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7169290 No.7169290 [Reply] [Original]

Which town's people were more evil: the people of Jerusalem who murdered Christ, or the people of Athens who murdered Socrates?

>> No.7169295

Uhhhhhhh memes

>> No.7169303

"Evil" does not exist save in complaints of the weak.

>> No.7169310

This seems like a complaint and it seems like 'evil' exists in it

>> No.7169314

>This seems like a complaint
think again

>> No.7169317


>> No.7169325

Evil is a silly concept.

Also if you are a Christ fag you cannot be evil, you can only live a life of sin.
No one is "evil" they simply make bad choices.

Only the devil, who isn't even in the bible, is technically evil.

>> No.7169351

Why do you both choose to ignore the content of the question and focus on my choice of that particular word? Use any synonym for moral reprehensibility that you feel like using. Which community is more reprehensible?

>> No.7169355

Killing the Son of God is pretty evil.

>> No.7169372

Sin is evil. The capacity to sin is proof of the presence of evil in human beings. This evil is accidental, while human goodness is essential.

>> No.7169384

Debates about the concept of 'evil' and 'immorality' aside, in a general sense I'd have to go with the murder of Christ. Considering the effects Socrates' teachings had and the things the people he taught/lectured went on to do (e.g. government overthrow), he was legitimately guilty of corrupting the populace. That's not to say their actions were necessarily morally obligated or permissible, but he knew what he was doing and he suffered the consequences. I wouldn't even call it murder tbh.

But playing along to your question aside, personally the question is incoherent since I'm something of an anti-realist if I had to apply a meta-ethical analytic position to my views. Still, I'd say I still view the murdering of Christ as distasteful.

>> No.7169394

>old guy who goes around pissing off sages and nobility by being a fucking contarian bitch and being the equivalent of that annoying as fuck meme kid who always says "Why?" to everything you say as if it makes it deeper and then gets killed because the Athenians are tired of the constant memes

>Selflessly offers himself as a mortal sacrifice to atone forever and always the ultimate crime of disobeying God, despite having been given EVERYTHING you could possibly want and made king and queen of all the world, all you have to do is just not eat from this one tree.

I stand by socrates as he represents logic and rationality unlike christfags XD

>> No.7169401

Except jesus didn't want to sacrifice himself, he acted like a bitch at the garden of Gethsemane and basically got emotionally manipulated into doing it.

>> No.7169402

I am evil. It's not just Immoralism or Egoism, I'm a slave to evil without any principle that would justify my deeds. I'm not a sociopath either. Evil is real.

>> No.7169403

If the people of Jerusalem didn't murder Christ salvation of humanity would be impossible so I don't see how they can be described as evil.

>> No.7169406

Evil is a psycho-linguistic phenomena related to a persons view of what is acceptable.

>> No.7169417

That's not the definition I use. I'm not talking about social standards. My "evil" still exists even when there is no living being around anymore. It's like an essence of the universe that can poison your soul.

>> No.7169418

They mentioned this in the movie Andrei Rublev. Two monks get into an argument about the nature of humanity. One of the monk's is old and bitter and prefers to live a hermetic existence away from others. He believes people are animals and says the same people who lined up to listen to Christ were also the same people who begged Pilate to string him up.

The conclusion that was come to was that despite committing the terrible crime of crucifying somebody pretty needlessly, was that despite the bloodthirsty crowd begging for Jesus' violent death they were actually beside in him doing God's work. Surely had they known they were crucifying the Son of God they would have instantly stopped the crucifixion.

>> No.7169433

>It's like an essence of the universe that can poison your soul.

>> No.7169435

Neither people were as good as they could have been.

Nor, for that matter, are you or I.

>> No.7169437

Too much, huh?

>> No.7169444

Was Judas saved?

>> No.7169444,1 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

The town's people weren't evil.
Socrates was evil.
There are many ways to define evil, but I like to use the definition that 'evil' is a human trait that endangers the society that someone is a part of. Murder, theft, adultery, and in Socrates' case corrupting the youth.

Socrates was a man who was 'ahead of his time' in the sense that his views and ideas could not fit within the Ancient Greek model of society. The crime of taking away Gods seemed dangerous. Radical change can create unrest, and this 'corruption' had to be stamped out to sustain harmony within society.

Not like it matters anyway. Socrates's work lives on through Plato.

>> No.7169483

le joos

>> No.7169492

the Roman soldiers who killed Archimedes

>> No.7169502

No, it's just fucking retarded.

You just believe in Evil, there for you think it exists.

That's about all you have said really and it has done nothing to convince me that evil exists outside the minds of men.

>> No.7169507

The town's people weren't evil.
Socrates was evil.
There are many ways to define evil, but I like to use the definition that 'evil' is a human trait that endangers the society that someone is a part of. Murder, theft, adultery, and in Socrates' case corrupting the youth.

Socrates was a man who was 'ahead of his time' in the sense that his views and ideas could not fit within the Ancient Greek model of society. The crime of taking away Gods seemed dangerous. Radical change can create unrest, and this 'corruption' had to be stamped out to sustain harmony within society.

Not like it matters anyway. Socrates's work lives on through Plato.

