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7159516 No.7159516 [Reply] [Original]

>wow, anon, did you read all these books?
>can you tell me something about this author?
>do you really like philosophy this much?

no woman ever after seeing my flat.
and that's the reason i don't have sex with those woman. they come in, ignoring my bookshelf and posters of philosophers and just want to have sex, but i always feel like i would exchange gold with copper. it's actually pretty much like socrates saying to alcibiades, being naked in one bed together, that it's not about the body , but about the soul of someone. is philosophy the reason why i feel an urge to block those women? Do you have similar experiences?

TL;DR i think i am not able to fuck women that don't value my interests and are indeed very stupid but good looking

>> No.7159526

>being this normal

>> No.7159531

>posters of philosophers
who would even make one of these?

>> No.7159541


>> No.7159549

It seems to me you mistake the intentions of the ladies visiting your flat, maybe from being too pretentious/desperate or by racing ahead of time and unaware of how long it takes to stablish a meaningful relationship.

They want fun, the thrill of sexual relationships. And that's it.
Instead, you want romance, to fall in love, to meet a person with the right set of organs for copulation, but who is also willing to connect with you, to listen to your ideas.

So ask yourself this. How do you look in the other person's mind? Do you look like a sex toy? If so, play the role and have fun at it. There'll be time to meet a qt who happens to be bright and interesting, a pearl among the ranks of hussies.

>> No.7159560

if you think that you and a girl both liking the same book and talking about it a bit constitutes connecting to their soul than you are emotionally sterile. try talking to them about something that actually forms an emotional connection

>> No.7159564

tfw normies appropriate pepe


>> No.7159565

>There'll be time to meet a qt who happens to be bright and interesting, a pearl among the ranks of hussies.

And then she'll turn out to be like the rest of them too. OP save yourself some time and trouble by not bothering, there's no real point to pursue meaningful,romantic relationships in this era

>> No.7159567

completely ignoring the bookshelf is weird behavior, like not petting the dog. They probably don't want to come off as shallow and dumb in the shadow of your patrician greatness

>> No.7159570

I wrote so less and you know so much. I mean it sounds pretty familiar to me.
Please, anon, befor the 404 will devide us and we never know if we will meet again, tell me, are you a NEET with a good piece of knowledge of human nature, or are you someone like Sigmund Freud?
Thanks for responding though.

>> No.7159754
File: 108 KB, 490x300, so romantic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what you mean, I often alternate between rejecting casual hookups to embracing them during romantic dry spells - it feels as nothing other than masturbation.

The time to meet an intelligent qt is all day everyday


>> No.7159785

Honestly you're confusing Lust with Love OP
They want to fuck you not have meaningful conversation.

>> No.7159790

Why wpuld they give a fuck about your books? They just want to get dicked you moron.

>> No.7159804

I feel the same tbh.
Nobody believes me. Not even on the internet.
I feel so alone.
I used to be in relationships with girls that shared my interests, but now such persons are married.

>> No.7159973

I only replied because I could relate to your concern from my own experiences. So, I'll retell them for your own pleasure.

Being an only child with tons of Oedipal issues, I thought women were the only way to fill 'the void in my heart' (speaking in a very corny metaphorical way, sorry). I've always felt lonely and found that most male company just wasn't good enough for me --to each their own-- so, I pursued pussy wherever possible.

Sometimes it was simply due to aesthetic reasons, that is, qts and their soft skins and roundish bodies. Sometimes I would find someone interesting, a female friend I could hang out with, discuss philosophy or art, and who also happened to want to get laid. And I'd reluctantly agree, because why not. Without a steady physical attraction, I couldn't really fall in love with the latter types.

In both scenarios I was fully aware I was using them or being used. Sex is fun, but the weird thing is, I've never really liked it post factum, not even when I let myself to the most helpless of abandonments. The way I rationalize it is that I'm too conscious of myself and my actions, or too dependent on the girl's enjoyment to actually enjoy it myself,

I've also fell in love, and had a couple of meaningful long relationships, but they all rotted away in time. Those were the only occasions sex actually meant something, but only because I felt closer to feeling 'full': it's the only confirmation I have of spirit and body being linked inside the realm of the sublime, because up to that point, I could only feel that when looking at some art in a gallery, or listening to some symphonies. But these was a merrier kind of feeling, devoid of fear and awe. It was more than lust.

All in all, I think that on these occasions I was simply lucky: the women were actually interesting and attractive, I cared about them and they cared about me, and the sex act was actually good thanks to how we employed its mechanics.

When my last relationship fell apart, I broke it off because I couldn't help but feel emptied of any emotional reserves.
Shortly after I tried resuming the casual sex thing, but it just wasn't working for me anymore. I spent almost two years without seeking any woman. My family thought I had turned gay.

Then one day I met a girl, which I'm currently courting. She's even more well-read than I am. It's the first time I ever felt somewhat inadequate and fearful of rejection, because not only she's cute but also intellectually superior to me (or maybe that's my inferiority complex speaking). She's reads a ton of erotica and partially shares my opinion of sex, so I hope she'll be the one for the few next years at least.

>> No.7159983

Are you fucking joking

>meet girls online
>invite them over
>have bookshelves everywhere
>leave study stuff all over my desk, most prestigious shit like foreign language homework most conspicuous
>"oh sorry I was doing work before you came"
>they rush right to the books and ask me questions
>ask me to teach them stuff
>we fuck
>they get drunk and text me that I'm "soooo smart" and "different" from the guys their own age
>the stuff on my desk wasn't even patrician

>> No.7159993

wait what is your opinion on sex?

>> No.7159994

Cute post.

