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7155499 No.7155499 [Reply] [Original]

Original poetry thread

>> No.7155545

Title: Quo Sum


>> No.7155548

I hate you -- MOM!
eat shit -- MOM!
i post frogs -- MOM!
women are inferior -- MOM!
my piss jugs are full -- too-too
i hate blacks too
Peter Hitchens is God -- barumpumpumpum
interracial relations are wrongwrongwrongwrong
put the jews in the oven -- NOM NOM
degenerates seething -- SCUM SCUM
I love only you - mom mom

>> No.7155560

Title: I love you

"I love you I proclaimed" I proclaimed,
into the air, to nobody,
Just to hear what it would sound like.

>> No.7155594

I like that

>> No.7155712

How the trip never stops
On and on its beyond insane
Why I set myself up
In a ragin sea of flames
You're fit ta learn the proper meaning of a beat down
Madness chaos in the brain
Let my blood flow make my blood flow through you mane
You got no business questioning a thang

Never not on it leanin so hard you're ashamed
You can't dismiss this sickness huffs your brain
Exhale your will and forget I ever knew you
Fuck do you do
Fuck a man wit hips for hulu
Rack a snitch chalk and cue you
Corner pocket consume you
Too many hoes in my
Too many hoes in my muthafuckin meal
Askin if I know how a muthafucka feels
How a muthafucka feels
Slit them choke flip them boat
Dead bitch float swollen corpse
No remorse navigated off course
Of course I can make you scream but if you ask for more
Bullshit matador grab the floor whip it cracked to all fours
You whimper while I check my phone
Who's next assassin roam
Music drifts I have no home
Choose this life you're on your own

>> No.7155747

Brave, deranged, mangled and split,
how it came to this–the rungs and steps,
bent and stood, are well known now,
as if they weren't flying sow.
I fell asleep in the space bar, diseased
with a brief case of confusion and un-
certainty, a new ton pulling me numb.
Your very first memory. Don't jump:

Home is where the heart is and
(this isn't a distraction from line-
cutting prose)
so being made of tin more or less
makes me homeless.

>> No.7155786

No friends, no talent, no desire,
absolutely haram.
No lust, no love, no fire,
absolutely haram.
No future, no hope, no self,
absolutely haram.
But yes now, I say yes! There is a yes,
absolutely halal?!
Yes virginity!
Absolutely haram.

>> No.7155788


>> No.7155822

i relate to this

>> No.7155828

I think MC Ride has written better lyrics.

>> No.7155829

Suddenly. In December. I am up to my knees in snow.
Talking to you and getting no answer. You're silent.
Darling, so it has actually happened. Our whole life,
the smiles, the tears and the courage. Your sewing machine
and all the late nights. And finally our travels:
under the snow. Under the withered wreath.

Everything went so fast. Two staring eyes. Words
I didn't understand, which you repeated and repeated.
And then suddenly nothing more. You slept.
And now they're laying here. All the days, the summer nights,
the grapes in Valladolid, the sunsets in Nemi
under the snow. Under the withered wreath.

Instantly, as with a flick of the switch,
are all the images behind the eye toned down,
erased off life's blackboard. Or are they not?
Your new dress, my face and our stairs
and everything you carried to the house. is it gone
under the snow. Under the withered wreath?

Dearest friend, where is our happiness now,
the good hands, the young smiles,
your hair's golden wreath over your forehead, your courage
and this abundance of life and hope?
Under the snow. Under the withered wreath.

Friend past death. Take me down to you.
Side by side. Let us see the unknown.
Here is so mournful now and darkness gathers.
Words become so few and no one is listening.
Loved one, you who sleep. Eurydice.
Under the snow. Under the withered wreath.

>> No.7155862

The lawn's been sprinkled
Toilets flushed
Taps drunk
Baths taken
The well's been run dry
The Huns leave it and go on their way

>> No.7156006


A-low, a-lay
Away, away
into the green,
green leaves
of crabapple trees,
we stay awake
on our knees
in the forks
of the trees
a-ho, a-hum
taking it
up the bum
a-lo, a-lay
all hid away
a-deep in the
crabapple trees

>> No.7156038

I'm but longing; for time to read; though lit
Still brings some sense of friends for the lonesome
Poo'et whom thy may call fos-ter wall-ace
How ever truth; told I care though not for poetry
I wish to try to write in iambic pentameter

>> No.7156522
File: 13 KB, 200x200, Swinburne-ape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I normally don't post in these threads (or at all these days) but I've been working on a serious poem for days stuck on a couple of lines, and then decided to pound out a quick 10 minute poem to get me out of a block. Not polished, and since it's overtly Herbert/Donne I have little reason to hold onto it

Could candles climb to walk aside their flame
In arms-at-length, with wind between their hair,
And stride of Time between their step the same
Embrace from Now to Then that brights their air --

Let us unlight our heavy purple sheets
From that in which it carries us, and I
From you that burdens me from dark to light;
Hereon from night-stands will communion lie
And 'til our blood no longer dyes
I'll lay beside thee not, but stand beneath the night.

>> No.7156541
File: 66 KB, 700x473, 1442816299954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fuck
My life
Is lost
Nowhere to go
It's lost
A creaking ship
Has sunk
My chest spills red
My heart is dead
The glass is fogged
I'm gone

>> No.7156543

>how it came to this

stopped reading here if I'm being honest

>Our whole life, / the smiles, the tears

threw your post across the room in disgust here

>The well's been run dry

dead as fuck

>Could candles climb to walk aside their flame

what? do flames walk? can I picture a candle climbing? what avails it to try imagining this? dropped

use less semicolons

>> No.7156551

coco in my nose
and i don't stress these hoes
coco in my nose
and i don't stress these hoes

choppin' down the block
wit my homies beside me
lookin for bad bitches
who refuse to deny me

coco in my nose
and i don't stress these hoes
coco in my nose
and i don't stress these hoes

>> No.7156555




I really like this one anon, very poignant

>> No.7156613

Breathing clouds of rain
The flood washes away
My time I bide
The fog of the bay

Perched on the rocks
Tangled in vines
We come back down
Pushed by the tide

Sea of isolation
Budding shine
Fields of Lotus
Blooming in mind
Isle of hubris
Channels that bind
Fields of Lotus
Blooming through time

Stars blinding
Oceans sunny
Cast in milk
Sealed in honey

We remain,
Spirits apart
The ships lost
Sum of its parts

Fields of Lotus
Blooming in mind
Smells of you
That I can’t find
Fields of Lotus
Where I bide my time.

>> No.7156637

Art is dead
She said,
We knocked boots
Cheeks red
And beaks wet
Her glowing back dripped sweat
Loose skin
I was her man
She, my savior
Like Björk,
Her human behavior
Was alien
To me
We couldn't see
Eye to eye
Angelic lenses
That bend light
Too white
We come apart like feathers
Tendrils wrap round my brain
I forget her
She exists
As a stone
In my stomach
Painful at times
But she's the one that I drink
To forget

>> No.7156663

He gargled cat milk with cooking oil
Sauteed cysts and spoiled brains
He licked flaccid vulva
Then he had bulbous mustard pus dripping with celestial tar sap running through his lips

He aborted horse children
He ate a chicken alive
Then he made scrambled heads topped with glass sharts
Whilst chewing cartilage as gum
he threw up a salsa like substance

Then he set himself a bath, and poured lard all over the water chugging a glass full of egg whites and said:

"Father, forgive me for I have sinned."

>> No.7156790

Fuck you bitch, I'm >>7156006

>> No.7156854

sorry, I quoted the wrong post

my bad

meant to diss >>7156522

>> No.7156906

I do not like breaking bad,
it makes me very very mad,
i do not like it on my screen,
i think that vince is very mean.
I do not like breaking bad,
it makes me very very mad,
and when I'm very very mad,
i sometimes get very very sad.
I'm oh so sorry Mr. Vince,
I haven't at all liked you since.
You should have made some better telly
because breaking bad is very smelly

>> No.7158652


>> No.7158830

I actually posted this in the other thread not realizing this was the OG poetry thread:

Sexed, the plicking plucking deep, the rummage,
Sweating oh rings out of pores, the bellies
Hold no contents but are contents, sadly,
Qui va là, bodies hang like bats, halté!

Temper tempor in the head ticks tocking,
Post-coil, broil and trouble behind the curtains,
Rapiers doddle into pudding, dirty sheets
Like hells of ghosts, the grabbing, grabbing, gone.

