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7157374 No.7157374 [Reply] [Original]

Who /meditation/ here?
My life has improved by a factor of 100 ever since I read this book and looked into the meditation techniques it describes.

I have almost no anxiety and feel generally every energetic.

>> No.7157376

i suppose you could say you feel, euphoric.

>> No.7157377

One of the reasons I love reading is for that awesome sense of flow you get during long sessions. Meditation is like having that on demand.

Now I just need to, you know, follow through and do it daily.

>> No.7157378

>This Sam Harris-baiting faggot again

If anyone responds after this posts, it's the OP trying to rile people with his inane shit.

>> No.7157379
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read this, end of discussion

>> No.7157381


What is it about, can you summarize in a vague sense?

>> No.7157384

I meditate. It's good. I actually listen to sam harris's guided meditations.dont gaf what you have to say abt that because im chill.

>> No.7157387

the title does that nicely for me

you should really delete this thread now

>> No.7157388

>undoing yourself
It doesn't say anything at all, also why laugh at spirituality?
Stop shitposting.

>> No.7157389

Yeah, meditation has really helped me. On month 2 now of 25 minutes a day. I used to have severe social anxiety and it's still there to an extent, but I've improved so much it's unbelievable. I also don't really feel stressed anymore.

>> No.7157390

What do you practice?
I've had the same results and I only really followed the mindfulness meditation Sam Harris spoke about.

>> No.7157392

I know the OP post is bait but meditation is great. Don't try and taint it's name by mixing it with Ben Stiller.

>> No.7157394

Why? You should really look into Harris talking about meditation, there's great stuff on YT.
His guided meditation videos are fantastic.

>> No.7157395

Just breathing meditation. Focusing on the breath.

>> No.7157396

Can you even use the expression "Spirituality" in context of what Harris believes? I suppose spirituality without religion is not uncommon, one might reject religious dogma in favour of a more personal approach, but surely spirituality cannot be invoked if you're a materialist who rejects all forms of mysticism?

>> No.7157397

He believes the ego is an illusion

>> No.7157399

Yes you can use the word 'spirituality' without essentially believing in magic, any experience that goes outside of the conventional framework of consciousness can be called spiritual.
Triggering an MDMA high through meditation or even experiencing ego-death seems pretty spiritual to me, Sam Harris said once that it's unfortunate that religion seems to own the patent for the word spiritual when it means so much more.


>> No.7157402

But from a materialist point of view it's a purely biological experience. I don't see what's spriritual about it.

>> No.7157405

It doesn't matter, everything is biology.
You can smoke DMT and meet gods and aliens and it will transform your psyche in incredible ways, it will be without a doubt a spiritual experience, yet entirely biology.

You are confused about what spirituality even means, which is exactly Sam Harris' point.
It has nothing to do with magic.

>> No.7157413

And he is in the position to determine what "spirituality" means? Most definitions of the word seem to be of religious nature if you look in the dictionary, and if we put aside the dictionary and define "spirituality" on a personal level, who is he to tell anyone what it means? In the video he defines loving your kids as spiritual, among other things.

>> No.7157422

>And he is in the position to determine what "spirituality" means?
He never made that claim, what the fuck are you even talking about?
Even when you read the Wikipedia description for spirituality there is nothing religious or magical about it, you are just ignorant on what spirituality means and that is exactly why he wrote that book.

>who is he to tell anyone what it means?
Why are you being so passive aggressive?
He never said he is the one to determine what it actually means, clearly it has a different meaning for everybody, all he's saying is that magic has nothing to do with spirituality.

>> No.7157425
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does he do samatha/samadhi meditation [unification of the self with the object of meditation to reach tranquility and concentration] or vipassana meditation [dissociation with whatever we think is the self] of vipassana inside samatha ?

>> No.7157427

Probably some of those, I don't remember the names.
He talks a lot about eastern practices, hindu stuff and such.
He spent like a year with them in the mountains or something.

>> No.7157471

who /samatha/ here? fuck dissolution of the ego

>> No.7157482


I can't meditate. Every time I try to do it I just get really restless and angry, and then I have to get up and do something. If I force myself to meditate more than a couple minutes, I just feel worse, like I'm going to explode.

