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/lit/ - Literature

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7166019 No.7166019 [Reply] [Original]

New to /lit
What do you guys think of GOT?

>> No.7166038
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i'd reccomend you go to the sf/f general, you'd like it there, probably. I haven't read them but I've heard they're quite bloated and I've no interest in reading them.

>> No.7166045

Liked the first two or three books but got bored with the one going on and on about the drown god and stopped reading. Could have been condensed, all I cared about was the main cast of characters. May finish it some day if I hear it ends well.

Most people on this board don't like them, or popular fantasy period.

>> No.7166064

the books are a snooze fest, the story isn't interesting enough to justify reading 1000 page books

>> No.7166126

<Danny's diarrhoea passage>

>> No.7167320

Really good books, best writer since King.

>> No.7167487

gr8 b8

>> No.7167957

First three books are good, 4 and 5 stink. I'm more or less resigned to the fact that that fat fuck is gonna keel over and die before book 6 comes out. Whatever, there's better Fantasy out there.

>> No.7168001

It's badly written, formulaic shit.

>> No.7168012

They're great. If you don't already know what /lit/ thinks about, then you probably aren't "patrician" enough to not enjoy it.

And it's not "GOT", it's ASoIaF (A Song of Ice and Fire).

>> No.7168021

/lit/ hates genre fiction.
/lit/ hates anything popular.

You get some people here that like it to be contrarian against the contrarians since here, hating GoT is mainstream, but whatever.

>> No.7168041
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>> No.7168047

Correction: /lit/ doesn't hate popular things; /lit/ hates bad things. I mean, the most talked about, praised books here--like Ulysses, Gravity's Rainbow, and Infinite Jest--are known and loved by millions of people.

>> No.7168085

In terms of prose, badly written at times, more often neither bad nor good.

Formulaic is the last thing these books are, however.

I think the author's skill with language is the weakest aspect of the series. Inconsistent in quality is how I would describe it. Sometimes he is very adept at creating incredibly vivid scenes (Battle of Blackwater, Dany and the Beating Heart). Often his basic, literal style really helps to convey the bleak tone tone of the books. Other times he descends into the most bizarre sentences and passages. They're rare but they make you ask yourself just what was he thinking.

Other than the prose, the books are great. A lot to be garnered lying beneath the deceptively simple language. Ironically their among the most misinterpreted works you'll find on this board, by both detractors and fans.

>> No.7169113

Those aren't necessarily the most praised books here, and regardless of how many people love them, they are nowhere near as popular as many, many other titles.

Anyone suggesting that this board does not have an aversion to popularity is fooling themselves.

>> No.7169130

>genre fiction is shit
>popular shit is shit

FTFY fam

>> No.7169144

Only one of those is good though.

>> No.7169154

There really needs to be a nice word or phrase to describe this phenomenon of people thinking that others hate things solely because they're popular purely as a result of popular things being discussed more often and people thus more often expressing their opinions on them whether positive or negative, and the people assuming popularity-based hatred focusing only on the negative.

>> No.7169203

> First one

> Second one

> Third one

> Fourth one
Nothing happens.

> Fifth one
Stuff only happens in last 100 pages or so.

>> No.7169375

So you're fooling yourself then.

>> No.7170384
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>> No.7172074

Wouldn't usually quote Roger Ebert, but "one needs to read a bad book once in a while to remind oneself that life is too short to read bad books".

>> No.7172808

absolute garbage

>> No.7173532

Guys, I decided to skip A Game of Thrones because I watched the first season of the show. But then I decided I'd rather read the books instead of watch the show, so I started to read A Clash of Kings and am about 300 pages in. I honestly have no idea who some of the characters are and what their motives and shit are.

Should I just go back and read through the first book?

>> No.7173805

I never thought of it like that. I'm glad I only made it through 10 or so pages of the first book.

>> No.7173817

This is the only correct answer. Read it when there's nothing else to read. Or at least read all Tolkien if you insist on this sort of thing.

>> No.7174261

Yes, there are huge plot gaps between the show and the books, some characters don't exist or are depicted in a different way