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File: 52 KB, 666x666, 1441739821987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7141715 No.7141715[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So if I wanted to learn academic philosophy I'd go to a university, but where would I go if I wanted to learn occult philosophy? I'm hoping to get scammed out of all my money and lose my virginity while tripping balls on mescaline and talking to aliens in the middle of the desert.

Also, feel free to discuss magic(k)/occultism in general.

>> No.7141718


>> No.7141722

The Kybalion
Colin Low's Introduction Qabbalah
Evola's Introduction to Magic
Gnosticteachings.org (good source of information about many topics, but don't be very credulous)

>> No.7141737

If you live in a large city there's probably a local OTO temple - which is what your pic references
No drugs required

>> No.7141746


if i do any of that will i go to hell for eternity?

because all of this is satanism 101

>> No.7141759



>> No.7141776
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, Peter Forshaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to a university

UvA student tour in The Ritman Library - Exhibition Alchemy on the Amstel


Students of Peter Forshaw's Alchemy Class were given a guided tour of the current exhibition Alchemy on the Amstel

The Infinite Fire Webinar Series - Selection of Dr. PJ Forshaw


The selection of topics by Dr. P.J. Forshaw - assistant professor at the Center for History of Hermetic Philosophy and Related Currents

Three fascinating alchemists in Peter's in-depth Infinite Fire webinars

Peter will take us first to the 'Amphitheatrum Sapientiae Aeternae' - the Amphitheatre of Eternal Wisdom - the renowned work of physician and Hermetic alchemist Heinrich Khunrath

Peter will discuss the alchemical emblem book 'Atalanta Fugiens' (1617) by the Renaissance alchemist Michael Maier. This book with 50 separate sections, may well be regarded as the first multimedia production ever. Each section contains an engraved emblem, a verse and an epigram connected to the emblem as well as a short prose piece discussing the alchemical meaning of each emblem

The Infinite Fire Webinar Series - Introduction Dr. P.J. Forshaw


>> No.7141778

not all hidden knowledge is satanic. i've benefited greatly from the material in these works and others

>> No.7141784
File: 255 KB, 1024x1013, Figure20TheSigillumDeiAemethpage55n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aleister Crowley and the Hidden God by Kenneth Grant

>> No.7141787
File: 587 KB, 1070x920, Creation-of-the-Birds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exploring The Hermetic Tradition (Terence McKenna)


Terence K. McKenna (1991) Exploring the Hermetic Tradition.

This is the pre-talk anicdotes before the workshop, Hermeticism & Alchemy.

"History itself is a kind of alchemical process. ... History is the catalyst of nature."

"If we could raise to consciousness our alchemical heritage, and our heritage in the shamanism of the archaic, then we could actually see that the purpose of technology is to liberate, not to enslave..."

Art: 'Creation of the Birds' by Remedios Varo, 1957

>> No.7141814

>i've benefited greatly

give concrete examples

>> No.7141827
File: 97 KB, 480x442, CircleSquare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alchemy - Sacred Secrets Revealed


Solve Et Coagula - The Great Work of Alchemy


>> No.7141836

Contact the cancellarious of the A.'.A.'.
D a t w s b t w o t l

>> No.7141845

my writing and music have improved, ive become more articulate, cut down on fapping, my temper's cooled, eradicated that kind of tense background anxiety you get when there's nothing overtly bothering you, am unaffected by intrusive thoughts (and if you've read about them they can be debilitating), and just generally feel more at peace and more attuned to the good things in life

>> No.7141853


any starting reading for a newb on this

>> No.7141875
File: 11 KB, 175x205, Great-Work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Great Work (0 - Prologue - The Science of the Secret)


The Great Work (0 - Prologue - The Science of the Secret) An Initiate's guide threw the doors of Esoteric Knowledge...

Plane of Material
Plane of Mental
Plane of Emotional
Plane of Will

>> No.7141877

Occult writings are the ones that demand the most from you. The occult is, by definition, going on under the radar of the general eye. It is not supported by institutions like academia, it is no well accepted anywher except among those into it. You'll find plenty of people claiming to be experts, but no one to back them up, unlike the experts of any other area, that could show you a certificate and you'd fall for it. In order o learn about the occult, you're going to have to dig through old books, contraditory information, varied sources of information, with no guarantee on their quality or their truth. Occultism is vast and takes a lot of shapes and interpretations, including your own, which you can develop the more you know about it, the more willing you are to really listen to what you're reading and still remain critical of your own understanding of it, the more you observer your supposed rationality and intuition, anyway, the more you engage yourself with it.

There is no other person to say you're in the right path.

>> No.7141910
File: 10 KB, 480x360, P. Forshaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Conference 'Around 1600': E. Ritman and P. Forshaw - Infinitie Fire Interview Series


This video is part of a series of in-depth 'Infinite Fire' interviews between Esther Ritman and speakers of the international and interdisciplinary conference:

"Around 1600. Constellations between Schulmetaphysik, confessionalisation and Hermetic speculation"

Inside the Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica - Amsterdam - The J.R. Ritman Hermetic Library


The Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica is a private Dutch library founded by Joost Ritman.
It contains 20 000 valuable books on Rosicrucianism, alchemy, mysticism and western esotericism, and has great scientific and artistic value

>> No.7141917

Intrusive thoughts hound me, my man. Glad to hear you're dealing with them in a constructive manner.

I'd say I'm unaffected by them, but it's still lame to have them.

>> No.7141942
File: 60 KB, 734x408, Smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art of Magic Part 1 by College Girl. What is Real Magic?


Art of Magic Part 2 by College Girl. Five Elements of Magic


>> No.7141954
File: 39 KB, 290x174, Alan-Moore-june2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


An essay on magic by Alan Moore originally meant for Joel Biraco‘s KAOS 15 has finally seen the light of day