>> No.7157483

I used to feel like that too, I feel like I can't breathe or feel pressure in my chest.
It gets better the more you try to meditate.

>> No.7157486

me too. I never tried meditating again though. Is OP book really bait? Anyone have a serious recommendations before I spend an hour on good reads?

>> No.7157494

>Is OP book really bait?
How are you so stupid?
Just do your own research, wikipedia the person who wrote the book and determine for yourself if he is a good source on spirituality.
Protip: Yes he is.

>> No.7157500

I know /lit/ hates Sam Harris and he's said some pretty euphoric things about religion, but this book is a great introduction to meditation and spirituality without any of the bullshit that usually comes along with those things. I'd highly recommend it, it changed my life

>> No.7157501

If you're just looking for how to meditate there are better books. He goes on about why the self isn't real and his own stories and so on.

Try mindfulness in plain english if you just want basics applicable to you

>> No.7157510

Calm down faggot. I asked simply cause I'm at work and don't have time to reading anything about the book. I only have enough time to shitpost on 4chan between calls. Instead of being a cock suckers next time just give a rec?

>> No.7157519

Thanks. I'm going on an trip tomorrow. I'm going to read mindfulness on the plane

>> No.7157523

It's not a great book on meditation itself, there are other nooks for that, but it's well worth reading to understand the point of meditation and what it can mean to be spiritual but not religious. There's interesting stuff about LSD in there too.

>> No.7157524

calm the fuck down, cocksucker. He was just asking if it's legit good or not, Sam Harris being an atheist it's a legitimate question.

>> No.7157530

>It doesn't say anything at all
No, but the fact that the author adds "PhD" after his name says a damn lot.
>, also why laugh at spirituality?
because it's laughable

>> No.7157532

>euphoric things
correct things**

>> No.7157534

Sam Harris also has a PhD, your trail of posts make no sense.
You sound very stupid.

>> No.7157537

>Sam Harris being an atheist it's a legitimate question.
Holy shit, don't ever post again

>> No.7157541

reminder that mystics have been on this for centuries
christians, suffism, jews have all methods, and it involves the breath as well.

>> No.7157544

Sam Harris argues this too, that religions have done a lot to discover important means of self-discovery and introspection, but that you don't need to have faith to achieve these things yourself.

>> No.7157546


>> No.7157550

>Sam Harris also has a PhD
I don't think you understood what "adding PhD after one's name" means.
There is one post, not a trail of posts.
>reading comprehension issue?
>pattern recognition issue?
>other basic lack of intellect?
probably all of the above

>> No.7157553

I actually agree with most of his views but sometimes he'll drop a dawkins-tier generalisation about all religion that does make him sound pretty euphoric

>> No.7157558

>bullshit that usually comes along with those things
Kill yourself. You are turning spirituality into a commodity for the late capitalist pigs.

>> No.7157568

He has literally never done that

>> No.7157581

you can be spiritual and still have common sense, you don't have to believe in things that are not true or incredibly unlikely like reincarnation and the like. also you still seem very angry, your spiritual practice doesn't look like it's getting you very far. maybe try reading the book?

>> No.7157582

>but surely spirituality cannot be invoked if you're a materialist who rejects all forms of mysticism?

Suspending belief in supernaturalism and mysticism is not the same as being a materialist. Sam Harris is a skeptic and is agnostic about supernatural claims, and he is a positivist in the sense that he wants evidence for it's existence. But that's not the same as being a materialist.

>> No.7157584

>>waaah why dont you believe in magic
go post some fedora memes

>> No.7157591

It looks like you two need to re-read that fella's post

>> No.7157608

No you made your point clear, it was just a stupid one

>> No.7157620


I think this is really unhealthy and i dont know shit about meditation.

I think i need it as well but im not as bad as you. I can't stand the thought of eating while not also browsing the internet. When i manage to do it about once a week, i'm kind of surprised that im not bored as hell

>> No.7157622


>autism: the post

>> No.7157647

That was my first post in this thread mate

>> No.7157655

no food in house
don't want to go outside and get food as i'll have to talk to people

What do i do?

>> No.7157768

Spirituality isn't about feeling good. You are deceived, sorry to be the one to tell you.

