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7166950 No.7166950 [Reply] [Original]

what books will help me to get a girlfriend?

>> No.7166955 [DELETED] 


>> No.7166981

Not really..... A shared interest in books can break the ice, but so can lots of things. Even girls who read hard literature all day have a tall stack of things that are more important to them than what or whether you read.

>> No.7166987

Dress like an hipster and walk outside and high school with a copy of ulysses
(watch out that the title is clearly visible)

>> No.7167037

random selfhelp book you take very seriously
they are mainly about confidence

>> No.7167078

Why can't you get a gf?

>> No.7167631

Any fiction, really. Books can be a shared interest in a relationship, like anything.

>> No.7167638

Promethus rising by Robert Anton Wilson

>> No.7167661
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my diary tbh

>> No.7167664

This in an NYC subway is good too.

>> No.7167697

Step 1: Be good looking.
Step 2: Go outside.

>> No.7167700

Hey anon just check this out girls think it's super hot when guys read trust me it worked for me haha glad to help

>> No.7167719

step 3: be a decent human being?

>> No.7167721

Anything by John Green tbh

>> No.7167724

Whatever you're smoking I want some

>> No.7167736
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>tfw there aren't ANY cute reader girls in my area

>> No.7167741

It actually works. Being a jerk also works, but not with any kind of jerk (hence why you're single). You need to have the chops for it. If not, strive for decent.

>> No.7167751
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>Being a jerk also works
No it doesn't, you're just projecting your frustration because some guy you dislike landed a girl you admire.

>> No.7167756

no seriously, that actually helps a lot. Lately I've been treating people how I'd like to be treated and the next thing I know I've got somebody I had just recently met on my lap smooching me, along with heavy-petting for 3 hours or so. It was nice.

>> No.7167770

where do you live?

>> No.7167772


>> No.7167789

>Knowing how you want to be treated
That's some next level alpha shit

>> No.7167802

what do you mean by this?

>> No.7167810

I've been with my gf for over 2 years. Next year we're moving in together. For once in my life, something is actually going right. We met through mutual friends. So hang out with your friend's friends more.

But remember: a gf won't solve your depression, big guy

>> No.7167817

I don't know how I want to be treated.

>> No.7167825

How do you want to be treated?

>> No.7167843

The advice i'd give you is to cultivate yourself (via a variety of books, films, travels, food, education). Try to be happy in what you're doing or engage in something that helps you feel happier and more knowledgeable. Do this for a while without obsessing over a gf. Then bam, next thing you know, you've met somebody you like and who likes you back because you've lead a comparatively more fulfilling life to the one you're presumably living.

>> No.7167875

Don't you want to feel comfortable, safe, humorous, friendly, kind and interesting to another person? Chances are, the other person feels this way too.

Like I matter in some way to the person I am speaking to, whoever they may be. I use this on guys and girls and it seems to work quite well. Also, I try not to speak too much about myself and that way I end up know more about the other person/people. If I fuck up in conversation I call myself up on my bullshit and it gets a good reception.

>> No.7167884

I hate my friends' friends.

>> No.7167902
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>Friend's friends
>Implying anyone wants to be friends with me
>Implying that the above is true and that isn't just what I tell myself to justify my shallow, self-loathing existence

>> No.7167947



>> No.7167972

literally the only thing that will help you get a girlfriend is becoming more physically attractive, so buy a book about weightlifting or something

>> No.7167974

to be fair it was a house party of a good friend of mine, so it would have been disrespectful, and there was nowhere to fuck so we ended up just making out for hours and touching each other in view of everybody. I just graduated.

>> No.7167975
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What the fuck does this even mean?

>> No.7167988

graduated from uni i mean.

>> No.7167989

You apparently didn't read my post or didn't understand it. Try again.

That railroad thinking of yours is doing you disservice, not everybody thinks along 4chan lines, even on 4chan.

>> No.7168008
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were you the guy that recommended that book to me in another thread a week ago? I didn't get a chance to say that I would probably check it out.

>> No.7168037

She was fat and hairy

>> No.7168040

i've been doing this for years, and i still don't have a gf.

>> No.7168043

>Don't you want to feel comfortable, safe, humorous, friendly, kind and interesting to another person?

