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7148997 No.7148997 [Reply] [Original]

Name me some good, solid books on anarchy. Something well-elaborated and not some teenage bullshit.
Thank you very much indeed.

>> No.7149006

I don't know anything about anarchy, but Red Grass is my favorite novel.

>> No.7149014

Memes aside, Stefan Molyneux can serve as a good introduction to anarchy. Then you can delve into older anarchists that are more intellectualized and make you sound properly well-read when you name drop them.

>> No.7149026

Have you read The Froth on the Daydream? I just did and it's marvellous. I was looking forward to reading Heartsnatcher also. I heard it's great.

>Then you can delve into older anarchists that are more intellectualized
And who exactly would they be? Thanks.

>> No.7149029

I'm currently reading The CNT in the Spanish Revolution. It does pretty well in explaining the structure and operations of the CNT. There are 3 volumes though.

>> No.7149034

I've read everything by Vian and strongly advise for it.

After a while you'll start noticing his personal evolution and a strong transition in genres and themes.

>> No.7149054

Anarchy presents the paradox of relying on herd mentality to liberate itself from herd mentality.

>> No.7149060
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I just read Heartsnatcher

>mfw finishing it

seriously though, its good

>> No.7149069

This book instilled in me a profound contemplative melancholy that was oddly against my joyful nature.

>> No.7149076
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It was one of those bitter sweet type books.

>> No.7149097

Law and Authority

An essay

>> No.7149118
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not an explicitly anarchist book, but economic, financial, and cultural theory and history from an anarchist anthropologist. one of the best non-fiction books I have ever read

>> No.7150801


>> No.7151628

Start with Stirner

>> No.7151653

>solid books on anarchy
>not teenage bullshit
>implying anarchy isnt teenage fantasy bullshit

>> No.7151654

The Conquest of Bread by Pyotr Kropotkin.
God and the State by Mikhail Bakunin.

>> No.7151655

anarchy is just nihilism on a temper tantrum

>> No.7151663

There's quite a difference between community and a herd mentality.

>> No.7152737

Anarchy Works, by Peter Gelderloos

>> No.7152748

Seconding Kropotkin. Although more of an economic text than anything.

No, it's really not.