>> No.7157781

Shhh, those vapid people looking for narcissistic personal gratification instead of a communion with their fellow neighbor might get angry.

>> No.7157782

don't eat brah. I maintain a very unhealthy bodyweight of 110lbs in this manner.

>> No.7157790

Man up and go outside
God it feels good to be an extrovert. Taking joy from small talk or saying good morning to strangers is great

>> No.7157791

You are absolutely, absolutely retarded.

>> No.7157794


If you read the book you would know he spent 15 pages talking about meditation that has made him reach a quasi-MDMA high where he felt incredible love and unification with every single sentient being on this world.

Stop low-IQ shitposting, it's embarrassing to watch.

>> No.7157805

The greatest saints of Christianity were those most like Christ. They suffered the most and died in agony like the Master. They were not happy people. Buddhism is for cowards.

>> No.7157819

Freedoms aint free :---DDDDDDDD
t. burger

>> No.7157823

Did he actually made something in a concrete way so the other beings could see themselves in it? Did he put himself to test by struggling against reality? Or he is just reducing their existence into some form of abstract thinking? I assume it is the latter.

>> No.7157824

Burgers don't accept the communion of the saints.

>> No.7157845

idk everytime i meditate i just think of the meditation videos i watched like something that the person said about meditation and i ask myself "am i doing that?" it's like my mind just becomes filled with thoughts ABOUT meditation.

>> No.7157852

>Buddhism is for cowards.
rofl nice edge

>> No.7157869

>spirituality with religion

But that's just feel-good bullshit without any sort of depth to it and there's no reason why you should be spiritual without religion in the first place

>> No.7157935
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>it's like my mind just becomes filled with thoughts ABOUT meditation
it does not matter what the thoughts are about

if you do samadhi through samatha, you go back to your object of contemplation [likely the breath] as soon as you notice that you think of posing your mind on something else than the object of the contemplation [for this cession]
After a while on posing your mind on your object of contemplation, you will have a pleasing sensation. It is time to switch from the initial object of contemplation to the contemplation of the pleasing sensation.
if you do ''pure'' vipassana, you observe the thoughts in letting it carry on, see it ceasing and see the next though arising, developing, ceasing again.

>> No.7157954

so the idea is that i should shift my focus from my breathing to the "pleasing sensation" when it arises?
are knowing your thoughts important at all to the process? because most of the time i feel like i have no thoughts and i'm just talking to myself in my head.

>> No.7157972

If it helps me mentally, why should I care that others are economically profiting?

Sorry if my post comes of as rude, I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.7157978

I am by no means judging your person as a whole, but if this is not a demonstration of narcissistic thought I don't know what it is.

>> No.7157984


>want to improve my life
>buy a book that seeks to help me
>get called a commodity of capitalism on the Internet

>> No.7157987

>so the idea is that i should shift my focus from my breathing to the "pleasing sensation" when it arises?
yes, but the switch must be done only when the pleasing sensation is firmly established. If it is not firmly established, it will cease anyway and you will go back to the breath until the pleasing sensation emerges anew.

>because most of the time i feel like i have no thoughts and i'm just talking to myself in my head.

to me, this is thoughts, a priori.

read the suttaphatana mula suta above, read the whole chapter in fact and the whole book.
>insisting on the setting the samatha first, this book recast the use of the mindfulness through the three angas
A History of Mindfulness Bhikkhu Sujato.pdf

>the direct path to nirvana via the famous satipatthana sutta exposed by a theravadan
Anãlayo satipatthana direct path analayo free-distribution-copy2.pdf

>> No.7157988

What are some good books on the various forms of meditation? I've read Mindfulness in Plain English and I'd like to see more techniques and forms of meditating.

Also, do any of you have trouble with drowsiness during meditation? I always find myself leaning back to sleep and it messes up the session. Would things such as incense or having windows open help? I am a beginner so I understand this is likely caused by my lack of experience; I know that the best cure would be to persevere, but some tips would be appreciated.

