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7149362 No.7149362[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who's the Sam Hyde of literature?

>> No.7149363

I am the Sam Hyde of literature.

>> No.7149367

I think you mean 'What's'
And I'll have you know that it's my diary tbh

>> No.7149369

Sam Hyde. He wrote a book.

>> No.7149381



>> No.7149447

Well Salinger is just about as annoying, self indulgent and devoid of creativity

>> No.7150140

So since Sam is an admitted white nationalist does that make his and MDE's work New Sincerity?

>> No.7150168

this guy has only read his meme book for sure

sam hyde literally supports trump

>> No.7150172

There is literally nothing wrong with Trump.

>> No.7150190

You watch this and tell me: https://youtu.be/bwuVCdfO3_s

Can you feel the sincerity?

>> No.7150214

Is this an actual legitimate terrorist act by MDE? This is some next level shit

>> No.7150218


Wait so by making his work look insincere and ironic and parodical he drew people in to be swayed to his Weld Schlang? I don't agree with him but he's a fucking genius

>> No.7150252

Irony is babby tier easy pal. Just keep on adding post- and meta- and the ride keeps going.

>> No.7150296
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he has brief moments of sincerity that he expects the audience to pick up on (or not)

>> No.7150329 [DELETED] 

Probably the Turner Diaries.

I'm trying to have him read some actual books instead of Trump's Closing the Deal, manga and white nationalist twitter feeds.

>> No.7150347

why do you assume he isn't well read
he has mentioned certain books and authors at times

>> No.7150349 [DELETED] 

I'm not assuming, I actually know because he told me.

Also no one who is well read likes Stefan Molyneux.

>> No.7150368

Wonder how big his Weld Schlang is

>> No.7150375

I get a kick out of pretty much everything the guy does. He's analyzed the anonymous observer perfectly by accident, by saying things that entertain him and move him, because they're exactly like him. They're white north american male millenials who are bringing all the anomie and lukewarm privilege of growing up in the 90s as the children of the baby boomers with them into the depressing 21st century. He is the voice of this demographic and the thoughts they entertain, if not believe.

If you're reading this, Sam, my tip to you is to stay in your niche. You're welcome there, if not needed.

>> No.7150428

I enjoy his stuff but It's all so depressing. He plays Nietszhes Last Man without irony

>> No.7150472

OTOH you're talking about Nietzsche's Last Man without irony

>> No.7150509

do you mean he plays the Last Man as a character or he embodies the Last Man
I'd strongly disagree if you're suggesting the latter

>> No.7150518

Man, this is interesting. A lot of it is retarded, but it sure is interesting.

>> No.7150526

I'd say both

>> No.7150532

gorilla humor
is america a zoo?

>> No.7150540

He has a segment where he goes on an anti-gay rant at a comedy show and it's really funny, partly because it's so uncomfortable but also because the statistics he points out are hard to fit into a pleasant, Judith Butler happy world. Are gay people all like we see on Glee? No, there's a very real dark side to it all.

When you read about thousands of British children being raped in a town by Muslims and a lack of inquiry due to fear of being perceived racist, or the extremely consistent correlations between homosexuality and mental illness, or police studies that suggest earnestly that 10% of Norwegian women have been raped by foreigners, you have to pause. Sam Hyde points out these things

>> No.7150562
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Sam is an Ubermensch in all but looks tbh
the Last Men are the beat ecelebs that latch onto to neoliberal feminism for good boy points
there are Last Men on the right too, but I can't think of any names

>> No.7150564
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Not to say that he isn't fully aware of the ridiculousness of characters he plays, its part of his critique but I feel he embraces the pessimistic nihilism of the role aswell (I do aswell, thats why its depressing), I agree with this poster >>7150296

>> No.7150610
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Yeah, I've seen the whole thing. I wish I knew more about psychology, sexuality, and sociology. Its like there's no middle ground or neutral forum where you can discuss these things. Its either: gays are sweet lil angels who can do no wrong and must protected at all costs OR gays are fucked in the head and are victims of childhood sexual trauma, anti social personalities, evil, etc.

Can't we just look at things scientifically, free from agenda and ideology

Probably not.

