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File: 34 KB, 460x276, Slavoj-Z-iz-ek-at-his-hom-008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7150374 No.7150374 [Reply] [Original]

>have female lecturer for history course on Europe 1867-1918
>she begins talking about ideology at the time by giving a definition
>'ideology: a package of opinions on issues based on common values"
>at this point I begin to become agitated, and start rubbing my nose
>she then goes on to claim that "things were different back then, most people nowadays don't have any ideology"
>At this point I lose control and begin sweating profusely, alternating between rubbing my nose, tugging my shirt and raising my hand
>She stops talking and I ask her " Is the idea that we can just step out of ideology not ideology itself?"
>she starts talking about the various popular ideologies in vogue at the time and doesn't answer my question
>Not wanting to embarrass her I wait until after class when everyone has left to approach her
I say that if we as historians accept the claim that people have left ideology behind, then we as historians must ask when this change occurred, how it occurred and why it occurred, as it would be one of the most important changes in the history of humanity
>"Surely there are many papers and studies you could recommend me to learn more about this momentous social, political and philosophical change?"
>uh.. We have election results and polls to show how ideologies have changed
>"that's not what I asked professor"
>"Surely you know that Ideology is not just how we respond to problems and so on, but is also in the very way we perceive the problems. The idea that we are so much smarter than our predecessors that only we see the world as it really is, unfiltered by ideology, is ludicrous"
>she tries to bluff her way out by repeating what she already said in the lecture but loses her nerve, refusing to meet my eyes and stuttering incessantly before trailing off
>I thank her for her time and leave, snorting "My God, ideology at its purest!" as I go

>> No.7150379

Who are you quoting?

>> No.7150392
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I later passed her the hallway. I didn't even look at her, but she squeaked and said "I don't have time for questions right now" and ran off.

It might seem like I was being pedantic, but this woman is a radical feminist and acts as if she's superior to everyone around her, even demanding that we address her as Doctor ____ or Professor ___. I thought a little humility would do her some good.

>> No.7150403

simply epic narrative, glad I stumbled on your livejournal to read all about it

>> No.7150411


Both her and myself. It should be obvious who's saying what by the nature of the questions asked or statements made. Hint: I am the one questioning her concept of ideology.

>> No.7150443


>> No.7150453

Nice blog faggot

>> No.7150457

>"Surely you know that Ideology is not just how we respond to problems and so on, but is also in the very way we perceive the problems. The idea that we are so much smarter than our predecessors that only we see the world as it really is, unfiltered by ideology, is ludicrous"

do you not fucking hear yourself

>> No.7150458



>> No.7150461


I do. What's the problem with that statement?

>> No.7150470

>The idea that we are so much smarter than our predecessors that only we see the world as it really is, unfiltered by ideology, is ludicrous"

>> No.7150471

The sentiment is entirely correct, and I can assume he's not actually zizek

>> No.7150475

You one of those faggots who thinks he's smarter than everyone who came before him because you own an iphone and love trannies?

>> No.7150481
File: 6 KB, 235x206, the-point.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill try to communicate in a language you understand.

>> No.7150482


Again, what's the problem with that statement?

>> No.7150488

I think he's gonna post some shit he thinks sounds brilliant like 'even that statement is ideology heh'

I really hate zizekfags

>> No.7150492

Man I don't even give a shit about this topic but all you've done is greentext and memepost. Gonna have to agree with >>7150475 on this one.

>> No.7150494

in the context of the conversation with his teacher, er being from a earlier generation, saying her thinking that were smarter than our predecessors and that seeing the world as it really is without filters is ludicrous.

is in itself just as ludicrous. and thats ironic.

>> No.7150496

not op
h-h-how did you know about the trannies?

>> No.7150499

called it

>> No.7150500

>being this autistic

Jesus Christ

>> No.7150515


But she's from my generation, I'm a 'mature' student

>> No.7150516

i really hope you are just making this up i am literally actually cringing hard at your autistic nervous breakdown

you came off like an imbecile in class, you would do well to shut your mouth the rest of the semester

>> No.7150524


>he doesn't get the references to Zizek's behaviourisms

>> No.7150531

i get it of course but op is going on with his story in detail and defending himself

oh my god he even describes himself as a mature student they are the worst, they are the ones that talk ALL the time and think they are making profound contributions but really their comments are usually obvious, cliches, or tangential stories about their life and a waste of everyone's time

>> No.7150534
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>Not referring to pic related in your question

>> No.7150537


>generalizations: the post

>> No.7150538

OP's a faggot but you're not much better.

>> No.7150546

...but OP is right what's going on

>> No.7150548


Contrarian faggots is what's going on here

>> No.7150608

I'm proud of you OP, you did right. I just think you ought to preserve yourself and not waste that much thought on peeople like her.

>> No.7150640

What it ideology in your opinion?

>> No.7150653


>> No.7150676

The very notion of "ideology" is imperialistic, because it implies that all philosophies/culture/religions are false except that which recognizes them as all relative "ideologies" competing against one and other.

For example, instead of a Muslim theologian going against a Christian theologian on the nature of God, the modern Hegelian thinker can just say, "well, you're both victims/perpetuators of ideology", and this is a ploy to steal some kind of high ground in the debate. The subtext is, "there is no absolute truth, only competing interpretations". This is modernist dogma.

>> No.7150716

Ok, so what is your own argument? If the reason it doesn't take "some kind of high ground" is by being correct, then which "competing interpretation" is, in reality, absolute truth?

>> No.7150771

Ideology is not right or wrong, it is ideology. Don't jump to a judgement of it and even a conclusion. Pointing to an ideology is not saying more than pointing to an ideology. Ideology is also about what is not said, that is, not at all in the realm of the discussion, but in the realm of the performance of our lives and maintainance of our fantasies.

>> No.7150775

I haven't read anything Zizek (and not much of anything in general) but it appears to me that OP -in this fictional impression of Zizek- is right

>> No.7150872
File: 324 KB, 1001x960, Hipsters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Millennials think issuing insults without arguments is an argument.

Faggots. If you are going to take on his points, make sure to bring the injury before the insult. Any five year old can call someone a cocksucker, but only good thinkers can actually describe the error of points

No wonder College is such a waste of time. If this is the quality of thinking we can expect from college, then people shouldn't go anymore.

>Pic related.
>This is how most of you idiots probably look like.

>> No.7150901
File: 25 KB, 600x455, 1442356204237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound upset and if you haven't presented any arguments either

>> No.7150914

>Any five year old can call someone a cocksucker
>>Pic related.
>>This is how most of you idiots probably look like.
you're so boring go away

>> No.7150944
File: 3 KB, 236x176, Getting Out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>you sound upset and if you haven't presented any arguments either
>if you haven't present any arguments either
>If you haven't.....