>> No.7157989
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remember that the contemplation is not important per se. What matters is that you convert unconditionally to the moral principles that are
-equanimity [no aversion nor avidity] inwards [with respect to what you consider your self], outwards [with respect to what you consider your self], every time, everywhere
-benevolence inwards [with respect to what you consider your self], outwards [with respect to what you consider your self], every time everywhere

many people remain too hedonistic and want to contemplate without applying morality before nor after the contemplation. The westeners are like this : they say that only meditation matters, but in fact, the meditation is only an activity, to make you secluded from the [desire of the] sensual desires, to make you understand the impermanence, impersonality and unsatifaction of the conditioned perceptions [thoughts, tastes, sounds, odours, touches, sights].
THe point is not to be able to be equanim and benevolent only in contemplation, secluded in your room or in the forest, but to be so unconditionally in everyday life.
On the contrary, the asians think that only morality [more or less sincere] matters and that the practice is not important [to be done in a next life].
Morality helps you make headway in the practice, the practice consolidates your morality.

the point thus is to practice with always equanimity towards your thoughts, sights, tastes, sounds, odours, touches, towards what others do to themselves, what others to to others, what others do to you. To be also benevolent towards yourself, your perceptions [even the pain that you perceive are opportunities to learn form them in analysis them], towards others in helping them to understand that most of the time, there acts and speeches are not appropriate.

>> No.7157991

you should try meditating on his post

>> No.7157998

>>Also, do any of you have trouble with drowsiness during meditation?
it depends if it is fatigue of the body or of the mind.
if it is of the body, go to bed.
if it is of the mind, say ''wake up'' or note/label ''fatigue, fatigue, fatigue''
also, the contrast of the light matters. for instance, if you are under a tree, remain in the shades but with your face not towards the tree, but towards a patch of brighter light than the shades wherein you sit.

>> No.7157999

Yes, it seems spiritual, but if I don't believe that such things as spirits exist then I'd prefer not to refer to them all slap-dash like that. Back in the day such experiences could be attributed the the individual's spirit, but now we have much more precise ways of describing what your brain and body do during these experiences, so there's no need for the hand-wavey "spirit" catch all.

>> No.7158188


>This site is dedicated to the teachings of Venerable Ayya Khema (1923-1997), a Theravada Buddhist nun ordained in Sri Lanka . Her teachings (which were prolific) describe simple and effective meditation methods for development of calm and insight, for expanding feelings of loving-kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity towards others, and for overcoming obstacles to practice. She also gives detailed and lucid instructions for the meditative absorptions (jhanas) which provide access to higher states of consciousness, the way the Buddha himself practiced.

>> No.7158307

But you have to see that ultimately there is no such thing as "spiritual"

>> No.7158373

Typical STEMfags making a religion out of science

>> No.7158876

or maybe it's for people who aren't deranged enough to put themselves through suffering when it's completely unnecessary

>> No.7159279

Remember what site you're on and don't respond to this person. This is a blatant as fuck troll but atheists love to get their smug on.Have some self-awareness for fuckssakes. We're the easiest religion to troll by a mile.

>> No.7159289

Its for people trying to escape from suffering. Have any of you interacted with these white buddhists in real life? They are mostly traumatised by some event in their lives and seek relief, not enlightenment or anything else. As long as they feel good they'll believe any nonsense they are fed by the Buddhist death cult.

>> No.7159611


>> No.7159835

Goal of buddhism is to get rid of suffering. Obviously there are many levels of suffering People seeking an end to suffering without killing themselves or subjecting themselves to god would go to buddhist teachings.

>> No.7160241

>What are some good books on the various forms of meditation? I've read Mindfulness in Plain English and I'd like to see more techniques and forms of meditating.
do walking and standing meditation

>> No.7160279
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he is the butthurt shitposting on every buddhist thread for months now

>> No.7160289

this video from sam harris is amazing puts me in a meditative state


>> No.7160299

can we institute a no sam harris rule the same way we used to have no ayn rand
rand has abated but this faggot is really annoying

>> No.7160349

Wow talk about the rape of spirituality. I think it is good that fedoras are beginning to admit that they still have a spiritual side, but to promote that kind of thing and not to be aware of or remain open-minded to the possibilities of a greater cosmic truth beyond your own perceptions strikes me that you have entered into full denial mode and are covering your ass at every turn. Where is the fun, the joy or the dignity in that? This spiritual path is a heart attack.

>> No.7160353

Spirituality without a sense of trascendence is just masturbation.

