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/lit/ - Literature

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7162676 No.7162676 [Reply] [Original]

>Dostoevsky, Fyodor. Dislike him. A cheap sensationalist, clumsy and vulgar. A prophet, a claptrap journalist and a slapdash comedian. Some of his scenes are extraordinarily amusing. Nobody takes his reactionary journalism seriously.

Do you agree with him /lit/? I can't wait for the undergrads to come out of the woodwork and defend Dostoevsky.

>> No.7162687
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“What a slut time is. She screws everybody.”

>> No.7162691

woops >.<
imagine thats a picture of john green lol

>> No.7162693

Link to when he said that?

>> No.7162711

It wasn't him, it's a meme.

>> No.7162716

>john green is a meme

this is the real meme

>> No.7162727

>john green is a meme
yeah okay mate enough internet for ya

>> No.7162753

Source of meme, newfriend:

>> No.7162850

>loves Jane Austen
>shits on Dostoevsky and Hemingway

if he hadn't written lolita i'd accuse him of being a SJW

>> No.7162863

He doesn't actually shit on hemingway, this list is out of context. He read a book by Hemingway that he loathed, but went on to enjoy several of his short stories and TOMATS.

Also Austen actually is great.

>> No.7162870

Nabokov is such a cunt. Not even because of his tastes, he's just a cunt.

If he was born later, he'd be shitposting on 4chan about Patrician /lit/ half the time.

>> No.7162873

Austen is better than those two and Nabakov. But you're the type of retard to use SJW unironically so I don't doubt that you're too stupid to understand the subtleties of Austen.

>> No.7162886


Half of his reviews are I'm a patrician and plebs don't understand books.

Also, he claims to have read shit like Ulysses when he was 14. Would fit in /lit/

>> No.7162906

>better than Nabokov
Whoa let's not go overboard, my sides
Looks like his post caused you some distress tbh

>> No.7162910

>Karl Marx
>I loath him.

Guess Nabokov's recommendations aren't so bad after all.

>> No.7162915
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>Tolstoy is for 10 year olds

>> No.7162927

I'm fairly sure he meant that Tolstoy was one of his favorite authors ages 10 to 15

>> No.7162938
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love my weekly Green thread

>> No.7162941

this reminds me of Piero Scaruffi

>> No.7162954
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>Wallace, David Foster Wallace. Terrible. No discernible talent. Infinite Jest is just awful. Stephen King is Cervantes compared with Wallace.

>> No.7162969

Wtf he read like half of the western canon before he was 15

>> No.7162975

>Finnegan's Wake

>> No.7162980

I mean, he was 15 during the 30s or something right? Much less to read then.

>> No.7162997

>he claims to have read... Ulysses at 14

no he hasn't. he was talking about War and Peace and C&P, stuff like that. don't talk about stuff you know nothing about.

>he'd be shitposting on 4chan about Patrician /lit/ half the time.

fugin ebin

>> No.7163006

War & Peace, he meant.

He thought Death of Ivan Ilyich and Anna Karenina were amazing works of art, detested Resurrection and The Kreutzer Sonata, and thought that War & Peace was a rollicking historical novel for children.

He considered Tolstoy one of the greatest writers of all time.

>> No.7163033


I never knew he was so god damned insufferable.

>> No.7163040

except he's right about pretty much every thing.

did he make fun of your favorite writer? is that why you're so angry?

>> No.7163042

he hates all 'ideas', books of ideas, because of what ideas and politics did to him throughout his life: fallen aristocrat, father and brother killed, had to flee two countries, etc.

he loved America, freedom, chasing butterflies, and /lit/

>> No.7163043
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Nabokov was apparently a huge fucking pleb.

>> No.7163049

>reads dostoevsky in english by pevear & volokhinsky

uhhh yeah" nabokov," heh, i think i know a thing or teo about dostoevsky. Its time to take you to task. Prepare to be owned.

>> No.7163053

how do people find this insufferable and not hilarious?


