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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 97 KB, 620x372, Michel-Houellebecq--013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7147874 No.7147874 [Reply] [Original]

How can he be so fucking good?

He's right about literally everything.

I had no idea that there was a writer working in the 21st century who was a legit genius.

I'm honestly astonished that fiction this philosophically interesting is being produced in 2015. I thought fiction was dead.

>> No.7147891

I couldn't believe it either, especially whatever and elementary particles. He blows the fuck out of modern feminism in the first 4 pages of whatever and the book was written in the 90s.

BEE agrees with us. He said that Houellebecw was the best / most relevant euro author today (can't remember which he said).

I can't believe how weaksauce most media is compared to his books

>> No.7147898

because you're a straight white male

>> No.7147907

His prose is not great.

>> No.7147909

he's an angry 16 year old stuck in 60 year old's body who is somewhat famous and actually deemed somewhat important for being edgy.

This is why you and some of this board think he's so fucking good

>> No.7147911

Isn't he rather too much of a cynic and edgy pessimist though? I read Platform and Particles and likes those, but I'm not that impresses.

>> No.7147912


explain plz

>> No.7147917

>literally everything.
>in the 21st century who was a legit genius.
>fiction this philosophically interesting is being produced in 2015. I thought fiction was dead.
You have school tomorrow. Say goodnight.

>> No.7147918


The thing I like about Houellebecq's pessimism is it's not absolute but more a condemnation of contemporary society.

>> No.7147928

What are his best books?

>> No.7147935


I finished Whatever last week and I'm halfway through Elementary Particles now. I don't know if the other ones are good or not.

>> No.7147988

yes, a 16 year old who's been through 2 divorces and is a father

>> No.7148010

Does it really need to be said?

Houellebecq is probably the best living person at articulating the neuroses of straight white men. You're drawn to him for that reason, not because he's "right" in some grander sense, but because he's capturing something you sympathize with that other authors have failed to.

I like Houellebecq as writer, but that doesn't mean I agree with his ideas.

>> No.7148019

Isn't there anyone as edgy as him who isn't a shit author? Because I want to like him but this guy is terrible, man

>> No.7148029

white men are neurotic about the direction of liberalism?

>> No.7148043

>tfw your next novel is going to be edgy as shit
>tfw you want to pay special attention to prose
>tfw it's going to be genre fiction

Maybe I should do literary fiction instead. I'm scared though, I'm just not talented enough. Also giant robots are cool.

>> No.7148053

that's pretty self-evident

>> No.7148064

>blows the fuck out of modern feminism in the first 4 pages

of course he did. look at him.

>> No.7148073

>giant robots
No, sorry, dropped

>> No.7148074


I think you're provincializing his ideas too much.

The phenomena he talks about are most relevant to "straight white males" today, but they're basically applicable to any society at the end of its road. You could conceivably use Houellebecq to talk about how people thought and felt in the late Ottoman Empire.

The fact that his analysis is "of" straight white male society, doesn't mean that it's not applicable to the world outside of that narrow bubble.

>> No.7148082


Are you guys serious that he has legitimate philosophical merit, or are you just cheery because he is bitter towards women?

I might pick up something, but misogyny doesn't really sit that well with me. I'm way to well-adjusted for that.

>> No.7148085

I lean conservative and even I think Huoellebecq's a pretty crappy writer. Just like most leftist writers, he repackages the same old arguments inside "edgy" stories and then pretends as if it were some new, profound thing.

>> No.7148086


If you think "misogyny" is the main idea of Houellebecq's ideas, then you have a lot of reading to do, fuckboi

>> No.7148099

>im a slob like you
>women dont know what they want
>time is a flat circle

>> No.7148116

>time is a flat circle
Cohle's words.

>> No.7148128


go back to tumblr faggot

>> No.7148131


You don't have to put misogyny in quotation marks. It's a real word. But thanks anyway. Awesome post.

I've never read anything by him. I was wondering if he is just r9k incarnate with:

>feminism bad
>islam bad
>liberals bad
>let's all be conservative

Or if there is legitimate philosophical merit in his work. Is there?