>> No.7169514
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>Socrates was evil.

>> No.7169517

lol evil? The Romans wanted to capture Archimedes alive, but one soldier got pissed off when Archimedes told him to fuck off so he showed that arrogant prick what's what. And if Archimedes was truly responsible for burning Roman ships then he certainly deserved what he got.

>> No.7169522

We only don't view him as evil because we're not the general populus of Classical Greece.
We're looking at another society from our own and therefore not judging him to be evil.

>> No.7169528

Neither of them. They both had real chances of destroying a social order which had served well since before the people could remember.

I never got why the Nicene Creed has "For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate" when Pilate was just doing his job and had no proof beyond rumors from peasants that this man was anything more than the rebel and charlatan the Pharisees painted him as, and could have had serious trouble keeping social order in Israel had he let Jesus live.

>> No.7169530

According to Catholic dogma he is the only person known to be in Hell.

>> No.7169535
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>constructing your moral paradigm solely through social norms

>> No.7169546

It's not exactly my own standpoint.
Morality is just a biological construct woven into a society so the largest amount of people can benefit from it.

>> No.7169554

But anon, how does it follow from evil only existing in the mind that evil doesn't exist?

>> No.7169559

I wouldn't consider the murder of jesus, who preached malice and cruelty to be an evil action. Granted it would be quite ineffective, but it's the thought that counts.

>> No.7169790

Excatly what piece of dogma do you base that on?

>> No.7169801

>the ultimate crime of disobeying God
>the ultimate crime

And still you people wonder why religion isn't consider intellectual

>> No.7169812

Edgelord taco supreme

Neither. Farming peasants can't really be blamed for not taking up arms against rich people who kill a few philosophers.

>> No.7169823

>jesus, who preached malice and cruelty

>> No.7169846

>And if Archimedes was truly responsible for burning Roman ships

No, the war mirrors was a retarded myth even by ancient standards. And if this roman soldier couldn't handle some old man being salty to the point of disobeying orders, he was a murderous fuckboy.

>> No.7169848

>religion isn't consider intellectual
1. considered*
2. What do you mean? Is it not a topic intellectuals discuss? Are there no religious intellectuals? Neither seems to be the case.

>> No.7169858


If you consider disobeying and disagreeing the ultimate crime, you're going to have a pretty hard time ever engaging in anything intellectual, because the intellectual debate over the past millennia has been little else but an endless set of disagreements and people disobeying the ruling intellectual status quo.

If you subscribe to a worldview were that is considered the ultimate crime, I don't consider the chance very high that such a worldview will be intellectually engaging

>> No.7169892

But does that make him evil? Of course not.

>in war

>for killing a disrespectful arrogant man who wouldn't obey orders

Archimedes was an idiot not to do what a victorious army, with benevolent intentions towards him, requested. There could not be a more precarious and potentially dangerous situation than a charged mob; you don't thumb your nose at it unless you want to tip the situation over the edge. He could have saved himself if he was smart but instead practically asked for trouble.

>> No.7169899


But I mean seriously.

How many angels can fit on the head of a needle?

>> No.7169927

It wasn't murder. It was lawful execution.

Well, maybe on in Jesus' case. Pilate didn't really had the legal grounds to execute him and just left the decision to the locals.

>> No.7169939

>in war
Yes, that is a thing. It's codified nowadays by the Genevra conventions and back then it would be murder to deliberately kill someone you were tasked with capturing alive.

>> No.7170123

Don't remember the exact dogmatic letter but the gist was that Judas's ultimate sin was thinking he was beyond forgiveness.

>> No.7170130
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good/evil is the false dichotomy of plebeians.

might is right.

>> No.7170153

Of course there's evil in the world, why do you think the tree was called Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil?
Part of the plan, God created us sufficient to stand but free to fall.

>> No.7170154

Funnily enough, he would've been, but he killed himself, thus damning his soul.

>> No.7170163

They're both suicides.

>> No.7170211

>What is more, it darkens the mystery around his eternal fate, knowing that Judas "repented and brought back the 30 pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders, saying, 'I have sinned in betraying innocent blood'" (Mt 27: 3-4). Even though he went to hang himself (cf. Mt 27:5), it is not up to us to judge his gesture, substituting ourselves for the infinitely merciful and just God.
Pope Benedict XVI

>> No.7170229


All of them and none of them. This is possible because of metapotential supercausality

>> No.7170243

The Jews were not contradictory in their claim against Jesus, where as the Greek council couldn't even pull together coherent arguments.
>accused of worshipping new gods
>accused of being an atheist
Lol what?

>> No.7170282

>roman revisionism

>> No.7170313

Depends on the measure of the pin.
Depends on the measure of the angels.
You can with the former, but the later is a bit more tricky if we we don't just want to assume.

>> No.7171724


>> No.7171731

You have a very simplistic understanding of religion *and* philosophy tbh

>> No.7171777

If the Romans revised anything it was putting in the Pilate handwashing and blaming the Jewish courts, not claiming God forsook himself.
>inb4 implying the Romans learnt Aramaic to come up with Eloi Eloi lama sabachthani alibi
they really did not give that much of a shit