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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 141 KB, 992x1856, wageslave logic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7154490 No.7154490[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that trash wageslave scum?

>> No.7154506

Go back to /r9k/

>> No.7154514
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>> No.7154519

This tbh.

>posts news article about barely literature-related topic
>relate this to feminism, blacks, 'degeneracy' or whatever to get to talk about /pol/-shit on /lit/

It's getting tiresome

>> No.7154521

I legitimately want anti-work philosophical works and so on.

>> No.7154522

Sounds like someone has schizophrenia...

>> No.7154572
File: 292 KB, 600x960, proudbeggars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for some fiction maybe try Albert Cossery.

For more philosophical works there's Dead Man Working, The Right to be Lazy, Willing Slaves of Capital, and Manifesto against Labour. I have them all in epub format if you want them.

>> No.7154577


I usually get mad when people want stuff to reinforce their worldview but in this case I'm sympathetic and those are all great pieces. Posting from work btw

>> No.7154591
File: 632 KB, 1464x1986, Nietzsche187a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Today as always, men fall into two groups: slaves and free men. Whoever does not have two-thirds of his day for himself, is a slave, whatever he may be: a statesman, a businessman, an official, or a scholar.

>> No.7154610

Holy shit the posters above gave me cancer!

Since when was /lit/ so SJW?

>> No.7154612

>Whoever does not have two-thirds of his day for himself

Kind of an arbitrary cut off point.

Going by that, most people aren't wage slaves either as they have two thirds of their time.

Work - 8
Free time - 16

>> No.7154613

Thank god you changed your question. I thought you were going to ask about the literary equivalent of neon genesis evengalion again!

>> No.7154624

>Kind of an arbitrary cut off point.
Not when you exclude the 8 hours that are used for sleep instead of either of those.

>> No.7154630

But there's also the commute. And I don't consider sleep to be time to myself.

So that's 1/4 of my time to myself

And a variable, yet large portion of that is eating, shitting, and fapping, which again are chores,not free time.

NEETzche was right, we're all slaves

>> No.7154632

What is the literary equivalent of Legend of Galactic Heroes?

>> No.7154640

>sleep, chores and commute are 'time for yourself'

slave mentality

>> No.7154648

The original LOGH novels.

>> No.7154652

>SJW, Chad, and cultural marxism are now part of /lit/ lingo

Dear God.

>> No.7154662

S.E.O. I know because I wrote it

>> No.7154665

Das Kapital

>> No.7154666

Who are you quoting?

>> No.7154668

I only know LoGH through gifs so I'll take a stab in the dark and say Ulysses because why not?

Using wage literally stuff like

So like over the 18 and 19th centuries the prevalence of synchronised times became more and more important first because of naval navigation and then later because trains had to be synchronised to avoid crashes and so on. Before you had local times in different cities and villages and all that and would adjust your watch over small distances. Then as industrialisation swept through workers had their time also regulated. People very aggressively protested against having their time controlled in such a way, they felt they were being treated like machines and such. Literally wageslave has been a thing since wages were invented.

I can't think of who wrote about it and where tho, but it was a pretty major workers ' rights thing

>> No.7154681

What is the literary equivalent of shitposting?

>> No.7154683
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>> No.7154705

Self fulfilling prophecy.

>> No.7154828

This tbh

>> No.7154834

fuckin chores maybe, its up to you if you want to live in a pigsty, but you won't be able to work if you don't sleep enough or get there

>> No.7154840

Yeah but now the parameters are getting even more arbitrary

Why don't those things count to your time?

So basically, you'd have to sit in bed having all your meals made for you, not travel anyway, just piss and shit on the spot and be permanently sleep deprived from cutting down on as much sleep as possible to not be a slave?

>> No.7154851


You must be joining nigga
>calling a voluntary contract slavery

>> No.7154861

> slavery can't be voluntary
I won't get into the contract side because it'd be absurd tbh

>> No.7154923

Don Black: The Abolition of Work

>> No.7154960

How can you not understand that unless you do what it is you want to do you are considered a slave in Nietzsche's eyes?

>I share a board with these people

>> No.7155009

The Greek idea of freedom (where I assume Nietzsche got his idea of freedom/slavery from) states that to be free is to have freedom from basic needs. That is to say, no work is needed for food, shelter and so on. This of course requires wealth.

>> No.7155044

yeah man its really fucked up that you share a board with people who either dont take Nietzsche's word as infalliable or interpret him differently than you do. either one of those is incredibly embarassing

>> No.7155050

The primitivism article is horribly written. He takes so long to get to the point

>> No.7155054

this. Also anything else by Bob Black and some stuff by Hakim Bey

>> No.7155056

was meant for >>7154577

>> No.7155062

Can you sound like an even bigger faggot?

>> No.7155064

dude i love this comic so much... i came across is like a year ago and split my sides.
whoever made this, bless you man you are hilarious and spot on

>> No.7155082

[with my mouth around your cock] yeth

>> No.7155086

>you're a slave because you volentarily choose to go to work to earn money!
>completely ignores the fact that a powerful ring of people called the government control everything you do and make you work for nothing because they take tax from you

>> No.7155094

a powerful ring of people called what? you're going to have to explain this metaphor, I don't get it

>> No.7155102


What metaphore? A powerful ring of people called the government?

>> No.7155117

Are you ESL?
A ring of people is another way to say a group of people.
A powerful group of people (the government).
There's no metaphor.

>> No.7155139

who is that though? I've never heard of the government before, this is opening my eyes

>> No.7155740
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i want to work

>> No.7156003

your /pol/ is showing, it's bob black. don black is a white supremacist

>> No.7156047


take this simple shit back to reddit. oh wait it's even below reddit's standards so why not instead go back to your brony circlejerk facebook group

>> No.7156062

Aside from the LoGH novels (which are getting an official translation soon) you might like Dune. Big space opera with lots of scheming, plotting and simple philosophy to make you feel smart.

>> No.7156069
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>> No.7156078
File: 1.64 MB, 1985x2500, Ted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy had some thoughts that might interest you.

>> No.7156533


>> No.7156545

what are some books about never experiencing young love