>> No.7148133


Did this board become r9k2 today or what? I woke up this morning and there were loads of frogpeople threads too.

>> No.7148135

Damn this face. He look from the 1700s.

>> No.7148141


>> No.7148145

Not the previous anon, but he is clearly no robot and does not make any claim about your greentext.

>> No.7148158


Cool. Take it as what it is then, uninformed prejudice.

Any recommendations as to a good start with him?

>> No.7148181 [DELETED] 

>le white male neurosis
>bigot reactionary writer
>racist anti-islamist
>muh muhsogyny
>muh le cant handle strong liberated wymynz
>le didnt read the book, but will still judge

yeah great thread you homos, how does it feel to be the tumblr of 4chan?

>> No.7148201

What's wrong with his face tho? He just looks like your average unkempt,rugged old guy.

>> No.7148206


>> No.7148215

I started with the elementary particles, which is his shortest and one of his best. It will probably give you a good insight into all his themes (apart from politics). And it won't be too long a read if you dislike it.
I also recommend you to give a try to his poetry (if it is ever transleted), he wrote surprisingly good sonnets.

>> No.7148278

Second-hand embarrassment from the stupidity of your post

>> No.7148287

whats the embarrassment, fatty? this fucking disgrace of a board, where people judge books without even reading them?

>> No.7148304

>this fucking disgrace of a board, where people judge books without even reading them?
is this your first time here? well, do I have something to tell you

>> No.7148311

not my first time, but i left long ago because of memes and other cancer, came back and its even worse

>> No.7148316

>that's how we do it here, so it's good

>> No.7148333


Maybe you should return to r9k.

Fuck I hate frogpeople.

>> No.7148338

>>islam bad
there is no way you can think islam isn't bad unless you're a muslim yourself. i can understand everything else, but islam is horrible.
>inb4 "muh christfag"

>> No.7148341

would rather post with robots than sjws tbch

>> No.7148353
File: 229 KB, 604x594, 1442797636684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r9k is an absolute toilet, i always laughed at you beta lusers crying over beautiful maiden waifus with braided blonde hair, much like i laugh about the other fatty posting in this thread trying to create a safe space or whatever the fuck she trying to do

>> No.7148360

All of 4chan has become r9k2

>> No.7148366

You mean /pol/ with a dash of /r9k/ and stale /tv/ memes?

>> No.7148423


Please elucidate.

>> No.7148438

I really enjoyed The Map And The Territory. Anyone else read it?

(Oh wait, that's not what this thread is about)

>> No.7148441

There are a lot of other sites where you can act like a pastiche of an upper middle class hipster babby

>> No.7148445


I just read a synopsis, and it looks interesting. Is it profound?

>> No.7148493

It is quite profound,and somewhat subtler than his previous works. It handles the themes of ageing and art beautifully, it left me with a lot of feels in the end.

>> No.7148906

No shit.

>> No.7148930

should really be
>feminism mostly bad
>islam mostly bad
>liberals mostly bad
>conservatives mostly bad
>let's all take things on a case-by-case basis and stop prioritising ideology over human lives

>> No.7148949

Atomised legit made me want to kill myself.

>> No.7149132


/pol/ here. Can confirm Houellebecq is the most based writer of our times. 10/10

Atomised was mindblowing, esp the end.
Reading Submission is really heavy now, because it's way too real. I don't even feel like I'm reading fiction.
Didn't make that feeling go away today when I saw that Le Pen is on trial for racism (as were Houellebecq and Charlie Hebdo publicists of course).

>> No.7149140

/pol/ pls go.

>> No.7149162

Nice meme.

No. :^)

>> No.7149180

Okay, you can stay.
But pls be nice.

>denying that Le Pen is racist

>> No.7149199

>implying jailing someone for their words/views is ever ok
>especially when she leads one of the most popular parties in the country
>especially when the country just had a giant kumbaya about how much they love and value freedom of expression

>> No.7149202


> picture

I'm ashamed to say I have a thick boner

>> No.7149207

I didn't imply any of this though.