>> No.7150651

this is the thrust of his his work and I think he realises we can never return to authenticity
especially in the internet era where we shut ourselves in our little internet hugboxes (whether it's tumblr or /pol/) and view every world event through that ideological filter

>> No.7150679

>especially in the internet era where we shut ourselves in our little internet hugboxes (whether it's tumblr or /pol/) and view every world event through that ideological filter

But have people ever been otherwise? Haven't we always filtered things through ideology? I feel the same as you, but I believe that might just be golden age fallacy.

>> No.7150701

yes but in the end people still had to head out into the real world and act like a real person
plus you had less knowledge of the rest of the world so your ideology was more related to your material conditions
I haven't explained it that well

>> No.7150724

This makes a bit more sense. It is a very strange phenomenon when so many of my college aged friends are all gung ho and shit about feminism and white privilege, posting overly dramatic, sentimental, self righteous articles on facebook CONSTANTLY, but are nothing like that in real life. Its fucking weird. I really love the internet, but I also hate it. It creates such a mental safety bubble, because while you have access to near limitless info, you have the ability to access only what supports and bolsters your ideology. Whereas in the past, you could choose to just not learn more if you wanted to stay narrow minded, now you can easily become excessively narrow minded via you're internet culture of choice.


>> No.7150735

this stuff is so embarrassing. Hyde is funny but his actual views are so stupid and cringeworthy that I wish he wouldn't make them clear so often. I remember a similar vanity card that espoused unironic support for Ron Paul.

>> No.7150741

is same hyde even white

>> No.7150743

Sam Hydes genuinely funny and genuinely crazy

>> No.7150745

there's also the (I think) illusion of the internet era being the information era, while of course we have more information, for it to be accessible a lot of it necessarily needs to be cut out and therefore presented through someone else's ideological filter
I was talking about this with friends and they almost took offense to it

>> No.7150746

>supporting state expansionism, and endless war, and national financial ruin

Hell is empty and all the devils are here.

>> No.7150748

yeah exactly, Sam and his fans are the kind of guys dumb enough to interpret opposition to Ron Paul like that

>> No.7150755

Sam doesn't really advocate for an alternative though
he criticises corporations and corporate culture a lot

>> No.7150759

He is one of the few that doesn't want actively support warmongering. People actually find that to be a negative trait. We are addicted to the war economy.

>> No.7150765

Sam is a ethno-nationalist now.

>> No.7150769

Sam is the vulgar face of accelerationism tbh

>> No.7150781

And what exactly are his actual views?
I've been watching the guy for ages and I'm still not sure what the guy actually believes.

>> No.7150782

Self-identifies as ethno-nationalist, but you've hit the nail on the head.

>> No.7150796

when did he say that

>> No.7150799

pretty much implied it heavily in a bunch of long reddit posts he's made recently

>> No.7150800

I actually don't think the point of that was to show the dark side of homosexuality. I think it was to show that liberals are no more civil than conservatives when faced with someone who disagrees with them. Liberals use statistics like that all the time and get on a high horse about being more reasonable than conservatives. But when faced with the same shit from the other end, they lose their minds and literally tell him he should die.

>> No.7150807

Makes perfect sense. Why do you think they were offended?

I think that was part of the point. The other part being to sincerely point out (what he believes to be) the problem with homosexuals and homosexuality. But he would never illustrate it that way, as that would alter his perpetually ironic veneer. In any bit or sketch where he mentions a gay person, its with negativity and hostility.

>> No.7150814

I envy you, he's a lot funnier when you can pretend he's really just taking the piss out of everybody. He has a lot "I took high school microeconomics" libertarian views...I remember seeing him tweet at someone to learn some economics and linked to a Sowell book. There's probably some light "race realism" and misogyny in there too but that stuff is easier to cover as satirical or intentionally exaggerated.

he sure showed those idiots, saying that gay people deserve death exposed how intolerant (?) people who want gay people to live are

>> No.7150821
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These two vids were pure glory.
First is all the cliché's of every TED-tier talk for 19 minutes and it never ceases to completely take the piss at this optimist elite that keeps

The second is exactly that which made me realize why I feel alienated.

