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7163541 No.7163541 [Reply] [Original]

Why so many great writers were christian?

>> No.7163546

Because, unlike SJWs, Christians actually believe in something. A bullshit something, but something all the same.

>> No.7163562

Because the ones you're thinking about were white.

>> No.7163568

Because Europe, the literary center of the world, has historically been largely Christian.

>> No.7163578

Nothing magical or mysterious about it.

So many great writers were Christian, because Christianity was, and always has been, the true religion.

>> No.7163581
File: 53 KB, 640x480, ayahuasca-brew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im too lazy to google it, please confirm anon

>> No.7163592


Yet, most great scientist and intelligent people are atheist.

>> No.7163596
File: 128 KB, 308x308, taking_bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7163824



This is what that term really means, right? Just say "sjw" when you don't like something and then you win?

>> No.7163829

most Europeans were Christian

>> No.7163888

Germanics before christianity.jpg

Shut up, Varg.

>> No.7163892
File: 37 KB, 265x324, 1425602717654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7164632

Basically, 99% of the western world was Christian at the time our 'classic' were written. Nothing mysterious about it - you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who wasn't.

>> No.7164672

wait a 1000 years and most of them will be atheists

>> No.7164675


>> No.7164689

Christians were sjws you dip

>> No.7164692


>> No.7164719

Because mentally ill cucks are the majority of writers.

>> No.7164749

Life is much easier for liars in this world. They lie but they won't be punished in their whole life, liars will enjoy life from all the money they successfully scammed from stupid people.

Having many christian writers is nothing to brag about, in fact everyone should feel ashamed for letting liars win. These writers are disappointing people and I wish they were never successful. It just makes me feel sick for seeing lies winning over truth.

>> No.7164766
File: 94 KB, 1000x995, jail religion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Default religious belief from 325-1950 AD

I mean you could just as well ask why so many great prostitutes were christian, or why so many great shoemakers were christian. Nobody had much of a choice and pretty much everyone in the western world was some form of christian in the era when books were being written. If they weren't they largely kept it to themselves. In pic related you can see that most great jail inmates are christian.

A tip of the fedora to my religiously benighted gentlemen!

>> No.7164767

>implying Christians and sjws are opposites
What the fuck are you even doing, nigger?

>> No.7164769


Most good things come from religion.
Christianity is the main religion of the west.
Most good things from the west are Christian.

>> No.7165152

Because Christianity increases will.

>> No.7165174

This. They're both the same slave morality born from the same slave mentality.

>> No.7165205

Who overtly Christian other than the Russians