>> No.7149216
File: 2.56 MB, 319x239, 1412218088947.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Start with: Whatever
Next: Platform
After that: The map and the territory
After that: Submission

Don't bother: Atomised (Elementary Particles) and The Possibility of an Island

Follow this and you will be grateful.

>> No.7149226

Houllebecq's greatness is that modern literature has rejected the anecdote, in favor of grand sweeping scientific theories of human existence.

Life is lived anecdotally, n=1, and Houllebecq gets that. All of societies pathologies don't mean shit except to how they effect an individual person in their own life, and his books reflect that...his characters live IN a society, but their suffering is singular.

It's a great argument for being careful of how we try to change and tweak the human ecosystem and how real people are really hurt by these great scientific arbiters of modern psychology and human engineering.

>> No.7149253

Right there with you tbh.

>> No.7149261


Map and the Territory is the only other one that's a must-read imo. Submission is great if you're interested in his less angsty socio-political commentary. Platform and The Possibility of an Island are his weakest novels, though not without their own merit.

>> No.7149267
File: 33 KB, 640x211, dicky d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tumblr rhetoric

>> No.7149268

Yes, exactly. You basically just confirmed what I was trying to say. Yes, in spite of all these factors, he is an adolescent.

>> No.7149270


If you read Submission you'll realize his ideas about Islam (At this point in his life and career) really aren't all that condemning. His view of moderate islam is actually kind of attractive.

>> No.7149275

Ok, I just checked out Whatever. At what point does Houellebecq stop being Palanhuik?

>> No.7149293

fuck off clam

>> No.7149372


What makes you think op or most of 4chan is still straight white male? I'm one out of three of those but I still dig his writing.

>> No.7149389

kek, yeah i read two of his longer books, but honestly I couldn't get past 10 pages of Whatever.

Maybe I'll pick it up in the future...

>> No.7149394

gay white male detected

>> No.7149396

In what way do you think literary fiction would be harder?

>> No.7149404
File: 27 KB, 551x350, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Straight chinese female

>> No.7149411

Chinese people are pretty cool and their women take good care of themselves. You can stay.

>> No.7149412

So far the only reason I can see to continue was if I had already read Bukowksi/Burroughs/Miller and craved an extra level of pretension. Does Houellebecq add anything to edgy canon that hasn't already been said? I'm starting to feel like he's Camus for channers

>> No.7149420

Oh fucking please, like being asian isn't the same as being white.
Probably better too, because all the racist stereotypes are an employer's wet dream.

>> No.7149426

Why is it some women are infuriated by some men?

>> No.7149429

I don't know any of those names, but I agree with previous poster that Platform had merit even if it's one of his weaker novels. Elementary Particles/Atomised took a very strong intellect to produce imho, though parts of it were a slough to get through. And I am >>7149132. Submission is very good so far--although I'm glad the translation was delayed forcing me to read some of his other works first

>> No.7149430
File: 96 KB, 560x480, hiroshi nagai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting posts. I wrote about this in the other thread awhile ago.

Houellebecq uses his alter egoes to illustrate the European lifestyle and its collapse. His novels are almost an ethnologist describing different Europeans' choices and identities(or the lack thereof, for example that of the schizoid and the depersonalized).

> The Map and the Territory:
The representation of a subject(double entendre) is not the subject. The unrepressed (central) ego (Jed Martin) , partly conscious and attached to the ideal object(art), represses the other two objects, the exciting (libidinal) object (his Russian gf) and rejecting (antilibidinal) object(Michel Houellebecq's alter ego), together with the aspects of the ego related to them (the libidinal ego and antilibidinal ego, known as subsidiary egos). This book is about a schizoid subject. In the book, Michel's alterego describes himself as an ethnologist. There are a few quotes directly addressing this motif.