>> No.7168044

start lifting. his advice was dumb and basically boils down to "do nothing and women will be attracted to you automatically," which is only true if you're attractive. if it hasn't happened to you you're not attractive enough, so try to do something about that.

>> No.7168058

lifting is fucking pointless. i'm perfectly happy with my physical appearance.

>> No.7168064

The Victorious Attitude
Gorilla Mindset
Mindfulness in Plain English
Calming Your Anxious Mind
Thus Spoke Zarathustra (or just read "The greatest weight" from The Gay Science)

I haven't read it but apparently "The Way of the Superior Man" is good for this

>> No.7168065

"do nothing" =/= what I actually said. Granted, being good-looking is important but I wouldn't deem myself as good-looking. i'm pretty average.

>> No.7168075

> lift for women!
Never ends badly

> lifting is only for aesthetics
We got some kind of genius over here

>> No.7168095

I know you're joking but to be serious for a second, you need to talk to somebody

>> No.7168115
File: 70 KB, 599x521, 1377979317288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit aaaa

>> No.7168120

>> lift for women!
>Never ends badly

well its the one thing people have control over when it comes to their appearance, so really the only advice to give someone who cant get a girlfriend or sex.

>> No.7168123

You asked me if I want those things and I have to say that no they are not things I desire. They aren't the drive behind my interactions or anything like that.

>> No.7168133

Are you from a colony of bald nudists?

And your actual physical body you have little control over. You can't directly go "I have never lifted before I will immediately now lift for aesthetics" because you don't know what kind of insertions you have or what grows or where your fat will come off more and so on, never mind that beyond pump/inflamation splits and isolation work won't do anything without the CNS being trained.

>> No.7168137

In my experience none. You have to be attractive and outgoing. Unfortunately I hate talking to people, just makes me anxious and upset.

>> No.7168142

well now that we've ruled out what you don't desire on a basic level in social interactions, does it narrow anything down for you? I mean, you still want a gf right?

>> No.7168148

why is /fit/ so autistic?

>> No.7168155

~le book of grill~

>> No.7168163

>it turns out there's some level of technique and knowledge at work behind lifting things up and putting them back down
>everyone who looks into it has the autismo :^)
You're like the edgy teen that totally understands Nietzsche and then gets pissy when shock horror they don't

>> No.7168171

still if you gain muscle women will find you more attractive. you dont have to be a 10/10 perfectly proportioned demi-god. it's still the best chance anyone has to increase their success with women.

>> No.7168172

I've had enough ltrs for a good while and I'd rather just get back to having a lot of fwb tbh

And you make it sound active. Other people can and will feel how they want to feel I may as well not worry too much about it and be myself.

>> No.7168176
File: 1.33 MB, 1020x1280, Rianne van Rompaey_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

diff anon here. I hail from Connecticunt as well.

Milford to be exact. Where art thou from?

>> No.7168179

okay I've given up any useful advice, so here's a list of books/authors:

- I capture the castle by Dodie Smith
- Jane Eyre
- Sandman by Neil Gaiman
- Keats
- Sons and Lovers
- Haruki Murakami

>> No.7168182

Murakami is the worst advice possible. It's like anime where a hot girl magically appears and loves the boring protag for no reason.

>> No.7168184

None. It looks to me that it is either being in the right place at the right time or looking to what is attractive to the masses to find ways to be more appealing across a broad range. Which to many people simply translates into lowering their standards and some occasional bullshitting.

>> No.7168186

>be myself

That's the idea behind everything I've said: be myself, be open and also treat others how I'd like to be treated.

>> No.7168187

What exactly makes you think that Sandman would help someone get a girlfriend?

>> No.7168189

I only put that there because he's popular with girls.

>> No.7168190

If we can't know anything, how can you know we can't know anything?

>> No.7168191

Then start taking risks and having more fun. Be bold , despite what the internet says about men being castrated girls still tend to like daring boys more.

I know a guy like that, smart, driven, hardworking, rather /fit and reliable, but he's a kissless virgin because he's rather uptight and as a consequence never stray too much from his little habits.

Doesn't prevent him being interesting and nice, but most girls wouldn't even think he's into girls.

Basically >>7168137, but for a guy being attractive is a lot about being proactive (also confidence, friendliness and doing stuff with your life important for both gender). People who think lifting is a hack into getting a gf are falling for a meme, though yes lifting could help achieving what I described above.