You sleep, sexed, sent toward sentience of a
Different kind, sleeping next to sex and
Body heat, dolphins, sea-turtles, salted beach,
Halté là, I don’t sleep, you sleep, qui, qui.

>> No.7158847

a man was found on the steer with dead love in his heart today

>> No.7158848


>> No.7158852


>> No.7158930


>> No.7159034

watch out for cliches. the short sentences are nice but the first word being "suddenly" and the "the smiles, the tears and the courage"-esque lines seem sort of corny to me. im also not a fan of poems with stanzas that all end in the same way, but that's just personal taste. probably the only poem in the thread with any potential or worth, good job

i lied, this is the best one

this is called co-pilot or the co-pilot, i havent decided

What mountain crevice now claims its right
over this severed hand, still clutching tight
to some broken gear-instrument? Steel and tin
have put trees to execution. Animals crawl from their
hiding places after the downpour, creatures caught
in the storm now trudge, exhausted, terrified of air.
If snow fell, who could pull the frost from the rot?

Why pick your way through the remains of what’s
left, when all the parts are forgotten by dawn?
The hillside becomes blankets, thoughts
and bones, with the sound of bodies clunking down
on the earth and sucked back up into the air drenched in
hydraulic fluid, hammering let me in let me in, don’t think
don’t look down don’t look down sshhh don’t speak

>> No.7159181

Stolen from tumblr

>> No.7159218

good but i find these lines too short for comfort.

>> No.7159223

funny how this is about sex but you seem more virgin than normal.

>> No.7159450

With every year
Comes that time

When perfection reigns, joy is conceptualized
Aristotle's illumination basks us

Offering shocks of night
And jolts of day

Forging memories fused with serenity and imbued with bliss
As Plato's rays feed us life

And with its conclusion
Depravity reemerges, like the death of Augustus

And witnessing with bare eyes
The successor of epitomized perfection; corrosion

Looking up and gazing upon the brightness and its confident intensity
Feeling, touching, desiring, loving;

Socrates' light is nowhere to be found

How do I write stuff like this?


>> No.7159494

The stars can't help but guide me, peace above
and peaceably I follow twisted paths.
Their joys inherent? any man who climbs
will shout down - God made hills for those seeking
made work, and backs to be spilled over it
dry fingers lace another's, wet clay eyes
to soften the remainder of the day

>> No.7159524

The magnetic aura, her visage la flora
Radiance and beauty and her name is Laura
Pink and white tiles in harmony
A symphony of jazz plays as she speaks
A big butt and huge tits like Harriet Tubman
I adore her i think im in love man

>> No.7159970

not a virgin, but i wrote this in literally 1 minute, it's completely meaningless

>> No.7159982

oddly enough, it seems better now that you've stated that.

>> No.7160015

In Scandinavia she's waiting for you...

Those afternoons, leaning into the summer months,
The air's scent filled with your subtle ambitions

And a late evening,
Under a wine-reddening sky, the school was silent
were we readying for winter or summer then?
We kicked a ball about in a lane way
With a boot-strike it flew out into the courtyard's openness
Skybound for the the bruising sky
And the soccer ball flew up...

Come lad,
In Scandinavia she's waiting for you.
A northbound round passes through
a town in a mountain pass, she's there.
Floating down to it now, slowly,
below your feet you see the snow-filled square
growing larger and larger,
as you're coming down to earth.
She's there looking across at the old clock tower
from the bench she's sitting on, the one you love.
But maybe she isn't waiting for you
Maybe she doesn't love you back.

>> No.7160019

*northbound road, not round.

>> No.7160021

the fact that you replied to defend yourself shows a bit of insecurity m8. I would have thought it were genuine if you had not but now I see you as a fraud

>> No.7160053

If this do be the end, "Farewell!" cried the wounded piper-boy,
Whilst the muskets cracked, and the yeomen roared "Hurrah", and the ramparts fell,
"Methinks me breathes me last, me fears!" said he,

>> No.7160059


Insects crawl through the spaces
of damp earth between tufts of grass
underneath which something of unknown meaning and value
lies hidden and will never be found.
To find it, you would have to tear up the whole yard.
Even if underneath the inexplicable slab of rock out back
was the secret mystery of a forgotten reptile,
or the remains of a human being,
it would not be worth the sacrifice.
(where would the dog play?)


The grass is blueish if you stay up late
or wake up early enough. If you’re there,
you can see the wasps parade angrily or joyfully
around the white porch light I forgot to switch off
You can enter through the door I forgot to lock, but please don’t.
Stay later, outside, to see the other light
hum yellow through the misshapen blinds in my room
and then disappear
while the clouds inflate with a slow and gradient exhale from the sun.

>> No.7160105

love it. but i'm not sure if it should be prose instead...

>> No.7160114
File: 2 KB, 70x99, golem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so many whys
why oh why
why am I I
what am I
a cool guy
or a friend
I know ive lost sight
of who I am
but why and how
did this happen
I go with the go
I make choices slow
we are a life form
where is the glory
dont read me please
dont assume you know better
you need probable cause
im stuck in this house
poor children of some
perverted beyond sense
try to be kind
try to love your kind
forget about fights
maybe we need to
let some die
a paradise of paradox
a trap of reverance
a sin a punishment
a rationalization of it
that which you have done
a humanity forgot
relax your violent heart

>> No.7160153

im tired of being not loved
im tired of feeling pain
im tired of many things
but I give it my all to survive
I push through suicidal thoughts
allowing them to exist
but not giving in
possibly because of cowardice
but thats okay it must mean
that I love life or at least mine
my tissues cant bear to die
so vital so much passion
xo much love for life
they cant bear to die
so they choose to exist in spite of it
all of the pain and reason to die
is this what they call the death drive
the trap of tyranny is to blame
or maybe a bank of memories is
why does he love me so
when I beat him so cruel
an innocent just passed infancy
he doesnt deserve this
I curse myself for my anger
what I have done is wrong
through it all my heart beats

>> No.7160169


Muh dick
Its so thick

Why don't you spit
On my tit

>> No.7160190


>> No.7160200

I find it interesting
that if I wear a pentagram
I can be the messiah
but If I wear a cross
I cant

>> No.7160202

its good man, i got orpheus/eurydice vibes before you even mentioned her

>> No.7160208

i love it

>> No.7160226

You are the result of divinity at climax
Shot forth as God’s seed
not as a plan but as a pleasure uncontrolled
You are the self-reflection of God
Attempting to capture your beauty in stone or ink would be nothing
For nothing but happiness uncontrolled
(a solidified presence of being)
could make you in your image
You are the long sigh of the universe
The heat death of the self
You are the result of divinity at climax
Shot forth as God’s seed

I like parts but I know it needs work. Thoughts?

>> No.7160238
File: 91 KB, 580x812, david_lynch_elephant_man_japanese_movie_poster_2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am constantly on the verge of vanishing into thin air

something about me makes me look like i am going to disappear sooner than i am going to die

a lack of substance

no meat on hollow bones

it’s a good thing nobody runs around these days trying to knock other people over with feathers, because, man, i’d be in trouble

>> No.7160290

Yeah I regret doing that now. Oh well. Honestly I don't even think it's that bad, probably better than some poems I've spent hours on

>> No.7160379

I lost it at Bjork. The third and fourth stanzas are weak, but the last is solid. The first two are good, excluding the final line in the second.

>> No.7160382

Out here
The breeze blows by
Cheap wind chimes,
And dead lawn trees.
Sleeping dogs stay quiet
Till doors slam shut
Giving them reason to bark again.
Drones from air conditioners,
And planes flying over high
Are the lonely sounds you hear
Floating in thin fog-filled air.
The sky is flooded
By the city’s far-reaching lights.
They keep me
From the stars
I know you
Can still see,
And the same picture
Looks more different than should be.
The only thing connecting us two now
Is the moon,
Shining high in the empty night dividing us.