> Platform:
The sexually liberated subject subject, who yet conservatively stays in a "true" rellationship with his colleague when inadvertantly serving as the ideaman for the industry, analyzes sex tourism on a "meta-moral" highground -- so does the ambivalent reader. Note the lengthy discussion on masochism, which describes western sexuality being too logical and its imperialism of the unconditional love that $$$ can buy. With a nod to Alex Garland, he talks about the "double-bind paradox" in tourism, which means that the traveler's frenetic search for places that aren't "touristy" is always undermined by his very presence. The Deus Ex Machina ending of an Islamic bombing creates a contrived dichotomy between global sex liberation and Islamism but is not duly justified(his only argument being radicalism = bad). After the bombing, the subject experiences ego death as he mourns over his conservative love relationship as he finally accepts the double-bind of sex tourism.

> The Elementary Particles and Whatever
read my last post on warosu.

>> No.7149443

what do you like about wellback?

>> No.7149449

Can someone upload Submission? Thank in advance.

>> No.7149452
File: 1.04 MB, 986x909, tumblr_nfo5uinTDW1qmkli8o4_r2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Chinese too. I wonder what % of /lit/ populace is Asian/Asian American since it's the most educated board.

>> No.7149463

Neurotic isn't the right word. It's just they're constantly attacked by it and feel the need to defend themselves.

>> No.7149513

oh man you sure are stupid

>> No.7149518

Submission is the novel of the decade.

>> No.7149551

Y'all are making this guy sound like the Dostoevsky of the 21st century

>> No.7149574
File: 64 KB, 360x640, tumblr_nfo5uinTDW1qmkli8o6_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give me a reason why he's not.

>> No.7149581


>> No.7149585

there are very few 'writers' around that aren't grating and insufferable

>> No.7149599

shit, go back to the place you came from, seriously, you dont belong

>> No.7149607

I don't think Houellebecq is in any way like the other writers you just namedropped.

>> No.7149619

I'm reading his interview with the Paris Review and he discusses the idea that, like Dostoevsky discussed the question of the existence of god, he ponders the question of the existence of love in this modern world - it was very alluring.

>> No.7149633

>shitty prose stylist that's celebrated for criticism of modern life and the alienation it brings from a reactionary perspective that he hides in okay stories

seems apt.

>> No.7149635

Tripe - that argument can be applied to your appeal against his reasoning as well as extreme feminism itself.

>"you like him because he appeals to your thoughts"
>"I don't like him because he doesn't appeal to my thoughts"

>> No.7149640 [DELETED] 
File: 437 KB, 2055x2048, 1431209903044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is also the book whose existence could have been the most difficult to anticipate in the year 1900.

>anticipating books a century ahead

>> No.7149641
File: 110 KB, 256x256, 1441139205521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fucking 4chan turns people with an actual education into dumbasses unable to engage in any serious debate without making shitty personal attacks on authors, other anons and philospophers.
It's like all that money teaching this generation critical thinking goes down the drain by spending the equal amount of time in class online in the comment sections.


If this is how this generation is going to engage in debates, I hope ISIS wins.

>> No.7149643

enjoying these aesthetics tbh

>> No.7149646

Yeah, that's pretty much the exact comparison I was thinking of

>> No.7149649

>tfw had a chinese gf with unbelievable thickness / ass
>her family was uber wealthy whereas I'm not
>sometimes I see her from across the uni, get boner but also cry

It hurts to live.

>> No.7149652

“The terrible predicament of a beautiful girl is that only an experienced womanizer, someone cynical and without scruple, feels up to the challenge. More often than not, she will lose her virginity to some filthy lowlife in what proves to be the first step in an irrevocable decline.”
— Michel Houellebecq

/lit/ will retort that this is not true. Just like you can't say dogs have 4 legs because they saw a three legged one a few days ago.

>> No.7149660
File: 110 KB, 1054x270, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this post deleted?

>> No.7149664
File: 117 KB, 339x330, houellepepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like smug contrarians that rile people up tbh.

>> No.7149667

because i posted it in the wrong thread

>> No.7149671

How do you delete posts?

>> No.7149673

Oh yeah, well I'll bet you're such a Nice Guy, Lol!!!

>> No.7149677
File: 19 KB, 519x142, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything else I can help you with today?

>> No.7149679

Check the box next to Anonymous, then click the Delete button on the bottom right of the page. You can only delete posts after a few minutes have passed, but not after like 30 minutes or so have passed. You cannot delete threads.

