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/lit/ - Literature

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7144161 No.7144161 [Reply] [Original]

Now that 4chan has officially become a Japanese website lets have a thread to talk about the greatest writers from that country.

>> No.7144167
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Gunna raise the bar high right off the bat.

Who here likes Yukio?

>> No.7144175
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Akira Toriyama is a god

>> No.7144180
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What do you think of the new moot guys?

>> No.7144186

It's a sign of the times, america leaves his place to Asia.

>> No.7144200

is the 90s again

>> No.7144311
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Japanese writers have like a 50/50 suicide rate

>> No.7144443
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let m00t enjoy his holidays

>> No.7144672

I haven't read anything from any Japanese writers besides some perfectly crafted flash narratives by Kawabata which still linger in my memory.

A few days ago I decided to go ahead and try something by Kobo Abe, any thoughts on him? I picked The Ruined Map, having read a little bit over a quarter of it, I can't say I'm particularly interested or impressed as I thought I would be, does it pick up afterwards?

>> No.7144688

haven't read anything from Abe other than Woman in the Dunes but I really enjoyed it.

>> No.7144702

meme author

>> No.7144707

Fuckin Weeaboos.

>> No.7144763

haruki murakami is pretty fun. Who here read 1q84? I

>> No.7144897

Le ebin asia rising maymay

>> No.7144904

too long for me, is there a better starting place?

>> No.7144930


>> No.7144975

Did he write anything at all?

>> No.7145048
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>> No.7145498

What's the first name of this Kawabata person?

>> No.7145505

mishima. lady murasaki.


>> No.7145510
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Much as I like Mishima "Please cut my head off correctly" Yukio, pic related is the best Japanese novel I have ever read.

Murakami's non-fiction about the subway gas attacks was also good.

>> No.7145512

Kawabata Mind

>> No.7145521

What is the best in Japanese Genre-Fiction in translation? Does it exist? Would love to read The Tolkein/Orson Scott Card/Herbert of Japan

Whenever I read postwar jap lit it is always some angsty Kafka on the shore shit, or balls to walls crazy like Mishima

>> No.7145699

The classic Japanese pop fiction authors are probably Kenji Miyazawa and Edogawa Rampo, but they aren't really anything like the authors you mention, as Miyazawa mostly wrote children's fantasy and Rampo mystery novels.

If you want epic fantasy, a couple popular series are Guin Saga and The Twelve Kingdoms, while if you're interested in space dramas, some popular ones are Legend of the Galactic Heroes and Crest of the Stars.

>> No.7146238

i like Haruki Murakami

>> No.7146256

Kobo Abe is amazing. People better be reading Kobo Abe in here. Kenzaburo Oe and Banana Yoshimoto are ok too

>> No.7146257

Ryonosuke Akutagawa

>> No.7146261
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Nothing bad is going to happen to 4chans r-right?

>> No.7146275

nah, mostly just the censorship laws for the pornography boards but us at /lit/ will be fine

>> No.7146279

I'm hoping Hirohito-kun is going to listen to the staff to get a good enough vibe of 4chans culture and attitude, but all in all it's unlikely he'll go full retard. So we'll be fine. Probably.

>> No.7146430

way cuter than old moot

>> No.7147059

have you lost touch with the world? go to detroit