>> No.7160385

what the fuck anon

this took me to a weird place

>> No.7160390


this is so trite, please refrain from writing anon for your own sake

>> No.7160408

i make big money i drive big cars everybody know me it's like i'm a movie stari make big money i drive big cars everybody know me it's like i'm a movie stari make big money i drive big cars everybody know me it's like i'm a movie stari make big money i drive big cars everybody know me it's like i'm a movie stari make big money i drive big cars everybody know me it's like i'm a movie stari make big money i drive big cars everybody know me it's like i'm a movie stari make big money i drive big cars everybody know me it's like i'm a movie stari make big money i drive big cars everybody know me it's like i'm a movie stari make big money i drive big cars everybody know me it's like i'm a movie star

>> No.7160527

Kind of boring tbh

>> No.7160552

how many people die in tokyo everyday?
grey steel, wheeled melancholia
drags me further away
the trees dont sing a morning chorus here
there seems to be less every year
doors close and feet fall
how many died today?

>> No.7160716

It's sticky to me
When I wake up
I turn to my right
Pepe says "what's up?"

>> No.7160729
File: 40 KB, 630x421, funnnn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I love you I proclaimed" I proclaimed

>> No.7160732
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>your sewing machine

>> No.7160737

yeah that's a fair point. i feel like the fact they're in free verse adds something but not much. if i expand on each one i might expand them to prose.

>> No.7161186

This makes me feel things.
I dig it.

>> No.7161197
File: 2.09 MB, 2437x3491, 157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long reddish hair
Taciturn stare
Eyes warm and intelligent

Look into me
A wordless dare to
Reach out my hand and
Feel for you
Alas, you are not there

But half my life I'm
somewhere where
I needn't follow light
like a moth
to a flame
No sense of wrong or sight
I can be with you for the night

A gift from my mind to
my needing heart

No dreams of adventure or flight
Only you

>> No.7161395

free verse isn't poetry
free verse isn't poetry
free verse isn't poetry
free verse isn't poetry
free verse isn't poetry
free verse isn't poetry
free verse isn't poetry
free verse isn't poetry
free verse isn't poetry
free verse isn't poetry
free verse isn't poetry
free verse isn't poetry
free verse isn't poetry
free verse isn't poetry
free verse isn't poetry
free verse isn't poetry
free verse isn't poetry
free verse isn't poetry
free verse isn't poetry
free verse isn't poetry
free verse isn't poetry
free verse isn't poetry

>> No.7161404

i came

>> No.7161415


ironic shitposting

still shitposting

take your art degree and
end your life

>> No.7161456

looks like lyrics for some shitty pop song

>> No.7161460


poetry written in free verse is poetry

>> No.7161848

that anime sucks

about the poem: it has its moments but is filled with clichés

>> No.7161948
File: 352 KB, 800x1163, 1395062781518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alri there mr anon 'shit taste' ymous

>> No.7162168

Are spooks spooking the spooks so that spooks can never spook again? Is this the zen of zenning the zen so that zen can never zen again?

u lik?

>> No.7162306
File: 1.96 MB, 375x353, 1426340760946.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just made this one up.
the dreams of my little eye

sweet dreams of my little eye
that I spy
yes, with my little eye
danger, spying, lying, and perhaps flying
dreams I thought I spied with my little eye
the dreams I shat out my little brown eye

>> No.7162373
File: 3 KB, 73x73, 2BanvnXG_bigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A year has left our skin much paler
A month could tear my hair from my hands.
your eyes once fell over my lips,
once touched upon the molded,
cracked and hurting visage of my spine.
And you once held me up-
like some loving pillar,
like some specter of care and peaches
with cinnamon lips and a strawberry tongue.

A year has gone and you, gone with it
The months crawl around my skin
like little bugs that know my name
that know my ache
that see me for what I am.
And my bones-
They have always been warped and twisting,
spinning away from me in contempt.
My spine lays as a rusted bridge,
my legs and arms
an aged spire of ache and longing.

And on those days-
those months-
those years--
Where I can't leave my bed,
Though I should think of new constructions,
I will think of you,
and your flying eyes,
your pale skin,

>> No.7162485


My faves out of the ones posted. Top notch lads

>> No.7163567

Why is the machine made
With pulleys can only be
Touched by a woman's hand?

Poor, to lack a running hand
Must be joined, or rust –

I went to run, but the wind was cold
It said, “Alone? Your fathers and theirs led to this,
And theirs, and all this world of running in the sun
And you alone?”

An hour of serotonin
Gleaned from a fleshy bloom
But winds blow strange

>> No.7163813

we are part of a scheme
it is no dream
what do you mean
well Ill tell you
what do you think
moves sun stars moons
we are part of a scheme
it is no dream
what do you mean
well Ill tell you
what do you think
moves sun stars moons
an expression of self a resonant dust
a remanent of us
prevailing through pain
a soul thats been reclaimed
or so it seems but for one thing
my audience is a exquisite
but simple being
from the tip of his tail
to the crown on his head
he is pure bred right down
to his eight toes
I call him mel
mel a tos

>> No.7165025

Szum suchych liści przerwał martwą ciszę
Porwanych przez chłodny powiew z podłoża
Do kolorowego tańca na tle płaczącego nieba
By następnie opaść spokojnie na ziemię

Kołysał się lekko, rytmicznie
W takt późnojesiennego wiatru
Niosącym w powietrzu cichą piosenkę
Jak matka, co swą pociechę do snu tuli

W ręce dzierżył szeleszczący zwitek papieru
Próbującego uciec ze sztywnego uścisku
Który wcześniej atramentem zapisał
„Je Dois Partir”

>> No.7165304

Best and simplest one I've ever written I think:

I, the poet William Yeats,
With old mill boards and sea-green slates,
And smithy work from the Gort forge,
Restored this tower for my wife George;
And may these characters remain
When all is ruin once again.

>> No.7165501
File: 172 KB, 1600x1148, drunk-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can see the lights of the streets in the
Lights of this computer’s screen. Fuck:
I think I have the solution to all the problems of life.

The meaning of life is beer
And chocolate.

‘I love you baby’‘I love you too’‘I love you more’
‘I love you double’
‘I love you infinite’
‘I love you infinite plus one’‘I think you love me more than I do you’
‘Do me.’They looked at each other and five minutes after
They were passionately fucking.

My name is Casanova
I’m basically a Man. I was waiting for a tram,

I didn’t have the time
I didn’t know the names of the streets
I was sixbeers drunk and
I entered a tram and asked the driver
‘Does this go to Anonsville?’

He nodded and said


I look out the window,

Full moon, fuck.
‘Art thou pale for weariness
‘Of climbing the skies and gazing upon the earth,
‘Wandering companionless among the stars of a different birth’
Fuck that’s not it,
‘Art thou pale for weariness
‘Of climbing the eart—‘
‘Art thou pale for weariness
‘Of climbing the skies
And gazing upon the earth,
Finding no object worth its constancy’
Fuck no something’s missing.
I know there’s a “finding no object worth your constancy’
Or thy or thine constancy shit.
It’s full moon.
It’s beautiful. Fuck you Shelley,
What was that fucking shit again fuck…


‘Are you serious?
’I don’t know man
'I don't know...'

>> No.7165512

clean cuts
cold cuts
Seinfeld donuts
pot pourri kills
the stink of human
all-natural anti-nature
midge cloud
nero visibility:

let it burn.

>> No.7165516
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but wait—there's more!


I love these girls passing by,
They are wearing shortshorts and they look like fruits
On a juicy tree,

Their fathers should be ashamed.

That father yonder is wearing glasses that are nerdier
Than Woody Allen’s.
Yet her ¿thirteen?-year-old daughter looks like a total slut.
I don’t mind.

But I feel bad for her father, I must say.

I’m here to be the one who sees.
Kids are playing with legos here at the café,
They dropped some pieces here near the table I’m sitting by.
I feel the obligation to go put the lego pieces back where they’re playing.
Their parents are there with them.
I am autistic and I go there, and put the legos at the playing-table,
Their fathers now have me marked.

I go back to my table,
and finish my coffee, observed.


If my parents knew I was writing such profanities,
I’d be dead.
I wouldn’t feel ashamed, not exactly,
But society wouldn’t see me the same way;
They wouldn’t allow me to be treated as a normal person anymore.
I wouldn’t be a normal person anymore to them, so I’d be deprived of
A lot of what is usually given to me.
I’d be an outcast.
If such things were discovered about me, I’d either
(1) Kill myself
(2) Flee

I liked Hannibal too

>> No.7165525
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Girls with gentle hair,
Skins with proper care,
Legs with longish share,

I’m tenbeers drunk and ugly as fuck,
I’m dumb as shit and fuck ass-ugly,

Yet I can’t help but feel
I’m too good for these tenten whores.