>> No.7149681


>> No.7149683



>> No.7149686

hello! welcome to 4chan!


>> No.7149688
File: 83 KB, 850x850, slavoj lecture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Therein resides the dark side of the sexual liberation” of the 1960s: the full commodification of sexuality. Houellebecq depicts the morning after Sexual Revolution, the sterility of the universe dominated by the superego injunction to enjoy. All of his work focuses on the antinomy of love and sexuality: sex is an absolute necessity, to renounce it is to whither away, so love cannot flourish without sex; simultaneously, however, love is impossible precisely because of sex: sex, which “proliferates as the epitome of late capitalism’s dominance, has permanently stained human relationships as inevitable reproductions of the dehumanizing nature of liberal society; it has, essentially, ruined love.” Sex is thus, to put it in Derridean terms, simultaneously the condition of possibility and of impossibility of love.
- Slavoj Zizek

>> No.7149689

tell me how to delete posts too

>> No.7149690

That does not include the new deletion rules that I delineate here: >>7149679

>> No.7149696
File: 173 KB, 599x602, 1441065193396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh look it's every normalfaggot on 4chan ever.

>hey yo sup I got tons of bitches but im dead inside because of lovelessness, I hope seeing wizards will make me feel better about myself

Same goes for virgins though

>I need sex so badly because reasons

I'm not the biggest fan of Zizek's, but damn, sometimes he blasts it so hard.

>> No.7149703
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>this quote

Well done, anon.

Sex has truly killed love.
Outside of marriage, sex is poisonous.

The key to happiness is to mate once, and to mate for life.

>> No.7149709

at this rate they will tbh

>> No.7149716
File: 25 KB, 308x475, Atomised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw women are by nature hypergamous thus will not settle for you unless you dominate them during an entire lifespan

>> No.7149723
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This is why Houellebecq’s Les particules elemental [14] is the story of radical DESUBLIMATION, if there ever was one: in our postmodern “disenchanted” permissive world sexuality is reduced to an apathetic participation in ‘ collective orgies. Les particules, a superb example of what some critics perspicuously baptized “Left conservatism,” tells the story of two half-brothers: Bruno, a high-school teacher, is an undersexed hedonist, while Michel is a brilliant but emotionally desiccated biochemist. Abandoned by their hippie mother when they were small, neither has ever properly recovered; all their attempts at the pursuit of happiness, whether through marriage, the study of philosophy, or the consumption of pornography, merely lead to loneliness and frustration. Bruno ends up in a psychiatric asylum after confronting the meaninglessness of the permissive sexuality (the utterly depressive descriptions of the sexual orgies between forty-somethings are among the most excruciating readings in contemporary literature), while Michel invents a solution: a new self-replicating gene for the post-human desexualized entity. The novel ends with a prophetic vision: in 2040, humanity is replaced by these humanoids who experience no passions proper, no intense self-assertion that can lead to destructive rage.
- Slavoj Zizek

>> No.7149727

why does the slavoj polloi always deliver?

>> No.7149737


doesnt waste him time buying clothes or shaving or getting his sinuses looked at.

He thinks and sniffles, sniffles and thinks- this is the path to greatness.

If you spent your entire self on your work, no 4chan, no school, no shopping for fancy commercial clothes to flaunt your body, you too could approach greatness, could kindle that spark into something that could shine down through the ages. Or not...*sniff*

>> No.7149746

>all their attempts at the pursuit of happiness, whether through marriage, the study of philosophy, or the consumption of pornography, merely lead to loneliness and frustration
explain this

>> No.7149760

Fake David Hockney painting is fake

>> No.7149992
File: 471 KB, 1697x1873, 1438971718797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nagai makes me feel dead inside

>> No.7150037

People who don't understand him, will think he just criticizes or is a cynic about things; but he mostly just talks from a banal french guy view point.
So it's not pretty, it's not politically correct, the prose is nothing special cause the ideas are superior.
For example, in Submission, he's never saying that Islam is bad or anything. It's rather that when something political is pushed so hard in the character's reality, he either submits or he goes against it. And what the book shows you is that he was already in a position of submission far before than if it was about islam or not.

