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7144236 No.7144236 [Reply] [Original]

I started studying philosophy last week. I have a two page essay due in 1.5 hours. It's title is "Why do I get out of bed in the morning". I'm struggling to find reasons or material for 2 pages. So I pose the question to you.

/lit/ why do you get out of bed in the morning?

>> No.7144239

God, Nature, or by random chance I have been given life, might as well live it.

>> No.7144245


>> No.7144253

Because I usually have to take a piss

>> No.7144255

>And if I am to live it: to live it well.

>> No.7144261

because if i dont my mom will get mad

>> No.7144272

I'm playing the odds. everything has sucked so far, so I am bound to have a good day eventually. after I finally have a good day, I will an hero.

>> No.7144274

Because I have restless legs syndrome.

>> No.7144278

Because the alternative is to stay in bed and by the morning my gf has made it insufferably hot.

>> No.7144284

because i paid $40,000 got dam moneys to come sit in your shitty class

>> No.7144289

What odds are you talking about?

>> No.7144356

They don't need to be naïvely rational, op.

>> No.7144362

"I git out of bed to find bitches to fuck and money money money brah" - DFW

>> No.7144365

this tbh

>> No.7144368


- DFW while trying to impress Johnny Franzen

>> No.7144392

That's a pretty weird logic. If you have a good day you might get closer to the formula for having good days. Maybe you are using an hero as a reward for fighting every day. Good for you man, keep on fighting.

>> No.7144399

OP here, what do you mean?
these two are the only real ones tbh

>> No.7144400


>> No.7145300

How fat is she? Does she fart a lot?

>> No.7145317

what kinda shitty university do you go to where a philosophy instructor finds it appropriate to make their students write a "Why i get out of bed" essay

>> No.7145326

I have goals and shit to do and I want to do them because achieving things is fun.

>> No.7145351

That's high school tier

>> No.7145353

Maybe it's just a creative excuse for a thread.

>> No.7145357

>/lit/ why do you get out of bed in the morning?
to get goodboy points, obviously

>> No.7145377

Reference Descartes who famously spent ages in bed and argue that you shouldn't bother.
It'll show your professors you can go against the grain.

>> No.7145383

Eating, socialising, reading, gyming, wanking, drinking.

>> No.7145411

Get drugs
continue going through the motions until my parents die