By the painful lights of my computer’s screen I am feverish and I write,
I type and write and I whine about everything I’ve seen and felt,
I pretend I have an audience and that anyone gives a shit,
And no one does, and neither should I.

I’ve seen a french girl talk to her boyfriend,
Germans checking the bus schedule at eleven p.m.,
Fellow americans consulting me to check if a given bus would arrive at
The given bus station at the given time or whether they would be there later
At another given time for their specific convenient scheduled time,
(And they have the schedule right there, but they’d rather consult with me, their
Twelvebeers drunk stranger friend, than check the schedule that’s right there,
Just fucking look there),
And I look at them, the teen couple (maybe twenties), and I say
‘Yeah sure.’

They say
‘Thank you’
‘Thank you’
And leave.

Five minutes later I realize I actually was wrong
And might have ruined their night and plans but I’m thirteenbeers drunk and I don’t give a fuck.


Fuck I’m gonna puke

>> No.7165549

For long I was
And I was uncertain
I knew what I wanted not at all
And then
In a field
In the woods
Driven by heat and light and wonder
I laughed
And if there is truth in wine there is understanding in laughter
I, standing under
the broad-beamed sky,
that open lie.
I knew

>> No.7165574
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itd make a nice saying

>> No.7165629

I'll take it

>> No.7165639

Just stop

>> No.7165712

no i was done i thought it'd bump the thread but you guys are all dead and no one cares about anything anymore

>> No.7165767

Crowds of people corralled side by side
Not told how or why
Together side by side they stand
For hours on end
The latch came off
Off they went
They are free
What a stampede

>> No.7165884

Depth of mouth and tongue
Erotic, wet, gorgeous,
Pictured red,
Felt colourless, alien, lukewarm,

Moving down...
The rear muddied and heavy with stench,
Not a haven.
The front foreign and intimidating,
Not a haven.

Fear and timidity transformed,
Acceptance and desire bequeathed,
Only by one,
Genuine, unknowing.

One becomes naught
Love becomes oscillation between lust and impotent rage,
Charming mystery has become daunting mystery,
I do not love, I can not love.

>> No.7165892

O blackened Earth,
You coarse dark soil,
Giver of life and taker of dead,
Your qualities, both soft and hard;
Are you and I the same?

We give, yet rarely take,
Always trampled underfoot,
Yet we never dare utter a complaint
For ingratitude, O how we endure
And refrain from tears.

This craggy exterior we share,
Yet our constitution rich,
Our cold-hardened surface
Lets little light shine through.

And who can blame us, O Earth?
For lack of Light and Hope?
As those whom we adore, with loving eyes and dirty hands
Breach our breasts, uprooting
The very sinews of our Being.

But do not fret, sweet Earth,
For our chance, too, will come:
Let the chasm of our heart split open
Swallowing whole those of Janus-face—
We bury our Love with them.

>> No.7165903

If moths had eyes, would they be happier?
How do they know they're not dead?
Cavemen hunting for food
But not before they style their hair on their head
What would last longer in dinosaur times?
A blind man didn't stand a chance
Not with all them rocks about
I`d rather be a blind moth

>> No.7165975

sick pilky reference 10/10

>> No.7166336

There in the dark streets shall I chant your name
With light footsteps and shallow breaths,
I trot until the cruel distance wanes
Only then shall I achieve what my heart covets

The avenue swarms with roaring wheels
I pay no notice, nor mind
The blaring horns are a peasant’s appeals
I’m your slave, forever following behind

A screech and a shout and a staggering force
My fragile body is hurled into the air
It falls to the ground like a plane off its course
Like a beast missing its beloved snare

Images of you flash before my dazed eyes
And I watched in adoration with heavy eyelids
With a smile on my face and the weight of my vice,
I drift off into a long dream with you in its midst

>> No.7167036

Second line is goat

>> No.7168498
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When you die
just try again
again and again
until you get it right
like in a video game.

>> No.7169172

My father and mother say there
are many things that do not go bad.
(There are many lists to pass
In the way towards light.)
And he and she
Say it without a happy depth
It is only unperishables that have never known,
And have not ever valued a need
And therefore, never known.
My mother and father say that God is impossible.
"It requires a
Prince or princess of men
who despite themselves, still
Battle for the position.
and it requires a
Read from an old script that he or she is
Still building, fortifying in
Fruit, and talking in sneakily the name
itself, the contract of land
Growing tall above the grass.
(Maybe perhaps they tend to us.)
The lookout is there, ahead.
Leap quickly my boy and hold me steady
If death is not worth the bill."

>> No.7169173

I found them both as they crawled from the water, I was there
When he Determined himself, made herself aware, their pool of conscious
Shifting. Incessantly.
By the morning, they
Found themselves on the ark of the year, asleep, and still moving
With new abandon. And the couple signed the days of their future
Nine by nine and in exchange,
Placed bandages over their eyes
Might Everything be explained. And they sulked like this,
Discreetly through the hallway, wearing nothing
But envy, scrolling itself down paper and text.
And from here on they walked, first
Through the bough of the tree, through each individual limb.
And nothing fell from her eyes.
It is our own celebration, and you do not cry in it’s term.
Holding entirely still, no sound or vibration
Is left unopened, streaks of its ash whirling thru miles of the past.
I haven’t woken yet.
There is nothing to fear, there is nothing disturbed.
It is centuries later, and I have finally died, my breath riding the waves of the pasture.

>> No.7169183

Anyone willing to read poems in French?

>> No.7169190
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every way I can think to judge and classify
will always end up as a veil for myself

bumbling up out of my own consciousness
there can be no freedom from such prejudice

sincerity can be ironic, and irony can be faked
fools can be wise men in their own ways

from every man I can learn a lesson
Confucius and life say

online, on my face, in scripted hyperrealism
in the lies to feed the lies we can't surface

if I live in the virtual world, anything
is real and true and salient

yet if I leave these pockets
and feel the winds of change

o wait for the fear to subside

>> No.7169198

Ok, go ahead

>> No.7169221

2 poems, one's a haiku. I'm only just starting to write poetry so it's not that good. I've really been enjoying Kenneth Koch lately.

haiku for the trojan war

"who do you know here?"
said priam to greek soldiers,
"are you guys freshmen?"


I don't know shit about poetry.
I never “get” poems
So my go-to line is, “Good imagery.”
This is because no matter how much wordplay you don't catch,
or how much alliteration,
or how many metaphors, similes, allegories, rhyme schemes,
meters, allusions, rhythms, or anachronisms,
there is always going to be some kind of image.

Good imagery.
I commute to NEIT:
forty minutes each way each weekday to study IT.
My pack is filled with papers,
poems, post-its, pens, pencil,
scraps of white paper

Big billboards swooping by like fat birds blue
lights flickering and fading from cop cars up
canal street, studded with streetlamps.
At 3am
everyone in the world smokes cigarettes.
Stale city air staples shut all the bar doors
and its all gibberish to me.
But I like the imagery
I guess.

>> No.7169636

Worthless shit on paper

Worthless shit on paper
That is what I’m writing

>> No.7169753

Torn away from me
Abandoned me
Left me only
A pile of bones
And I, a miserable cripple dog
Bite them desperately
Drain the marrow
Getting drunk on nostalgia
Refuse to listen
The voice of logic
That says I have to keep running
With no limbs.

>> No.7169761

I never wanted it to be this way.

A 30-year old dude just trying to make it.
It wasn't my fault, however iv'e long since stopped thinking the blame-game makes any sense: I now know it was written in the Stars.

It's funny trying to blame Christianity, Feminism, my dad, my mother, myself, Society or Biology but in actual truth all the components were necessary. And so i sit here. A 30-year old man trying to make it.

It was written in the Stars.

>> No.7169778

I wrote this as a response to my own post as an outside observer:

He held grudges against the past. His animæ was confused. He wanted to rise, but every part of the road were infused with Golems of his past. But this time it was different, the man had become a Warrior and blows to his psyche didn't deter him anymore.

He had accepted that the Universe was suffering. He had accepted himself as a Warrior and he had finally started to Conquer.

>> No.7169911
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Oh how the years go by

I'm not twenty anymore.
I'm twenty five – and twenty
was five years ago.

I need more money
now that I'm twenty five.
Five years closer to dying
since twenty.

