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/lit/ - Literature

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7150808 No.7150808 [Reply] [Original]

Should I read books like Pride and Prejudice and Gone with the Wind?
Or is it for girls?

>> No.7150813

Also I want to present Pride and Prejudice for my sister's 14th birthday
Is she old enough?

>> No.7150824

wondering whether shit if just for girls is in fact...just for girls.

read whatever you want. life is short. you're not choosing options for curing some disease. you're reading books, fool.

>> No.7150828

I find your answer pretentious

>> No.7150830

this whole thread is pretentious when you know the definition of pretentious.

>> No.7150834

Claiming that you know definition of pretentious better than your opponent is pretentious.

>> No.7150839

I never claimed that. your claim is pretentious.

>> No.7150859

Okay, I don't want to waste my life arguing on internet with strangers about definition of pretentiousness.
May peace be with you. Sorry if you have found me pretentious.

>> No.7150875


What do you mean 'books like?' Romances? Those two particular books are particularly devoid of meaning. Read Chekhov, Flaubert, Knut Hamsun's Victoria or Mysteries, Jean Rhys, Fitzgerald, or Hemingway for much better romances around that time period.

>> No.7150876

I have never heard of a man who genuinely enjoyed it and neither did I.
But your sis will like it.

>> No.7150916

>Pride and Prejudice?! Ewwwww that book is for girls!

kill yourself

>> No.7150920

reading is for girls. so don't read and just shitpost instead. look at you being such a manly man. wanna fuck now?

>> No.7150945
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apology accepted, anon.

>> No.7150946

More than

>> No.7150977

gone with the wind is not a real classic

p&p is amazing and if you dont like it you have bad taste

>> No.7151081


>> No.7151085

>p&p is amazing
It's also fucking funny

>> No.7151219 [DELETED] 

P&P is written by a female
How can a woman make something decent?

>> No.7151567


Gone with the wind is pure shit but try with Austen and remenber, "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in posses-
sion of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife."

>> No.7151593

Gonna agree with the others who recommended Pride and Prejudice. It's a corker! Mr. Bennet's hilarious.