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7165220 No.7165220 [Reply] [Original]

“ I've heard it said that in the game of patriarchy, women aren't the opposing team, they are the ball. ”

—Anita Sarkeesian

Do you think she has ANY valid points at all? I'm not one to judge easily, I see a lot of hate directed towards her. Why is it?

>> No.7165233

In the chess game if history, women are the future of tennis.
To not allow women to roll the dice in this game of poker called life, would be a downright tragedy.
So strap on your shin guards and get ready to swim, because women are equal now.

>> No.7165240


I don't think you said anything in that post.

>> No.7165254

why do first world white people feel like they need to take a stand against something, like they really think they have issues just like everyone else?

you arent starving, use your energy to volunteer or something if you want to do good.

>> No.7165262

It's not that's she's wrong imo, it's the smug self satisfied snaark she emits of a first world brat

I mean fucking video gamees, she's almost as pathetic as the losers who get triggered by her

>> No.7165263

play action pass
keep defenses honest

>> No.7165265

Did you just make that up, OP?

>> No.7165267

she absolutely has several valid points, which you'd see clearly if you bothered to actually pay attention and not just look for things to attack.

but, of course, you won't. because you're a straight white male and instead of educating yourself on the plight of people who aren't the same class or as privileged as you, you think you're being victimized or attacked so you get on the defensive.
you are part of the problem. inb4: "le tumblr, le reddit, le sjw, le whiteknight, le cuck, le buzzword of the month that is used to silence opposition on here but doesn't do that outside of this hugbox."

>> No.7165268

Internet 'activism' just allows them to feel good and stand for a cause without actually getting off their pampered asses.

Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.7165270

inb4 what anon said
(you saying inb4 doesn't make sense)

>> No.7165272

She didn't exactly do "activism". She just released videos criticizing video games.

>> No.7165276

She's cultivated an image and personality over the last few years that generates lots of controversy and support (and money) for her, her actual arguments are pretty peripheral things these days.

The hardcore gamer crowd tend to be quite quick to anger, thus easy to manipulate.

>> No.7165280

she just went before the UN asking them to censor the internet so she doesn't have to read criticism of herself

>> No.7165282

>instead of educating yourself on the plight of people who aren't the same class or as privileged as you,
Sarkeesian is same class as me. If anything she might be a little higher up the economic ladder.

>> No.7165289

Feminism used to be about political rights, not it is about being represented in the consumer product of your choice.

>> No.7165290

occasionally she'll accidentally stumble upon something worth saying but in general she is just a smug cunt who lucked into an easy life. I'm pretty sure even her fellow first world feet stompers acknowledge that her criticism is shit.

>> No.7165291

She has a few valid points, but there surrounded by garbage ones. Whatever she says that would be valid in any other context is invalidated because of all the other bullshit.

If you want a series of videos criticizing her without resorting to empty demagoguery:


>> No.7165295

>pokes beehive
>gets stung

>> No.7165297
File: 124 KB, 415x500, 1412812680257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loss of identity and belongingness, the effect of a disenchanted modern world where Late captialist consumerism ensures even "marginalised" people a lifestyle that is no longer proletarian but bourgeois, the very abscence of which was the incentives for revolution. She ultimately accepts the leveling condition of this system as it is too comfortable and expensive to do without, but the senselessness of the world still weighs on her so she bypasses revolutionary marxism for a more abstract global indentitarian protest, yet this is one without any higher principles behind it and is irrational, anarchic and instinctive in character.Evola likens her breed to "maddened wasps trapped in a glass jar, who throw themselves frentically against the walls".

In short, she cannot revolt against the injustice of Neo-liberal capitalism, Globalisation and Western cultural hegemony, so instead she compiles tvtropes agaisnt women in video games.

More so, it reinforces the notion that we are "ghosts of a war that we have not fought". Her kind will be swiftly put aside when the next global conflict reaches boiling point

>> No.7165305

Sure she does. She just goes about it in the most inflammatory way to get that patreon money, and ends up miring any actual conversation about her points in a clusterfuck of identity politics.

Some of the criticism is deserved mind you. She's straight up stole footage from letsplayers and is several years behind the schedule she described in her kickstarter despite getting 25 times the amount she asked for. Not to mention that whole Hitman thing were she framed a mechanic for hiding bodies as "playing with dead women" or whatever.

If you actually want good discussion of video games as art look at extra credits, errant signal or superbunnyhop, they do a much better job without any of the added identity politics bullshit.