>> No.7160171

i feel you op, i just can't put in the effort to fuck a stupid chick no matter how hot she is, i'm just too autistic to feign interest in anime and game of thrones and whatever useless interpersonal gossip they want to prattle on about. like i can't honestly pretend to want to go out and spend time with that person, and i'm too autistic to fake it

>> No.7160172

>Then one day I met a girl, which I'm currently courting
holy fuck anon

>> No.7160195

fuck bitches get money

most women are boring and directionless just the same way that most men are

>> No.7160198

>Then one day I met a girl, which I'm currently courting. She's even more well-read than I am. It's the first time I ever felt somewhat inadequate and fearful of rejection, because not only she's cute but also intellectually superior to me (or maybe that's my inferiority complex speaking). She's reads a ton of erotica and partially shares my opinion of sex, so I hope she'll be the one for the few next years at least.
in what kind of cartoon universe do men feel inferior to women because the women has read more novels than them? do you also feel inferior to random college chicks who have watched more netflix than you? ahahahhahaha

>> No.7160199
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>He fell for the women meme

>> No.7160213
File: 32 KB, 382x500, You are wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that humble brag
>lying on a Chinese cartoon image board
>baiting this obviously.

>> No.7160229

>fuck bitches get money

i'm never sure how to read this statement? since i believe it was penned by a "normie" wouldn't it make more sense as a pair of commands? To fuck bitches and get money? i think this idea that the "fuck bitches" part mean disregard women is a misreading, since the main point of getting money is to pull hos or at least make that chick that rejected you regret it when she sees your material success...i personally like the "disregard women" interpretation of the text, but i have this nagging feeling that it is indeed a misreading born of resentiment

>> No.7160230

Meet women somewhere else.

>> No.7160233


>> No.7160240

>since the main point of getting money is to pull hos or at least make that chick that rejected you regret it when she sees your material success
HAHAHA how beta can one's worldview be
>i personally like the "disregard women" interpretation of the text, but i have this nagging feeling that it is indeed a misreading born of resentiment
what kind of man resents a woman? lmao

>> No.7160252

it was dave chappell or chris rock or some other black funny man who said "if it wasn't for women we could all just live in cardboard boxes" or something, i mean when you look at a million dollar penthouse loft or giant mansion, it's always to imagine how you could bring women back there, sorry, but there's just no point in accumulating capital if not to get pussy, that's why when some gay guy brags to me about how he's a fucking millionaire by 30 i just don't care since any gay guy can go on the internet and get laid for free within an hour, there's no point in being rich

>> No.7160264

>it was dave chappell or chris rock or some other black funny man who said "if it wasn't for women we could all just live in cardboard boxes" or something, i mean when you look at a million dollar penthouse loft or giant mansion, it's always to imagine how you could bring women back there, sorry, but there's just no point in accumulating capital if not to get pussy, that's why when some gay guy brags to me about how he's a fucking millionaire by 30 i just don't care since any gay guy can go on the internet and get laid for free within an hour, there's no point in being rich
again, this is how poors, former poors, and extreme betas think. try having money and see what a difference it makes in your life. be single while you do it if you really want to. if you haven't had it before i don't know how to explain it to you. but it's fantastic

>> No.7160268

this is true
you are very stupid
imagine having all services available to you constantly
having the large house is not the point here

>> No.7160294

>posters of philosophers

>> No.7160296

no but i mean what the fuck is the point? i already have everything i want now, other than a huge sexy loft right next to a nightlife district and a huge supply of italian clothes...the only reason i want any more money than i have would be to make it easier to fuck women

also this whole subthread was in response to "fuck bitches get money" if you already have so much money then why would "fuck bitches get money" mean anything to you since you don't need to get it? you seem stupid

>> No.7160309

you don't have everything you want

>> No.7160320

wow you are stupid aren't you? the only things i want are with the aim of making it easier to get pussy. so if i were to "fuck bitches" aka disregard women, then i have no need to get any more money

>> No.7160325

it's never going to be easy for a eunuch lacking the instinctual masculine drive to develop oneself, overcome, become powerful, and organize the chaotic mass of reality for the sake of one's family and community to fuck women. hope this helps

>> No.7160327

that's the point you fucking shit head, all of this "overcoming" is just an attempt to get pussy

>> No.7160329

That it's perfectly possible to live without bad sex.

W-what's wrong. English is not my first language and I was sick of rephrasing so many of my mistakes.
>inb4 le witty purple English

lol, no. My impression of her being smarter than me stems from the way she expresses her mind and the quickness of association in her thought process. She's read more novels than I have, sure, but also a lot on history, art, religion, theater and poetry, stuff she's not even majoring in and I've never even heard about.

>> No.7160331

how, pray tell, does one have a family without fucking women? maybe you should come back after your parents talk to you about the birds and bees ok buddy

>> No.7160335


>> No.7160336

>lol, no. My impression of her being smarter than me stems from the way she expresses her mind and the quickness of association in her thought process. She's read more novels than I have, sure, but also a lot on history, art, religion, theater and poetry, stuff she's not even majoring in and I've never even heard about.
>undergrad chick is smarter than you

yeah, you're a pleb ass nig

>> No.7160357

>lol, no. My impression of her being smarter than me stems from the way she expresses her mind and the quickness of association in her thought process. She's read more novels than I have, sure, but also a lot on history, art, religion, theater and poetry, stuff she's not even majoring in and I've never even heard about.
here's how to fix that: do hard intellectual work for several hours a day for one to five years. after that you'll laugh at your current self

>> No.7160373

fuck bitches get money is meant to be read as a description of ones goals in life

"I will fuck bitches, I will get money"
The only two things that matter, so to say. Not fuck as in disregard.

>> No.7160380

>My impression of her being smarter than me stems from the way she expresses her mind and the quickness of association in her thought process.
god damn, it my supreme fantasy to meet a girl like this who inturn likes me