Five more years of girls
and bills and the car's in the shop
and twenty's already
five years gone.

>> No.7170301

nice. keep at it anon, there's the odd cliche here & there but the one about the imagery is clever as hell.

>> No.7170314
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>> No.7170324

Question, how do you guys analyze if ever had, poetry at your respective schools? Did you had to write about rhymes, stanzas and how many syllables the poem had for each strophe/stanza ?

>> No.7170330

really like this mate, but I think the last 2 lines would have more punch if they weren't also the first 2. nicely woven tho

>> No.7170336

amen buddy. very relatable

>> No.7170343

Pretty much, along with general discussion about context, interpretations and personal views.
Pretty much everything except putting what we were studying in practice, a common flaw within the western curriculum. You learn a lot more by doing than analyzing, by receiving critique than criticizing (and receiving criticisms on your criticisms).

>> No.7170345
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The Sky
Where is the haven of the all?
Under the Sky

Until we break through that
Invisible blanket

All of the earth remains
together: united in one space

Under the Sky:
noise and confusion and suffering
joy and bliss and ecstasy

None getting more than
a spot amongst the rest

Under the expanse

>> No.7170458

Yeah, you're probably right. I always struggle with endings.

Thanks for the feedback .

>> No.7170491

The more I dwell into it the more I feel inadequate at judging anything here, for to judge something written by a famous author we are acquainted to repeat what the teacher or the book says.
If I look at this for instance, what am I to say? I might feel that It lacks musicality even if I feel where or what the author is going for, am I wrong? Reading it wrong? I like the proposed idea of Earth being a bliss great, that compels enough without the sad remarks of it being a drop through the eons and waves of time and space, reminds me of what Sagan said but cut halfway, yet it also seems to end abruptly or generalize too much.

What am I to say about its syllables and stanzas? Would it add to the critique?

>> No.7170612

I'm like a busted tuba,
I was always stupid
(and my valves are stuck)
and I can't make music worth a damn.

People glance at me in the halls
and on the street
and when I'm waiting in line
and I always feel anxious about it.

I wish I wasn't so stupid
(and my valves feel stiff)
then I'd try and make some music
and feel a little better.

>> No.7170626

Way better than half the shit on here

>> No.7170630

Squirrels nest in the walls of the house during the winter months.
I hear them often, scrabbling in the walls.
Sometimes it will be quiet for weeks and I don't know if the squirrels have died –
Frozen in the walls like that. But they'll start up again,
And pick up where they left off,
Scrabbling around in the fucking walls while I read.

>> No.7170640

I suddendly wish Joyces rewrote this in onomatopoeics for reasons.

I like the idea of a walking paranoid Tuba man pratting, falling and being awkward.

>> No.7171891

I keep on making mistakes
I pray your patience endures
Im hurt I feel cursed
because my expression draws
unwanted attention
the kind that comprimises
what am I missing stop smiling
stop thinking your better
the memories tell a story
all you people playing theatre
with my life and us
my friend told me his anxieties
Ive got an unstable component
pray it doesnt blow up
my progress is slow but steady

>> No.7171902

I don't like jellyfish, they’re not a fish, they're just a blob.
They don’t have eyes, fins or scales like a cod.
They float about blind, stinging people in the seas,
And no one eats jellyfish with chips and mushy peas.
Get rid of 'em

>> No.7171903


they say to make god laugh
you just tell him all your plans
i always knew id make it
and nigga here i am

>> No.7171954

It would be spiteful to put a jellyfish in a trifle

>> No.7172088

'I love you', I said,
With biscuits and bread
Falling from my mouth
As my mom gave me head

I shot off in her mouth
She was flung to the wall
She was writhing in pain
While I had a ball

>> No.7172170

im good enough for you im not
make a decision or not dear
my dear im so tired of conflict
I spend time dreaming of days
where I can be so free
where I can be a man
but in my ruined state of being
I fail miserably
and thats because I suck
so stuck in superficial levels
that I hope to be seperate from
Im a wounded creature
but I have cogniscance of self
so everything is relative
please believe your will is free
please believe we can be
my dear im fading fast
and hes crying at last
the whole squads on to me
trying to drop my ass
I have to face my fears or else
I risk not existing at all
is is it too late to do the right thing
these hard choices are destroying me
I cant keep on begging for mercy
I need to face my fate my enemy
I need to face some kind of adversity
because all of my fears
a making the worst of me
I cant pretend I know the end
the man eaters lay still
waiting for me to say I will
mediocrity is my enemy
so I hope I endure that I believe
because all Ive got I see
and its not that grand
some kind of shitty career
that Im protecting like its my dear
so I ask for wisdom whats the plan

>> No.7172215

smashed guitar strung out
pill bottle rattles with silence
pocket lint skint
cop spot burners rigs violence
gentle breeze shaking trees
parkinsons disease
chasing nods
haze and fog
it's over
all over my body
needle pricks and pins
empty syringe
a 3 year binge
(sero)quell me thorazine,
make me clean
take me home
but stop by the exchange
I found another vein

>> No.7172216

Vampires walk,
They stalk, they creep
but around the portraiture
enough thoughts, to weep.

>> No.7172231

most of these are absolutely dreadful and the 3 or 4 that are at least competent are dull

these threads used to be better I swear

>> No.7172245

respond to mine it was really heartfelt its about me

>> No.7172260


>> No.7172272

"I am better than you all, just so you know"

ayy lmao lad

>> No.7172274

i was called a vampire on the way to school and im tall skinny and gaunt looking but also just rude to people i dont want to like

>> No.7172277

i liked it
how'd you like mine?
it's truly heartfelt

>> No.7172279

which is yours buddy

>> No.7172288


>> No.7172302

u lil samefag

and it sounds too rhyme-y to sound rhyme-y
I love you classic poetry writing, ok whatever
b and b sweet and not sweet im not a man of happiness but some are whatever
falling from my mouth makes you sound like a hedonist and a fattie tbh fam
as my mom gave me head forced line to be edgy as if its gonna undo all that sweet uve got lol
I shot off in her mouth is it a gun or a cum again edgy to undo the sweetness not digging it
she was flung to the wall so it is a gun?
she was writhing in pain its a gun
while i had a ball forced line

so i hated it sorry dog

>> No.7172328

it was a memepoem nigga

>> No.7172335

dont u play this off like irony this is lit

>> No.7172343

ok but honestly it was just supposed to sound like a typical 4chan neckbeard who uses his mom, and the last part is all fun

nice to hear that you like classic style though, that's what i usually like to use in my more serious poems

>> No.7172351

it was nice to have talked with you, i was very sad previously and currently thanks and have a nice night

>> No.7172366

Love, child, reach, rise; sight, blind, steal, light
Mind, scar, clear, fire; clean, right, pure, kind
Sun, come, sky, tar; mouth, sand, teeth, tongue
Cut, push, reach, inside; feed, breathe, touch, come

No pain, no death, no fear, no hate; no time, no now, no suffering
No touch, no loss, no hand, no sense; no wound, no waste, no lust, no fear
No mind, no greed, no suffering, no thought; no hurt, no hands to reach
No knife, no words, no lie, no cure; no need, no hate, no will, no speech

No Dream, no sleep, no suffering
No Dream, no sleep, no suffering
No Dream, no sleep, no suffering
No Dream, no sleep, no suffering

No pain, no now, no time, no here
No knife, no mind, no hand, no fear

Love! Now!
Breathe! Now!
Here! Now!
Here! Now!
Here! Now!

>> No.7173039

so post yours

>> No.7173101

Frost carries over
Shadow, poised
Envelop, so below

>> No.7173248

You're the kind of person that I've been dreaming of
You're the kind of person that I always wanted to love
And when I first seen you walk right through the bar door
And I seen those suit-and-tie Johns buy you one drink
Then buy you some more

I had - I knew you had that crazy feeling
Now you've got that crazy feeling
You know I've got that crazy feeling, too
I can see it in ya

Now everybody knows that business ends at three
And everybody knows an after-hours love is free
And you, you really are a queen,
Such, such, such a queen
And I know 'cause I've made the same scene
I know just what you mean because

You've got that crazy feelin' now, now, now
You've got that crazy feelin'
You've got that crazy feelin' deep inside
Now I can see it in your eyes
I feel just like, just like ya

>> No.7173251


i have stolen this from u now

>> No.7173690


Rome wasn't built in a day,
It just looks that way.

