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/lit/ - Literature

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7142215 No.7142215 [Reply] [Original]

Name me the greatest writer from each category

Committed suicide
Fan of sports
Substance abuser
Fought in a war
Died in the past thirty years
Still alive
Most Fashionable

>> No.7142218
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or skip whatever subject if you only wanna answer a couple

>> No.7142243
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Our man DFW

>> No.7142256

>not Socrates
You fuckin memester

>> No.7142262

Blind: Borges
Committed suicide: Yukio Mishima
Blonde: ?
Fan of sports: Umberto Eco (lol)
Substance abuser: William Burroughs
Fought in a war: Mao Zedong
Died in the past thirty years: Jean Baudrillard
Still alive: Zizek
Most Fashionable: L Ron Hubbard

>> No.7142275

Socrates wasn't a writer. Am I being trolled gently?

>> No.7142278

Yes bby, don't fight it, just feed it.

>> No.7142350

this is /lit/ after all, how could you exclude the Greeks or other /lit/ figures

>> No.7142363

Except Socrates didn't write anything

>> No.7142366
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>Fan of sports

Frederick Exley

>> No.7142367

Blind- Milton
Committed suicide- Hart Crane
Blonde- uhh?
Fan of sports- DeLillo
Substance abuser- Burroughs
Fought in a war- Tolstoy
Died in the past thirty years- Borges
Still alive- Pynchon
Most fashionable- Knausgaard?

>> No.7142383

who is this qt3.14?

Blind: Borges

Committed suicide: Mishima

Blonde: have no idea

Fan of sports: have no idea

Substance abuser: Bukowski.

Fought in a war: not sure, a lot of them did. Hitler maybe.

Died in the past thirty years: Also Borges I guess

Still alive: either Tao Lin or John Green

Most Fashionable: probably Oscar Wilde or some other dandy.

>> No.7142387

Blind: me
Committed suicide: soon me
Blonde: me
Fan of sports: me
Substance abuser: me
Fought in a war: me
Died in the past thirty years: me
Still alive: me
Most Fashionable: normies get out

>> No.7142390

blondes confirmed for terrible writers

>> No.7142398

Homer (Yeah I know)
Thomas Chatterton
Francoise Sagan
Hunter S. Thompson
Eric Blair
Jackie Collins
Ursula K. Le Guin
Felix Dahn

Seconding. Who is cutie? >>7142218

>> No.7142400

Jane Smiley and Jennifer Egan are blondes. I can't recall any big classic authors who were blonde, though. Martin Amis.

>> No.7142416

Nevermind, my memory is playing tricks on me. Amis isn't blonde. But I'm pretty sure George Saunders is.

>> No.7142422

Are you just proving the blondes are dumb stereotype? Is there a correlation between blondes and low IQ?

>> No.7142428

Hm? Do you think I'm the OP? I'm just a guy who made my list, couldn't think of anybody for the blonde slot, and now I'm trying to come up with people. But besides the women I named and Saunders, I can't come up with anything, despite my trying. Maybe somebody else can. Not trying to make a point.

>> No.7142431

Blind: Borges
Committed suicide: Akutagawa
Blonde: I thought Sylvia was a blonde, but apparently she dyed it? I racked my brain for other options but couldn't think of any.
Fan of sports: Hemingway
Substance abuser: Bulgakov
Fought in a war: Marcus Aurelius
Died in the past thirty years: Borges
Still alive: Oe
Most Fashionable: Houellebecq

>> No.7142435
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Lou Schoof

>> No.7142437

lmao mods goin ham in dis bitch

>> No.7142438
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>George Saunders
Kinda reddy brown.
How about Joan Didion

Astrid Lindgren looks it sometimes, sometimes not.

>> No.7142443
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Nice. Thanks.

So petit. Could play a faerie folk.