/fit is pretty legit autistic though. And gay.

>> No.7168199

gives you a broader sense of fiction therefore makes you (seem) interesting?

>> No.7168202
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Guess it's dying alone for me then

>> No.7168203

This is true. I'm just saying there's no point aiming for aesthetics early on. Strength routines often involve getting at least a little fat and working the legs and triceps a lot. No curls for the girls.

Also I love my squat ass but a big muscley ass was not something I even thought about until it happened. Bodies are surprising, and you may as well hold off thinking about the aesthetics side until you have an idea about what yours likes to do and how you feel about it.

>> No.7168207

Being attractive for a guy is 99% facial aesthetics. There's a reason some guys are "confident", it's because girls have given them constant attention since they were pre-teens because of facial aesthetic. You can't just become confident when you've never had any positive feedback, what the fuck are you supposed to be confident about?

>> No.7168209

Just fake it til you make it worked for me :)

>> No.7168213

yup , this too.

>> No.7168224

I don't think the problem is lacking confidence, friendliness, or not being daring enough. It's about how much can you tune out everything around you including some of your own self-awareness. If you are too aware of yourself and everything around you, it will only come off poorly to women a lot of times. At least that is my experience. Any time I had success with women I didn't think about it.

>> No.7168227
File: 201 KB, 1920x816, channing-tatum-as-jenko-in-21-jump-street-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this ugly motherfucker is one of the hottest men alive

>> No.7168228

>and also treat others how I'd like to be treated.
There's a disconnect between that and this tho
>Don't you want to feel comfortable, safe, humorous, friendly, kind and interesting to another person?
The way you treat them may elicit all that but it's not a direct relationship and a lot is up to them really. And sometimes I don't want to be funny or interesting either. Nor always comfortable and safe. Some of these things can be draining and others soul crushingly boring under the right (or wrong) circumstances.

>> No.7168236

you make all this sound complicated than it really is. And you don't have to tick all the boxes.

>> No.7168237

>There's a reason some guys are "confident", it's because girls have given them constant attention since they were pre-teens because of facial aesthetic.
Tall poppy, cheer leader effect etc etc. You imagine all this inequality and punish all you think are attractive for it.

I'm attractive enough to make many women just talk gibberish to me a fair amount of the time and I used to get told I look like an alien at school.

>> No.7168238

How would you have a conversation with a girl about Sandman?
Just what their favourite part about it was or something more broad?
My favourite side character was Matthew the Raven, what about you sweetheart?

>> No.7168240

I don't want to he ticking boxes at all m8. I find the whole approach a turn off.

>> No.7168243

>If you are too aware of yourself and everything around you
Well, that's an easy thing to just turn off.

>> No.7168246


>> No.7168250

But anon I'm scared if I drink alcohol while I'm doped up on my anti-depressants, I'll die.

>> No.7168251

I'm not punishing anyone. I'm saying some guys get a lot of attention because of how they look early on, and that is why they are confident. It's ridiculous to think otherwise. You don't just become confident out of thin air based on nothing.

>> No.7168253

it's only a figure of speech m8. It's less an approach and more of a mode to inhabit in social situations.

>> No.7168257

Makes me too talkative. I'm worried about what I might say.

>> No.7168264

Can confirm this works for women with men too. The hack is you have to stop stressing out/thinking about what you're going to say next and just start listening to what the other person is saying. This helps keep convo natural. Thing is women are a bit more intuitive than men so we can pick up on your uneasiness very quickly. You have to practice talking to girls you aren't particularly interested in romantically (don't lead them on, just befriend them lol) and gradually work up from there as your confidence/experience grows.

>> No.7168265


alcohol does actually help. get wavey.

>> No.7168267

Drop the anti-depressants and start drinking. Clearly if you are on that shit you have just been diagnosed as being too aware of shit which bums other people out.

>> No.7168269

>befriending women
No thank you.

>> No.7168270

Alcohol doesn't help me get over any anxiety until I'm blackout drunk, and I don't drink often.

>> No.7168273

If you are worried about what you might say you aren't drunk enough.

>> No.7168276

sorry, that was bad advice.

>> No.7168279


>> No.7168284

Last time I got drunk I ended up ranting to a group of people about how I thought that sterilizing retards was a moral obligation. I'd like to try and avoid things like that.