>> No.7163057
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>tfw still feel disgust everytime I see this picture

there's no way emasculated cucks like this exist in real life, right?

>> No.7163065


Please elaborate on how Brothers Karamazov is cheap sensationalism, clumsy and vulgar.

>> No.7163076


Heт, вы блин плeбeй

>> No.7163084

Why do plebs get upset when a superior mind disagrees with them? On what grounds do they protest? Their gut feelings?

>> No.7163087

>no he hasn't. he was talking about War and Peace and C&P, stuff like that. don't talk about stuff you know nothing about.

ebin comprehension skills m8y, you must be a great reader.

>> No.7163095


>Superior mind
>Writes thematically and philosophically vacuous flower prose about fucking children

>> No.7163103


I am always happy to have an inflated orthodox sermon hamfistedly shoved down my throat. I mean you have read The Grand Inquisitor right? How can you not call that lazy when you see it in the context of the book? Do you like having authors shove the point of the book in your face and then in the middle start pointing and screaming "look guys do you get it yet?"

>> No.7163106


>posts on /lit/
>he only can green text

I am sorry it offended your sensibilities sjw friend

>> No.7163110

usually when you do the double green text thing you are supposed to put a reason why he isn't a superior mind, not enforce it

>> No.7163117


Someone would've like to be Nabokov's pederast fuckboi.

>> No.7163118

Exactly my thought. What the hell?

>> No.7163139

>nabokov is a cunt for having opinions

You guys mean he had actual taste and doesn't just like books because they are part of the canon?

>> No.7163159
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Which serial killer had the best taste in literature?

>> No.7163163

it's uncanny

>> No.7163169


Zodiac killer was a genius. Theory dismissed.

>> No.7163189

Dude was a blue blooded aristocrat from Eastern Europe. Of course he did.

>> No.7163190
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>Pound, Ezra. Definitely second-rate. A total fake. A venerable fraud.

rustled my fucking jimmies

>> No.7163210

gr8 b8

>> No.7163238

>Pushkin, Alexander. A favorite between the ages of 20 and 40, and thereafter. A genius.
My nigga Vladi.

>> No.7163250

Consider all the time you wasted on the internet and on the phone.

Imagine all that time spent reading instead.

>> No.7163264

Northanger Abbey is a piece of shit.

Stop trying to score feminist points. You make yourself look like an idiot.

>> No.7163279

>Melville, Herman. Love him. One would like to have filmed him at breakfast, feeding a sardine to his cat.

What did he mean by this?

Really, what?

>> No.7163288

You just encouraged me to get off 4Chan right now and get back to reading

>> No.7163293

implying he would write something as offensive as claptrap.

>> No.7163300

see you tomorrow

>> No.7163323 [DELETED] 

Not him, but

1. Northanger Abbey is a minor Austen novel that was published only posthumously. If you're trying to take Austen down a peg, that's an odd target.

2. What entity, exactly, would accrue "feminist points" in this case? It's an anonymous post, connected with no persistent identity and therefore the person who made it is completely unable to benefit from any attention it receives from feminist women.

>> No.7163375

I'm glad to see the John Green switcheroo meme is still going strong

>> No.7163398

Nabakov was a fucking hack himself.

A cheap sensationalist, clumsy and vulgar. A claptrap journalist and a slapdash comedian.

Seriously, Nabakov was a fucking purpleprosed edgelord.

A faggot, a piece of shit, a lack of taste poor excuse for a human.

The fact that people praise him shows the downfall of literature.

>> No.7163402

>Rich and son of a Lawyer/Journalist
>Nothing to do back in the early 1900s

of course he did

>> No.7163414

Happy to see that there are so many people on here who are annoyed by Nabokov and disagree with him. It only reinforces my opinion that he was right most of the time.

The idea that he wrote purple prose is one of my favorites I see on here because it's so off-base. Try reading Victorian literature if you want to find out what purple prose is.

