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7166023 No.7166023 [Reply] [Original]

what did you think about 100 years of solitude?

>> No.7166073

It was great. It was like the book of Genesis in forwards and reverse.

>> No.7166105


>> No.7166827

I probably didn't understand shit but the feeling reading this book gives is like nothing else. Everything seems so large and meaningful.

>> No.7168432

everyone is josé, everyone else is aureliano.

>> No.7168440

pretty great. I should probably re-read it, actually.

>> No.7168453

I really enjoy magical realism and thought this was some top tier shit when i first read it but after giving it some thought i realized that the author was just a pervert disguised as someone with talent

>> No.7168458

its really fucking bad

>> No.7168486

it's possibly the best book ever written

>> No.7168563

It's a masterpiece. The war and the final are my favorite parts, I really enjoy the scene that Aureliano tries to commit suicide and fails.
Also, what the saint with the money meant?

>> No.7168679

atrocious, unrealistic, contrived, lacking in subtlety, awkward

>> No.7168705

saint with the money??

>> No.7168709

Good book with few ideas

>> No.7168725

>atrocious, unrealistic, contrived, lacking in subtlety, awkward


dumb gringos cant even dance. how can they ever understand latin america and its culture?

>> No.7168749

really liked the magic realism.

>> No.7168798

The suffering of the characters was immense and for me viscerally unpleasant. Love in the time of Cholera is the same way. He tortures his characters throughout their whole lives. I did like the revelations of the last few chapters though.

>> No.7169067

can anyone recommend a decent translation?

>> No.7169200

the Rabassa one is the only English one I'm aware of. others might exist but the Rabassa one won a lot of awards and Marquez (maybe facetiously) claimed it was better than the Spanish original so nobody ever reads any others

>> No.7169279

Who shot Jose Acardio?

>> No.7169309

imagine borges but remove all talent and insert the perverted machinations of a hack gone wild. arabs & mexicans dig the fuck out of him, that should tell you all you need to know.

>> No.7169773

Regarding his own literary constraints when writing novels, McCarthy said he's "not a fan of some of the Latin American writers, magical realism. You know, it's hard enough to get people to believe what you're telling them without making it impossible. It has to be vaguely plausible."

>> No.7169944

One of my favorite pieces of literature ever. Cant wait to reread it in a few years.

>> No.7170000

that is such bullshit. one can enjoy, understand, and get immersed into both styles. Mcarthy beter shut the fuck up and release that new novel soon.

>> No.7170030

This very much. I'd like to reread it now but I want to give it some time.

>> No.7170264

Magical Realism is basically the Family Guy of literature. It's just one skit or meme after another.

>> No.7170307
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>basically the Family Guy of literature. It's just one skit or meme after another.

>> No.7170317

not him but i remember there was a statue of a saint filled with gold coins or something among the likes of that that went missing or something

>> No.7170348

are you missing part of your brain?

>> No.7170349

If you enjoyed the novel, check out Big Mama's Funeral

>> No.7171477

quads for trufax

McCarthy confirmed for mad.

>> No.7171616

The ending sentence was pretty great and the book was good.

Also this reminded me to add it to the books I have read in the last few months.

count of monte cristo
norwegian wood
roadside picnic
darkness at noon
100 years of solitude

Finished musashi minutes ago. Trying to decide what to read next...

>> No.7171675

In a way Blood Meridian is magical realism too. Besides, I don't believe that magic in Solitude is really suppose to be happening. I interrupted it as more unreliable narrator. The magical happening is more false recollections, local legends, etc. From the first sentence the story is set up as an adult remembering a childhood event, and the last few chapters introduce that the author has second or third hand knowledge of events, being a citizen of Macondo himself. Everything could have happened, or have been some embellishment or exaggerations.

The most magical thing that happens is Remedios the Beauty ascending to heaven. Right after that happens its said that was the story they told the townspeople, and that it was just accepted. That should mean that her being lifted to heaven is just a story that family told, covering up something that really happened.

>> No.7171750

Read it in Spanish and loved it. It's the first Spanish I've read cover-to-cover. I did it to improve my vocabulary and grammar. I'm going to read Don Quixote next.

GOAT characters:
>el Coronel
>Aureliano Babilonia
>Gernieldo Marquez
>Ursula Iguaran
>Melquiades obv

>> No.7171758


They never said. I think it's was staged by the conservative government because Jose Arcadio saved his brother's life. One of the best parts of the book.

>> No.7171820

My favorite book

>> No.7171941

Long live the liberal party!

>> No.7172066


José Arcadio Buendía
Colonel Aureliano Buendía

Úrsula Buendía
Amaranta Buendía
Pietro Crespi
Colonel Gerineldo Márquez
Aureliano Segundo
José Arcadio Segundo
José Arcadio Buendía IV
Aureliano II

everybody else

José Arcadio Buendía
Rebeca Buendía

>> No.7172073

>José Arcadio Buendía
I meant José Arcadio Buendía II (son of José Arcadio Buendía and brother of Colonel Aureliano).

>> No.7172324

What? José Arcadio wasn't basiclly Brock Samson!

>> No.7173909


>no Aureliano III
>no Remedios, la bella
>no Aureliano Babilonia
>no Remedios Moscote

>> No.7174009


>> No.7174021