>> No.7142452

Blind: Huxley
Committed Suicide: David Foster Wallace
Blonde: me
Fan of sports: dunno
Substance abuser: Tao Lin
Fought in a war: Harold Innis
Died in the past thirty years: uhh J G Ballard
Still alive: Tao
Most Fashionable: The authors of Arabian Nights

>> No.7142474

Joan Didion's hair is naturally dark, I think.

>> No.7142479
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Committed suicide


Fan of sports

Substance abuser

Fought in a war

Died in the past thirty years

Still alive

Most Fashionable

>> No.7142486

You could have used Camus for fan of sports as well, he was a huge football fan and was even in a semi professional league

>> No.7142489

Celine looks like what I would imagine Satan as a human would look like. He just needs a goatee

>> No.7142494

Blind: Borges
Committed Suicide: DFW
Blonde: Capote
Fan of Sports: DeLillo
Substance abuser: Bolano
Fought in a war: Steinbeck (iirc?)
Died in the past thirty years: Bolano
Still alive: Murakami
Most fashun: sontag tbh fam

>> No.7142500

1. poe's death was mysterious, not ruled a suicide
2. nabokov died 38 years ago, not 30

>> No.7142501
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you are no fun. this isn't /sci/ where we have to be technically correct all the time

>> No.7142505


>> No.7142511
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its definitely just you guys. this is off the top of my head.

>> No.7142516

tom waits has already got that position

>> No.7142517

>Substance abuser
totally forgot about Omar Khayyam. the man was based and drunk all the time.

>> No.7142518

Homer or Milton
>Committed suicide
Hart Crane
Hart Crane
>Fan of sports
Couldn't tell you
>Substance abuser
Hart Crane
>Fought in a war
Lord Byron
>Died in the past 30 years
Damn, I don't know. If you had said 40 years I'd have told you Ezra Pound or Auden. I'd have to check dates because I can't think of any significant authors I like that have died in the last thirty years.
>Still alive
Ashbery or Merwin
>Most fashionable
Pound is best looking but idk about his clothing.

>> No.7142523

>taking poetry literally
aren't you a smart one. protip: that was meant to be taken literally

>> No.7142531

>you will never be both aryan and tormented by the memories of a love that might have been

1/2 is ok

>> No.7142543

well it was written in olden times, that's why I assumed that.

>> No.7142555

yes, and Odysseus really did blind a one eyed giant monster, having been written in olden times.

>> No.7142732

believe it

>> No.7144074

Blind: HOMER
Committed suicide: DAZAI
Fan of sports CAMUS/ DFW
Substance abuser PROUST
Fought in a war BORGES
Died in the past thirty years HEIDEGGER
Still alive CORMCARTHY
Most Fashionable: Chomsky from the Foucault debate

>> No.7144110
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>Most Fashionable
skipping right past Tom Wolfe and his seersucker suit and mentioning Dandy Daniil Kharms

>> No.7144690

>Committed suicide
>Fan of sports
>Substance abuser
Thomas Browne
>Fought in a war
>Died in the past thirty years
>Still alive
>Most Fashionable

>> No.7144695

Socrates didn't really kill himself. The State courts forced him to do that

>> No.7144698

Or kill himself

>> No.7144712

>Blind: Milton
>Committed suicide: Nerval
>Blonde: Was Ibsen blonde?
>Fan of sports: Camus
>Substance abuser: Baudelaire
>Fought in a war: Gracq
>Died in the past thirty years: Beckett
>Still alive: Pynchon
>Most Fashionable: Camus or Beckett

>> No.7146419

John Kennedy Toole

>> No.7146421

he could have gotten out easily. it was suicide

>> No.7146879

>Fan of sports
>Substance abuser
>Fought in a war
>Died in the past thirty years
>Still alive
Banana man
>Most Fashionable

>> No.7146884


But was Homer a writer?

>> No.7146905

No, but he was blonde and died in the last thirty years.

>> No.7146924

>Committed suicide
>Fan of sports
>Substance abuser
>Fought in a war
Ernst Jünger
>Died in the past thirty years
>Still alive
Alice Munro
>Most Fashionable