>> No.7173699

And misery grew the way misery does

By twisting and cursing and eating itself

It changed to hatred, from hathed desire

(It can look like love to the untrained eye)

No idea of how the rest of the poem should look like, this came out all on its own.

>> No.7173702

It sounded like a lie.

>> No.7174062

I Came
To Get
To Get
it out of me...
Title: Hungry Semen Whore, Midnight

>> No.7174129

Looking Back On 6 Years of Addiction

I became a walker of streets
and saw God
laced through
tender bodies, loving
in as many ways as
the night has blued into dawn

>> No.7174277

Really bad stuff you guys.

>> No.7174523

Yeah ok, post yours faggot

>> No.7174567


When we win
We celebrate
When we lose
We cry
Can't fight that

>> No.7174720

yup all of those are horrible. dubs checked.

>> No.7174838
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lets resort to homophobic ad hominem

>> No.7174894

worthless faggot

>> No.7174911
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if you like to gamble
i tell you im your man,
you win some lose some
its all the same to me

the pleasure is to play, it makes no difference what you say
i don't share your greed, the only card I need is

the ace of spades, the ace of spades

>> No.7174935

I can't stand it I know you planned it
I'm gonna set it straight, this watergate
I can't stand rocking when I'm in here
Because your crystal ball ain't so crystal clear
So while you sit back and wonder why
I got this fucking thorn in my side
Oh my God, it's a mirage
I'm tellin' y'all it's sabotage

>> No.7174961
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Your whiskers broke note of pain
From bell struck, it fell away.
When at first you felt its grasp
What taste that came you passed?

Was it just a friendly game?
Feline claws a joke to play.
Your dice thrown out to the void,
In black it hopes to hide.

I met the one who plucked you
From your wild habitat.
It held no fear against me,
Short-haired Siamese cat.

Your leg crippled, your stride dead.
The hard baked dirt waits for you.
There is no more hope to run
So the dark becomes friend.

Little mouse I waited for you,
To nestle comfortably away.
But for sure if I can see you
Then you will be another's prey.

There was no help I could give,
Little mouse I wish you well.
But for sure if I can feel it
We're doomed to serve this bell.

Take a last look at me from your hide-away,
Still quiet before the storm, tucked away.
Because if I am, as I seem, your one true faith,
Your God.
Then you and I both little mouse
Are well and truly fucked.

>> No.7174970
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listen m8, go be vulgar @ auschwitz, feel bad about jews for fucks sake nigger

>> No.7174999

go fuck yourself

>> No.7175018
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>> No.7175027
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there be a shitstorm brewin'

>> No.7175033


i think i might be so fucking cool that i desire death

>> No.7175041




>> No.7175052


>> No.7175062

she is a cunt,
yet you flaunt,
start with the greeks

>> No.7175083


Get back to your nursing home, Gira.

>> No.7175090

you suck at poetry
you suck at life
abort yourself

>> No.7175102


>> No.7175103

ur mom sux

>> No.7175116

so does yours

>> No.7175136
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i hope she loves it

>> No.7175152

i hope you die today

>> No.7175179

we have something in common,
you and i,
this has led me to consider preferable circumstances regarding blowin' my brains out,
i cant imagine it a pleasureable experience

>> No.7175236
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how to maintain a socially accepted facade 101

>> No.7175252

Black cock.
She left me for black cock.
Veins like tributaries,
Brains like dysentery,
Only the good man falls.

>> No.7175269

i arrived and entered,
the clerk asked "who are you?",
is this guy really deep? i thought,
or did i drive to the wrong station?

>> No.7175274

Tongue algae via allergies
(changing seasons).
Undulating bacterium making a mockery of my mouth. Malarchy.
Hygieia herself weeps, over her enduring enemy.
What sayeth you, you! purveyor of stained teeth eternal?

“I am plaque bitch.”

Fair enough.
and hear this:
Your existence is an insult to my excessively obsessive persona. Mild paranoia.

Hold fast, for your wreckage awaits, my riveting rival.
Tooth brush and paste, we’ll lay you to waste.
Delight seizes my face, at that first menthol taste.

Now my momma raised me right, but right now
violence is the answer.
I feel like Ted Bundy with a new cheese grater.
Smiles only.

Reader, have you been so fortunate to hear a brush washing (rapping) against the concrete?
Because when my eyes closed, my lips pursed,
my wrist gyrated, with neat micro circles.
There goes my platoon, rushing no-man’s land, we stick the marble flag in her trenches
(though I insist on her persistence, by morning her trenches she’ll reclaim.)

But have you heard the rapping on the concrete?
Mary, Mother of God, those fucking vibrations.
Sounds even more (perhaps ever more) sweet, than bringing your girl to a climax. Clean.

Smoke a cigarette on the bathroom floor.

>> No.7175275

worthless faggot

>> No.7175282

this was awful

>> No.7175310

That was cute anon. The rhyming was a little awkward but I really enjoyed the content. liked last stanza.
2/5 stick to writing 80's Rock lyrics
eh 3/5
nothing new here, maybe put it back where it came from.

My poem is >>7175274

Do your worst

>> No.7175317

kill yourself

>> No.7175340

"hello doctor? yeah its Nick again. Could you send me that list of all the burn treatment centers in Manhattan, again?"

>> No.7175370
File: 911 KB, 500x281, 1441544758622.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my genetalia is big,
out of proportion,
i commit with ease,
crimes like extortion

>> No.7175382


>> No.7175390
File: 84 KB, 495x532, 1346337685721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Critique:

A man is not a man
Unless he can stare directly
Into the hobbly knobbly
Trench-coat machine.
For Twenty-five minutes.
Saliva no breaks.
Or bends.

Consecutive minutes all of them
Spent with water pouring down my neck.
Into my lungs and soaking deep.
This treasure machine is how we speak.

You can feel a spiral could be a roll to the sea it can't you.
Directed by all have the set different directors.
Put open up to with no care where.
Signal it's then the all metal down curve
The all-America dream.

Kept Oi! You big bullies seaten,
Who knows you'll never die!
Worth the credit the worse man alive.
And yet could it have been beaten,
But the worse cheat figure it had cheaten?

>> No.7175409

yeah that's what i thought, dickhead

>> No.7175412
File: 156 KB, 1441x571, U9j72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the rich kids have stolen:

That was the prettiest UV
This X-ray would ever see.
But he was gone now
And so should she.

Deleted, it has come to pass.
Dawn meets dusk.
Dark meets light.
It causes a fight.

Difference makes us mad.
And so I stay, in my way,
First and last, always the same.

Needing a time not needed.
Escaping within mass without.

That last straw,
Is accepted by the hand
Of hope. That hand up,
And that hand down.
Reflective matter. Reflecting itself.
Look up! It;s there and it's gone.
The image you selected.
The master you reflected.
Innately brainwash perfected.

>> No.7175445
File: 19 KB, 500x372, 1358689273481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, pineapple juice!:

God did not say that
Was it you who said?
Was it me? Was it a banana?
Or did it come from the sky?

Do not argue an Animist.
You will not survive the night.
Social tendrils stretching
Toward their gravesite.

Toward a beast they come
Weapons all in hand.
But they are roasting
Forever they are toasting
With fear as their sand.

When the space will fall
Between the slumps the clad
All call, "Hide the stumps,
Tell the chumps we lost out ball!"

>> No.7175461

society is in moral decline,
said mohammed.
not long ago there was some serious nigger hatin' around, mahmud replied.

>> No.7175487
File: 33 KB, 431x300, 1331166862851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be pretty or starve yourself:

Pain from the expected
Coming not to pass.
Take what is expected
Put it were is now.

The part where self becomes a dream
Which, set in the olives, takes our memories
Paint them all over a dead seagull
From the future of cinema we bring you.

The person that is lied
Set apart in golden skies.
Free to believe in scratchings
Carved from the farthest point.

You might not understand this,
Who am I kidding?
The question has two answers
Depending on how large you like the pie.
Depending on how big your pie is.

>> No.7175521
File: 113 KB, 430x900, Habanero Tan 36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me you saw everything:

You've lost yourself amongst the rushes.
Amongst the florid
With the dainty and the hobbit.
Letting off steam
Make the rushes move fast.

Can't be the person you though you were.
You barking dog. What you want?
To say what the danger wants.
You the danger get me take from here.
Silence your dog my friend.