>> No.7168288

They really aren't very good friends typically. All take and no give.

>> No.7168293

I did something like that, but I was trying to convince an Indian kid and some Asians that all women of their races were race traitors.

>> No.7168295

Jesus. Boy am I fortunate or are you just unlucky?

>> No.7168300

Who cares. If they thought it was weird just play it off with humor, it certainly has the potential to be a joke especially while drunk. People say dumb things, most of the time we punish ourselves worse for it than anyone else will. I am sure people you close to say things you find dumb or strange now and then, but I doubt it will change your overall opinion of them. Depending on what it is of course. Whether it truly is or isn't I am not here to debate, but people who can say dumb shit without remorse or play off in good humor, are though to be confident and self-assured by many people.

>> No.7168301

I don't know. I will always call my male friends first because they're actually reliable. Women have a much bigger "what's in it for me" attitude it seems like.

>> No.7168306

Probably not I don't spend much time on this board anymore but I highly recommend it.

The problem with this board and all boards is it's an echo chamber of negativity that creates a self fulfilling prophecy of lifelong unhappiness.

All girls aren't sjw bitches and if you go outside once in awhile do things like join clubs shit can be OK.

>> No.7168309
File: 203 KB, 533x800, 1442793923342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never a qt bookfu

>> No.7168310

I forget what it's called but that's you as in one. Like it's not you personally, you know?

People can be confident for all sorts of reasons. Some, especially from wealthy backgrounds, are told they're special little cherubs and everything they say and do is mana from heaven and they're destined for great things and so on. Others learn to get over social anxiety. I would say by and large if you're good looking it is better to be confident just because of this stupid crabs in a bucket mentality, if someone feels you're better than them they will sometimes try to make sure you aren't by putting you down. That is where confidence comes in handy

>> No.7168315

Not everyone here is in college can join clubs and just have friends. Or is free of any responsibility like most students. Stop being presumptuous. It's not always OK.

>> No.7168317

You know clubs aren't just in college/uni?

>> No.7168319

you're just unlucky, I suppose. Have you yourself ever inhabited a state of doing things without ever expecting anything back?

>> No.7168321

>Who cares
I care.

>> No.7168322


>> No.7168323

We care

>> No.7168324

Yes constantly with people I consider friends. That's what a friend is supposed to do.

>> No.7168325

I know you do. But you shouldn't. No one else does.

>> No.7168327

What do you want to do? Where do you live?

>> No.7168328

well then, I got nothing for you. I tried though ;__;

>> No.7168334

Some other people care. I still get dirty looks from the some of the people I was ranting to that night.

>> No.7168336

>join clubs
>tfw you will never be an interested member of a club
>tfw you will never find any activity worth anything beyond escapism

>> No.7168345

>Just what their favourite part about it was or something more broad?
>My favourite side character was Matthew the Raven, what about you sweetheart?

Yup, basically. And if she likes Snadman you can deduce what else she likes. You just have to get the ball rolling.

>> No.7168346

Maybe so. I frequently deal with similar situations. My solution? I try to live with little commitment and responsibility so I can walk away from things if I make an ass of myself. Also I recommend inhabiting a large city if you don't. The transient population and diversity lend itself well to ensuring you are never alone no matter what kind of crazy shit you believe.

>> No.7168351

When do I pinch her on the ass and call her "toots"

>> No.7168355

I should have left that part of the greentext out. And its after you've kissed her.

>> No.7168360

you trust your own uneducated, inexperienced opinions? surprise yourself

>> No.7168367

Have you ever met a women who likes Sandman before?
It ain't great.

>> No.7168379

I hope you're not implying I think things are boring because I haven't tried them, and I'm not open to doing new things. You wouldn't be right.

>> No.7168382

yeah, she's aight. I don't fancy her but I like her and she's pretty, in a young zooey deschanel-esque kind of way. I found her affable. We're quite chummy.

>> No.7168398

no i'm explicitly saying your uneducated, inexperienced opinions on how you think things would go aren't shit

>> No.7168419

>uneducated, inexperienced
I'm making a big assumption I know, but I'm basing my expectations on past experiences. My opinion isn't the greatest, but it's based on more than yours.

