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File: 7 KB, 189x267, nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7159124 No.7159124 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize that it's not le correlation doesn't equal causation that people get wrong usually, but rather that people simply ascribe false causation to their own and other's behaviors?

>inb5 why nietzsche

Because Nietzsche recognized the problems of false causation in Twilight of the Idols and the more I dwell on it, the more I realize he's right. Fat people, drug addicts, faggot /lit/izens, they all tell themselves their own and other's behaviors are caused in ways that assuage their egos.

>> No.7159130

that's not neet-chan

>> No.7159139
File: 57 KB, 620x320, nietzsche insane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7159144

yes it is. Its just a less commonly used image. Just type Nietzsche in google and it comes up

>> No.7159152
File: 117 KB, 353x500, ADH39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its edited

>> No.7159191

that picture looks more edited than OPs tbh

>> No.7159216

When I was like 15 OP.

>> No.7159227

Then when did you re-realize it and improve it?

>> No.7159240

Furthermore it's a very understandable common mistake, people do after all learn through the application of analogy which is the back bone of the process of understanding things not known to us. The trick is to analyze the correlations and see if it has actual relevance by seeing where its origin is and why you started with whatever point you did. What the issue is for most is lack of information which with has the potential to reduce faulty correlations by a wide margin, and you know that people aren't especially knowledgeable about much nor do they interest themselves in it despite the enormous relevance to everyday life. And let's not even consider the intelligence factor for solid deductional reasoning.

>> No.7159260

>but rather that people simply ascribe false causation to their own and other's behaviors?

I think it's more that people ascribe the correct causation to other people, but fail to apply the same thing to themselves, i.e bad faith.

>> No.7159271

Explain your Sartre terminology to us plebs.

>> No.7159287

You could just google it though.

The point I'm trying to make is that even if people make an argument that would fall into the category of "correlation does not equal causation" they might still be right, just like a person who is arguing using a formal fallacy might have the correct conclusions even if he is using faulty logic.

The problem as I see it is that, many people are very apt at pointing out the errors in others, and indeed the causes of the errors, but they fail to recognize that they are themselves part of the equation.

>> No.7159445

nah even to others people suck

>> No.7159471
File: 11 KB, 240x206, Max-Stirner-_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stirner realized that like 50 years before Nietzcha did

>> No.7159515

Everybody does (I think) it's just realizing that people reason illogically to satisfy basic ego needs.
Stop sucking his dick.