>> No.7150823

because they like TED talks and I was saying that TED talks are dumb and you may as well just look at the wikipedia article
also I think they interpreted 'accessible' as being actually able to be accessed when I meant complex information being filtered down to be comprehensible to the average perosn

>> No.7150825


*optimist elite that keeps convincing you it's all worth the effort and your suspicions of shit being beyond repair is "negative thinking"

>> No.7150826

I think his negativity and hostility comes from a nietzschean rejection of the way gay people are portrayed as the victim and coddled by popular banter. Sam in reality doesn't want to see anybody treated specially, and he thinks that homos, immigrants, etc are.

>> No.7150835

very little of what Sam says is wrong

>> No.7150836
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"That's what being well-adjusted and no trauma in your life does. It leads to this.
These are people who all had excellent lives and the worst thing that'll ever happen to them is: "my parent passed away!!"

>> No.7150837

Liberals say the same shit but pretend that conservatives are animals when they get angry. If Sam actually hurt someone, then you have reason to attack him. All he did was say stuff they don't agree with him and they went insane.

>> No.7150847

the stuff he said was insane though, easily dumber than any of the reactions. he went there to piss people off and he succeeded. hooray. it's not hard to bomb

>> No.7150848 [DELETED] 

That second vid is important if you want to understand Sam. That's who he really is, and how he really feels about people. In fact, you could say its RAW HYDE.

>> No.7150851

he quoted statistics
the point wasn't to convince people that gays are bad anyway

>> No.7150853

or if it was I don't know what kind of offense you can take to that

>> No.7150854

I love Sam and all but I saw the pages he posted of MDE's book and it just seemed so hacky and thrown together. There's no coherence in their material and it gets boring after awhile.

>> No.7150856

I can't believe the people who went to a comedy show didn't enjoy hearing jokeless statistics about how bad gay people are

>> No.7150858
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What will your life, and those of your friends occupying the moral high ground, in their glorious pursuit of social justice, all amount to? What's the endgame here?
A civilization with no backbone ready to be steamrolled by martial and androcentric cultures?
Or do you hope drones will save you from that?

Europe, social justice paradise, where you can get incarcerated for being non-PC, has to deal with Russians and Muslims. And look how utterly inept they deal with these two threats.

>> No.7150860

That second vid is important if you want to understand Sam. That's who he really is, and how he really feels about people. In fact, you could say its RAW HYDE.

Also, yall should analyze this. I've always wanted to discuss it.

>> No.7150861

>yfw Nick gets married
there's hope for us all lads

>> No.7150877


It's 2015.
It's time to do what I say because I'm saying it's 2015, so you should just believe whatever I say.

>> No.7150878

He quoted statistics and actual quotes. They do not at all represent all sides of the gay community. In face, they support one very specific viewpoint that is inflammatory to some. But rather than being tolerant of what someone else says, they told him to go jump off a bridge.

And yeah, he was at a comedy show. But it was comedy. It was anticomedy relying on the audience for a punch line. If they just didn't react, positive or negative, and let him flop quietly, nothing would have happened. By lashing out at him afterwards and screaming at him to make a point, they themselves were the punchline.

I'm not saying it's great. It's not even close to my favorite MDE video and I rarely revisit it. But that's what he was going for and was mostly successful.

>> No.7150879

that means nothing for us, Nick is a normie. and I don't mean that as an insult. besides, Nick is a cute guy, he's got that fresh nice boy on the wrong side of the tracks-look, like jewfro from that 70s show or the overalls guy in Dazed and Confused

>> No.7150881


In that second video I honestly don't get what he is complaining about sometimes TBH

One black girl says her three things are:
1-Nobokov's autobiography
2-Bethovens A- string quartet
3-My Mom.

That is (for the video) a very legit list. She seems fine to me.
Yes, I agree shoot the faggot drinking cheap whine in Rome and looking in random "brklyn" warehouses for new bands, but come the fuck on.

>> No.7150886

ha ha those idiots can't even watch a terrible non-comedy routine for 20 minutes without saying it sucks

thanks for this wake up call, I'm a white nationalist who hates fags now

>> No.7150887



The whole premise of that set was to show liberals are NOT open-minded and willing to listen to any other ideas than their own.
And he succeeded. The room emptied and the only people who decided to stay were probably the actual open-minded ones who didn't feel like they should show moral outrage at some dumb sketch to feel like they have actual integrity.

>> No.7150890


Because they're all pretentious cunts.
If you weren't (an aspiring) one yourself, you'd see.

