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7165766 No.7165766 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys know any good Bismarck biographies? Preferably not too pop-science idealistic.

>> No.7165849

Bump. Not op. Would like to know as well.

>> No.7165863

>scrolling the first page
Do people do this now the catalog exists?

>> No.7165885

Bland Ion Odor

>> No.7165889

London! I board.

>> No.7165894

No Ordinal Bod

>> No.7165905

Bismark, by Edward Crankshaw


Bismarck and the Development of Germany: The Period of Unification, 1815 - 1871 by Otto Pflanze

>> No.7165920

I forgot to add Bismarck is one of the greatest statemen who's ever lived and his motives and decisions are contested by basically every German historian. Ultimately we don't know why he did some of the stuff he did or why it worked and if you want a complete picture it's best to read many different interpretations. He's an endlessly fascinating man and among the most intelligent statesmen of the last few centuries.

>> No.7165949

Sangue e Ferro!

I suggest "Bismarck: The Man and Statesman"´by A.J.P Taylor.

>> No.7165991

> Funk comes over. "Imagine, Hess just asked me who Rosenberg was." I wonder what is prompting Hess to come out with all these crazy old tricks again. In the evening I have a chance to pay Hess back for his little games. In the library he picks up the memoirs of Schweninger, Bismarck's personal physician. "Who is Bismarck?" he asks with amazing calm. "Don't you know that, Herr Hess? The inventor of the Bismarck herring, of course." Everybody laughs. Hess, insulted, leaves the library cell. Later I go to his cell and apologize
Albert Speer "Spandau Diary"

>> No.7166084

So basically, Speer was butthurt because Hess shat on Alfred Rosenberg so he decided to act like retard just to troll him?

Sounds a lot like 4chan.

>> No.7166135

Blood and Iron

>> No.7166137

No, it was friendly banter, Hess played up his madness from time to time. Speer actually had quite a liking for Hess and vice versa

>[I tell Hess] that his wife has published his letters as a book. Hess becomes feverishly excited at this news. When he hints that it is quite natural for him to be ahead of the rest of us as an author, I put a bit of a damper on. "You should be grateful to the censor for always scissoring out your crazy ideas about politics. This way you are published purified, virtually a model democrat." Hess laughs and pretends to be shocked. .... What I like about Hess is that he does not take my views, which must be a horror to him, as a basis for being hostile to me, as Doenitz does.