>> No.7165306

Yeah, but she's a woman so you could not possibly undestand the trauma of her oppression! Check your privledge mang

>> No.7165308

The very fact that feminists demand power as an "equal right" shows that they understand nothing about power, and further that they will never have it because they lack the ability to TAKE it, which is the only way to be powerful -- "power" acquired by whining about wanting power is no power at all, any more than "respect" acquired in the same manner is genuine respect. "Power" given to you this way is in fact the exact opposite of power: it is the giver who is wealthier, more powerful, more worthy of respect, which is exactly why he is giving and you are receiving (on this, read Marcel Mauss). A woman who asks men for power is in a position equivalent to that of a beggar asking passersby for coins, or a supplicant who prays to God for health or good fortune or whatever.

>> No.7165318

this is very insightful

>> No.7165322

neither literature nor a good thread

go back to twitter/tumblr/b/r9k or whatever shithole you came from

>> No.7165324

but radical feminism is literally cancer

>> No.7165338
File: 304 KB, 600x898, fleshpuppet part deux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anita is literally a fleshpuppet for Jonathan Mcintosh. My insane ramblings aren't getting attention and money? Let me find a woman to say them.

>> No.7165341
File: 66 KB, 1023x312, fleshpuppet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7165345

What does women being the 'ball in the game of patriarchy' even mean?

It seems like a 'witty' phrase just for the sake of being witty.

>> No.7165346

They're probably fucking.

>> No.7165348

top kek Sam

>> No.7165355

She is right about everything. Her mistake is complaining about it because the patriarchy will stop her from doing anything and because everything is perfectly fine.

>> No.7165358

is this bait?

>> No.7165360

Some points are valid, but most of what she said can be applied to males too. What is worrying about the current wave of feminism is they don't seem to advocate equality for both genders, just more rights for women themselves. They never really spoke about how males are disadvantaged in certain, always about women, women, women.

What this anon said

>> No.7165364

Anita Sarkeesian started all this feminism seminar shit after she participated in a program by a Jewish guy designed to teach people how to extract money from gullible idiots. She actually testifies about it.

See: http://webmshare.com/dXKBb (webm is too large for 4chan)

>> No.7165367

It illustrates the concept of privilege by indicating that men believe themselves to be in competition with one another and women to be objects, incapable of participating except for the purposes of keeping score.

>> No.7165368

>They never really spoke about how males are disadvantaged in certain, always about women, women, women.

Many of them do speak about how men are disadvantaged, but they think it's men's fault anyway, so they don't think it matters.

>> No.7165374

Listen to a French philosopher explain why modern feminism is hurting women. It's not the normal /pol/ stuff, it will really open your eyes.


>> No.7165376

What does this have to do with /lit/?

>> No.7165382


She's peddling a sort of philosophy, and philosophy has always been /lit/.

>> No.7165383

Where does their line of thinking come from? What is the original source (what thinker(s))?

>> No.7165388

I am ok with this post. it is pretty good

>> No.7165394


Big corporations noticed it's mostly men buying movies, watching TV, reading comics, playing games, etc. - and realized that if women were buying them too, that's 50% more income for them.

So new-age feminism is focusing on 'diversifying' entertainment. That's what their corporate handlers have fed them. There shouldn't be female-friendly entertainment, entertainment should be appealing simultaneously to men and women... because that's cheaper. Who cares if neither party ends up satisfied?

>> No.7165395

I think that on the few occasions when she does make valid points she only did so by accidents, she spouts far too much nonsense for the opposite to be true

>> No.7165401


Sounds more like a conspiracy rather then fact with stated evidence.

>> No.7165413


If modern feminism was focusing on decreasing the suffering of women, it would be focused on abolishing female genital mutilation in Burma, female child sexual slavery all across the African nations, female oppression in Islamic countries, etc - not making entertainment more palatable for women. It's VERY clear what's going on when you think about it for more than five seconds. Why are only the causes which will result in increased corporate profits being paid attention to by feminists?

>> No.7165424
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>>Many of them do speak about how men are disadvantaged,
men are no longer advantaged

>What is worrying about the current wave of feminism is they don't seem to advocate equality for both genders, just more rights for women themselves.
and the emasculation of men
reminder that women today are
-full of STDs and resist treatments to herpes
-can call rape any form of contact
-can violate the consent of the father in imposing forced paternity

>> No.7165431

He's very handsome

>> No.7165432
File: 52 KB, 640x453, G4ExgLV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