>> No.7150892

hey everybody I hated this thread so much that I made a separate thread complaining about it

>> No.7150894

That's why it's the most important MDE video. There is no context to Sam's hate or at least not one that he cares to show.

>> No.7150896

absolutely brutal. I went to an open mic night and complained about video games for 30 minutes straight, and the dumbass closed minded audience didn't even care. I showed them

>> No.7150898

What are Sam's 3 "none pretentious" things?
-when my dad beat me
-hating normies reeeee


also what is the pretense?

>> No.7150905

That second video. Is there even anything to understand?

The people in the interviews are just spitting out shit because they have to. They need jobs, they need money, this company requires them to say "3 zaaaany things that are important to them", so they do it.

Hyde thinks that this 30 second interview somehow is a completely sincere and accurate list of what is important to these people, and for some reason it's not good enough for him. However, he never tells us why.

Hyde seems to have problems with people "not growing up"? Is he in any position to judge what is "grown up" or not? The interviewed people are trying to get hired. That's pretty grown up isn't it? Hyde acts like he is everyone's all knowing parent without actually doing anything for anyone else besides criticizing them. But not even constructively. He literally yells faggot at people he judges to not be up to his illusive standard.

The only thing to analyze in this video is why Sam has an absolute burning hatred for what he thinks society is.

>> No.7150910

pretty impressed that this pasty fuggo is getting replies. tao?

>> No.7150912


Not caring is one thing. I can relate to that. Leaving because you're "outraged" over an opinion is funny to me. I can't relate to that sort of shit at all.

>> No.7150913


Sam thinks participating in bullshit to make money is more embarrassing than embarrassing yourself doing bullshit on youtube to make money.

You can see why he is the voice of a generation (of retards).

>> No.7150921
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Crucial to understanding MDE, Sam, etc

>> No.7150923

They also might have left because it was fucking stupid and boring.

I didn't watch the entire video. I sit around jerking off all day and my time is more valuable than that. Not by much but still. Outrage was not felt during the process.

>> No.7150924
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>> No.7150931
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Seems like it's rather easy to spot the well-adjusted and accomplished ever-optimistic 21st century vanguard among us.

>I cannot possibly understand why he would succumb to such slander of these people who have a more complex life than can be boiled down to in 30 seconds

Such a complex reality guise. College taught me that. Islamic State isn't even Islam you know?

>> No.7150935


Maybe watch the video brah?
You see the all white /mu/ tier crowd visibly outraged and throwing a final comment at him for being "das ignorant".

>urgh I don't think it's even worth to be outraged about, I simply don't care y'know, it's boring and post-ironic is too 2011

You're so above it hu dude?

>> No.7150947


I can never fucking decipher what sam worshipers are talking about.
His ted talk was funny. But past that I honestly think he is milking his one trick pony character over and over.

"So we looked at the data" is the only funny line he ever wrote.

>> No.7150952

I get mad about stuff. But not that.

>> No.7150955

That's the point. Sam himself is one of the 21st century vanguard, but for some reason he acts like a parent and scolds everyone for not being more...what? He just thinks people need to be "tougher" and "less faggots". "Don't try to make money, but don't be lazy or overly sensitive either, but don't try to be smart, but don't be a dumb cunt either". He universally hates everyone then acts superior about it.

He also criticizes "our society" where apparently ABSOLUTELY everyone isn't manly enough and isn't accomplished enough. He thinks all of society is too coddled.

Specifically who has a "hard life" and what does sam think someone who isn't coddled is?
He doesn't. He doesn't think about an actual solution, he just nitpicks "problems" and then pointing them out just fuels his own entitled arrogance.

>> No.7150956


>he is so judgemental

That's your post.

You are too. But you feel the people you judge deserve it too.
What Sam does is just pick a crowd people leave untouched because they're set as the norm. As you confirm with that comment.

>> No.7150964

I never said they are the norm. Sam just assumes they are then goes to town on them.

Also saying sam is judgemental is an understatement. He has a blind hatred and sense of superiority that goes beyond just judging someone. He actively hates these people with no cause. He's constructed his own belief system around hating these people.

>> No.7150966



>> No.7150973


They are the norm.
Don't play tricks with me nigga. These people are doing and being excellent.

