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File: 28 KB, 478x478, voldemort 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
713919 No.713919 [Reply] [Original]

What's so scary about Voldemort (in universe)?

With 13 victims he would only be tied for 6th place in the UK and 88th worldwide as far as spree/serial killer victim count is concerned.

Even if you take the death Eaters as a group, they were less destructive than most modern terrorist groups and not even the same league as people like Hitler. Yet nobody is scared to say their names.

He just seems like too big a big pussy to be a good book villain.

>> No.713927


>> No.713929

Well, yeah, he does get done in by a bunch of whiny teenagers after all.

>> No.713934
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>> No.713943
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>> No.713946

His face.

>> No.713950

I dunno, I always thought of him as an ultra-badarse version of Charles Manson, I think the HP Hitler analogue was Grindelwald, or whatever his name was.

>> No.713966

Becouse saying his name is a bad omen. It's like walking under a ladder or, umn, saying "Macbeth".

>> No.713972

You fail to take into account that the magical population of Britain is probably in the realm of 20,000 to 50,000, the size of a medium-sized town. So a dozen-victim killing spree would be a pretty big fucking deal.

>> No.713979

Why didn't anyone just cast one of the forbidden spells on him? Would he simply have deflected it? What would happened if someone just hid behind a bush or something and had cast it at him while he was passing by?

>> No.713997

His defeat by Harry was pretty underwhelming (but then the entirety of the last book was thus).

>> No.714014

Why didn't they just hit him with explosives? He may be immortal, but it'll be pretty hard to do any damage when your body is in a billion pieces.

>> No.714016

thats the same argument you can bring up for all those scary beings.
Werewolves, vampires, golems, whatever... blow them to smithereens and you dont need any silver bullets or garlic-coated arrows and shit

>> No.714022

Werewolves and Vampires are usually fast and hard to track down. Other Vampires are rich fucks who are well protected in their castles (Dracula, etc)

Golems are magic rocks.

But Wizards are just people who can do magic. Voldemort can teleport but that's about it, he's still only as fast as a human. And if you put up one of those "don't do magic" fields where he is, you could fuck him up good.

>> No.714032

dropping a bomb on someones ass makes all that fast and well protected shit useless.

also, as far as I can remember, nobody has a fucking gun in Harry Potter. they dont need their magic shit for any of the stuff they do, really.

but thats the whole point of it, i guess. the illogical and mostly stupid universe is what makes it so appealing at the same time (i guess). Its just intriguing through its playfulness. ANd thats also the reason why this is a fucking childrens book. Adults who go all nuts over it are morons.

>> No.714038

Wizards could be considered demigods in their own right. Werewolves and vampires are smalltime by comparison.

That's the way it is in World of Darkness, anyway.

>> No.714041

Voldemort was scary because he had a bunch of crazy people rolling around with him, and because he and they were mind controlling everybody all of the time, or replacing people with polymorphed death eaters.

While he was just the one guy, he was good at not being found, and had a lot of real nasty minions. And pretty much anybody anywhere at any time could've been one of them and no one would ever know it.

It bred a lot of distrust and fear, so that people were afraid to do anything against him, because anyone from the nice neighbor lady to that stray dog that hangs around the empty lot down the street could turn him in at any time.

And he was near impossible to beat one on one, or even get one on one, with all of his guys around, which was a problem when you couldn't trust any of your friends to help you.

>> No.714043


I liked the books as a teenager, but started to hate them more and more as they went on.

I was watching the rifftrax version of Sorceror's stone and started remembering how stupid it all was

>> No.714044

Voldemort is an unsung hero.

>> No.714053


he was a true patriot

>> No.714084 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 260x305, Voldermortimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because he's the hero Hogwarts deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him because we can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark wizard.

>> No.714085
File: 68 KB, 260x305, Voldermortimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because he's the hero Hogwarts deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark wizard.

>> No.714103

#In Memory of Lord Voldemort#
We will always remember
and cherish you. Your
acts of selflessness
will be passed down from
generation to generation
The lies that dishonor your
name will be vanquished
You were a true patriot
and a lover of all men,
all races, all religions
#In Memory of Lord Voldemort#

>> No.714104

That'd work, apart from the fact that he obviously can't take it and dies. To a little boy.

>> No.714106

this thread has taken an amusing and interesting turn.

I condone that.

>> No.714108


Yeah, well, fuck you, buddy.

Yeah, I used a lot of commas. Wanna fight about it?

>> No.714115

is Voldemort like "mind blown" in OPs picture?

>> No.714134

Because he's a lich, and mortal magic users hating liches is one of the strongest tropes in fantasy literature. What I don't understand is why the PM (who knew about the rise of Voldemort) didn't send in the SAS (other special forces are available) to gun him down in the streets and break his phylactery, seeing as he was a fairly large threat to national security.

>> No.714137



>> No.714141
File: 230 KB, 640x480, db SOLAR FLARE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's doing a SOLAR FLARE to blind harry

>> No.714142

Magic isn't going to do much when you're being shot repeatedly with big scary bullets and the vessel which contains your soul is destroyed in a controlled detonation.