>> No.7160513
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>> No.7160518

>sam harris
an ugly fedora who literally does mixed martial arts lol
doesn't belong on this board

>> No.7160537

Yes but let's just go all out and instaban for life everyone that tries to post:
sam harris and the dorkins crew
mentioning "fedora", "sjw", cuck", the regular /b/pol/ shit

>> No.7160571

Is meditation even worth it if you're not some depressive fag? Every normalfag this days tries to tell me how mindblowing meditation is. That and self-improving seems to be the most popular topics among bloggers and other cancer.

>> No.7160583
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>I'm spiritual but not religious

>> No.7160602

Thank you for this

>> No.7160615


>> No.7160664

ok sam

>> No.7160731

What is the reflection of an empty mind?

>> No.7160848
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Gory looking, I can tell you that

>> No.7161011

>ter death (18).
>Several different stages are found in much of the literature on hesychastic prayer: oral prayer, mental or noetic prayer and prayer of the heart or
>prayer of the mind in the heart. This progress is described as a journey
>down into the heart where the prayer reaches deeper and deeper levels
>of the self. Oral prayer is when one is attentively saying the prayer aloud.
>Mental or noetic prayer is when the prayer is active in one’s mind or nous
>while not necessarily being outwardly uttered. The last stage is not simply
>an affective prayer but a prayer that emerges from one’s spiritual centre,
>or heart, and, in turn, causes the totality of a person – intellect, emotions,
>passions, the subconscious – to be enveloped in prayer (Ware 1986a: 17).
>Ware describes the Patristic understanding of the heart well:
>The heart in this context is to be understood in the Semitic and biblical
>rather than modern Western sense [. . .] it is our innermost being [. . .]
>the centre not only of consciousness but of the unconscious, not only
>of the soul but of the spirit, not only of the spirit but of the body, not only
>of the comprehensible but of the incomprehensible; in one word, it is
>the absolute centre. (17, 20)
>To attain pure prayer, one must ‘descend from the intellect into the heart
>[. . .] not from but with the intellect’ (18). As the spiritual centre of a
>person and the location of the true self, the heart is the meeting point
>between human and divine where humans are said to be most truly made
>in the image of God. Its unfathomable depths contain all that is most good
>and most evil in a person, making it dangerous territory for exploration
>(18). The ultimate aim is to achieve this type of prayer not only on specific
>occasions but to turn one’s life into a continual prayer of the heart.

>> No.7161048

Sam Harris spent a lot of time in Tibet under Dzogchen teachers. He is not the clueless fedora tipper many of his critics mske him out to be

>> No.7161049


Because it's taaaaacky.

>> No.7161055
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how deep are you contemplation ?
do you see any impersonality, impermanence, unsatisfaction in whatever you perceive during the contemplation ?

what of you think of the ''extinction of the soul'', by John of the Cross, to reach the divine ?

>> No.7161056

The current scientific understanding of mysticism is what brings your assessment down.

>> No.7161104

>being this pathetic

>> No.7161491
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>> No.7161524

any seasoned meditators here? If so, please give report of differences you've found from non-med life to me life

>> No.7161528

I meditate before I start working on a piece of writing, and I find it really helps.

Sam Harris is a hack though

>> No.7161596

can you show me a video of him exposing his thoughts in less than 90 minutes ?

>> No.7161635
File: 335 KB, 2048x1536, 1428539744895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please check out Thanissaro Bhikku
very esteemed meditation teacher without a political agenda



>> No.7161943

Whenever I meditate I get horribly depressed a day or two later.

I want to do it but this keeps me off if it.

What do I do? I also want to meditate but keep the ego.

>> No.7161952

Have you read any books on meditation? Or are you going at it alone? Why keep the ego? The ego is ironically a spook.

>> No.7163558

I think removing the ego is a spook and is unnatural.

The last thing I want to become is a passive nobody.

I'm going at it alone.

>> No.7163635


I could tap Sam Harris. He seems like he'd be really aggressive to make up for being a fuckin' nerd. I'd literally rest my balls on his forehead in north/south and then probably go for some sort of choke. gg.

>> No.7164439

>I think removing the ego is a spook and is unnatural.
then believe in god

>> No.7164996
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>> No.7165151

That's your ego talking.