>> No.7150046

Urgh please Palanihuk is a meme writer, a try hard to be cool and edgy. Fincher really improved the story of Fight Club.

>> No.7150052

Btw "Whatever" was a really shitty title translation.
The correct one would be "Extension of the Domain of Struggle". or something like that.

>> No.7150071


>> No.7150083

good post tbh

>> No.7150097

>hair's gotten a bit shaggy
>look in the mirror before work after reading this thread
>realize I look a bit like Houellebecq

jfmsu tbh fam

>> No.7150116

The Map and the Territory is vastly superior to his other novels imo.

However, no one has mentioned his greatest book yet - Against the World, Against Life. Houllbecq, Lovecraft and King make for some good intertextual feels

>> No.7150124

I read Whatever after seeing a post about it two days ago /lit/.

Really enjoyed it! He puts forward astute observations which apply more readily to the now than they did to 20 odd years odd when he first penned them. Could definitely feel Lacanian/Zizekian vibes early on. However, it goes too edgelord towards the end, therefore moving from what could have been 'Notes from the Underground: 90's Edition' to a Ryu Murakami writing about a dude who can't get laid.

>> No.7150132

>Against the World, Against Life
The only work of his i have ever read fam
How should i continue?

>> No.7150134

Yeah there's a good french film adaptation of it.
I loved the book, it was one of my first favorites of his...but he really reached a whole new level with The map and the territory.
Submission is great too, but it does tend to be a little too dark for me. Although maybe it's his way of saying that we're living dangerous moments, and that it's decision time.

>> No.7150136

king's intro is kind of idiotic and not relevant to the text though

>> No.7150137

read "Whatever", then "Les particules élémentaires", then you can just go straight to "The map and the territory" and see if you want more after that.

>> No.7150145

Nigga u dumb

>> No.7150146
File: 315 KB, 970x854, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ is the most educated board
>Asians are the most educated race

>> No.7150160

>r9k in a flowery sentence

>> No.7150175

>implying something

>> No.7150225
File: 290 KB, 1190x680, 1438716965790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“The terrible predicament of a beautiful girl is that only an experienced womanizer, someone cynical and without scruple, feels up to the challenge. More often than not, she will lose her virginity to some filthy lowlife in what proves to be the first step in an irrevocable decline.”

he misses the point that the guy is really a beta, but thinks he is not, thanks to the girl manipulating him into taking her.

Women beat most men, most of the time, especially men who still fuck them and manage to think that they are free from the pussy.

>> No.7150245

i think you misread it. when he says experienced womanizer and filthy lowlife he's talking about chad, not the guy whining about chad. you're basically like him.

>> No.7150246

Why are all of you so deep into your role of playing an edgy ωmega-level faggot that you don't see that the guy's illusion of choice is making him act just like a glorified poetic redpiller :v

>> No.7150251

is this post in english

>> No.7150325

>my ass is way to well-adjusted to my dragon dildo for that.

>> No.7150549


This guy got to it before I had a chance, and Hockney isn't even that good to begin with.

>> No.7150572

>articulating the neuroses of straight white men
Do you think only white men are sexually frustrated and morally conservative? Have you ever read anything by or communicated at all on a level that was not just superficial pleasantries with a non-white person?

>> No.7150602
File: 687 KB, 546x763, houellebecq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This quote is 100% true in my experience.

>> No.7150779

You can fuck 14 year old girls. What's not to love about islam?

>> No.7150794

please be bait

>> No.7150805


His main ideas seems to be the idea of how, in our society, with its lack of community spirit, life past adolescence becomes redundant. Consequently life in the modern world tends to lose any meaning past the ages of 13 and 21. Human beings are biologically compelled to have children and reproduce. It's the logical step in one's life narrative after starting a career. If a person doesn't have children, life loses its sense of narrative. Consequently, old men have no place in the world; they're simply ruins.

>> No.7150812

Dumb ideas tbh. Especially to talk about on a board filled with people who love the classics, which are almost exclusively written by old men.

