
>professor is gay person of color
>starts first day of class by asking us what our favorite book
>answer "Middlemarch"
>she writes all of them down
>does stats breakdown of race/sexuality/gender of the authors
>gives little lecture on privilege and literature
>assigns each of us a gay/black/female "alternative" to our favorite novel over the next week, except for her underlings who have taken all her writing classes and give answers like "toni morris" or "chinchilla achebuh"
>supposed to produce 2 pastiche, one on the assigned novel and one on an author of our choice
>get assigned Dennis Coopers novel cycle because I like "big books with a central concept"
>literally about some dude having gay sex and murdering gay man >literally copy a section of American Psycho and change some details to make the character explicitly gay and write in my work summary that I am subverting a white male power BEE has, allowing him to be shifty about his sexuality
>do the reverse with a section from cooper, making gays straight, named Dennis Cooper, says this is how the straights view the outright gays
>give them "part one and part 2" as titles and say they are companion pieces
>get A+ plus "see me about getting this published"
>get nothing but shit for the rest of my stories, which are quiet realist stories about normal people doing normal things

>> No.7170769

Your poem probably sucks

>> No.7170774

It does, actually, but that doesn't mean it should be criticized on the ground of being problematic.

>> No.7170856

how easy it is to cheat and appeal to the teacher isn't an excuse for you not taking any chance you have to try and write something new that you wouldn't had written otherwise. Stop wasting the time because you feel superior.

>> No.7170867

>starting my econ major
>first lecture for ECO100
>'In this class we'll be discussing contemporary marginalist models for the capitalist system. For marxism, fascism, patriarchy, jewish consipracies, and everything else, I'm sure you can find specific courses in later years, so let's keep to the material for now."

>> No.7170868

Good pasta

>> No.7170881

>anything I don't like is /pol/
kill urself amigo

>> No.7170885

Shit that never happened.

>> No.7170888

It's a pasta m8

>> No.7170902

>Identity politics thread
>Not always an attempt to bring of slice of /pol/ or /r9k/ to other boards

>> No.7171350
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>recent string of identity politics thread
>not because /lit/ is filled with college students trying to keep their heads above water in nauseatingly leftist contemporary academia
>no, it's because of these boards i don't like

>> No.7171380

>join writing club on campus
>first meeting is rotational writing for shits and giggles
>guy sits next to me with scruff in chin, moustache area, and sideburns, masculine face
>has tits and long hair, also fat anyway but legit fake tits not just fatty tits
>someone else asks if the chair next to me is open
>the beast is sitting next to me
>"yeah looks like he's taking it" to the person asking me
>"I'm not a he!"
>dude what
>ignore it
>his first piece that's passed to me is, and I shit you not, about the downfall of the cis world and the rise of the tolerant nation
>its literally the inverse of those feminist /pol/ stories
>literally cant stop laughing

>> No.7171423

Shit that never happened general

>> No.7171453

But anon, the story right above literally happened an hour ago.

>> No.7171459


The teacher's judgement was a joke. A class like that is worth nothing if the teacher isn't a sharp critic, or there aren't a bunch of good writers in the class who can critique despite the teacher.

>> No.7172979

>implying being a radical black lesbian is leftist

Leftism can roughly defined as economic modes of thought that are egalitarian and seek equality.

Sexual liberation movements are inherently non-political, especially as they are now.

>> No.7173004

I had a creative writing class where the instructor didn't like any classical or romantic poetry, and all the ones we read were from the required "Best American Poetry 2014"
It was shit
Dude also said he didnt like poetry that rhymed.
His comments on turned in work were mainly random shit underlined and words like "good" in the margins. Fuck that guy

>> No.7173016

shut the fuck up with these faggy semantics. You know what he meant when he said "leftist."

How would you have replied to his post if he used the world "liberalism" instead?

>> No.7173024

>muh old left has been corrupted by identity politics, we need to get back to class based analysis
the dream's dead lad sorry

>> No.7173048


>fucking hate /pol/ threads
>just let me make this more /pol/ first