Put on a face
Like you understand mate.

Take it on board
As long as your eyes rotate.

You can control anyone you want
By the meek, the consoled, and the feeble.
Holy has it ever since
The cheese meat holds out his hand.
He asks, "When do I wake up?"

>> No.7176205

I bought a zoo the other day,
Like Matt Damon in the movie, "We Bought a Zoo."

There are no lions, or tigers, or bears (oh my),
just sickly calves and deformed goats,
beasts of which god did not Want.

Parents bring their spawn to my zoo.
They pay five dollars to feed the creatures cornmeal.

At the concession stand, they buy themselves corndogs, which I bought at Costco.

>> No.7176224


made me feel very sad

not sure why

>> No.7176486

destined for junk life
robotic monkey man is me
hey she went and died

>> No.7176564

Just on the border of your waking mind
There lies another time
Where darkness and light are one
And as your tread the halls of sanity
You feel so glad to be
Unable to go beyond
I have a message from another time

>> No.7176586

filled with a euphoric lust
I cant look you in your eyes
they shine bright they penetrate
my soul I dont want you to see
everyone wants to witness
Im full of a euphoric lust
but you cant see
Im starting to see the truth
your mantra share the karma
but I just cant I wont give thanks
Im enjoy my peace of mind
that comes from being me
everyone wants a piece of me
dear everyone go fuck off
learn to love your selves
and stop jocking me
you tortured me into infinity
and now you want a piece
but I just wont share with you
you dont deserve my pain
you deserve the hell you chose

>> No.7176622

sometimes you need to believe
sometimes you need to silence the voices
the crowd can be venemous
you can learn something
Im making a noise that reverberates
Im counting my sheep while lions sleep
I accept that im shit
keep on faking it till youve made it
people put too much emphasis
I can take criticism but dont depend
I actually like hearing that im shit
it shrinks my often big head
those ventracles are swollen
a blood vessel could burst a cornary
and that would be the end
though unfortunate
I know some forget how it felt
to be in a place where they were less
than their peers their friends and foes
rebellion is curse that seldom bears fruits
against the powers that be
and we call that stability

>> No.7176789

I want to be everyones friend
I cant stand having enemies
I cant stand being hatefull
I want to do nothing but love
Im sick of artistic critique
instead of appreciating
the efforts in a creation
Id like to believe everyone
has a good quality
I wish we could all coexist
I feel like hate is a sickness
and though it may be a fact
for a moment we can fly
above its tentacles
let us be let us live in harmony
the key to a lovely world
is not anyone specific policy
but a focused intelligent effort
than we can all take part in
so lets give this all weve got
why are we living
if not to get along
I sew the seeds of dischord
as I sew the seeds of harmony
so one day it will all fall apart
but ill come back to take part
in its rejuvination

>> No.7178084

I really like this one, mate

>> No.7178636

Not much of anything left in any of my baggies,
or the grinder, and I already smoked the scraps
that lay on the desk. Scraped it all up this morning with a maxed out credit card.

Got my guy coming by at five,
but that asshole's always running behind
so who knows.

>> No.7178707

Encounter with Human

[encounter with human]
Do we know each other?
Didn't think so.
Maybe you should
shut your fucking mouth.
Or kill yourself.
Both are good to me.
[encounter with human]
Oh hi there, how are you?
Good? Good. Now fuck off.
And don't let me see you
ever again. How about that?
[encounter with human]
Me? Just passing through.
You're good? that's good for you
except that I don't care
and also hate you.
[encounter with human]
Out of the way fucktard,
coming through. No time
to talk to little bitches
like you. Waste my time.
[encounter with human]
Your voice sounds like
construction noises
in the morning and
I want you to die and
I want to sleep forever.

>> No.7179321


It's banal. Doesn't have a meaning, there's nothing for an outsider to care about or appreciate. Might as well just be a couple sentences out of a prose piece.


I'm getting where it's coming from, and I'm liking the sense of distance created between the guy and the 'humans'. I'm assuming it's all in the speaker's mind, so maybe try contrasting that with what's actually being said to emphasize the disconnect.

>> No.7179324


>> No.7179379

She was a beauty
A flower like no other
The lady from my dreams
Brought to reality or so it seems
Are you my truth? The answer to the deepest questions
Or are you just another?
Another flower like no other

>> No.7179567
File: 31 KB, 550x345, Yamaha XJ700S Maxim 85 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not quite sure how far I've ridden,
I've been up and down hills for days
and I can't see the way back.

Bike's got a fucked carb or something,
and she's starting to slow down,
and I have no idea where I'm at.

There's no vanishing point for the fog,
But it looks fair to clear (as they say).
I think: big job to run phone line here.

>> No.7179658

Food that fights back.

Would one of the 850 species of crabs
enjoy eating a crab apple?
I have a fridge full of Mom's crab apples.
She makes apple crisp (it's a little bitter though)
She's allergic to shellfish; we don't eat crabs.
Horses love radishes, I happen to know this,
but horseradish? I'm not so sure.
And – going back to crabs – would you
guess that fiddler crab loves fiddleheads?
Well they do! Surprise, surprise.
My Aunt is a zoologist
and she'll take me (and my friends!)
again on Family Day to her work.
I see all the animals hanging around
and my mind wanders in commonality.

>> No.7179712

Ever think of ending it early? Or is that unthinkable to you?
People who walk off stage before the program's end, I notice,
tend to have their preferred flavor of exit.
Fast like a bullet or slow like a blade?
Public on the platform or private in the dark?
What if money was no object? How would you do it then?
If I were the type – and I'm not – I'd get a team together
and plan a trip to space. Keep your navigation, thanks.
And send me out faster than a scramjet.
I don't know if that's public or not, but it's certainly fast.
Fast and life are the same.

>> No.7179890

The Spider’s Lament

Receded in a boardwalk’s frame,
Arranged against the lice,
A spider bought a Home and Name
Above the asking Price.

His spinning art was long extinguished,
Though enviable before,
And in his prime had been distinguished
Where now he spun no more.

So with a rudimentary web
and furnished with his flies,
Pacing at a flow and ebb
He made to compromise;

“How many legs on which to walk,
How many eyes to see:
And seen I have that swinging clock
In dull complacency.

“Of walking I have gone so far
Between our many skies
I lassoed down the Holy Star
when it was set to rise.

What industry I exercised
And smelted from the rock
In fire and faith I swam baptized
And drowned in smallest talk

I sustained grievous company
and various suicides
I swindled some son’s sympathy
When my thirteenth father died.

I’ve practiced many foreign faiths
And prayed on every leg
Allah on fourth, Vishnu on eighth,
and Croesus in my head.

For every foot that stalks above
I multiply fourscore
And for each digit to the glove –
That I could palm yet more!

Indebted to that old conceit
I’ll call myself a king
Of hollow peanuts at my feet
The breathless children bring.

Salubrious hotels are trite,
The house an idle thing
As wood will feed each hapless mite
So air my spider string.

All these amassed I’ll call my lot
Appraisers will deny
Entitlements my web has caught
Where he will weigh a fly.”

The Spider spits each knotted thread
As famous drunks once sang
Receded past the plot of death
And twisted there will hang.

>> No.7179913

So, too, has another spun her silk
over my lids, in dust,
yet no attention is payed
of the booth, doused in web,
lacking brood of any.

Swift is the breeze culled in
fields, and she sees of two ponds,
heaving inward,
boasting turqen rims, edg-ed,
but so too receding to powder,
n’ neutral to navy
and a last glimpse of pitch
where sunlight not pen,
but dwells still;
what a wishing hole
I’ve thrown myself to!
and not shall I hold my eyes
for too long,
lest I lose them completely.