>> No.7163428

People here expect literature to be pure treatise. It's bizarre.

>> No.7163466

>loves repeating the same empty criticisms and praise for different authors without backing his opinions up
Yup, definitely would belong on /lit/

>> No.7163475

>Nabokov (a man with an intentionally abrasive personality) being disliked is a confirmation of anything other than him being abrasive
>Muh genius inspires hatred meme

Anon, enjoyed by boys between the ages of 10-15 and no longer. A second-rate poster with easy platitudes.

7162676: Especially loathesome

>> No.7163506

I rest my case.

>> No.7163512

Calling FW "conventional and drab", see above. Pure edgelordism. Even a troll on /lit would have settled for "shit".
Bielinski called Dostoievsky a genius. Stop with the "this guy knows it better than you do" attitude. It's all opinions one way or the other.
The Grand Inquisitor is not the point of the book, it's one meditation written by one character that's described as noble (though it's implied he's misguided, but misguided for the right reasons). It's also less than 1/10th of the book and less 1/10th of the memorable scenes of the book. Plebs get fixated on this because they have trouble handling the whole book which is a tad more complicated.

Your criticism applies just as well to Anna Karenina (see the last scene and almost any scene involving Anna), to anything Dante ever wrote, etc.

People obviously love to take issue with the smug and provocative formulation. It's simply /lit banter at this point, I mean look at these posts

There's a reason Nabokov's lines about Dosto or Faulkner get spammed here but Kant's Critique of Judgement or Baudelaire's essays on art don't.

There was a collection of Joyce's literary opinions posted in a thread some weeks ago, interesting, and controversial stuff (Joyce said that Pushkin "wrote like a boy, lived like a boy, died like a boy", among other things) yet you don't see it posted ever so often, because most of Joyce's opinions were still phrased in a detailed and nuanced way that would require discussion to make sense of.

>> No.7163561

Well, he was a bit of a booster mate. His essays are more interesting to read for his arrogance while his poetry is completely unreadable. At least he managed to promote a lot of poets who were a million times better than him. :^)

>> No.7163571

>There was a collection of Joyce's literary opinions posted in a thread some weeks ago

Source? That sounds tastier than Nora Barnacles' farts

>> No.7163572

Daniel admits to “that legitimate disgust that seizes any normal man at the sight of a baby,” and to a “solid conviction that a child is a sort of vicious dwarf, innately cruel, who combines the worst features of the species, and from whom domestic pets keep a wise distance.” The despiser of dwarves doesn’t love giants, either, at least literary ones: Shakespeare is a “sad fool,” James Joyce “an insane Irishman” who wrote “ponderous prose,” and Vladimir Nabokov a “mediocre and mannered pseudo-poet” whose style resembles a “collapsed pastry.”

>> No.7163576


He helped eliot a lot. It's pretty cool to see the development of Wasteland.

>> No.7163583


>> No.7163607

>When I once spoke to him about TSE, he grimaced.

I knew he hated Tennyson though, dedalus and his friends discuss poets in Portrait.

>> No.7163687

>He possessed Defoe's complete works, and had read every line of them. Of only three other writers, he said, could he make this claim: Flaubert, Ben Jonson and Ibsen

Who the fuck is ben johnson

>> No.7163754

I have friends who do this. He fucks other girls, she fucks other guys, they fuck each other. Sounds pretty comfy to me.

>> No.7164065

He would like to see his favorite author feeding his cat.

>> No.7164169

Nabokov is the perfect reader. I disagree with many of his opinions, but he is articulate on why he has them, doesn't have arbitrary biases that make him like mediocre writers, and his views are completely self-created with no respect to being part of a movement or conventional.
He's probably a better reader than a writer.

>> No.7164178

He didn't really like most of her work but had a boner for Mansfield Park.

I admire those kinds of opinions.

>> No.7164213
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>> No.7164232
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I fuck other girls, she fucks just me

that sounds more comfy

>> No.7164407
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why even be in a relationship then

so dumb