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/lit/ - Literature

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7163081 No.7163081 [Reply] [Original]

Did /lit/ exist when DFW killed himself?

>> No.7163091

Yes, he saw what it was and was afraid of what it'd become and killed himself.

>> No.7163114

no, there were some threads on the other boards about it though

>> No.7163125

Dead threads? Or, was DFW a meme back then as well?

>> No.7163220

We had threads about him on old /lit/ (proto board, only a few posters; me, oytie, and clt would post there) When he died we made jokes saying it was because he couldn't handle the bloom lulz (those were innocent days)

>> No.7163229

Do you mean the text board, or /lit/ boards on other chans?

>> No.7163230

he's been here this long? why did he drop the name for so long?
haven't seen clt in a while. saw him more on /mu/ than anywhere else. he was an alright tripfag.

>> No.7163232

clt has bad taste in music

>> No.7163233

Yeah, I need to talk to him

>> No.7163234

/lit/ was created exactly a week before J. D. Salinger died.

>> No.7163236

So does everyone on /mu/ lmao

>> No.7163241
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>> No.7163255

U mad bro? ;)
Msn chatroom; we'd play Neverwinter Nights together and listen to Carter. Hampus tried to join a few times but we'd call him gay and an insufferable phony

>> No.7163261

That is no /lit/

>> No.7163287

It was proto-lit. The time before time.

>> No.7163304

Gonna guess you're not talking about Elliott Carter...

>> No.7163305

Meant to reply to

>> No.7163386

Nah but /book/ did

>> No.7163389

newfag gtfo

>> No.7163399

No, /lit/ didn't exist until 2011.

I'm sure we would have meme'd his death to hell though.

>> No.7163406

/lit/ was made in 2010 you stupid newfag

>> No.7163560
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>When he died we made jokes saying it was because he couldn't handle the bloom lulz

>> No.7163565
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really, you did? you made jokes in 2008 about what bloom said in 2011?

>> No.7163573

Would he have liked us laughing about his death, /lit/?

>> No.7163574
File: 25 KB, 298x233, dfw I hit the blunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having difficulty parsing your post

>> No.7163582
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I think that would have cracked him.

>> No.7163585


#rekt #iceburn

>> No.7163644

Bloom basically mentioned DFW's death when he said that, so I assumed that guy was talking about something else

>> No.7163648

bloom didnt say anything about wallace before he died

>> No.7163677

isn't "no discernable talent" a pretty severe criticism

>> No.7163699

Almost as severe as Stephen King being Cervantes compared to him

>> No.7163726

it's easy to forget this place once had text boards

>> No.7163957

Who feels that what Bloom said was true?

>> No.7163974


I'm reading IJ right now. It's got great parts and really boring parts.

I haven't read anything else outside of some of his essays.

I think him saying "no discernable talent" is a bit much. Wallace may have fallen back on overwriting, but he had talent, at the very least. I like what I've read of him, so far, but that's just my two cents.

>> No.7164000

No: at least Octet and Little Expressionless Animals show talent.

>> No.7164216

what are you reading

>> No.7164221

proto-/lit/ were some threads on /r9k/

>> No.7164641

Bloom was in our runescape clan and we'd follow Wallace around calling him a sweaty puffin. One time he never logged back on and that was the day.

>> No.7164663

We'd have the Minotaur on reapeat playing through CLT's speakers

>> No.7164670

How does a Texan Metroplex commit suicide?

>> No.7166249

I made a few /lit/ threads on /r9k/ back when /r9k/ was new and didn't have the current stigma associated with it, and they went pretty well

>> No.7166315
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>> No.7166335

It's strange how /r9k/ became 100% feels and frog posting when, 2-3 years back, feels threads were looked down upon and it was actually a funny,decent board. Amazing how shitposters can transform a board in such little time.

>> No.7166369

It's because of feminism and the jewish plot


>> No.7166373



Unafraid I remain.

>> No.7166380


>> No.7166724

What are you on about

It was 95% beta cancer with 3-5 'funny' posts per thread and 2 uplifting 'man up and quit this shithole' threads a week, all filled with crying and shitty excuses regarding staying there

>> No.7167522

u and you friends using a new forum dosn't make you the forebears of that forum, stop stroking your ego so violently

>> No.7167532

i dont think dfw would approve your irony

>> No.7167539

Isn't that what it is now?