>> No.7150822


No, he is just putting some explanation above the Alpha/Beta dichotomy.

The problem with r9k types is that "Chad" is really some sort of metaphysical framework for value that supposedly acts through biological coercion, somehow; and despite none of these nerds having a biology degree, it is the pervasive explanation for all things sexual, but only retroactively.

This means under any r9k analysis there was always a biological reason it "had to be that way". But one can only know once the thing has already occurred.

This is some pseudoscience bullshit. Hollahback's explanation is able to make a prediction and is more insight into the mechanism for someones decline.

The idea there is that people who are treated poorly by the opposite sex experience decline only because they are now embittered with how they have been treated.

Ironically, Hollahback explains r9k's own lashing out in their attempt to explain all their own shortcomings through biological imperatives.

>> No.7150909

that would be really a gross over simplification.

>> No.7151045

>but what if we make the university professor seem the alpha male

This line made the book better than 1984.

>> No.7151065
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I would read a well written book about giant robots. That would actually be refreshing because it's so rare to see genre fiction that focuses on it's prose today.

Don't give up Anon. Don't believe in yourself. Believe in the me that believes in you in you!


I don't even he belives he's right about everything. I enjoy his writting almost as much as I enjoy saying his name though.


Just say it out loud.

Do it.

That felt good didn't it?

>> No.7151089

Anyone know if Soumission is being released in English soon?

>> No.7151103
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Please tell me this is just a mega-beta moment and that his stuff is unlike this and actually worth reading.

>> No.7151122

>I'm Chinese too. I wonder what % of /lit/ populace is Asian/Asian American since it's the most educated board.

Do you believe that the humanities, and creative fields, are where Asians excel?

>> No.7151136


>2060 - 45
>not judging a writer on their style
>calling a writer whose language you probably can't read a genius
>based on the fact that he expresses feelings you can relate to

Please don't do this. I'm French, and I've read Houellebecq. He is very smart and his prose is pleasant, but he is not a great writer. People here just like him because he's the best writer of greentext spaghetti stories.

>> No.7152280

>le straight white man meme

>> No.7152293

>being an autistic muh prose retard

>> No.7152310

That's just not true though. I know plenty of beautiful girls who lost their V-cards to betas because they didn't know better. Believe it or not, some girls actually have to learn how much it sucks to be with a weakling before they start rejecting that sort out of hand. It's later on that they swing the other way and only go for guys who can put up the sort of flawless front that only comes from experience and fakery.

>> No.7152372


It's already available for preorder.

>> No.7153339

>Believe it or not, some girls actually have to learn how much it sucks to be with a weakling before they start rejecting that sort out of hand.
of course a few must learn directly instead of observing what their friends/family say [women talk about sex/romance constantly]

women always manage to have the upper hand. being a beta is precisely living through pussy.

>> No.7153344

>muh prose retard

What is that even supposed to mean ? Is that an insult ?

>> No.7153346

maybe it's an extension of the anti-intellectual reactionary persona exemplified in the fedora maymay

>> No.7153365

yeah, then they realize after a while that the person wasn't nearly as perfect as they thought, then at that point they either accept it or ditch them for another person who's also faking the flawless front and the cycle continues

>> No.7153366

it means you're a superficial retard?

>> No.7153369


Superficial ? Explain.

>> No.7153371

I think the point of a relation is not to find how perfect someone is (cause there is clearly no one perfect), but rather how many flaws you can handle from them...or yourself actually.

>> No.7153676

Not too many people from that era around to read him.

>> No.7153679

Sympathy isn't the only way to judge or enjoy literature.

>> No.7153760
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there is no point to a relation beyond agapè and philia.

>> No.7153770

not sure what you mean

>> No.7153909

it's called acting like girls are into you and the thing is it's not that hard, it's all about the ACT part. stop being stuck in your head like a neurotic little cunt.

>> No.7153957

it means he only enjoys books for the ''general ideas'' and probably reads cliffnotes versions of them.

he's a modern man in a hurry and he ain't got no time for no prose style. just the general ideas, ma'am.

>> No.7153963
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