>> No.7168429

step 3: ????
step 4: profit

>> No.7168433

at least if you can't reap the profits be happy in the knowledge that you're a half-decent human being.

>> No.7168434

Man, I've met two of them and they were pretty toxic dream fangirls.
I asked one of them once about what they thought about the corinthian and they said he was creepy and that they didn't like fiddlers green either.

>> No.7168442

the Corinthian is creepy but he was a good character. Um, pretty sure there are loads of other girls who like Sandman and are also cool to hang out with, so don't despair?

>> No.7168449

I'm not in college I'm a 26 year old man who works around 60 hours a week at my career.

I still find time to do my reading and go do stuff out while maintaining a budget and contributing to my 401k and house savings.

These don't have to be your goals nor should they be but just saying "shits not ok" while you do nothing to change it is nobodies fault but your own. Yeah it's going to be tough but anything worth doing is.

>> No.7168457

Corinthian is GOAT you shut your mouth.
And I'm not worried I'm just mentioning it

>> No.7168514

>what the fuck are you supposed to be confident about?

Skills, hobby, experience, past accomplishments, even cultural and genetic heritage that you got handed from birth, basically anything in your life outside of talking to girls to fuck or seduce them.

Or more simply confidence in the fact it's possible to have a conversation with a stranger, with he/she listening to you and you listening back, and without any of you freaking out. This happens in real life (though not everytime, nothing is perfect), you can learn this by talking to people.

If you're trouble with this but are healthy, try focusing on your body more. Exercise, play sports (not just lift, put your body in dynamic situations). You'll quickly realize the human body is pretty awesome and capable of impressive feat when it's in good health. This is a good start since your body is pretty much the only thing that'll always be with you.

Yeah this. That's essentially what everybody does.
You're right, but this is harder to describe, and most of time a matter of luck and unconsciously learnt habit. But this is also a consequences of experiencing (only in experience of contact with other people will you learn how to react to contact with other people).

>> No.7168554

Seems to me you just like characters who were obviously designed to creep young girls out. That's quite the edgyteenagesque taste, you'd fit right in with the Sandman fangirls.

>> No.7168567

people are confident because they've had a lifetime of positive feedback due to their physical appearance. it's impossible to "fake" that, unless you get a lot of money or obtain some kind of universally recognized high status later in life.

>> No.7168569

Nice bait but we all know what the Corinthian was designed to do.

>> No.7168584

You think everyone who hasn't succeeded just isn't trying as hard as you. It's this fucking idiotic mentality that is everything wrong with the world. You actually believe everyone's in a vacuum and success is just a matter of effort, despite all evidence to the contrary. All for the sake of patting your privileged, smug, stupid ass on the back for "working hard". Fuck off.

>> No.7168586

Someone has already explained how this is flawed thinking. Most people aren't exceptional with regards to their appearance. Yet many people are confident and sure of themselves.

>> No.7168712

I would argue that it's not an issue of just attractiveness, but that attractiveness is one factor of many (although certainly a big one) that nudge your life in one direction or the other.

If you have enough "good" things going for you, they start building in a positive direction: You get some social reinforcement, you feel comfortable as you grow personally and socially at a reasonable pace. Just enough progress to build to the next "stage," so to speak.

But if you have enough "bad" factors to overwhelm the good ones, your life will be slowly nudged in a bad direction: You miss out on some age-appropriate opportunities of platonic/romantic socializing, your social growth is (even marginally) stunted, and any level of self-awareness perpetuates this and compounds whatever negative growth that got started in your life for whatever reason.

Even if you started with only a tiny net "positive" or "negative," this grows, the gap widens, and things just get more extreme--for better or for worse.

Ultimately I think confidence isn't about looks (although they help), but about the net total of positives and negatives in your life, and how they've compounded over the years. Especially in light of boards like /lit/, /fit/, and /fa/, it would be nice if we could get our shit together and disconnect ourselves from the failures of our past selves, starting fresh as intelligent, fit, and generally presentable people, but those negative memories and thoughts weigh you down; your "confidence" is not a state derived from your current self, but a weighted average of yourself from your whole life. I know people who look at me and, from a first glance, expect that I'm confident: They expect me to be self assured, and are confused that I'm always single. But I know that the very recent improvements I've made in myself are fighting a (so far) losing battle against my scrawny and socially retarded self from the first 20 years of my life. If I could start life right now, with the appearance and intelligence as I have now, yeah I imagine I'd be fine; in fact I think I'd have a blast, socially speaking. But objectively knowing that does nothing to change how you subconsciously think and feel about yourself, and ultimately that's what decides how you respond to the world, and ultimately how you live.