>> No.7180080

I wrote this in 2 minutes of unbroken typing, with no edits, for a class... So be gentle

I remember ideas that I can’t rationalize any more
I remember dreams, unadulterated by pretenses of the way things are
I remember thinking every adult had my best interest in mind
I remember having to look up at people
I remember the omniscience of all adults
I remember having courage because I didn’t yet know how to be afraid
I remember not being able to even comprehend my life in 10 years
I remember life never looking grim
I’m not sure if I can very well anymore
But I think I remember a life
Albeit a young life
Where I was shielded from anything wrong or unjust or obscene
What a utopia the world seemed that way
And there was a revelation
And that’s the part I just don’t remember
But there was a moment where I truly realized the evil of human nature
Maybe it was the first time I did a history unit on slavery
But I remember all people being inherently good
And I remember, and live in undying cynicism
and where one died and the other began is the only thing I can’t remember.
I wonder when I learned that the world didn’t revolve around me
That must have been a harsh awakening
But every human has experienced it
Not even Ghandi was born selfless
Your mother showers you with attention early in life
And then there’s a moment when you discover that there are other people
And it’s just devastating
Some people adjust to it better than others

>> No.7180087

To me there is naught more intimidating than a blank piece of paper
As my cursor flashes, or my pen wavers
The abstract words floating in my mind cry to me
They want to be placed in the right order
with the right cadence
to say the right thing
I feel an obligation to these words
As if I must do them justice
As if they were not of my own creation

The words suddenly spill onto the page
the stream of consciousness that both is and is not my own
As the writing begins it is frenzied
The words are begging to be written
My hands can't write fast enough
To keep up with the rapid thoughts
dying to be realized on the page

But as time goes on the pace slows
until it fully stops
and I pull back from my literary tunnel vision to examine what finally tumbled out
To see if the pieces fell into place
And they often don’t
I’m tortured by how far the regurgitation of my thoughts deviates
from the piece of writing in my mind’s eye.
And so I tweak, and edit
and in some cases fully retract
interpretations of my own thoughts that are not true to my original intention
until at long last the cries of words out of place
or unsaid
or wrongly said
hush to a murmur

This murmur is omnipresent
Words whisper that they still aren’t perfect
You can never be done
But with enough work you can quiet the words
not to a level of perfection
but a level of imperfection satisfactory enough to be called complete
Sometimes I look at things I have written before
as I will look upon this poem
and the words still softly cry that they are out of place
and I look at these words
the butchering of thoughts far more eloquent
and I feel like I have failed them

>> No.7180514

>nothing new here, maybe put it back where it came from.

What do you mean? I'm pretty sure it isnoriginal.

>> No.7180551
File: 139 KB, 494x602, h4Hsnlc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice try, guy

>> No.7180581

At dawn of 21st, the machine awakens,
No corner of the sphere has its reach not taken,
The gears begin--that crunching grinder,
Soot canvassed faces serve as constant reminder.
While some wake each morn to line their purses
Here I laze around and try my luck at verses.

>> No.7180877


>> No.7180888

I'm glad this came up.
I wen to reddit, went to /r/poetry and chose one of the top 'all time' posts as an art exercise to show 4chan and reddit are all the same

I fucked it up and wrote '"i love you I proclaimed" I proclaimed'

which only one or two picked up on and which makes it better tbh

>> No.7181255


Yo these are all mine. Thanks to those who read them. They're all just little diddies I threw together in this thread. If there's anything of yours you want read, I'll read it.

>> No.7181328

Honestly love the haiku
Not so much the other one

>> No.7181346

This is the most hilarious post in this thread

>> No.7181723

Best poem I've read in months.

My sides are on fire.

>> No.7183136 [DELETED] 

Some haiku

i have just two goals
"fuck bitches and get money"
not going very well.
asked a girl's number.
got her friend request instead.
fuck this shit, decline.
Saw the avengers.
scarlett had awesome boobies.
forgot all the rest.
feedback pls

>> No.7183142

Some haiku:
asked a girl's number.
got her friend request instead.
fuck this shit, decline.
i have just two goals
"fuck bitches and get money"
not going very well.
Saw the avengers.
scarlett had awesome boobies.
forgot all the rest.

>> No.7183174

this thread is cray cray
I just love making may mays
all autists unite

>> No.7183176

>i have just two goals
>"fuck bitches and get money"
>not going very well.


>> No.7183186


give feedback on these
and bump this retarded thread
post your poetry

>> No.7183336

post moar pls

>> No.7183567

When looking on the present state of things,
I see one man, of men the meanest too!
Raised up to sway the world, to do, undo,
With mighty nations for his underlings,
The great events with which old story rings
Seem vain and hollow; I find nothing great:
Nothing is left which I can venerate;
So that a doubt almost within me springs
Of providence, such emptiness at length
Seems at the heart of all things. But, great God!
I measure back the steps which I have trod:
And tremble, seeing whence proceeds the strength
Of such poor Instruments, with thoughts sublime
I tremble at the sorrow of the time.

>> No.7183574

That first one is trash. The other two are acceptable. "fuck this shit" is never something anyone should say. Be more creative. More creative is more funny.

>> No.7183579

Title: Me Ward

Me, a Chinese fella and an old bloke,
Who looked like Mr Burns from 'The Simpsons',
Don't know what was wrong with him,
But breaking wind was the symptoms.
No one visited him or called him.
He seemed quite lost to me.
As well as wind problems,
He had a colostomy.
When I left,
I said "see ya" to the old man.
Turned out the other fella wasn't Chinese,
He was from Japan

>> No.7183580

you're right. thanks for pointing it out!

>> No.7183616
File: 831 KB, 1059x2544, doom # piccie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a piece i'm sendin in2 a lit mag

>> No.7183662


>> No.7184405

you stole my soul
you stole my soul
all these sins define character
Ive got an absence of that
drugs joblessness incongruence
its all an aspect of self
all Ive got is my delusions
and a medication that deprives
made by some scientists
who knew nothing of me
you go on about your master plan
really your holding the deck
in your idle hands
dropping what suits your mood
as though your the man
im sorry but I had to say it
youve got a big head
and a big stead to do as you please
but really your the same as me
just another punk mc
whos really holding back
youre whole crew is a bunch
of paranoid crackheads
bottom line youre crazy
and you have the audacity
to project those insecurities
man why do I even pay attention
you want riches and spirit
those designer clothes have holes
at least that should be the status quo
because it would denote
the truth about your skillset
a man blessed with heritage
but not much else

>> No.7184882 [DELETED] 

"Please" I cried out in desperation
But she wouldn't lose her inhibition

"Let me stick it in your ass", I said
"But you are way too big" she pled.

"i will enter slowly" I replied
To change her mind in vain I tried

Defeated, I implored for a titty fuck
But even for that, I was out of luck

This bitch was getting on my nerves
I stil persisted as she had them curves
The ass was fat, the rack was great
although I hope she wasn't bait.

prudish hooker in my bed
Oh if only she were dead.

From the angry pimp I ran
and now I stand a happy man

rate my poem /b/

>> No.7184887

"Please" I cried out in desperation
But she wouldn't lose her inhibition

"Let me stick it in your ass", I said
"But you are way too big" she pled.

"i will enter slowly" I replied
To change her mind in vain I tried

Defeated, I implored for a titty fuck
But even for that, I was out of luck

This bitch was getting on my nerves
I stil persisted as she had them curves
The ass was fat, the rack was great
although I hope she wasn't bait.

prudish hooker in my bed
Oh if only she were dead.

From the angry pimp I ran
and now I stand a happy man
Rate my poem /lit/

>> No.7184904

8/10 kek´d

>> No.7184906

Nigga what

>> No.7185006

do it. let us know what response you get.

>> No.7185041


need to refine this one. Will post an improved version once I'm done.

>> No.7185061

God's not dead-
He's surely, alive
On the inside.
Like a lion.

I pods
i pads
I dont even know anymore

>> No.7185063

Ghangis Swan?

>> No.7185170


no. random anon.
rate poem.

>> No.7185197

I thought that was the point. I imagined you reading out your first thought for a line, which was the words 'I love you I proclaimed', so you were saying them aloud to test out the sound, then were writing about your doing that. Like it was pomo; you were filling the poesy up with this huge romantic intensity that contrasted kinda interestingly with the idle, workaday content.

>> No.7185226

I just fapped and forgot how to love

a darling I have seen a while ago
on a subway train headed
to somewhere I don't know
I have bumped into her;
and with soft bend she bled a beam
that said the sweetest sorry
and I smiled, too and lay awake
a while before trying to dream
eyes that cast beauty under their peel
detailed divine turn abase on her kneel,
innocent subtlety shift to something obscene
restless beats peaked and receded serene
and with a heart delayed and brood set free
resolved all the planned intimacy
it's all mutual in my reverie
as sullied beauty is enough love for me

>> No.7185822

rate this poem /lit/

>> No.7186840

You left a gorge inside my heart
A trench of sighs has opened up
Where gentle feet once moved

>> No.7186853