>> No.7150982

>Everyone is a phony except me

>> No.7151001
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I'm done with senses of superiority.
You aren't. You're just calm and enjoy a social hugbox which you either acquired or you got it by default. But you're there. You're comfortable. You don't need to be enraged about anything, because nothing can get to your fortress.
And you still feel better.
Better than old people and their strange opinions on gays and trans people. Better than /r9k/. And especially better than /pol/.

Stop pointing fucking fingers, douche.

>> No.7151006

>Just speaking for myself (Sam)--
>I'll always have anarchic/outsider sympathies/tendencies but... the SJW stuff and the diversity stuff have gone too far, past the point of no return. And I'm a super tolerant guy, I'm perfectly happy to have people screaming in my face and insulting me if that's what it takes to have prosperity and a stable and fair society. But if you read enough of this shit you realize that's not the endgame plan--the plan is to have anything white/masculine/traditional totally eliminated or suppressed.
>A year or two back, I might've said the most important issues were... surveillance, ending the war on drugs, campaign finance reform, military adventurism--something like that. But I've grown weary of having all this feminist nihilist shit plopped on my lap, and I'm tired of people telling me that I've got some original sin and the only way to cleanse myself is by acting like Tim Wise. Gamergate was eye-opening, #BlackLivesMatter was eye-opening, but what really drove the point home and crystalized this perspective was reading about things like Rotherham...
>Europe is in a dire situation: culture is being destroyed, some neighborhoods are being turned into trash dumps, and a lot of these places might not ever be the same. I don't think that's a good thing, or a healthy thing, to take people who build statues and create wealth and invent science and replace them with people who use alleyways as bathrooms and are 10-20x more likely to rape. I'm sorry I just don't think that's good, I know it's insensitive as hell, but it's too late now to tiptoe around it or use a bunch of mumbo-jumbo to explain it differently. This is just the way it is, Europe is being invaded and we'd better fucking wake up if we have any chance of preventing that from happening here.

>/pol/-style shitposting is turning Sam Hyde into real-life Ben Garrison

my sides

>> No.7151017

this is all going to turn out like that one artist whose work gets featured in galleries because they think he's making a commentary on nazism, but its really just him making sincere art works as tribute to nazis.

>> No.7151018

Give it up bro, even Sam thinks it was a shit routine

>> No.7151020


Which artist?

>> No.7151021

Feminist Nihilist will be the name of my newest "fake /mu/ genre" band

>> No.7151028

he's getting all buddy buddy with a lot of alt-right and far right types but he also loves Stefan Molyneux.

He tries to have his cake and eat it too with "oh everyone should have an ethnostate" but has absolutely no idea of history. He's pretty much just a far right accelerationist.

>> No.7151031

He goes overbroad, he obviously is projecting a lot of his own stuff in there but I think it showcases how sickened he is of this absolutlely fake culture of Globalisation, competitive Neo-Liberal captialism and modern western society pretending to have a human face. No one really gives a fuck who your insprirations are, but so long as you can convince someone you're a "creative individual", welcome abroad, now get to work faggot and make some money. Some people actualy believe this shit though, they actualy think history leads in a progressive line and will only get better. Fuck those people, they're proof of why this world is beyond redemption

>Rabble above, rabble below. What is the difference between rich and poor today, I have forgotten how to tell the difference

>> No.7151035

Charles Krafft

>> No.7151038


>He's pretty much just a far right accelerationist.

Is that a bad thing really?
What are the other options?

>> No.7151044

what the fuck are you even trying to say dude?

>> No.7151050

far left accelerationism

>> No.7151055

If he is authentic here this is actually not bad work, in terms of expressing himself.

>> No.7151071

>people who are stereotyped to be not ignorant are actually somewhat ignorant
I like Sam Hyde's videos (the one where he talks about his supremo bowl cut, the one where he tells his viewers to cut themselves, thte one where he's in the post office and says "tell it to the judge buddy" and so on) but really you guys can stop sucking his dick

he's funny or entertaining because he's enigmatic, the way he's discrete about whether or not he has any agenda at all or whatever

>> No.7151077


>> No.7151080

He's funny because he obvisouly disdains all the topics he broaches, and wants to make the rest of the world as uncomfortable about it as he is

>Welcome to 2015. Fuck you

>> No.7151086

The only thing found in pigeonholes is pigeon shit