>> No.7168800

I prefer to be treated to very open and cold honesty. Your post only applies to people who share your values.

>> No.7168818

>decent human being
Call me a fedora but that doesn't seem to matter to woman. In fact they really dislike "nice guys".

>> No.7168834

You've gone too far the other way.

>> No.7168872

you don't know shit

>> No.7168882
File: 114 KB, 850x1132, rumia (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've also been doing this
and this.
for at least 10 years straight
plus working for 3 years

and still no gf

>> No.7168895
File: 65 KB, 811x795, 1431884043740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm, no, not gonna do it.

>> No.7168958

I know too much

>> No.7168999


>> No.7169174

You know anons in 4chan are kinda nice with these questions, but its hard for me to imagine a girl thinking something like "He read all the twilight series, i wanna him to facefuck me" or something like that. Sorry dude, but better try to solve last Fermat theorem with the a course from Khan Academy, youll probably have more luck.

>> No.7169181

Twilight is a bad example but a man who is well read and articulate is very hot (I'm a girl btw).

>> No.7169204


>> No.7169205

If this is true, you realize that you are a massive outlier, right? Also being well read and articulate does very little on it's own towards getting a woman to take romantic interest in you, much less fuck you.

>> No.7169222


>> No.7169274

the quran

>> No.7169286

uh do you maybe wanna you know like uh go out some time just to hang out or eat or something you know?

>> No.7169337


>> No.7169340

This. This so fucking hard

>> No.7169342

Same, I tell myself that I am a cretinous wretch so that I can triumphantly laugh at all the insects who go to University sponsored sporting events while I stay in the library reading Kierkegaard

>> No.7169350
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Read Beckett but don't know who Ionesco or Artaud are you then get a creepy weirdo gf you homeless fuck

>> No.7169361

On the edge.

>> No.7169368

ayy lmao

>> No.7169378
File: 50 KB, 576x665, 1435905412422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this shit I wish I was neutered

I tired of spending so much time thinking about sex and then never getting laid

fuck my gay life

>> No.7169415

Thirsty ass niggas.

>> No.7169450
File: 166 KB, 1463x1080, kant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring about the opinion of women
>basing your own reading material on the whims of the woman
>using books to simply obtain a hole for a night
>treating women as objects
>using books as a means to an end (This triggers me)
>going outside
>not devoting your life to study
>not remaining a virgin your entire life

>> No.7169622

underrated post

>> No.7169628

what planet do you come from? Being nice is always a plus in the non-transactional sense. It's the other things that may damage your chances off a relationship with either sex.

>> No.7169632

good luck fam

>> No.7169644


>> No.7169670

Would you say being nice is being prone to having a positive opinion of other people and letting it on? Doing just that can be detrimental because affection and attention from someone with a more cynical attitude towards other people can make them feel "special".

>> No.7169704

>letting it on
what does that mean by the way?

>Doing just that can be detrimental because affection and attention from someone with a more cynical attitude towards other people can make them feel "special"

you know, what I said applies to people outside the ones you want to fuck. If you're happy with the way you are and the state of your relationships however (un)healthy then good on you, I guess. I suppose being affable is too much of an unnatural struggle for some people.

>> No.7169748

Why would you even want to be with a woman? They're awful, and disgusting, and stupid. The only reason to be with one is to produce children. Enjoying sex for its own sake is pointless. Women have no intellects. Even when you find a reasonably intelligent one she'll just cheat on you eventually. Women have no sense of loyalty. They don't even understand what love is. I joined a monestary just to get away from those monsters. I haven't had sex in ten years. I can't remember the last time I even saw a woman. They truly are anchors that keep you attached to this world, or even drag you to Hell. Seek God and the life of the mind, not a woman. What truly horrible creatures.

>> No.7169755

Call the /lit/ hook up line today

>> No.7169774
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>> No.7170112

not all that important in the attainment process, more important if you want them to stick around

>> No.7170137

check urself b4 u wreck urself

>> No.7170151

always solid advice, I rek myself on the regular