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7144375 No.7144375 [Reply] [Original]

Thought is the control board. What you think is your corridor. That you think is your acceleration. Where there is no thought exists only a paralytic scene: a dog chained to vomit.
Before you is revealed an assemblage of Greek symbols. Their consumption will lead to inevitable tranformations within the strata of your person. These symbols are a plateau on which stands the catalyst for a recognisable difference in the daily ritual. I will draw from accumulated interpretations of historical data. I will present this data with the intention of exterior metamorphosis. I will plant its notion. The corridor- no, its footfall is the essence of the crusade against X. The ideal is its diminution. These symbols are photons shot against a plastic brett. These symbols are also existing in the agora of your dream. That they remain and that the diminution of X remains is ideal. Their mission is articulation. This is not a scientific text, it is a declaration of war.

>> No.7144403

Unfalsifiable nonsense

>> No.7144419

Can your provide me with alternative prerequisites?
I am not sure you can, considering by articulating symbols I have already met the prerequisites.
The only prerequisites for articulation are articulation.

It is a declaration of war against "X".
How does that make no sense?

>> No.7144422

*The only prerequisite for articulation is articulation.

>> No.7144436

Is this some Deleuze faggotry?

>> No.7144450

Thats what i thought when i saw plateau.
Not bad though, that dog vomit scene is pretty strong.

>> No.7144451

No, it hasn't to do with that philosopher.
My opinion is that text which generally falls under "philosophy" needn't be labelled in any particular way.
There is no "philosophy", because a label would reduce a text to some thing exterior to the text itself.
The text encompasses the text. Each text is a new field. A text is not scientific, it is an articulation. This particular text is a declaration of war against "X".

The faculties expect a man to produce a product like a deli girl concocts a BLT sandwich,
but for what purpose?
Each text is a new field.

>> No.7144471

What are the consequences of this? I guess that real communication is impossible.

>> No.7144497

>What are the consequences of this?
There are no consequences that would be any different from beforehand.
Things have always been this way,
we simply look at it differently now.
"Occam's Razor".

>I guess that real communication is impossible.
How do you mean?

>> No.7144500

hahaha yeah i found that continental philsophy text generator too, it's pretty funny

>> No.7144584

Idea reveals itself as colour. The persistence of colour breeds difference. Difference provides afflatus. Afflatus provides idea. Idea provides colour. Colour breeds difference. Difference provides afflatus.
Difference is history. Afflatus is the interpretation of history.
Colour can be symbol.

>> No.7144677

Persistence breeds difference.

Difference is history and symbol.

Where there is no difference exists only a paralytic scene: a dog chained to vomit.

Difference is the essence of interaction with X. Difference can be photons shot against a plastic brett. Difference can be the agora of your dream. Difference is ideal.

>> No.7145602
