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7151197 No.7151197 [Reply] [Original]

What can I read to come to grips with and further understand millennials' affinity for astrology? I thought this generation was mostly done with "spirituality". I'm probably just detached.

>girl took me to a spiritual shop
>mfw she asked me if she should buy a chakra necklace
>mfw she asked the guy with a ponytail at the counter how much a palm reading was
>mfw $25


>> No.7151237
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Here ya go, Opie


>If you have no idea what I’m talking about, here we go. The planets are swinging around at all times, and their movements affect us all in different ways. All planets go retrograde, but Mercury’s journey seems to impact people much more than any other. (Even people who “don’t believe in astrology” often “believe” in the crazy aftershocks of Mercury retrograde!)

>Why is that? It’s because Mercury rules communication, clear thinking, truth and travel, so when the planet goes retrograde — which means that it looks like it’s going backwards in the sky — all those things go backwards. They start to get ugly and tangle up. Mercury isn’t really going backwards, it’s just hanging out by the sun, but from Earth, that makes it look like it’s in reverse. It typically runs for a couple of weeks, a few times a year.

>> No.7151257
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Oh also

>> No.7151312
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>> No.7151324

people need a theory to give a meaning to their lives
astrology gives an easy answer to understanding our actions and motives
therefore a lot of people will be eilling to believe

>> No.7151351

But why astrology and related shit? There's plenty of religions and practices.

>> No.7151363

it is the work of SATAN

>> No.7151371

general religion is boring as shit and quite frankly still much less plausible than astrology

though I think that study didn't account for the fact that a lot of people don't know the difference between astronomy and astrology

>> No.7151398

>tfw Virgo

I don't pay attention to astrology but a lot of girls do and apparently Virgo is the worst one. I'm pretty sure that my hippie ex took my star sign into account when she dumped me.

>> No.7151403

Also, she was a Sagittarius which apparently makes it OK to behave like a psychopathic whore?

>> No.7151412

>much less plausible than astrology
Sure it is, buddy.

The real reason is that they have a hole in their soul where their love for God should be. They crave the fulfillment of religion, but are to lazy to adhere to the responsibilities. They can believe in their astrology and live by whatever morals they want, which can and do change on a whim.
"I was a raging Cunt the other day, but it was just because mercury was in retrograde lol"

>> No.7151417
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>tfw Aries
>you're an Aries, omg we are NOT going to get along
>What are you talking about? That shit doesn't have anything to do with whether or not we get along
>Yup, see, typical Aries


>> No.7151424
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>relevant image

>> No.7151438

Haha, I've had conversations just like that.

>I don't believe in astrology
>That's such a Virgo thing to say!

>> No.7151447

Can't stand that shit. Just reduces people to infants or automatons with no control over themselves because MUH PLANETS! MUH STAR SIGNS

I only sucked my friend's boyfriend's dick because Pluto was doing a nollie. I'm a good person.

>> No.7151453

Just let people be.

>> No.7151462

Letting people be and understanding their beliefs aren't mutually exclusive, retard.


>> No.7151533

There's nothing about it that's different from any other kind of belief system. Therefore, stop worrying or talking shit about it and just let them be.

>> No.7151554

How condescending. You're essentially saying "They don't know any better and if you tried to explain why they're wrong they couldn't possibly understand, so you might as well let them think what they want." In an enlightened society people challenge stupid ideas. Intelligent people shouldn't sit back idly and watch such stupid ideas flourish.

>> No.7151582

There's things different about every belief system. What the fuck is actually wrong with you? Yup astrology is essentially the same as Taoism, Baptist Christianity, and Hinduism, which are also all the same.


>> No.7151590

Astrology is just determinism for plebs. Just question their beliefs. Ask if they really think that are "forced" by cosmic forces to be a certain way. Ask if they believe in free will. Ask if they adhere to their sign purposefully or if they are unable to escape their fate.

>> No.7151600

>know le bazinga science girl with a biology degree from a top university
>she still believes in astrology, but is also a feminist and gets pissy at "sexist" astrology readings

I think cognitive dissonance has somehow increased in our generation.

>> No.7151602

That's not at all what I was saying. But nice of you to read into it your negativity. Refer to the post above yours for what I was actually saying.

Obviously the details and the finer details differ from other beliefs and cultures. The lack of difference is the absolute essence of it. What these things actually ARE. Basically this >>7151324. That's all it is.

>> No.7151607

since when is astrology a millenial thing. females are into astrology, period, regardless of age. when they 'discover' it in elementary school they're fucking giddy about it. i've never met a single astrologically-inclined male, do they exist? if so, are they sodomites?

>> No.7151612

>implying most people want to think any more than the bare minimum

>> No.7151631

I read what you said above and I disagree. There are significant distinctions to be made between belief systems. Buddhism and astrology are both very different. So are humanism and Islam. Some belief systems are worthy of respect, or at least tolerance. Others are too stupid to ignore.

>> No.7151640

While you are right that people use it to full a hole, it is just not a "hole where god should be in their soul".

They feel empty, the American millennial best exemplifies Nietzche's Last Man, cultural nihilism has driven them to search for meaning in the spiritual, plenty of people still turn to Christianity to do this.

Religion and Astrology are effectively the same thing except without the formalised spiritual bureaucracy.

>> No.7151684
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>this generation mostly done with spirituality

Nigga, you been living under a rock?
Occultism is the new spiritual high among millenials.

>> No.7151716

they do exist, and they're spreading as christianity loses subscribers.

>> No.7151736

[citation needed]

>> No.7151804

I've only met women, gays, and trans-men who are into it. Weird.

>> No.7151823

you have to be around the right (or wrong) crowds. my roommate is always surrounded by them.

think burning man

>> No.7151840

maybe its because people are smoking more weed now? Girls have always been into astrology for as long as I can remember. Even chicks that arent 100% 'into' it wouldnt balk at reading their horoscope if you had a newspaper on you. Some people like believing magic is real.

>> No.7152050

Occultism, esoterics, paganism, folk religion, et cetera are all fascinating in their own right. The problem is that because "New Age" spirituality is so decentralized, so free from dogma or tradition, anyone can claim to be an authority. Astrology in particular has been washed out and drained of any meaning.

>> No.7152055


It never had any meaning.

>> No.7152075


>> No.7152100

Magic is obviously real

>> No.7152121

>a nollie

>> No.7152155

Organized religion is becoming unpopular, but "spirituality" is gaining ground.

Organized religion is better.